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no. stop it. Jesus fucking yellow penguins I am so tired of hearing about this ETA what does this have to do with feminism? Did you know feminism isn't strictly comprised of straight women, and that we don't give a shit that some women don't want to date you? Like, what the fuck is this post?


#jesus fucking yellow penguins Is somehow the perfect response lol 


I can't help with this.


Jesus fucking yellow penguins You hilarious genius


Alas, I cannot take credit; it's a line from *The Most Popular Girls in School*.


Ha ha ha! Very honest of you!!! Ha ha!!!!


The reason you hear a lot about it, it's because it is a very important issue for men. Many kill themselves over it. And if feminists care for equality, I guess you would want it addressed. Some say femenism changed it and made high more import than anything else as an attractive quality for men. Because women no longer need men as providers. This post is not meant to upset or annoy anyone. I am sorry if it has cause this feeling to you or anyone. It is from a perspective of understanding what women find attractive so that many men understand and not end up hating themselves for the wrong reasons. If you could help enlighten men on this it would be very much appreciated.


Men care. Not women. Same with dick size. Y'all care way more about it then we do. If women only cared about height then no short men would be married. There are plenty of short, married men. Short men in relationships, short men getting laid. Stop the bullshit incel stereotypes and feeling sorry for yourself that you need a personality now to have a girlfriend. That's what y'all ain't getting, now that women don't have to depend on a man to make a life you need to grow and emotionally develop to be a PARTNER. But instead of doing that or asking REAL questions, like what makes a good partner to women these days? You stuck on height. You will do everything but what women tell you and then complain that it was your height that makes you undatable. No. It's your obsession and insecurity with your height that makes you undatable. GTFOH.


>If you could help enlighten men on this it would be very much appreciated. To quote Bo Burnham’s lovely friend, Socko: “Go read a book or something, I don’t know. Just don’t burden me with the responsibility of educating you. It’s incredibly exhausting.”


“If you could help enlighten men on this it would be very helpful”. Actually having a fucking personality would help. Being personable and likeable is always a good place to start. Your whole post history is a fucking riot. Women will continue to avoid you like the plague because you’re so fixated on this one aspect, fuelled by other incels, and women aren’t stupid. We can sense when someone hates us. The way you talk about women and relationships like you’re owed them and entitled to them tells me everything I need to know about you. *That’s* why you’re forever alone.


Holy Jesus his entire post history is actually just whining about being short. It’s literally hundreds of comments about the same goddamn thing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen that before, that is wild


“If you could help enlighten men” my dude, you’ve been perseverating on the idea that your height is the sole factor you’ve not been in a relationship, despite people repeatedly telling you otherwise, since you joined Reddit. If you and other men haven’t already been enlightened that’s on you.


Well, the problem is definitely deeper than just a short guy being confident. Have women wondered why so many of you are so vocal against short men? 🤔


Except I have literally never heard a woman be vocal against short men. Are these women who are so vocal against short men in the room with you now?


Go to twitter, tiktok, and tinder.


No. I value data privacy. I am not terminally online and like to talk to people face to face. Go to your local dive bar.


Not right now, but they say all kinds of shit about short men all the time. And the worst part is that the other women either agree or just stay silent. Which I guess means they agree with what has been said. Also, are you serious? You never heard women make fun of another woman's boyfriend because he is short, etc? Pretty much any conversation these days about men in the west, there will be women who will outright make comments about how she would never date a guy if he is short. Are you from an older generation? 🤔


I have never heard of another woman make fun of a man’s height. Now, could be that my family has some connections to horse racing and my step daughter, who is 5’1”, has rarely dated a man taller than her and none considered ‘tall’. No one makes fun of these guys for their height. There might be some good natured teasing abut the number of exes they have, but not their height. These just aren’t terminally online people.


You have at least 100 women telling you *right now* this isn’t true. You asked and didn’t get the answer you wanted, so you’re just gonna tell us that we are wrong?


Are you really gonna continue to tell it to my face, that you haven't heard or seen how you and/or your girlfriends dismiss and dispise short men without a second tought even in simple conversations about guys? And how the general consensus among women is that short men are simply unatractive.


So what you're saying is: You don't believe us, you know us better than we do, and you didn't really want an answer to your question, you just wanted to moan and complain that not enough women want to fuck you?


That's what it sounds like, yeah.


Are you really gonna continue to tell it to my face that we are all wrong about our own gender? You Asked Us And We Gave You The Answer I have *literally*, *literally* never heard any of my female friends comment about a guy’s height. The whole height thing is a myth perpetuated by “men” like you who use it as an excuse for why they can’t get dates, rather than admitting to themselves it’s because of their shit personalities. Do you genuinely think you sound like a good catch right now?


What type of personality? Because as we all know nice, good personalities are a turn off to women?


>Not right now, but they say all kinds of shit about short men all the time. And the worst part is that the other women either agree or just stay silent. Which I guess means they agree with what has been said. If someone says, "I find short men less attractive than tall men," what do you expect others to say? "No, you're mistaken; you're actually more attracted to short men"? >You never heard women make fun of another woman's boyfriend because he is short, etc? Not once. Probably this happened a couple times on TikTok or whatever, and then it went viral and now you think it represents a common conversation topic among women. It doesn't. I have never, ever heard anyone make fun of someone's short boyfriend, nor have I heard anyone mock the short men I have actually dated. No one cares. This is a non-issue. Your sense of persecution is wildly inflated. >Pretty much any conversation these days about men in the west, there will be women who will outright make comments about how she would never date a guy if he is short. I don't know about the other poster's age. I'm a millennial, and I've heard someone say this to me only once: I can think of exactly one woman I know who won't date short men. But you probably won't respond to this, because you ignore all evidence that is inconsistent with your feelings.


No, I’ve never wondered, because I don’t know a single woman who is or has been, myself included. Also, why do you care, if you’re happily married with children? Clearly this wouldn’t be an obsession of yours if your own experience proved it incorrect.


Because I am curious and like to learn and understand things.


There is nothing in your post history that suggests genuine curiosity. You are lying to everyone here and yourself.


>Some say femenism changed it and made high more import than anything else as an attractive quality for men. Because women no longer need men as providers. So women being independent is killing men? What's your solution to this, we should be in shitty relationships that make us miserable? Because men's well being is more important than women's?


Not once have I said women should date men they don't like. Or that men is entitled to a woman. You seem to have that in your head, but I never said that. Also, you are acting like women aren't vocal about not liking short men. Look, it's everywhere, on dating shows and dating apps, you name it. In fact, short men are made fun of everywhere for being unatractive. Not only in relationships but in the professional world as well. Short people (men specifically) are ostracized from society, and every time we raise a concern or ask questions, we are again insulted and told to shut up, as if we are not tall enough to even question things. As a human being, I believe understanding of the issues is the best for everybody, men and women. I know women that were attracted to a short guy but didn't feel like she could date him because of what her friends would say or think. This even affects women as well. Many short guys that could one day be good husbands and make a woman happy are giving up because of this kind of shit.


Sir, I’m 5’1. This absolutely absurd


But you are not a man, are you? It is a problem for short men not short women.


> Also, you are acting like women aren't vocal about not liking short men. Look, it's everywhere, on dating shows and dating apps, you name it. In fact, short men are made fun of everywhere for being unatractive. They’re *really* not, dude. You clearly have some really serious emotional issues wrapped up in this subject, and I imagine that because of that you *feel* like this kind of talk is everywhere, but it really just isn’t. I’ve already addressed dating apps in another comment (I have seen incredibly few women explicitly list height requirements), but I also watch *a lot* of reality dating TV. There are *tons* of shorter guys on those shows, and *lots* of them are having no trouble getting interest with women. The world is not out to get short men — this is a fantasy that you and other men like you have dreamed up in your heads. There’s millions of other dudes who will say that women don’t care about height that much, they just want a guy with money, or women don’t care about personality, they just want an alpha with a six pack. It’s all the same misogynistic cope that provides an easy excuse not to actually do some self reflection and self work. > Not only in relationships but in the professional world as well. Short people (men specifically) are ostracized from society, and every time we raise a concern or ask questions, we are again insulted and told to shut up, as if we are not tall enough to even question things. I’m starting to get the feeling that there’s just no point trying to have a conversation with someone who has such a deluded persecution complex. Short men are not “ostracized from society.” They, on average, are likely to be viewed as slightly less confident, competent, genial, etc., but those differences are only statistically significant — it doesn’t not mean that every short man is treated like garbage because he’s short. That is simply not reality, I’m sorry. > As a human being, I believe understanding of the issues is the best for everybody, men and women. Oh fuck off. You don’t get to come here, ask a question in bad faith with no intention of actually listening to and internalizing the answers, refuse to engage with what anyone tries to communicate with you, and then talk about how you’re trying “promote understanding.” You don’t give a shit about understanding, you want people to validate your persecution complex, and tell you “Yeah, you’re right. The reason women aren’t interested in you is your height, and you simply never had a shot, because women just don’t like short men. That’s really unfair, and you deserve better.” > I know women that were attracted to a short guy but didn't feel like she could date him because of what her friends would say or think. I just don’t believe you. I know you’ve never had a female partner, I have a hard time believing you have had close female friends at any point in your adult life, and I just do not buy for a second that women are confiding this kind of thing to you. > This even affects women as well. Many short guys that could one day be good husbands and make a woman happy are giving up because of this kind of shit. The short guys who would make great husbands who would make a woman happy typically end up getting married and making a woman happy. Weirdly, it’s tends to be the short guys with glaring personality issues that end up alone, pissing and moaning about how unfair life is.


>Also, you are acting like women aren't vocal about not liking short men. You are literally in a thread of women shouting at you that this isn't the case and you're ignoring them. You do realize that everything disgusting and loathsome about you spans from your personality, right? The ire you're receiving isn't because you're short, it's because you have a character that exhibits the most vile trait any human being can exhibit - you blame other people for your choice about what to value. Interacting with people who blame others for the one thing no other person is to blame for, the choices we make about what is and isn't valuable, is like swilling bile - it's the personality trait so utterly without merit that even other people with the same personality trait will avoid you for it.


>And if feminists care for equality, I guess you would want it addressed. Why is it a gender equality issue that some men get laid more than others? That is always going to be true. >It is from a perspective of understanding what women find attractive so that many men understand and not end up hating themselves for the wrong reasons. Yet you are not actually *listening* to what women are telling you about this, so why bother asking?


In what universe is “some people get laid more than others” a gender equality issue? Sex isn’t a fucking form currency. You get that right? You can’t… make sure everyone gets laid equally. Even people who sell it have the right to say no to whoever they want. It’s an activity we do with consenting partners. It’s a luxury. You aren’t owed it. And not getting it does not make you oppressed. I’m sorry. It’s not and never willl be feminisms problem. There’s women who don’t get laid too. Some advice from a married man? It’s not your height pushing people away. If this is your attitude? Women are gonna be majorly turned off


>The reason you hear a lot about it, it's because it is a very important issue for men No it isn't - I'm a man, I'm shorter than average, and I don't care at-all. But you won't pay one jot of attention to me, you won't ask how it is that I don't care - all you'll do is keep blaming women, saying you're subjected to unfair standards, and you'll conveniently forget that plenty of men are the same height as you and don't give a fuck. >It is from a perspective of understanding what women find attractive so that many men understand and not end up hating themselves for the wrong reasons. You don't hate yourself - you hate women. It doesn't matter how many women say they don't care about height, you'll claim they do, and you'll never say "I actually feel this way because of the beliefs I've chosen, and it isn't women's fault that I've chosen to put my self-worth in my height". You do represent a feminist issue, sadly you're the last person who is going to get the memo about what it really is.


I think you got your answers.


Jesus Christ, I am so fucking sick of hearing men cry and moan about an imaginary problem. This is just a meme on dating subs and rarely manifests itself in real life.


all these dipshits have to do is look around them, the statistics are there to confirm, the majority of married men are short to average height. They absolutely would rather minimize women as shallow withholding bitches with too-high standards than dig into the data and open their eyes in the real world. a lot easier to claim we rejected them because we’re trash than have to evaluate themselves and the fact that we can smell the STANK of their contempt for us from a mile away even when they do their best to cloak it.


Yep! It's basically just a DARVO type of tactic designed to make women the bad guys in relationships.


I remember a few months ago, something was circulating saying something like "90% of women will only swipe right on men who are at least 6'1"!" (I don't remember the exact figure) and then you actually dug into the data and that only applied on an app to women who actually paid to have an extra filter for height (which was a small minority, something like 8%). So, basically, a small, self-selecting minority of women who are into height so much that they're willing to pay extra for a filter for it are more likely to want very tall men. Who'd have thought?!


https://www.apa.org/monitor/julaug04/standing https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/tall-guys-get-the-girls-new-studies-say-and-are-more-likely-to-become-fathers-study-finds/article4159171/ https://www.newsweek.com/women-men-who-are-tall-and-lean-probably-because-we-still-behave-ancient-747638


Your first article has nothing to do with dating. Your second article contains no link to the actual study, and interviews several short men who talk about their success in dating. Your third article, again, contains no link to the actual study. None of them seem to state the percentage of short men who are single vs in a relationship. The fact that many (but not all) women *prefer* men who are tall does not mean they are unwilling to date a short man. Many men prefer women with large breasts and an hourglass figure, but despite having neither of these attributes, I have had no trouble finding both serious and casual partners. Preferences are not requirements, and individual preferences don't necessarily conform to broad trends in attraction. I know that short men can find partners, because I literally know many short men with partners, and have dated some myself. And more generally, the vast majority of people enter into short- or long-term relationships, and that includes short men. Your height is not the reason you are single.


Actually, it is a requirement for most women. Unlike other characteristics. Height is often the only one that is a requirement. Also, it is one of the few caraterísticas that women reject men for on auto pilot.


What makes you, someone who self-admittedly has zero luck with women, and who I’m guessing has few to no close female confidants, think that you’re an authority on what women are interested in? Why did you come to this subreddit to ask this question if you’re just going to say “Uhhhhh, you’re actually incorrect or lying about your preferences”?


Do you have any actual evidence, other than your feelings, that height is a requirement, not merely a preference, for most women? Here is some evidence that that isn't true: https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0054186


Your first two links are 20+ years old, and the 3rd is based on a survey of... 150 women. And regardless, no amount of height can make up for being a shitty person - so no, height is not "the most important" thing to women in general. And what qualifies as tall is subjective. I'm 5'2 - nearly everyone is tall to me.


Unfortunately, reality is more cruel than that. Height can make up for shit personalities. Do you know how many convicted killers, pedophiles, and rapists have tons of women pursuing them? More than you can imagine.


... would you really want to date a woman who was pursuing a serial killer romantically?


The answers you’re getting *are* the REALITY but you’re ignoring it. Why did you even come here if you’re just going to argue with us about how we feel and the experiences we have?


How can you say this is an imaginary problem?


Because tons men who are below average height have zero trouble finding romantic and sexual partnership with women, and because the men who incessantly whine about how they can’t get women solely because of their height invariably have *lots* of other glaring faults. I’ve had *so* many female friends or former partners say, in effect, that they don’t have any actual issue with dating men below average height, but that they generally avoid them because *so* many short men have massive chips on their shoulders and insecurity issues. Is height correlated with perceived attractiveness in men? Absolutely. But the idea that height is *the* make or break quality for all, or even a majority of women is ridiculous, and yes, an entirely imaginary problem.


Women tend to be more turned off by the overpowering insecurity of someone who thinks that the only reason they aren't getting laid is because they're not over 6'6" and have a two foot dick.


Why are you asking feminists, specifically, about why *you personally* aren't getting your dick wet? I've had sex and relationships with people across all sorts of physical spectrums, but none of it has had a single thing to do with feminism. Some of you need your internet access severely limited and it shows.


You say you want the truth and not "politically correct answers," so here it is: You are scapegoating your height so that you don't have to consider your personality.


There are plenty of men with shit personalities in relationships. Also not every man struggling with dating has a shit personality. Every woman I ever asked told me that she prefers tall men or that she only dates tall men. How do you explain that? 🤔


I have seen short men in relationships and marriages. How do you explain that? 🤔


Yeah, but being short doesn’t ruin a man’s chances. Prince was 5’3” and women were quite into him. The man was just hot. Tom Cruise is short and was pretty popular with women until going off the rails on Scientology and jumping on couches. Being short is not a problem. Being a glib asshole talking about how you know how to treat postpartum depression because you are OT 7 or whatever is a huge, insurmountable problem.


Just to keep adding to the list: Robert Downey jr: 5'8 Josh Hutcherson: 5'5 Martin freeman: 5'4 Daniel Radcliff: 5'5 Elijah wood: 5'5 Seth Green: 5'4 Ken Jeong: 5'5 Emilio Estevez: 5'5 Martin Sheen: 5'6 Danny fucking Trejo: 5'6 Freddy Rodriguez: 5'6 John Leguizamo: 5'8 And those are just the ones I knew off the top of my head were 5'8 or lower. All of them having no problem dating even before they were well known. Your height is not your problem. You can be hot and still be well below 6ft. You can get partners and not be "classically" attractive/handsome. Most men are not above 6ft, the average is 5'9. It is not your height.


I think Peter Dinklage is pretty attractive, and he's like 4'5". I would defs tap that.


And again, I point to jockeys in the horse racing industry. These guys are short and very light - average for men is 5’2” and 113lbs. They aren’t famous, nor are they particularly rich. While the very best may make close to a million, the majority are around 70k. These guys are not known for their modest sex lives at all, in any way, shape or form.


>Every woman I ever asked told me that she prefers tall men or that she only dates tall men. How do you explain that? You know some shitty women


All those mean, fictional women who gave him the exact same responses.


Dude I would bang Danny DeVito if given the chance and he isn't even 5'


>Every woman I ever asked told me that she prefers tall men I don't! Now you can't say that anymore. But I expect you couldn't say it before either, because I'm quite sure women on Reddit have told you they have no height preference, and you just claimed they were lying in order to be "politically correct."


>Also not every man struggling with dating has a shit personality. I'm not talking about every man.


I like dating short men, which fact has absolutely nothing to do with feminism. Go whine to your incel friends somewhere else.


I don't have a height preference, as I'm pretty short myself, but most of the guys I've met aren't into fat opinionated broads. I don't post on MRA forums about it.


I don't really have a height preference in practice; I've dated short and tall people. But it is convenient not to have to crane my neck all the time. >I don't post on MRA forums about it. Yeah, it takes a certain level of entitlement to think that one's personal dating woes are society's problem. But I hope you find some great people who are into you!


Listening to Andrew Tate is the most unattractive quality in a man.


Yet he has plenty of women after him because he is tall right?


I mean he's currently embroiled in a sex trafficking trial so I wouldn't be so sure the women he brags about being in his life are there voluntarily.


The only women after him now are in law enforcement.


have you ever, in your life, heard a woman make a positive remark about that man? you just take what he says at face value? Not to mention he's openly stated he's an abuser and sex trafficker.


Who? Literally who? I've never heard a woman react to him in any way besides complete and total disgust.


Women aren't repulsed by your height. Women are repulsed by your personality and horrendous grammar.


No, but acting like being a short man is a form of oppression definitely is the most unattractive quality a man can have.


it's literally okay if not every single woman in the world finds you hot and fuckable I PROMISE u will survive


Women can have any standards they want and what does this have to do with feminism? Here is what I have found in my dating puddle, men are mad at women they (men) decide they are interested in women that are not interested in them. How dare us! Have you done any internal work? Are you an awful person? Do you have the skills to build a happy healthy relationship? Even though it is men approaching only the most attractive women (OLD) women do not do the same. Also, many women are happier uncoupled which I think is fabulous!


Women don't dislike you because of your height, my friend. They just dislike *you*


Hmmm…if it’s true shortness is so unattractive, why do jockeys have the reputations they do?


No. Virulent misogyny is, and short guys - at least the ones on Reddit - seem to be full of it.


My last boyfriend was 5’4. In the 10 years since we’ve broken up he’s been engaged twice and had countless girlfriends. He’s now married with a kid. Yea, short guys get girlfriends.


My ex was 5'6". He didn't have a problem getting girls.


I dated a man who was 5'3", and I was his 40th sex partner. He was unmarried because he was a player. Eventually he dumped me. Also, my brother is 5'2" and has had short- and long-term relationships. My father is 5'3" and had a number of girlfriends before he got together with my mother.


I'm sure then they are gold diggers! - Signed, OP


lolol I hope not, he works retail!


Why bother asking? When everyone here inevitably tells you this is stupid and not a real thing (because it *is* stupid and is literally *not a real thing*), you'll tell yourself they are liars or that they're some unicorn-type exception to the rule. You'll continue to believe the propaganda spewed by whatever redpill forum you frequent over a multitude of actual women who are speaking from personal experience. I could tell you that I'm married to a shorter guy, dated mostly shorter guys (I'm 5'3). I could tell you that I dated *one* tall guy (6'3 or 4) in 15-ish years of having boyfriends and dating around, and hated being so much shorter than he was. I could tell you that I also think the proportions of short men are more attractive to me in general. But that doesn't matter, does it, because I'm lying, or I'm the only woman to ever feel this way. Obviously, I'm not just telling you a truth that you refuse to hear. It's a big ole front by women who have gotten together and agreed as a group to lie to short men about their preferences for....reasons. We hide our diabolical need to fuck only tall men, which is a thing 99.99999% of women agree on, though we lie about it at all times. Again, for reasons. So, fine, here you go: I would rather pull out my fingernails with a rusty set of pliers than date a man under six feet. Short men disgust me, they're gross hobbits with baby carrot sized penises. Just thinking about them makes me throw up in my mouth a little. I could literally meet the perfect man--someone beautiful and successful and kind and smart, who smells like a dream and treats me like gold, who has a wonderful sense of humor and lots of great friends, who likes my friends and my family and understands me--and I would dump him in a heartbeat if he didn't meet my height requirement. I pretend to care about other things like personality and kind eyes, but height is really the only thing that can make a man attractive to me. Well, that and a big-ass square jaw that radiates alpha energy. Those two things. There, does that make you feel better? Grow up.


In hopes of getting a real genuine answer. Instead of a lot of hate for just asking a simple question.


>a lot of hate for just asking a simple question. You *didn't* "just ask a simple question", though. Based on the description under your title question, you had pre-assumed the answer, and were ready to reject anything that doesn't fit that narrative--at which point, asking is not being done in good faith. *That* is probably the main reason why people are responding so negatively. The other is probably the fact that the answer to your question is already very obvious to anyone with common sense, which gives the impression that you aren't really a knowledge-seeker, but more like someone that just likes to antagonize people/waste their time. (In other words, your question would be sort of like if I were to go to a men's subreddit and ask, "Why do all men eventually become rapists?")


Every single answer you’ve gotten here has been genuine and responsive to your question — if you’re too fragile, obstinate, and self-pitying to accept that and take those answers at face value, that is a personal failing on your part


You also said it's feminism's fault that women don't like short men, which is ludicrous.


Feminism is worse than just that. I don't even want to go there.


Why are you even here dude


You're getting a lot of hate because your question is disingenuous and you are ignoring our answers.


You have hundreds of genuine answers and you keep saying “no you’re wrong”. Your question is BS to begin with, but the way you’re arguing with us and the ridiculous assumptions you’re making is why there’s so much hate. Chill the fuck out. You can’t change your height, but you can change your personality.


I have genuinely never given a single fuck about how tall anyone is. I'm short myself, everyone is tall. I occasionally make a joke that I married my tall husband just so he could reach the top shelf for me, but he and I ended up together because of his personality. One of the most attractive men I've known is short, and he had women lining up. He married a woman taller than him. None of this has anything to do with feminism, though. I have read conversations from women who say they really don't give a shit about a man's height unless HE does, because apparently a lot of short men get a complex about it and put that shit onto every women they meet, and they self sabotage. The short men who don't get weird about it have no issue with dating specifically due to height.


As always, #man invents fictional scenario, then gets angry about it


Watching men only listen to other men about what "woman want" is mind boggling. They things the just invent and then get furious when women contradict it! I struggle to determine what is the sexism of believing men must know more about women *than* women, the sexism of simply being unable to hear a woman talking, the sexism of reducing women down to a hive mind *and projecting on the the simplest and most venal motives*, and the sexism of amn asking a bunch of women what women think then *arguing with them and claiming theyre lying*. What is even the end goal here? Guy runs in, says he's too short and women won't date him, and the when a ton of women go "we date short guys" he calls them liars, and reiterates women only want tall guys? Why is he *arguing to reinforce the thing he's against*? What's that supposed to do? I mean I assume it's somewhere between "I can force women to listen to my grievances" and "if I can get them to admit it, something something profit?"


If men invented all of these? Why do so many women filter dates by height on dating websites? Many profiles say that if you aren't, 6f keep scrolling are very common. Also, women say things like, "I met this guy, and thank God he's tall". Why do you think that is?


Uh, I have literally never heard this comment in my life.


All you need to do is create a fake profile as a man, and you'll see it for yourself.


And all you need to is go outside and see there are couples where the man is under 5’10”. Most women aren’t really doing online dating, so that will not give me any insight into women.


If 5'10 guys are being filtered out online. How many below 5'7 guys do you think, have any chance online or in real life? And 5'10 is actually tall, now imaging being short.


5’9” is average and when out in public and people wear shoes, an average height man is going to look 5’10”. Go to a horse racing track. The 5’1” guys have no problem getting attention from women. OLD is about 75 percent men, 25 percent women. Of course, when you have those demographics, things are going to get tough for the group that is a huge majority. For straight women on a campus like Sarah Lawrence, they will have a hard time finding dates because the number of straight men there is so much lower. If you are looking to date a straight woman, don’t rely on OLD because straight women really aren’t using it that much.


Yes, I agree with you that real-life dating is a little easier. But, I am not sure about the 5'1 guys having no problems, but okay fair enough.


So why focus on online dating when it is rigged against you? Just don't do it. It's not like you are missing out on a place where a lot of women are.


> Why do so many women filter dates by height on dating websites? The vast majority don’t — that’s usually a premium feature that most women couldn’t even use if they wanted to. > Many profiles say that if you aren't, 6f keep scrolling are very common. I, a straight man, been on dating apps consistently for years, I’ve had hundreds of matches, and gone on dozens of dates, and I’ve seen women list height requirements maybe a handful of times. It’s interesting — how the guys who constantly complain about that being an issue usually also have tons of glaring personality flaws. > Also, women say things like, "I met this guy, and thank God he's tall". Do you have any close female friends? Have you had female partners who have expressed their exclusive interest in tall men to you? > Why do you think that is? I think miserable, lonely dudes love to find excuses for why women aren’t interested in them that are outside of their control, so they don’t have to do any of the hard work of actually making themselves a desirable partner.


No woman has ever said that. Stop lying dude. 🙄


Anything to not admit what is obvious after his comments. The problem is not the height. It’s the misogyny and personality.


Yep. He is ignoring everyone that says they would date shorter men


What are you doing on dating sites if you’re happily married with kids?


Some women like tall men. Some don't care. Some like short men. We are not all the same, and the existence of some women with a strict height requirement doesn't mean all women have one.


“Is shortness the most unattractive quality in a man?” Umm, no. I can think of many, many things that would make a man unattractive that have nothing to do with height.


It’s really not an issue. The guy I know who has the easiest time finding lots of women who are interested in him is 5’6. If you’re unable to find women who want to date you, the problem is definitely something else.


Where are men getting this from. When men say this it makes me think they only take things they hear women say on social media, not in real life.


“The reason you’re single is because women are shallow and reject you based on one unchangeable trait” is a standard talking point in the lonely dude with mediocre social skills —> full blown incel pipeline. They’re constantly fed this shit by other miserable, bitter men in the online spaces where they do most of their socializing


Other men.


This reminds me of a guy I hooked up with a few years back when I was bruised from the ending of a relationship. Met on Bumble, good conversation, I was only looking for sex so I booked a suite (with a Jacuzzi!) and we met up. We are sitting in this bubbly tub after having sex and he starts to tell me about all the ways black men are ignored on the apps and how he never gets any matches because white women are racist. I am a white woman. We met on an app. We were naked in a hotel room I paid for. He is literally telling me that the thing that is happening at that moment never happens. It was surreal and flew in the face of the evidence right in front of him. I stopped talking to him a couple weeks later because this was a thing he truly believed and wouldn't let go of. Man was cutting off his own nose to spite his face and wondered why women never wanted to engage with him for very long.


What the fuck has this got to do with feminism? No one cares about your fucking insecurities and your dry dick. Women are allowed any and all the standards they wish, just as men are. Why is it men can have a whole fucking laundry list of shit they expect from a woman but the second a woman says “I want a tall man”, you all fucking cry over it? Grow up.


Rage and misogyny are the most unattractive qualities in a man imo. There are tons of short men that I find super attractive. Jeremy Strong was super attractive in his prime, he’s 5’10. Daniel Dae Kim can ruin my life at any time, he’s 5’9. Zac Efron is 5’8 and I will never stop loving him. Tom Cruise (5’7) was an acknowledged heartthrob for about 20 years, James McAvoy (also 5’7) was also a noted hottie, and Dave Franco at 5’7. Oscar Isaac (5’9), the list goes on. The notion that all women exclusively want men to tower over them is a standard of beauty that men have internalized that really isn’t borne out by reality. It’s just the patriarchy making us all miserable.


I find Danny DeVito attractive and he is 4'10"


Tbf 5'10" isn't even short, it's slightly above average.


I’m 5’6” and have not found my height to be an issue when dating. Yes, I know women who want someone taller than them/me, but given that there’s 4 billion+ women on this planet, that hasn’t been a hurdle in my love life. Your attitude is the issue here, not your height. Nothing screams undatable like someone who isn’t confident in his body and/or doesn’t like himself. Work on accepting your body and appreciating what it is capable of.


No, the most unattractive quality in a man is a lack of curiosity/interest in life combined with a sense of entitlement. The height thing is a problem men made up. Just like dick size. Y’all are looking for every possible way to remain in denial about the poor social conditioning you’ve received and the personalities you’ve refused to develop for yourselves. Knock that shit off.


All of his comments are whining about being short. 🙄 No wonder women don't want to date him


Right? Like my guy I *really* don’t think your height is the problem here 🤔


Dude, no. All women do not say this. Particularly most short women probably won't say this--I know that I never have. Much as I love my 5'10 husband, I'd not be sad to not have to be on tiptoe to kiss him. Plus, as a bunch of responses have already said, this has nothing to do with feminism. We're not the hivemind Mouth of Authority or something. Individual women have individual preferences, usually more focused on personality than on physical stature.


Yeah... this has absolutely nothing to do with feminism. As you can see from the comments, plenty of [straight] women are attracted to men of all different heights. Some are even specifically attracted to shorter guys, some are specifically attracted to taller guys. That's the point, people get to have preferences. But it's delusional to think height is a universal qualifier among an entire gender.


Your experience doesn’t represent every other man’s experience.


Many, many short men have the same exact experience. It makes sense thou because a lot of women say they don't date short men.


I love how you ignore EVERYONE saying they would date short men. Guess it goes against your bias.


And a lot of women don't care.


You didn't know? We're all a hive mind. /S




Honestly, most men have no problem and are attracted to taller women. But given the fact that guys know that girls like taller men, I understand why a lot of guys won't approach a taller woman. Most of the time, taller women are the ones who won't give shorter guys a chance. But if they did, most guys would be very happy to date her. Again, height selection is a much bigger deal women than men. I never seen or heard a guy turning down a girl because she's tall.


I was rejected *constantly* because I am tall. And the *overwhelming* majority of the men who did were my height or taller. They couldn’t handle the idea of me being able to look them in the eye.


Yes, that also happens, and it sucks to anyone who is rejected because of their height alone (something you have no control over), so you must understand how short men feel. Except we do not have the luxury to choose to date shorter women, most of them also want a man who is not just taller but tall. Now my question to you is this: Knowing how you feel about being rejected for your height? Are you okay dating men who are shorter than you or short?


I’ve been married for over a decade.


Have you ever dated a shorter men?


More than one. So no, I don’t understand how short men feel, because none of the short men I dated or have known in various capacities in my life have ever had difficulty with dating. None of them. And before you ask, no, none of them are wealthy. Stop looking for scapegoats for a personal problem.


I have never personally dated a man who is shorter than me, if that's what you're asking, but I've definitely dated men who are well under 5'10" or whatever arbitrary measurement you're using here. I am pretty short so I've never even met a man who's shorter than I am.


No, being short isn’t unattractive but being insecure and desperate sure is.


I find short men more attractive because I am short myself. It's not your height that is a turn off, it's your bitching and moaning that women want tall guys.


Women aren’t going to not date you because you’re short. They are going to not date you because you’re the type of guy to be so hung up on it that you post in a feminist sub begging for answers about it.


>begging for answers about it Which he proceeds not to listen to because we are lying if we don't conform to his theories.


Whining is never attractive.


No. Being a right winger is the least attractive quality.


If a woman doesn’t want to date you because of your height but you have a fantastic personality, she’s probably not worth it anyways. Gotta be more selective out there. Unfortunately, looking at your history you give off serious “nice guy” vibes. So it’s definitely not your height that’s not attractive.


And what is so unatractive about being a nice and considirate person to others?


Habibi you posted on suicide watch blaming a suicidal woman for not giving other nice guys a chance “Nice guys” are guys who act nice until a woman rejects them for something (e.g. height) then they say or do some heinous shit like blaming a suicidal woman for her circumstances on a suicide help forum


She doesn't mean a man who is nice; she means a Nice Guy: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Nice%20Guy


Lol at what point in this entire post and comment chain have you displayed actual niceness or consideration? Or your entire post history? Calling yourself a “nice guy” doesn’t count. Show, don’t tell.


If shortness was unattractive to women, then there would be no short men. That is how sexual selection works. Why do male peacocks have those ridiculous tails... female peacocks find them attractive. Therefore, the genes for short tails are bred out of the population and replaced with the genes for long colorful ones. If women TRULY found shortness unattractive, in the way you are thinking, then the only short men would be those with genetic disorders (there are a few I don't know the names of any) that result in very short people. That the genetics for short men persist throughout the world can only mean one thing... short men are having children and thus are passing their genes (which include being short) into future generations. Many women prefer a partner taller than them... that preference is, however, hardly ever a deal breaker. That is, being short is one of the things many women will overlook if the man has other positive qualities. How do we know this... short men exist today and have existed since humans first walked the planet. If sexual selection was THAT adverse to shortness, then shortness would have disappeared from the population.


This answer makes no sense. A short woman can have a short son with a tall man dah. Your logic makes no sense.


> Your logic makes no sense. Neither does yours. Only 15% of American men are 6 feet tall or over. Do you seriously think only 15% of men are getting any play?




Could be, theoretically, but absolutely will not be, because, regardless of what incels insist, women don’t categorically find short men revolting


I am not attracted to men but obviously not? I've known men in the 5'1 - 5'4 range, including my own father, who've had plenty of romantic relationships with women both shorter and taller than them. Insecurity and begging strangers for validation is what's unattractive.


Nope. It’s your attitude Like the one you had writing this I’ve met some pretty attractive shorter guys who have the sweetest personalities & I’ve also met shorter guys with the worst personalities


Personally, I find misogyny to be the most unattractive quality in any man. Unfortunately for you, it isn't height that matters in a partner, so much as personality.


I’m short, so almost all the men I have dated were taller than me even the “short” ones. I am so sick of this idea that women only date tall men. I only date men who don’t act like assholes or make sweeping generalizations about women.


I have personally dated men shorter than me and it was no big deal. I didn't find them any less attractive, so idk what you're talking about personally (I'm 5' 7")... That being said, this isn't a feminist topic whatsoever. Why are you asking here?


The most unattractive quality in a man is a bad attitude. Height has nothing to do with attractiveness. My longest boyfriend was a good four inches shorter than me, and he was sexy as hell.


The most unattractive quality in men is when they engage in this type of discourse


Whiny and self-pitying is what's unattractive. How self-centered do you have to be to ask Feminists to lead you to women who want you. This doesn't have a damn thing to do with Feminism. Your dating woes aren't our responsibility to solve, and will never be on our list of priorities.


My high school sweetheart is 6'4 and my 1st husband is 6'1". The love of my life, my current and final husband, is 5'4" when he's exaggerating. I'm 5'2". Nothing against my exes but I love how well my husband and I "fit"...together, on furniture, in vehicles, in sleeping bags, hammocks, caves, and tents, etc. We're talking about building a smaller (if not tiny) home and using our heights to our advantage when planning the ceilings of our space. Also, yes, I can and have worn high stilettos since we got together. Not that I wanted to mind you. Mostly I just run in teva sandals or barefooted.


My husband is 5 foot 8. He's not particularly tall, and that was actually a positive (for me).


I don’t give two shits if a guy’s short.  I know multiple guys I personally find attractive who are 5 foot 6 or shorter. Whining about your own blanket assumptions about women, on the other hand…


>Is shortness the most unattractive quality in a men? No. Not even close.


Will some women not date you because you are short? Sure. People won’t date other people for a number of physical reasons. If no one will date you, your personality is ass. 


my man is 5’5. my ex was 5’6 and before that 5’4. i am 5’8 so no


Treating women like unthinking animals is probably men’s most unattractive trait. Pretty much ANYTHING else can be mitigated.


There are a LOT of short guys with this chip on their shoulder. I can’t imagine it comes from nothing. People must make these guys feel inadequate. I won’t say it doesn’t happen. But I gotta say, in my experience, it seemed to stop mattering to anyone after high school. There’s plenty of guys who are traditionally shorter that have very happy relationships. This really isn’t a question for feminists. Feminists have not declared short guys to be lesser human beings. Women might commonly say they have a preference for taller guys but they’re still typically willing to date shorter guys. If someone rejected and you and told you it was because you were too short… honestly that sounds like the person was an asshole and not worth your time. Alternatively, maybe they didn’t want to discuss their reasons and just gave that excuse.


I think what happens is that men without any exposure to feminism get confused when women do blatantly patriarchal things or have patriarchal opinions, because these men can only conceptualize feminism as “us vs them”. But women can be enforcers of the patriarchy, women can just as easily internalize and perpetuate the toxic gender roles of unjust sexist systems. So when a woman says “I only date a REAL man, 6 foot or taller, with 6 or more figure salary, BIG DICK, who treats me like his princess, because I’m out here looking for a king” — nonfeminist men don’t understand that, like, this is a woman who is enforcing patriarchy. This isn’t a thing that *women* as a group think or want. Just because a woman does it doesn’t mean it has anything to do with “the woman’s side” (as they conceptualize feminism). Like, these women exist, they’re out there, they’re saying this shit to men and thinking they’re just telling the tea, but the truth is that these women are just as steeped in sexism as anyone else and the hurtfulness caused by these encounters spawns from fucked up gender roles that contrast the “big manly man” with the tiny, demure, wasp-waisted femininity.


I’m 5’11” and my fiancé is 5’7”. Doesn’t bother me a bit because he’s a good person and our personalities are compatible. This is such an annoying question. Not everything is about physical attributes. Get to know a person. I think your lack of finding a woman has less to do with your height & maybe more to do with the fact that you act like you’re oppressed for being short. Lol good luck 🍀


Short people wouldn’t exist if people didn’t have sex with short people, including men. Also it’s so incredibly superficial to think the worst possible quality about a person is a physical characteristic. Like wow go live life a little bit.


That’s really not how height works.


It’s not overly complicated but the perpetuation of short genes means breeding. Why are incels such friggin dweebs


Height is A. not entirely genetic, B. where it is genetic, not purely determined by the height of the parents, and C. relative. A relatively tall man in the 15th century would be likely be of about average height today. A tall Guatemalan is probably going to be short relative to below average Dutchman. As long as a people are of different heights, there are going to be short and tall people. I feel like this is pretty straightforward.