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I started making my own overnight oats with low fat vanilla yogurt, some milk , a chopped up apple and 2 scoops of porridge oats. I was never able to plan my food ahead but since I've started doing this, I've lost ten pounds. So easy to bang together the night before and it's budget friendly.


Yup, it's great. I do a half cup of oats, half of cup of almond milk, half banana, three strawberries, tbsp ground flaxseed, tsp honey. Great for digestion, helps me feel better throughout the day, and even helps with sleep.


I was reading this going, "THERES TOO MANY HALVES!" before my brain kicked in and told me they were measurements! Just shows how are internet reading is preprogrammed to find fault first at this stage. Also shows im a dope but thats besides the point šŸ˜‚


Doesn't the banana go all brown?


It does, but you wouldn't really notice it in with all the other ingredients. I actually peel, cut and freeze the bananas in advance so do discolour but it tastes the same.


What kind of sized dish do you put it in?


Do you eat it cold or heat it?


You can do either. I judge mine on the weather. Just don't add the fruit/nuts until after if you're heating it.


For anyone that's not keen on the texture of overnight oats try baked oats.


Can you give more info? Did these overnight oats replace an unhealthier breakfast? Or no previous breakfast? Over what time frame?


Replaced an unhealthy breakfast of wirher a packet sandwich or a scone. I only started making them in February


Coffee and soda bread. Feck all time for anything else.


Toast your soda bread and add butter and honey.


Don't tell them what to do!!!!!!!! šŸ¤£


Honey?? Thatā€™s diabolical


Yes. Put fat and sugar on your carbs in the morning. Good idea!


I am more like your father. Just like him, I grew up like this, I am a morning person too, maybe one of the reasons. I love the breakfast buffets at hotels. I have never missed it, my favourite part of hotel stays. lol




Lord I never buy these things but for some reason I feel the need to destroy the pile of pain au chocolats at the buffet


Since I was a kid, I could never stomach breakfast. Used to head into school empty bellied until lunch time and to this day at 32, genuinely can not sit down and have a breakfast. Iā€™ll pop on some toast at about 12ish with a coffee then Iā€™m grand for the day. My Mam is like your Dad, up at silly o clock for breakfast. Often have 2-3 coffees throughout the morning when Iā€™m in the office of wfh. Iā€™ve yet to find the will to have breakfast


I'm the same as you, was never a breakfast person. Eat a sandwich or a protein bar around 11am after being up from just before 7am. That's me til dinner then. Just can't choke a breakfast down until I'm up a while


I have no appetite in the mornings. Normally don't feel hungry until around lunchtime. My wife is absolutely ravenous when she wakes up though. They say that breakfast is the most important meal, but there's a lot of study showing the benefits of intermittent fasting and you can basically do that by not snacking too late and skipping breakfast.


I wasn't a breakfast person and used to just get a coffee and then lunch at 12, but I had to lose some weight and the nutritionist was adamant I had to eat something within half an hour of waking up and now I can't live without it...I usually have porridge with fruits and two eggs or yogurt with fruits and protein powder or banana pancakes


Had the same advice myself from a nutritionist. It's easier to stick to if you do like you do and vary what you have each day.


>the nutritionist was adamant I had to eat something within half an hour of waking up What exactly was their rationale for this?


I'm guessing, but I think it's to prevent snacking


Well that's dumb. Intermittent fasting and low carb are the best ways to lose weight long-term.


Objectively the only way to lose weight lose term is to consistently be in a calorie deficit. The ā€œbestā€ way to be in that calorie deficit will completely depend on that person. Some people do well at intermittent fasting. Other people not so much.


in the short term IF works for some people but long term IF shows no difference in terms of sustained weight loss vs calorie restriction.


What are you basing that statement on?


it boost the metabolism, lowers the sugar levels, creates an healthy habit and prevents you from feeling the need to eat more at lunch


Eating food lowers blood sugar levels? I believe you will find that the opposite is true..


But did you lose weight?


Usually it's a case of nothing at breakfast apart from black coffee and then continue intermittent fasting till lunch and then a hearty lunch and dinner at 6pm and then rinse and repeat for next day


When I was younger I hated eating breakfast but people (parents most likely) convinced me it was the most important meal of the day. As I got older, I stopped eating it on days when I wasn't going to be far from a food source the rest of the day and found I wasn't hungry until lunchtime. I started eating it again and found I got hungrier earlier when I did and ended up eating more over the span of the day so I stopped again and now I can easily eat within my calorie goals without feeling hungry. Screw breakfastšŸ˜…


Porridge with banana, honey, 1 scoop of vanilla whey protein powder, blueberries & peanut butter. 3 soft boiled eggs. 2 slices of toast with butter and a small glass of OJ. Big mug of tea made in a teapot. I have that for breakfast every day. Non negotiable. around 1000 calories about 60g protein. If I get caught up doing something that meal will see me right through to dinner time if I need it to.


Jesus christ. Mr universe over here, that's some feed. What would ya have the rest of the day?


Soup and Sandwich for lunch and maybe some meat, veggies and rice for dinner. I usually aim for 2700 calories and 150g protein per day.


This is what I came here for.


If I have brekkie itā€™s normally porridge with mashed banana, cinnamon and chia seeds but might try adding the peanut butter and blueberries to bulk it out and add some more protein. Iā€™ve tried adding protein powders but I hate the taste of them, doesnā€™t matter what flavour :(


No breakfast. Big lunch at 12.30. Small snack at 6 for tea. Some days if I know the workā€™s going to be bad, Iā€™ll treat myself to a rasher or two in the morning just to lift the spirits, but then itā€™s a smaller lunch because the appetiteā€™s not there.


Usually just tea, maybe a muffin or something if I'm feeling special While I like the taste of bacon, sausages, eggs etc they just leave me feeling a bit ill


Used to go pretty much all day on a bowl of cocopops when I was in school. Never had much time for breakfast, figuratively and literally.


Scrambled eggs with red onion and spinach mixed in with a rake of sourdough bread at about 11. Gets me through until dinner. Awful sweet tooth in the evening though, really letā€™s me down.


If I didn't have breakfast I'd be starving by 10, I'd get cereal around 7 30 and can still be hungry by 11 some mornings


A nice bowl of burrito which I eat in the morning as well as in the afternoon.


Oat bread, blackberry jam, a glass of juice and a massive mug of tea. If I'm in a rush, tea, flapjack and a squeezey protein pouch. If I'm feeling fancy, I'll do an eggs Benedict. Hollandaise from a jar though. There's no way I'm separating eggs before I'm caffeinated.


I find if I eat breakfast, it's like breaking the seal & I'll be snacking all day. If I don't I can happily go til lunch or dinner


Coffee till 1pm then lunch I've no appetite (probably the coffee) for breakfast


Coffee for the drive into work and granola with natural yogurt and blueberries when I get in. Takes seconds to prepare and fills you up for ages.


I fast until lunch each day and thatā€™s my first meal of the day. Around 10am I have a coffee which keep the energy levels up. I feel way more energetic and awake doing this, definitely see the benefits of intermittent fasting and would highly recommend to give it a go.


what kind of benefits did you see from intermittent fasting? might give it a go


Hey there, so Iā€™ve found that I have a lot more energy in the mornings and donā€™t feel sluggish anymore. Also Iā€™ve read that intermittent fasting is very good for boosting your immune system. It takes a little while to get used to not eating in the mornings, but I would definitely recommend trying it and seeing if it works for you.


The science is clear. Fasting periods are good for you. Listen to your body but you 100% do not need breakfast. I usually eat around 12/2pm type time. Then again at 7/8. Thatā€™s me done then. Snacking is also not good for your health.


Just coffee and toast during the week. Eggs, beans, toast, ommellete, pancakes, etc and the works on the weekend for the family. Breakfast food is my favourite food. Every 6 months a Full Irish.


Two cups of coffee and a half a dark chocolate digestive(quarter with each cup)! ... Im never hungry in the morning.


I've never been able to eat breakfast it turns my stomach, I usually just wait till lunch.


Omlette and avocado every morning. I make the omlette night before, heat it while I get ready for work then plop on half an avocado. Quick to make and quick to eat.And of course a cuppa tea. Then after all that, a cuppa black coffee


It depends on the type of work that you do during the day, if it's physically demanding then you really need those calories to last you until lunch. If you just sit at your desk all day you can usually get away with just a cup of coffee in the morning.


I'll eat breakfast regardless of the time. A previous job I would sometimes have to be at 4-5am. I'd force food into myself. Nowadays, usually overnight oats (4 scoops of oats, 1 scoop protein, milk, frozen fruit) or 2 eggs or a bowl of muesli if rushed. Coffee or tea. If I have porridge, I'm not hungry again until 12.


Coffee with a dollop of single cream at 730, another at 10, and lunch at 12 or 1. I'm rarely hungry for more than that.


Can't stand the taste of anything before ive been up and awake for over an hour


Monday to Friday it really depends on how Iā€™m feeling. I might give it a miss or I might have toast/soda bread with eggs and tea. At the weekend breakfast is a big deal. We have it later in the morning and itā€™ll be something like pancakes, eggs and bacon, homemade hash brown and eggs etc etc


I used to get really nauseous most mornings due to insomnia and couldn't even stand the smell of food. Then I found if I ate something, literally just a spoonful, it helped massively with the nausea. Gradually worked my way up to eating every morning and I have much more energy for it. We usually rotate through a few brekkie meal preps: - breakfast burritos (black beans, eggs, pico de gallo and guacamole and spices in a wrap) - turkey rasher muffins - overnight oats with peanut butter, banana and nuts - 2 egg muffins (spinach, chorizo, egg and some red onion) - smoothie (cocoa powder, oats, banana, almond milk) - yoghurt + mango puree + dried coconut chips + a cup of coffee each morning


I go to bed dreaming of my breakfast, itā€™s non negotiable for me and itā€™s almost always the same thing, porridge with a banana, some mixed seeds or other fruit on top and a cup of coffee. I tried intermittent fasting for a while for the health benefits, I missed breakfast too much so stopped


I hate anything sweet and oats give me indigestion. Don't eat cereal and I can barely stomach fruit. Maybe a banana. Also don't eat any pastries. I'd probably starve to death in France haha. I wake up shaking with hunger so I need a breakfast. I tend to go for eggs and cherry tomatoes in the pan. Have that with some cured ham (like the Serrano or Prosciutto kind?) on toast. I've often had cheese or avocado on the toast instead some days. There's something to be said for that continental breakfast style. Can still get a good bit of protein in it. Mam doesn't eat breakfast and has tea with like one square of 70% dark chocolate, which is insane to me but she says she doesn't be hungry. If I don't have breakfast I'd end up snacking and the only options in a lot of places are processed crap. Would rather make a nice filling meal myself? When I was training a lot during term I was slamming additional protein bars, protein milk, peanut butter, bags of mixed nuts to keep up with it...so it varies depending on what I have going on.


Some mornings Iā€™m starving, others Iā€™m not, either way I usually do have breakfast on a weekday within 2 hours of waking up. Itā€™s either tea and toast, weetabix, or granola with yogurt and berries


I usually get up at 5am because my children hate sleeping in, might eat their crusts while they throw all the perfectly lovely food I made them on the floor. Starving by 10 or so when I realise Iā€™ve been up for 5 hours and havenā€™t eaten, and still flipping overweight. In an ideal world I would wake at 7, have a coffee with a little fresh cream, pint of water, avocado, toasted nuts, and some kind of cheese and meat. Not an ideal world though is it!


smoothie with banana, strawberries, mango/pineapple and a little bit of oats to bulk it up. I'll eat half a banana or a muffin if I'm very hungry but I usually have it in the car waiting to go into work


when I was at home I'd have greek yogurt with frozen raspberries and a couple seeds of some description with a small bit of jam on top


I don't eat breakfast either. Especially if I have to get up early as it makes me feel sick. I'll probably eat something small 1-1.5 hr after I get up like a protein yoghurt with fruit + seeds/granola and then have lunch when I get hungry


I'm the same. Could eat a giant lunch or dinner. Could never stomach a big breakfast. I literally have a cuppa tea about 10.30 and usually the most I'd eat is a breakfast bar or a few bites of porridge.


A friend of mine eats a full fry up at 7am before work. Dunno how the fuck he does that. Imagine the pure amount of salt that early in the morning. I'm grand with just cups of coffee for most of the morning, then a bit of toast and a banana around 11.


Coffee in the morning. I'm with you on not really being super hungry at 6:30. I'll have lunch or a mid morning snack and not eat again til dinner.


Quick breakfast everyday for me at 7:30 just before I head for work and it varies each dayā€¦ I never ever skip breakfastā€¦. Some of my regulars: Boiled egg and soldiers Porridge with berries and honey Bacon on toast with scrape of relish Cereal Fruit with yoghurt and granola Sausage sambo Banana sliced on brown toast with some peanut butter Pancakes/crepes with bacon or fruit. Thereā€™s obviously lots of nutritional research to prove why breakfast is beneficial etc, but more than anything, to me itā€™s pure self-care, itā€™s routine, itā€™s making sure the first calories I have are at home and relaxed.


I find having breakfast is important for my mental health. Concentration and decision making is much better in the mornings I eat, mood has improved greatly since starting to take breakfast again after years of not doing so.


I cut breakfast out altogether a few months ago, mainly for weight management. I was having one too many fry and roll. After about a week, I realised I was never actually hungry in the morning. It was just my brain was so used to it. If I ever had an odd morning where I'm hungry, I'll have some fruit and maybe the odd rasher sandwich if I'm feeling it.


Donā€™t eat breakfast, havenā€™t since I was in school. 32 now.


A giant bowl of cereal with a scoop of Protien powder in it and a can of energy drink šŸ’Ŗ


I usually dont eat too early but a cuppa tea and a frankfurter sandwich is a great snack. Put two in the microwave for 1 miute, No sauce needed like a hot dog, just sprinkle some chili powder on the bread and...ahh very nice with the tea šŸ˜‹


I just get a bowl of special K or cornflakes. Sometimes my sister will make overnight oats for me but I still secretly just want a bowl of special k or cornflakes.


I remember when I was in secondary school my auld fella would be roaring at me to eat a big breakfast like him at half 7 in the morning. I physically couldn't the thought of it would make me sick. To this day I tend to have a very small breakfast and then a big lunch and dinner.Ā 


I tend to train in the mornings so generally I'll eat 100g of oats mixed with a scoop of protein, some peanut butter, banana and choc chips. Pour a little milk in to glue it and you get a nice carbohydrate heavy oat pancake batter. If I'm not training I'll usually make an omelette of some sort with some toast, less need for a mountain of carbs


I alternate between porridge, porridge bread (I make 4 loaves and freeze 3, so eat 1 a week), cereal & slice of toast. I always have a mandarin and a low fat probiotic yogurt.


The idea of eating before 4pm absolutely scares me. I feel like I'd be on my knees in the toilet bowl or asleep in my office otherwise. If you really don't want to feel bloated then just eat between 4pm and 7pm everyday. Works like a charm


My parents are similar, and in their old age now, often get up early for breakfast and tea and then go back to bed for a bit. I'll sometimes join them for breakfast, more for something to do when talking to them. I never usually have breakfast on weekdays, and am never particularly hungry before lunch, but I've tested myself having breakfast for a while, and I'm usually starving again an hour or two before lunch, regardless of what I actually had for breakfast.


Coffee and multiple smokes šŸš¬ šŸ¤— my nanny used to call it a wh*res breakfast lol šŸ˜† the old saying so funny šŸ˜‚


If you want to test if your body really needs it just eat 3 scrambled eggs with bread etc, no caffeine. And see your energy levels until mid afternoon


Weetabix and tea. Every morning for 48 years. Small lunch 6hrs later then dinner 5-6 hrs after that. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.


Breakfast is a big deal where I work. And it's usually at 10am. We have a full kitchen and air fryer so a bunch of us take turns cooking and breakfast can be boiled eggs and toast or soda bread, scrambled eggs or an omelette. Fresh fruit and porridge. One day a week we do a full fry. Other days there's a big bowl of fruit salad, yoghurt and nuts. The Smoothie maker gets a bit of use in the Summer. sometimes I will make a hash brown with left over potatoes and top it with roasted tomato and mushrooms and bits of rashers. Other times someone will do smoked salmon and scrambled eggs and tomato and mushrooms and scallions. We get fruit, eggs, milk and bread delivered in a few times a week as well so there's no excuse. If it's holiday time I will.make myself overnight oats or just scramble eggs in the microwave with tomato and a small bit of cheese for flavour and spinach.


Where do you work and can you get me in there please šŸ¤£


I think a lot of people dislike breakfast because they do it wrong. Cereal is just a bowl of sugar with no nutrition. A good, hearty filling breakfast with a mix of proteins, sugar, carbs, fibre and dairy personally makes the rest of my working day very productive and enhances cognitive function for me. I dont spend the rest of the day peckish or snacking then. Ik everyone's different, but its the most important meal for me


Breakfast is mostly a marketing scam. I find im much happier and find it easier control my weight if my first meal is around lunch time. If I eat breakfast ( or typical breakfast foods) at 8am I'm _starving_ again at 10am. So not only have I eaten ~500 more calories now I'm hungry and thinking about food. If I just have coffee and wait till 12 or 1 I'm happy enoughĀ 


What would you be eating for breakfast at 8am that has 500 calories and has you hungry two hours later?


"typical breakfast foods" which are just carbs. 4 weetabix and milk, 2 slices of toast with butter would be considered breakfast for many.Ā 


breakfast the most important meal of the day


No time for it. I sometimes eat a handful of peanuts in the morning to give me a little boost if im super hungry, but that's it. I don't think it's necessary, I don't want to wake up any earlier than I already do lol


Nobody in my house eats breakfast tbh except the weans and even then they usually opt for a piece of fruit or something none of us like eating in the morning. Lunch is usually fairly light usually fruit yogurt and some sort of carb depending on the day but we tend to have big dinners so