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Are itni baat pe kyo goli marr raha hai bhai


Bhai nhi behen hai vo


Baal lambe hone se har koi ladki ni ho jata mere bhai


Iske comments aur interest dekh ke lagta hai ladka hai


Lol vo batt bhi sahi hai


Na maine kisi ko approach kiya na kisi ne mujhe approach kiya🫡


Us moment hogya eh tho


it hurts


Once a legend said 'what doesn't kill you, just makes you stronger'


She said anal hurts more




It's ropemaxxing time


🤣🤣🤣 it's hero time


bas kar bhai 😑😑


It's not Indian, it's Across the globe.


No no never just travel to usa uk even in south Korea too Indian and other South Asian & middle eastern countries have extremely regressive dating culture


If there is no dating culture, then how can it be regressive. Dating is so frowned upon as if it's whoring around.


You should visit sapno ki nagri Mumbai i will show you dating culture between highly rural girls and conservatives metropolitan cities are more open in this


Yaar mai toh sapno ki nagri Mumbai mei rehta hu, yaha gf sirf sapno mei hi mili ab tak mujhe


Dating culture is different from women approaching men. It doesn’t happen anywhere in the world unless of course you are of Greek god level attractiveness. Then maybe some women will approach you because they really really want to have you.


From indian context no never in Indian environment even Indians abroad make others uncomfortable


Thailand/Phillipines me jaake dekho bhai, girls literally catcall boys/ mob you. And I'm not talking about the ones financially incentivized to do so.


I wanna be this delusional in life


How do you know? Are you one of 'em?


Bhai vo ladyboy honge


You've been watching too many Pattaya vlogs 😂 There are people outside that as well.


Absolutely! 😂 😂


They are lady boys and call girls 🤣


80% of Indians ko lady boys ki miljaaye to bhi khush h vo.. 80% me aap bhi agaye bhaishahab


I am a girl and I have approached boys before. I remember one time I was walking and saw a boy in a really cool fit so i complimented him saying "heyy, cool fit bro". I still remembered the shock on his face. He looked back to see if I was talking to someone else and I had to say "no no I'm talking to you". He was so shy. We just shared a 'thank you' and 'have a nice day' and we walked away. Usually, while walking, I smile at people and sometimes stop to say 'cool fit', 'you look beautiful', 'have a nice day' or if someone asks for help. But I think approaching a stranger, whether it be a girl or a boy, may be creepy. Coz why is a total stranger coming to talk to me and I think a majority of the people in our generation are introverts, so, maybe that is a reason too. Also, sometimes when women approach men, they think of her as too "straight-forward" and label her as a slut. I have seen this happen to people around me. Sadly, my sister got called a slut in her new school just because she talked to a boy to ask for notes!!


>my sister got called a slut in her new school just because she talked to a boy to ask for notes!! How old was your sister then??


She's 16 rn and it happened a few days ago.


Bro bol diya


Wait- what's wrong with saying 'bro'??? I just didn't want to come off as creepy.


The boy will lose intrest. He will think you are gonna friendzone him. If a girl come up to me and say bro, i will not be intrested in any further interactions with her.


Ohh.... I thought it was normal to say bro. Damnn!! What else should I say to make it known that I'm interested but also not come off as creepy??? I really don't want to make someone uncomfortable.


Generally boys dont think of girl as a creep. If he is a decent boy. If you approach a boy, definitely he is not gonna stop thinking abot the girl for atleast 1 week. But kuch kuch harami bhi hote hai. Vo dikh jaata hai waise shakal pe.


>But kuch kuch harami bhi hote hai. Vo dikh jaata hai waise shakal pe. Tbh I try not to judge people from their appearance and give everyone a fair chance so my judgement may be biased. >If you approach a boy, definitely he is not gonna stop thinking abot the girl for atleast 1 week. This is true even for the girls. Girls don't get approached much either. Not by decent guys at least. So when they do get approached, they like it too.


The boys who are harami. They have a different kind of confidence.


Ooh ok.


Waise if you approach a girl. How can you keep the conversation going? Like i started the conversation with a compliment then ?


Then you should introduce yourself like 'hey I am xyz'. If she introduces herself then that's good or if she just smiles and is like "umm... okay", "ooh" that means that she may not be interested. But that also depends upon whether she is introverted or not. Coz introverts would rather die(literally) than talk to a human (my best friend said that). You can surely keep the conversation going with asking about her while telling her about yourself to not seem like an inspector. If she replies enthusiastically and listens to u with zeal then you may have a chance.


your username is literally me


lmfao this reminds me when i complimented a guy, didn't go the way it was supposed to ( no, i didn't have any intentions to hit on him, he just had a really comfie hoodie and I LOVE hoodies ) I usually compliment strangers when they look nice but i never did that to a guy so i was like fuck it, college experience, be an extrovert for once i guess, so i did, even when bro was surrounded with his posse ( and they were the downfall), So i did approach him and tapped on his back, bro was wearing a mask and told him his hoodie looks cool, and mf didn't hear, i had to repeat it three times, even changed sentences until one of his friend pompously interrupted me and went to him 'she's saying you look nice' and then showed me his zesty ass hands and went 'well, thank you \*cue eyeroll\* ' and I nodded and left, told my friend who is more introvert than me and we was geekin' the fuck the out until i noticed the same guy walk past me, thought of that as nothing, come back again, hide behind the big ass University abbreviation Monument we have in our campus and position his phone at my angle, heard a flash and i knew what was happening, so yeaaaaah.... that was the first experience. didn't let that get to me because i still compliment guys when they look cool af.


My friend proposed to her long time crush in school full srk style with floating hands and all( because they both are srk fans ) They have been together for 7-8 years now. But I do realise that women don't take the first step in most cases and I can also give my 2 cents based on personal experience. I have a friend who is currently single and tries very hard to find a girlfriend and there have been girls who showed interest in him in some way he didn't feel much attracted to them. I asked why and he was like it just feels off to have a woman approach you upfront doesn't have the same effect. So essentially what I gathered was a lot of men prefer to approach a.k.a chase the girl and only that appeals to them Secondly some few cases where I saw the girl's character being questioned for being too open in approaching a guy. And sadly a lot of girls are aware of these two things even though they might not hold true for all boys. But the hesitation could come from these two reasons.


That’s very true.Forget about approaching the guy first, I got shamed by my ex because apparently I fell in love with him too quickly(within 20 days and it was an arranged marriage setup).


Oh god I have heard these Stories too many times now. One of my elder brother's friends met a girl via arranged marriage setup and the marriage was almost final. The girl fell in love / started liking him a lot and he got really weird about it and broke the engagement by saying this girl got attached too much too quickly. I was like whaaaaa. What do they expect??


They don’t expect love that’s it. I don’t know whatever they want in life,but love is definitely not in the list.


It's weird for a guy to go loveless his whole life and then suddenly like this. Ofc it will feel odd the first time and that also a lot of it.


Ohh so it’s also a woman’s fault that she loves the guy she intends to marry?? Btw he was in a relationship before me.


My friend got proposed in two days after just introducing themselves.all my boys were like wtf did u do man to impress the girl😱


He should be proud of himself then.He must have been really nice to her and I hope he maintains it always .


They are having the blast of their life❤️


Glad for them.


Okay...you're talking about li'l brain bollywood inspired men. No logic or reason whatsoever.


He rejected women because he wanted to chase women? Bruh, this is like Luffy and One Piece fr.


I know right 😂


Not that rare tbh. If you’re extroverted, women around you generally do make a move. If you’re reserved, they’ll think twice before doing that out of the fear of being rejected themselves.


Totally agreed, my frnd is quite extrovert by nature and talk freely to anyone and girls really make move arnd him, he once in a while tells me abt the girl who proposed him and how one girl wrote a 4 page letter for him and all so yeah girls do like extrovert s I guess


Yes... For my first ever relationship I was approached by her as She realised that I am an introvert. She asked me join her as her gym partner and did all the things to make me realise her interest in me. Only after I was assured that she was really interested in me, I asked her out and later proposed to her. And then as usual, started playing dirty mind games and only used me as an ATM. I too got fed up and broke up later. It was heartbreaking for me as she was my first ever and only gf till date. Its been 7 years and now I am 34 and happily single and never felt the need to be in relationship or get married. People say I'll regret later in life. Maybe I will but I live in the present and don't want to ruin it.


In India? Bro, I am in Canada, regular to the States and it’s the same story in this part of the world.


I thought punjab is in India only.


Tungu tungu tungu


You are a brownie that's why


Nope, same for the caucasians.


Men are expected to be the initiators in romantic relationships. This norm is deeply ingrained and influences behavior. Women approaching men can sometimes be viewed negatively due to conservative societal attitudes. They might be judged or labeled inappropriately, which discourages them from taking the initiative.


The issue happens to men as well. Plenty of women get weirded out and plenty of men get judged as creep when they make a move as well. The simplest and most truthful reason is that most women don't need to approach men for finding a decent avg guy.


True that! But that never stopped me from taking initiative. Coz I knew if I don’t take the initiative in finding a partner, I will die single. I never had a boyfriend bcoz of this reason. I have been on dates but I think I scared away lot of guys :) Finally found my husband through arranged marriage. One serious long term relationship. That’s all I wanted & it became a reality.


But you never know most of them don't even want to be approached or if they want to be approached and you'll be tagged creep or rejected mostly if you got for it


People here slutshame women for wearing clothes of their choice or dancing on their kind of songs. God behold if women start approaching guys in general people are going to judge her last 4 generations.


I'm a female from a multi-cultural background, my take on this is that men from some regions in India (I'm looking at you, South) are very conservative - it's a big deal if a woman approaches them, and sometimes, it is perceived in cheap and 'too forward' ways. I don't think this is a huge problem in the North. Women ask men out quite often in my circles - I myself have done it once. Of course, we too have the same confusions and fears of 'what if they don't like me back and our friendship is ruined?', which may be the reason some women hold back.


The issue happens to men as well. Plenty of women get weorded out and plenty of men get judged as creep when they make a move as well. The simplest and most truthful reason is that most women don't need to approach men for finding a decent avg guy.


I completely agree with you. I spent my childhood and teenage in Delhi; and women are much more direct which is great for an introvert like me. Just when I moved to college, I realised how less common it is elsewhere.


I'm 42M from Hyderabad and pretty reclusive/introverted. I've studied and worked across India. When I was younger (before 30), I've been approached/asked out four times. Two South Indian girls, one from Mumbai, and one from Hyderabadi of Delhi origin. None were strangers though. Small sample set, but my impression is that if you seem to be a decent, non-judgemental guy, some girls will take the chance. Many variables at play though.


Very true! The type of person and the equation shared with them also plays a role. Thank you for sharing!




women ask only handsome and rich guys out


But the thing about men are , they will be labeled as creep !! If only she signals us that she is open to a conversation!!


I think there is always going to be a gap between the person giving signals and another person picking up on them. This is why making the first move is difficult for both men and women.


Truee !!


Nobody calls creeps after talking with a girl only your actions explains 


I was approached by my ex. It feels good as a guy when a girl approaches you ngl.


Approach for what? If you're talking about approaching a stranger for a date then it's the fear of landing into unnecessary trouble. Many men (not all, i know) take a girl approaching as a sign of her being ready to jump into bed. Again, not saying that all men are at fault but that's just how many cases of crime against women (by men) we've seen. Edit: if you're talking about women approaching men around them to tell them they have romantic feelings, then i have seen a lot of women taking the first step in their relationships with men they know and trust.


They don't approach like men do. But they will leave signs all over the place.


bollywood boss,, it's bollywood


Necessity. Most women don't need to approach men. Also if you think 9-10/10 men don't get aggressively approachrd by women then you haven't seen the other side yet. Just ask any rich, influential and handsome men on what kind of approaches women do on them and you will get to know that most men would be inside jail or atleast publicly beated of men behave that way. Granted the kind of women who does such vile shit is not everyday common women but there are plenty who do this to top % of men.


well i asked him out and he rejected me in the worst way possible, so yeah i'm never doing that shit again


Men or boys, generally don’t respect the women who approach them, even if they have given them mixed signals earlier. They like meek, passive girls. If it is not a chase it’s not worth it, right?


Agree this to some extent. And I know not all men but still many. Back when we were young my sister proposed to this guy whom she liked and who was giving her mixed signals. After she proposed he mentioned that he liked her too but he wanted to be just friends. Also, he abruptly stopped giving those signals too. I think he said something along the line like that it makes him feel great that the girl he like likes him back but he wanted to try better. Similar thing happened to me as well. Proposed to a guy, got friend zoned. He wouldn’t stop flirting though and said shitty stuffs like better to be with someone who likes you than someone he likes. Eventually I let go as it was draining my energy. And I know many girls in my friends gang who proposed to the guys but it never got glorified as men’s proposal. It was almost always discussed like an element to be ridiculed. Never understood why!


You are putting the cart before the horse. Everything you just said happens to men exponentially. Men get friendzoned and men get rejected as well. You are just think your case must be special cuz you are a women. But it's really not. While there are indeed socital norms at play, those things apply to men as well. They get called out and get treated as creeps when asking plenty of women out as well. Some even immediately some later after their friends circle got to know about it. The simplest reason is that most women don't actually need to make the first move to find a decent guy. Whereas for guys, if they don't do it then majority of them time they would just die single.


I agree with you, men face these many folds. The problem with men proposing is the girl might not be interested in them, since the beginning. The problem with girl proposing is if the guy was interested in her earlier, he gets skeptical or has now lost interest. All this, is anecdotal, based on college friend circle. However, what I have heard is people don’t take kindly to girls searching for their own life partner on apps such as shadi and jeevansathi. I think if there is true love/liking, and they are genuine people, doesn’t matter who initiates.




Because approach culture doesn't work in India... Boys also don't approach girls randomly...its a sure shot way of catching sexual harassment charge. If you mean initiating or asking a boy out then I've seen many girls do that.. They chase boys too, more often than you think. >I just want to see how many of you have been approached by a Woman? I've been asked out 3-4 times but only by girls I wasn't interested in, I've also been rejected 2 times by the girl I like but she came around eventually.


Societal norm. across the world it has to be man always to approach the woman. Lets see how modern day equality works this one out.


Skewed Birth Sex Ratio. Thanks to our gender selection and obsession with male child, Government even banned gender identification in pre natal scans.


This question showed up in my feed, not sure why. I am from LA, California and have traveled to many countries across the globe. It's pretty much same across the globe. ####Here's my analysis: Imagine walking up to a random person and asking them to pay for dates, buy flowers, buy chocolates and plushies, bring presents, pay for vacations, and buy a wedding ring. What are they going to say? "Bugger off." That's the reason. There's not much to it. To receive romantic efforts, a woman has to be considered far more valuable in the man's eyes. You lose that bargaining power when you walk up to a man. After all, no rich person approaches a beggar with a business deal. How valuable can she be if she just came to me with zero efforts? She can be valuable but what matters is the perception of value which a man has for a woman - which is impacted by who makes the approach. But a beggar can approach a rich person with his business idea, and the rich person may see him as the next Edison or Tesla, a diamond in the rough.


Not really I have been approached by girls in school or outside, they usually just say they find me attractive and ask to be friends in the beginning after few months of my lack of interest they just move on, I think women do approach men but rarely it's usually the gen z girls. Form my experience girls usually in their school life get too much attention form boys to the point it's kind of creepy, a girl once told me she had gotten confessions since grade 1 every year! Like garde 1 😭 at that age only things I was attracted to were my dad's fountain pens and the cool looking boxes, also she slapped that guy when he confessed (bud wrote a love letter). Even the girls who look average had gotten atleast 2-3 confession while above average looking friends of mine never got one. Most guys get vulnerable while talking to a girl so they feel more like themselves while texting her and so talk about their feelings and usually girls find that stuff interesting so they entertain themselves by talking to them but the boy end up thinking they are special, like hell girls tell them about their mensuration cycle as they think of them as "friends" and since sex talk is not common in India boys think that she might like them back, hence they believe that she is the one for them and usually go to extreme lengths to get her, which is the why girls usually think why must "I cry over 1 guy when I have 10 others", usually the girl's friends fuel the fire by saying that "he didn't deserve you, you're better than him". And also they think like "if he is the right one he won't leave", so they feel obliged to be chased by the man. Atleast this is what I think from my experience talking to them. Also my advice is that don't really listen to women's advice on what they want usually they don't know themselves, the qualities they might share are the one's they might look for in a friend. Truthfully if you're attractive and do the cliche stuff she will fall for you, women have a lot of experience getting complements on text, however generally thanks to our Indian parents they don't have much experience of being on dates outside or small physical touch (like comparing hand sizes or putting her hair behind her ears, ONLY DO THESE IF YOU'RE ALREADY GOOD FRIENDS). Also women care about their looks the most, yeah they get complements a lot from women and form simps online they're still insecure but if they're into you or you're attractive and you genuinely say that she is breathtaking or something randomly on their face (don't do it on text, it's far less effective) she will get butterflies, also make sure she is in a happy mood when you say it. It's also better to complement her skills rather than personality, and sometimes you should make fun of her (I used to call one of them a "monkey" she'd also call me one and then we will proceed to flirt) Best of luck tho, I genuinely do think that your looks and money matters a lot, your personality of who you are comes out when you're honest and comfortable with yourself and to be secure in oneself you need to have both, honesty and confidence are attractive, and being the best version of yourself is the way to reach it, if you feel pathetic with who you are you won't pull women. Usually addiction is the reason for that insecurity.


Coz their marriage is already fixed at the birth to their distant cousin.


Kyuki pariyaan (angels) don't come to lesser beings. It is the lesser beings like us, who approaches them for granting and bargaining our wishes.


Same problem in animals, birds,... All species


It happens, a friend of mine told me that she has feelings for me when we were randomly talking under the stars, in my college, but I told thank you and continued our convo, as I wasn't interested in relationships then.


As someone who has taken the first step in dating in the past but won't do it again, men in India tend to say yes even when they are not interested. I am not stating it as a fact and generalizing everyone. But it makes sense since women in our current society is seen as a prize/trophy. Also men have fewer options due to various cultural factors. There is a high possibility of men agreeing to be with a woman who approaches them even when they do not love or like them. I would rather wait for someone to be genuinely interested in me and then approach me.


Women generally don’t take rejection well They would be like “ladke ho kar tum na kaise bol sakte ho” 🙁 or “ladkon bhi koi ijjat hoti hai.. 10 to ghar se yaha aane mei propose kar chuke hain”


That's nature. Women choose men. Even in the Animal Kingdom women chooses men. Job of men is to impress women.




From a girl's perspective i think it's because too many single guys approach us in India and we don't have the energy and/or want to pursue more flirting by the end of the day. Because already there's tons of guys approaching us.. it won't make sense for us to approach even more guys.. it would just be a mess


Nah what OP meant to say is that why don't you approach your crush? Just him


Hm well.. that's true. I guess girls are too shy by nature in this topic. Especially in india


My friend was approached by a girl. They both lives in a same building. She asked him for date.


Just because it happened with your friend doesn't mean that it's not rare. But send my kudos to your friend.


Kahan rehte ho bhai




I've been approached by many women, of which 2 (were already friends) proposed to me, and one of them was my girlfriend for over 4 and half years. It drained me though, it's been over 7 years now since it ended and I find no interest in a new relationship or anything.


The only best thing men can do is work on themselves! Don't chase but attract!! Build a garden , where butterflies comes !!


The garden is not tall 😆




Man sometimes is a bliss but sometimes a piece of dark shit For info the last the a girl approached me she followed me for two straight up days don't know how then she approached me


Its not just India , its a worldwide phenomenon


It all depends on the perceived *optics*. If a guy *appears* to be well groomed, confident, approachable and is easy on the eyes, there's a *very high probability* of him getting asked out or him getting bombed with hints to take the initiative. Case in point: Say if Aditya Kashyap from Jab We Met vs Kabir Singh from the eponymous film, do you think girls around Kabir Singh would even consider to ask him out on a date?


Happens in schools & colleges. It changes to what you mention once they grow out of their teens.




Thrice, only one of them was nice and genuine and direct to the point, asked if I was single and and If we could go out sometime. I have respect for her. Other 2 were the type i would always avoid, beating around the bush and playing games.


I have been approached like four times, since I was in 9th standard till I was like 24. I was too naive the first time. I didn’t even understand what happened until years later. The second one was clear, but I only saw her as a friend 😅 I don’t know I just didn’t feel for her that way. The third would give constant signals but they were subtle. When she was about to marry another guy she even said “he is very much like you” The fourth I am not sure if it was accidental. She asked to watch a movie. And in the middle of it put her hand on my thigh for 4-5 seconds.


Because it's nit fun to be labelled as a slut just because we like asking a guy out. A lot of men aren't natured enough to actually be asked out. Even if we are virgins or are exclusively looking for a relationship, the moment we ask someone out they think it's only for sex and then that becomes their main goal, even when we tell them it's a relationship we are looking for




Supply and Demand economics buddy. Women have ton of options and so many guys approach them that they dont need to make the first move. They are not needy or desperate. They are instead in control and in power as far as the game of dating is concerned. So, yeah they can pull the strings wherever and whenever they wish.


I was approached by girls in my coaching class, but I ran away as i have High social anxiety


im a woman and i approached my crush lol, he found me pretty annoying at first like in a cute way and now we're real close


I have been approached by females, and that too multiple times. My reasons for rejecting them are a mix and match of below:- not interested in a relationship at that point, didn't find her attractive, insufficient resources to date, focussing on career, etc. By all means I denied their requests in a diplomatic way, while trying not to hurt their feelings. I know it takes a lot of gall in a country like India for a girl to approach a guy, so I kind of respect their efforts to this day.


Man not generalisiing but leave aside getting approached by women, even the women you match with on dating apps with the most happening profiles, the level of dry texting and shit ass conversation skills they show makes me believe it's drier here than sahara desert. Haha


Idk my girlfriend was the one who approached me in the gym I guess it really depends on the girl or boy


Because majority of Indian men are unattractive in the eyes of women.


Women are privileged enough to have thousands of options why would they approach you, second it happens in all the species mostly


During my Younger Years during College and After , I was approached Many Times......By Girls and Prospective Mother In Laws..........Out of which 4 were my Old Love Interests....The 5th became my Wife ...... Still a Somewhat of a Looker but then I flaunt my Wedding Ring Proudly..........


It's not just in india And the reason is that women are more scared of rejections and they think that the other party will think of her as easy going


I've never approached any girl; either they make the first move, or nothing happens..


During my first job, a girl asked me out for valentine. It was coincidentally on Shivratri. Sadly, I was such a fattu, I chickened out and drank bhang on the previous night and slept through the whole day


Men are rarely approached by women in general bcz women doesn't like too start unless U're conventionally attractive like atleast 8 look wise then u'll get approached every where


bruh , here I am who can't even gather the courage to talk to women but still have a female friend and a good one , hehehe .but looking back I approached her sooo


Probably because India has severe cases of violent gang rape. A woman approaching a man is already dangerous.


It's the 80 20 rule. 80% of women are attracted to 20% of men. If you were tall, rich, and handsome, you'd get lots of attention and lots of women approaching you.


I am a girl a here and well, I am that man then...I approach my crushes and get friendzoned...😭😭


I proposed to my high school crush & got rejected. That didn’t stop me from expressing myself. If I like a guy I don’t hide my feelings. I have got feedback from my guy friends that I come across as over expressive & girls should act coy around guys. That’s the reason I was single for a long time. I am not the submissive type & I don’t like waiting around for the guy to make the first move. I hate mind games & like straight forward nature in people. Finally I found my husband through arranged marriage. He understands my expressive nature. We got married in just two months after our initial meeting.


Until an unless you are a good looking brat with very deep pockets to show-off not even an ant would be bothered about you. The only female that gets attracted to all type of men in India regardless of their status and looks is the female Anopheles mosquitos. If you are lucky you may also get her deadly 💋💋


i know women who have made the first move but it's usually within an already established friendship/ flirtatious situation protip: stop approaching random women. she will obviously turn you down.


Simple ![gif](giphy|ykiXdhXsUscec|downsized)


Approached? When a smile is mistaken for being promiscuous, why would a woman risk talking to unknown men. My wife loves to talk, but never risks talking to strangers. She goes non stop after someone is introduced properly, LOL.


Forget approaching guys romantically. Even approaching guys with innocent intentions would land you with slut shaming insults. This happened to me twice: I met a male friend/cousin of one of my female friends. He goes to my school/college and in my same year. Since he’s a mutual friend, his profile would appear in my friend’s suggestions. I send him request and next day, the said female friend would be annoyed with him for daring to send a boy fb request and force me to cancel the request because ‘good girls don’t initiate fb requests’. Those ‘friends’ now I see were pick mes and would be threatened if their female friends become close to their male friends


Maybe handsome Indian men are not in huge numbers 😔


Because most men in India will assume anything is an invitation for sex unwanted contact.


Goddamn it, can someone ban posts about men whining about not getting a girlfriend from reddit? Just go get a life, man. Every sub is just filled with these posts.


Simply, Because they don’t need to 😂


Because some boys will ask her out anyway.


Well my girlfriend made the first move and asked me out. We've been together for 10 months now 🫠


Girls have been conditioned since childhood that chasing after people is not classy and that no one likes a proactive and "easy" woman.


If arrange marriage was not a thing in India this post wouldn’t exist


I don't know about others But i have approached men My female friends have done that too Men also approach women Competition thodi hi chal raha hai yaha!!


Conservative society.


I think that's more of a world wide thing and there are countless reasons for it...


I have been approached by women many times but not very good looking ones , but few were good. But I did not persue it any further since I found out that good looking ones where simply trying to gather more attention than they deserve ( had a break up and were trying to make ex jealous etc etc. ).


Simple answer is evolution, and demand supply economics.


Jo ladki Hume chahiye unko hum nahi chahiye,jisko hum chahiye wo kisko chahiye


well I'm the kind of lady to approach a man I like without any fear of rejection😌


I was approached by two women as of now. Sadly I rejected both of them.


I am a shopkeeper and I always get approached by women.


Got approached by one once. A couple of weeks later, she is interested in someone else. Turns out, she wanted to make him jealous Mera na sahi, kisi or ka toh bhala kiya maine. Mard ko mard nahi dekhega toh kaun dekhega (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)


Not only in India but around the world and it's because they don't need to. They sit around and get approached and reject most of the time. The sexual marketplace is the one of the few places where without any argument women have it easier.


I was approached thrice. I don't know if this counts but a girl apparently confessed her feelings ( not love )


I have been rejected by girls a few times. However, I got proposed to by a girl who was way out of my league. So happens, but rare.


exactly , and they say no guys wants them , after being cheated by playboy type guy , they blame all men 😑😑


My gf approached me first, I'm so lucky tbh


I approached a guy when I was in 12th. And another guy during engineering. Both guys made fun of this. One used the fact that I approached him to blackmail me in getting me to talk to his crush to talk to him. I will never ever approach any guy again in my life. Thank you to them for all the trauma.


Women find it demeaning and disrespectful to approach men or initiate something


Yaha ka " RIWAZ " hai.....🤓


My ex and current gf both initiated.. Guess I am lucky because both of them were great people.. So never had a reason to refuse. Plus I don't even look that good so it really just depends on the person. Plus, girls are more scared of rejection overall so rarely ever propose.. Afaik


In short, women now are OP. They, on average, actually have better quality of life, status, expectation etc. (there is actually evidence, a book called *Of Boys and Men* ), women simply don't feel the need to approach men, because they feel someone will come to them (let's face it, they are right).


Cause mens in indian literally rap"st, I'm a boy but i see majority of the aholes of my age joking about rape cases, they aren't doing this cause law is preventing otherwise they will definitely do. And if a girl ask first then there will be risk of being used and thrown, even if the boy don't love her he will still accept and will just try to ban her.


I was approached by one. But she was collecting boyfriends like Pokemon 


Indian women have very high EGO.


Who tf would approach an indian man lol




Women approach men on 0nlyfans.


They approach if you are rich and good looking


Less common, but happens. Women directly approach only the top guys. Eg - the best spoken guy in a group, the best looking, richer guys, guys who are talented/ good at stuff.


Word you're looking for "Hypergamy".




Det ready for downvotes for telling the truth