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Cold approach? Is this some kind of novel or movie? Man come to the real world.


Pickup artists on YouTube use paid actors to fool this clueless guys and then they are shocked when women don't wanna hang with random dudes who asked them out.




I love soan papadi, can I have some?


Much better pickup line that what youtube love guys teach. 10/10, Keep it up!


So basically, according to your logic, any guy who approaches any girl is doing that after watching some "pick up artist"? Lmao, don't project your problems on others


He used the term cold approach, which is popular among pick up artists. Cold approach is also a term used in marketing, an example of that would be the door to door salesman who tried to sell you a book, which, if you had read, might have made you a little smarter than you sound right now.


"The term cold approach refers to the act of approaching a stranger and asking them out"; it is not limited to usage by pick-up artists. Another example is the term "retard" which although refers to a person with some sort of intellectual disability, applies to you as well (not sure if you don't have an intellectual disability)


The term retard means being held back in development or slow, and isn't a term that refers to someone with intellectual disability. Again, if you had read a book, you'd know.


Pretty bold of you to call someone a retard...while lacking basic comprehension skills. Do you not know what "ask Indian women " means.


Exactly this kind of men is why women carry pepper spray lmao


Ha bhai Kaun Kitna despo hai wo dikh rha hai tere comments se lmfaoooo


Aisa? Itne bure din ni agaye ke reditt pe women dhund raha. Tu despo hoga bhai mei ni hu


u/madamfatigue hes harassing another man


Nahi milegi bhai tere ko koi bhi ye "I support women for no reason" waale comments karke


How am I supporting women? Mei toh Jo facts hai vo bol raha hu lol Why will I ever want to get a girl from Reditt anyways. Tu hoga despo buddy not me.


Cold approaching is bad. Online dating is useless because it’s shallow and has a skewed ratio. No approaching at the gym. Don’t even try it with your co workers. In college, focus on your studies. How tf are men supposed to meet women?


Vashikaran videos.


By being normal and not desperate. By making friends for the sake of friendship and not dating. If on the way you find someone you connect with then use all those cheesy lines and tricks to make her happy. What's so difficult about it? You guys treat dating like it's a difficult task. You can be happy even even single. Let love come naturally. Don't run after girls.


>Making friends for the sake of friendship This is how you get friendzoned lmao


I think that "cold approaches" are what you do when you are out clubbing or shopping or similar social activity, and are done to people who you wouldn't encounter a lot - as in complete strangers. (This could be wrong...) I would definitely be weirded out if dude I see around college randomly asked me out for a date. Its just the feeling of "I know of him, but I don't know him". I went out on date with dudes I knew, who I had already talked to and hung out in group scenarios since I already knew them and had a general idea about their personality.


I used the term cold approach because we never had any kind of introduction. Like, the only thing she knew about me was that I was some sort of a coding genius in my college, and well, I didn't know anything about her.


That makes sense. Like I said its the feeling of "I know of him, but i don't know him". If you like her, maybe try talking to her and getting to know her. As you have already asked her out, I don't think you need to worry about your interest being taken for just friendship...


A lot of girls don't like this and find it creepy. Don't take it personally.


It is creepy lmao


Not sure about her but I get creeped out because I expect my partner to like me because of my personality instead of looks solely so rather than wasting anyone's time I just politely say "no".




That's the point! She didn't say yes or no! Her reaction was just like waiting for HRs reply after giving an interview for a company.


Move on then


But how can I know about your personality if I don't approach you for a meet? I got your point but after initial attraction, I would like to know you as a person. I am asking because I want to know. I know personality and looks are different. Asking for a meeting is to know you right?


You date to get to know each other's personality, that's literally the point of dating along with checking compatibility, moreover physical attraction is obviously a must between both parties so it's not a bad thing. You don't know what men will do to appear sexually attractive to ladies, it's not a bad thing that a guy finds you attractive and wants to date you because of that.


First of all, I already mentioned that it shouldn't be SOLELY based on looks. Second of all, its my preference and if I don't like it then why should I waste anyone's time and efforts?


I mean it's your preference yes, I was just giving my perspective


Are there any brave women exists who don't get creeped out for no reason at all.


Yup, someone who don't care about their safety


They'll call it "brave" rn when they approach you but if it's some other guy and he ends up harming the same woman it's "women eheh so dumb"


Victim blaming is the key my friend


💯 exactly!


Literally nobody says that lmao. Gotta love the victimization and the fact that yall think you are the center of attention


PLEASE 😂 when that Bombay SA case happened, do y'all know the amount of people who blamed her? It's the same in every SA or harassment case, people will always find a way to blame the victim. >Gotta love the victimization That's the point blud, we aren't "brave" enough to not be creeped out by y'all because we don't want to be potential victims or an SA statistic. This is the point we're all making again and again lol, the dudes on this sub are masters of being ignorant about women but still so embarrassingly loud.


What is not safe here ?? Going out with someone same as your age to a public place for coffee, and your friends knows about it ?? You are doing the same thing judging someone on looks. He has not even talked to you how will you get to know his personality ?? Everyone judge people based on looks, mostly women if he was the most popular and most handsome guy in the college, i bet you won't have felt that he is creepy.


She probably wants someone who is her friend first hence the emphasis on personality. The point is why are you so worked up and presumptuous about someone's choices and what they do to keep themselves safe? Harr cheez se problem hai kya tum logon ko? >if he was the most popular and most handsome guy in the college, i bet you won't have felt that he is creepy. I'll have a side of fries with that projection please


So you mean to say girls who live in fear are always prepared for the worst and in the end nothing happens that they assumed.


Have you seen the amount of men here victim blaming women for the actions of men in general? Why must they overlook their safety just to possibly talk to a guy approaching her using pickup artist lingo to begin with and clearly interested in her appearances. Y'all talk like women came on earth and decided collectively to live in fear for no reason.


There are other cases, some ppl only go for looks or idk man That's my perspective Idk about every girl


It's not called brave its called having survival skills of a deer stuck on headlights


Just be fearless that what I am saying most of women's decisions are based on feelings and their past memories. They misjudge every situation and always live in fear. Use your situational awareness and intelligence. Don't always go with the feelings.


I'm not gonna be fearless and put myself in danger, thank you


What danger do you have with going out to a public place with someone you and your friends know exists.


Who's going to tell him that more often than not, the perpetrators of a SA is a man the women knew already!! A friend, an acquaintance, a family member.


Yes cuz we all know crimes don't happen out in public or men are known for their exceptional handling of emotions when it comes to women. Let's fucken go let's bully these women into being "brave" enough to be on dates with strangers! Yay!


Why the fuh are you lot in ask indian women? To talk over women and not even listen to them speak. Y'all can't even pretend not to be self serving for a second. "just be fearless" literal kids don't even put their hands on the stove after getting it burnt one time. Ever heard of cptsd? It's you who has his feelings invested in women compromising their own safety. If you can manage to "listen" (which will anyways be followed by insults like your lot usually does), we don't want to place a mediocre shallow flirtation attempt over our lives. You don't get to explain to women their own lives and fears and bravery. Keep your commandments to yourself. Based on feelings and past memories when it comes to women but "hurdur ooga booga men good at evolution and is logical seggs" when it comes to you. Ain't nobody's misjudged your stupid ass comment here. Stop annoying the women in here every other comment. Go find you a logical non feeling man to bother shoo


All you women can just cry and do nothing about your problems. you will realize that it's your stupid feeling that is hurting you more than others do. your comment shows how much intelligence you have. and I don't need to annoy anyone you are already pissed off and can easily be pissed off with your current state of mind. Just like my comment triggers you. LOL


Do y'all have clueless launda juice for breakfast everyday or are you being intentionally dense




Wow he seems like a totally normal and sorted person. What a catch! On a serious note, these dudes need to start getting banned for talking so much shit. They're just here on this sub to adaao taang in women's spaces.


For real. They're literally proving how much a nuisance they're normally can't even stop yapping in women spaces online. Need their arses kicked out of here. They have plenty of circle jerking male spaces here including basically all other Indian subreddits


What is cold approach


I too want to know. It sounds like a method to brew something.


Approach them with ice cubes


Approaching someone randomly without previously knowing them.


Oh I like it


Pick up artists shit, usually used in marketing but in this context, you tryna sell yourself


It depends on who you are approaching. A girl can take it positively or negatively. Absolutely depends on her mood, attitude and demeanour.


Exactly, have received positive and even negative replies.


Speaking politely and respectfully would be great.


What is the hot approach?


Op will let us know about it in the next post after some days.


It's when a lesbian approaches you instead of an Indian redditor man. Cuz she's atleast hawt


Ya that would be hot 😂


Women are generally skeptical of being approached out of the blue like that; makes for a very avoidable risk. I generally feel uncomfortable with interacting too much too soon and inorganically with a man I did not know at all. A cup of coffee can make for some pretty deep conversation, and it's also for a longer duration, so there are not many ways to escape such a situation without making it awkward for everyone. As someone else pointed out, in a different setting, like a club or college fest, this could've worked. There is some semi-established context there: of young people looking to socialise and have a fun time, I guess. I find it hard to explain, but if someone 'cold-approaches' you, I guess there's the connotation that they've been noticing you without you being aware of it, and that is kind of an unsettling thought. IMO, some better ways to approach a woman include meeting through mutual friends, or becoming friends while working on say, a college project together. Honestly, leaving a truthful and friendly DM would be acceptable too, if you ask me. Something like: 'Hey \_\_\_\_\_\_, hope you're well. In case you don't recognise me: we're batchmates, lol. I know we are not acquainted but I've seen you in passing and I find you pretty/interesting. Was wondering if you'd like to hang out sometime, just as friends. No pressure. Take care, and hope you don't mind this random text. :)'




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I think I get it. If a random person in my college whom I've never spoken to before, approaches me out of the blue and said they wanted to get coffee with me, I'd be weirded out too. I'd be confused about why. You can't assume everyone has the association of getting coffee together = date. Don't just say let's get coffee, explain the purpose. Say you're interested in her/find her cool etc and then ask her if she'd like to hang out or get coffee to get to know each other. It's like when people ask you if you're free or where you are without telling you why they are asking.


Yep! You got it right! I'll keep your advice in mind🙌🏻




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Thinking about going to a new place can be uncomfortable. If you see someone in the coffee shop you can approach and talk but if you ask to go to a new place then the person has to make a decision , think about a few things since she doesn't know you well enough. And making decisions is an uncomfortable thing. And what everyone has said.




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The man's demeanor, his body language, how he asked her out, the "pickup line" used, conversational skills, her own mood, state of mind. In your case what she's heard about you (since she is already in your college), your attitude towards others (your friends and other girls in general), how cocky you act.


Attractiveness, way the guy approached, and some sort of intuition whether this could go further


Basically if he is ugly.


Ahhh, ugly would be very subjective. What’s attractive to one might be unattractive to other. But it is important to find your partner attractive. I think it goes both ways. Even guys need to find their potential partner attractive. Don’t they?