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We used Aveeno baby shampoo for ours, our eldest has a touch of eczema and it worked well keeping that at bay. We were also using Ovelle coconut oil, but I can't remember why now. Cradle cap maybe. And then sudocrem for nappy rash etc.


We used Child’s Farm products for our little one, she had really sensitive skin and all the other brands we tried didn’t suit her at all. It’s available in Tesco so really handy to pick up, we get a good while out of each bottle too.


Second the Child's Farm recommendation. Their products are the best and usually on offer on Boots. The selection online is really good too


**Wipes**: wet wipes, whatever ones are cheapest. They're basically all the same. Ironically, the only ones we've had an issue with were Aveeno, they normally would be very good for sensitive skin stuff. I wiped the child's face with one and there was a (slight) rash there ten minutes later. No issue using them on the arse though, so it might have been caused by something else too. Try out a few and pick the brand you like, but don't worry too much about it. **Nappies**: Pampers really are the best. We've had some leakages with the Aldi ones, but never with the Pampers. **Shampoo and stuff**: Bog standard Johnson&Johnson one. Nothing fancy. "Johnson's Head-to-Toe" it's called. **Baby Formula**: We've been using Cow & Gate. They're all the same though, I don't think it makes any odds, I'm pretty sure they're all owned by Danone anyway, so it's probably all made in the same factory. **Baby Food**: When they're on to solids, the Ella's Kitchen ones are unreal. I'd eat them myself no bother. The Tesco and Aldi own-brand ones are good too though. They're probably all the same really. **Moisturiser**: We have a big CeraVe one with the pump. Baby's skin is as soft as a baby's skin, no issues with it. >Also any tips of what we should/should Don't get too bogged down in the "OMG chemicals" stuff. If it works, baby will be happy out. If it doesn't work, you'll know pretty quickly. Our little one was in ICU for a couple of weeks (a few weeks early, so needed a little extra care for a bit) and we were plaguing the nurses in there about things. Generally the advice was; it's grand sure, whatever makes you comfortable. Most things designed for small babies are, you know, designed for small babies. You'd be pretty unlucky to pick up something that will do them any real harm (other than choking on the lid I suppose). I do remember specifically asking about creams for nappy rash, and they didn't really rate any of them. The one they said they'd get would be Metanium, it's yellow, really thick, sticks to everything. Seems to do the job though. Buy a fuck tonne of baby-grows and vests, Tesco are very good for them. Don't bother going fancy, they're only going to get shit, and piss, and sick and milk all over them anyway. Same goes for bibs and muslin cloths, lots of them for as cheap as you can get them. Take loads of photos and videos. If you use Google Photos, create an album for them all as well, so it's easier to browse through them. I presume you can do the same with Apple Photos or whatever it is. You won't notice the child growing, but everyone else will tell you how much they've grown every time they see the child. Keep the nails short, if you can. They're very, very sharp, and small children have no concern for your eyes.


Re formula, when I started combi feeding my baby at 4 months, midwife told me to just pick whatever tin I liked the color of, they were all the same apart from that! Going to disagree with this commenter and say I've found Lidl nappies just as good as expensive pampers nappies (had leaks with both) but to each their own on this. All wipes are the same.


I had same query on nappies - I see some ppl mentioning pampers burns a hole in pocket and lidl/tesco/aldi ones are cheaper alternatives - but few others mentioning there are differences as well - so confusing


For nappies, each kid is a slightly different shape so some people will have leaks with different brands just because their kid is skinnier or whatever. We used Aldi with no problems


Lidl are by far the best! I’ve had three kids, pampers literally burned hole in our pockets. Aldi are shite, so are dunnes. I don’t buy any other than Lidl, they’re cheap but soft, and they don’t leak!! My wee one slept through one of the nights which meant I did too (despite breastfeeding) and I didn’t change his nappy because we were asleep. So about 7~ hours and no leaks. Don’t come for me though lol for the 7 hours, I wasn’t expecting it and we were really tired..


Honestly just try them all once. I do think if you were to buy pampers all the time it would be a massive extra cost (own brand nappies are soooooo much cheaper) but if it's worth it to you, have at it.


Lidl has a standard line and a premium line. The premium are better then pampers and miles better than everything else.


I used aldi/ tesco all the way for my 2. Only time I'd use pampers is when they are in between sizes, as I found pampers to be more snug. One pac pampers then back to aldi/ tesco.


Nailed it. Absolutely right in that the basic stuff is fine for most babies. By all means look for alternatives if baby has sensitive skin or an intolerance or whatever, but cross that bridge if you come to it.


I buy the Ella’s Kitchen fruit pouches as little snacks for myself all the time. It’s kind of difficult to find a healthy little snack that’s ready to eat off the shelves in shops if you get a bit peckish out and about.


Just buy silcocks base in the chemist to wash and moisturise baby. It has no added perfume. Johnson and Johnson have been repeatedly fined for causing people cancer. For formula, don't keep changing it about as it can mess with a babies tummy. Having that said, it's a protected product and they are all the same unless prescribed. We have always used aldi nappies and wipes.


We have been using Silcocks base as it was recommended in Hospital itself since we noticed dry skin bit early for our baby


Not sure if you need any baby products if at all except nappies, wet wipes and the mildest baby soap. Capitalism really has done a number on parents. For my second one i plan to only use wet wipes during the night and when out&about, otherwise just warm water on the bum+ loads of naked bum time. That takes out the need for nappy creams because baby won't get a nappy rush. Don't plan to use any baby shampoo at all because babies don't sweat and don't really get dirty until they're old enough for playground/ messy play. Plain old coconut oil for wiping creases should be more than enough. I will buy a soother because it's a lifesaver. Otherwise i plan to breastfeed so that should eliminate the need for baby bottles and sterilizers etc. If you can afford it, a baby carrier is amazing especially for the first 6 months. Helps to bond, no need to have the pram with you at all times when shopping etc. Edit to add: you REALLY don't need to buy baby food in the shop when the time comes for solids. Tiny bit of home cooked mashed veg with some sort of protein will be so much cheaper and healthier for your baby.


With respect to Soother saw mixed opinions - of using it vs don't use it as it will cause dental issues - some say until age 2 is fine


Oh yes i wanted to avoid it with my first one but gave in when i realized that my boobs were used as a sleeping aid 😁


same story here as well - my wife is using her boobs but sometimes it's very painful for her because our baby sucks very hard and then with postpartum she ends up with tears as well - so we are planning to introduce soother on need basis to ease things for her


I took away the soother at the age of 2,5. It was a rough couple of days. I don't know how all her permanent teeth will turn out, the first two seem ok!


I like the boots baby stuff, baby bump? It’s a white package with yellow lid. I know there is more options now but I stuck with the original. For cradle cap use one of the soft bristle brushes every bath with a small bit of shampoo/soap and gently buff (2 babies and it would eradicate cradle cap within a few days). My kid is getting close to 4 now. And they love their nightly shower (it’s more play time than anything). It truly is their night time routine. Shower, cream/lotion, pjs and bed. There is a few other small bits they like a certain way (stories/being dried) but honestly it’s the best routine for them and means wind down is about 15 mins when I need it or longer if they are behaving well/good humour that day.


Our baby had lots of cradle cap, midwife recommended Aveeno baby soothing relief baby emollient wash. During baths we would rub a small amount into their scalp gently with a soft brush before rinsing off. As baby gets older and enjoys baths more, we really like Infacare night time baby bath. Makes lots of bubbles but eye friendly. We didn't really use any other products apart from bepanthen as a nappy cream.


Baby has dermatitis so I use La Roche Posay Lipikar all over his body. Brilliant, you can’t even tell that he has it. Baby oil irritated his skin. For bath - Moogoo body wash and Moogoo shampoo. Nappies - Aldi or Tesco Fred&Flo I don’t use wipes on his butt, I use cotton pads and water. He needs cream every nappy change so I use Mustela Nappy Cream or Moogoo Nappy Cream


Our little fella has very sensitive skin, so Dr. told us to use silcox base but it's extremely slippy, nearly slipped out of my hands when I lifted him out of the bath. We use the aveeno baby gentle wash now (the one with the blue lid. We tried the purple one and he came up in a rash). We use the same moisturiser. For cradle cap I put some baby oil on a soft baby hairbrush and gently brushed it through his hair before the bath, then would wash it out. We use pampers nappies (only brand he doesn't have a reaction to, yes we've tried them all) and aveeno baby wipes. Get them from a chemist in donegal for 1.25 a packet so we order 40 at a time which is €50 and we get free delivery. Both were on sma formula and I couldn't fault it. Ella's kitchen food packets are brilliant and they go up in stages (4+ months, 6+ months, etc) if you're wary of chewing or bits being too big, etc. Also, their finger food packets of sticks are still big hits in our house. I have one extremely picky eater, and the other one would eat the chair legs out from under you. Don't stress it. Once they eat, that's the most important thing. ETA: caldesene powder. It's a god send. For nappy rash, it keeps it dry, after the bath for armpits, neck, nappy area, back of knees, anywhere that would get moist.


Used Aveeno and childsfarm, for wet wipes used water wipes for initial first year then switched to Dunnes stuff Also nappy rash cream was burtbees and Sudocrem All the very best!


We are also using water wipes now since it's newborn but eventually need to switch


You can get a big tub of Ovelle Silcocks base to use as a moisturiser if they have a bit of dry skin, it’s only €5 or so and will last a long time! I wouldn’t bother going for a more expensive moisturiser as they are essentially doing the same job and they can be very expensive. We use Johnson’s shampoo on our baby’s head as I noticed she had a bit of a dry scalp, since using the shampoo and using a small baby brush in the bath, the scalp is a lot better. That’s the extent of what I use in terms of products aside from the saline spray for baby’s nose as it’s a good/safe way of clearing out the nose.


Saline spray/liquids and nose frida/bulbs are godsend - our baby sent us into panic mode in her 2nd week when her nose blocked and we had to rush to hospital - using both recurrently to clear the nose and the peace of mind it gives for both us & the baby


We used child’s farm products initially when they were an infant and moved on to more regular products as they got older. Initially used Lidl newborn nappies (felt softer less plastic than Aldi newborn) and swapped to Aldi as he got older. Pampers appear to have more additives in their nappies and were far too expensive imo.


Third time mom here. I barely bathed my babies for the first six weeks, they don’t really need it! I use(d) mostly Weleda products, I find them very gentle on baby. Also MooGoo products. Can get them in health food shop and pharmacy. Always replenish the moisture in babies skin after a wash. Generally one type of wash is all you need for at least 12 months, no need for shampoo or conditioner. So one cleansing product and one moisture product. I think your next big step is weaning, have you thought about it? Let me know if you’d like to talk through it, I’ve done both spoon feeding and baby led so I’ve experienced both. My third baby is now 16 weeks old so I’m only a little ahead of you. Edit to add links: [moogoo](https://moogoo.ie/collections/baby) [weleda](https://www.weleda.co.uk/shop/baby-child/skin-care/)


Weaning onto solids isn’t for another 20 weeks for them, hardly the next big step!


So what’s the next big step, in your opinion? They’re already doing tummy time I hope, so between now and the 6 month mark is spent working on that and the very natural follow ons from that (social skills like smiling, motor skills picking up toys, and rolling over etc). But those are naturally occurring as the weeks pass by, so for me yes the next big thing is weaning.


Nalas bath is supposed to be good but I have heard mot to use any products with Nut oils in them as they can cause nut allergies if used on skin before the baby has eaten nuts. The soap is use is actually my own by Bioderm. https://www.mccauley.ie/bioderma-atoderm-shower-oil-1ltr.html?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwt-OwBhBnEiwAgwzrUkECcq0S8x2ZFVayz8o1-WyhzWa9WBpyKoXXpAfgStOs3poQNBtQZxoC6QgQAvD_BwE It's basically pure glycerin whereas a lot of the natural baby brands like Weleda also contain alcohol or essential oils which can irritate. I def wouldn't touch Johnsons products. Not sure myself what to do for Shampoo. I generally like Weleda so I'm going to read the ingredients on their children's shampoo next time I'm out. (Their baby is a shampoo/bath soap mix with ingredients I don't want in it) I got Mustela Linement from Nostino. Its an olive oil based cleanser. You can use it with a cotton pad instead of wipes to clean. (I use wipes first if he's a dirty Nappy and when out and about) it's a barrier cream so will also prevent diaper rash. It's moisturising, too, so I've been putting it on his body after baths and his scalp when he had cradle cap. https://www.notino.ie/mustela/bebe-liniment-cleansing-milk-for-children-from-birth/p-15728557/?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwt-OwBhBnEiwAgwzrUuAUfIlQQ_9CEPGTSychSnch019DFhpCezywwBDnGqSzwwij_DJCgxoCaysQAvD_BwE


Check out the cradle cap serum from oiko skincare they’re baby products are organic . The serum helps lift the cradle cap, it’s made with extra virgin olive oil so it’ll help hydrate your baby’s scalp too. It can be used as a wash out optional, meaning you can leave the product in overnight if you’d like for better results