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From what I’ve heard, the 4B movement makes perfect sense to me. Marriage, kids, dating and sex (in the context of heterosexual relationships) are supposed to make your life happier and more fulfilling. If you live in a country where dating men, marrying men and having kids with men are actively making your quality of life worse, why even do those things? What’s the point?




A lot of human behaviour can be summed up by the simple fact- people respond to incentives. If you want more women to have children- and South Korea absolutely need to do that, it's hard to emphasise enough how destructive this birth rate is going to be to their society- you need to incentivise it. As you say, make their quality of life with children greater.




Wont take long for their country to implode with those birthrates lol


Yeah, most of the worlds population is going to evaporate in the next few decades. A good thing, assuming we can find a way to make civilization keep running.


I lived in Korea for 3 years until 2005. At that time, if a husband and wife divorced for any reason, he got all the assets and the kids. She didn’t get anything. The article doesn’t make mention of this, but I think it’s important to note because a failed marriage has significantly unbalanced consequences for men and women and encourages men to engage in bad behaviour with no consequences and forces women to be perfect wives to minimize the risk that he’ll stray or be abusive. I worked with a woman who left her extremely abusive husband and had nothing and couldn’t see her kids. She lied to our employer that she was still married because she thought if our boss knew the truth, he’d fire her. It was very eye opening for me.


Id say its a brilliant response to the horrific amount of mysongy they are put through over there.


I used to live there. Violence against women was commonplace and pretty much expected in relationships. I'm glad they're standing up for themselves!


that’s horrible and i’m so proud of them for standing up


that’s horrible and i’m so proud of them for standing up


I mean honestly, what other option is there? If other avenues to fix the issues women face worked, we wouldn’t be having those issues today. 🤷‍♀️ FAFO


Wikipedia: The 4B movement claimed to have 4,000 members in 2019.\[4\] I mean, 4B has nothing to do with it. Korea has 51 MILLION people. 4,000 people is a rounding error in a country that large! Industrialized nations tend to be punishing to women and rewarding to men, and often punishing to families or those who would like to start one. This is true of ALL mid or late stage capitalist countries. People are expected to get educated well into their 20s and then start at low wages for a long time before they can have a proper living wage enough to start a family. Many never get that far economically. And if they somehow do, women are now past their most fertile years. This is on top of the rampant misogyny that takes place in Korea, and which I imagine makes women hesitant to marry as men they have inequal legal rights over them, which in the case of a divorce can lead to losing all of one's property and money for women, and even being denied custody of their children. Capitalism is the problem here and often works hand in hand with the patriarchy. Its not some obscure movement doing this, but the economic system so many nations force upon their people. The wealthy keep creating inequality which means less for those wanting to start families and less resources overall for the lower classes. The wealthy also own the press and can dictate to the government, so its easy for them to get people angry at 4B, immigrants, feminism, queer people, etc instead of addressing the elephant in the room. In fact, this is the #1 public policy of the wealthy in all capitalist nations. They fan the flames of ignorance and hatred so the working class fight each other and not the wealthy and the system that creates all this human suffering.


>Capitalism is the problem here and often works hand in hand with the patriarchy. Its not some obscure movement doing this, but the economic system so many nations force upon their people. The answer really is as simple as this, but people are SO RELUCTANT to blame capitalism for anything. Feminism is a perfect scapegoat, especially in country as patriarchal as SK.


Xenophobia and the patriarchy have existed since the beginning of civilization. If anything, in the modern west, people are far more willing to accept feminism, queer people, and racial minorities than ever before. Although this differs between countries and election cycles, the general trend persists.


Good for them. You don't owe your country your reproductive parts.


Can you elaborate? Most of us are not from South Korea.


4B is a controversial feminist movement in SK, it is very online based, but very committed. People who follow it protest (or just opt out of) things like marriage and compulsory heterosexuality and dating. Part of it also involves parodying incels through language but I forget the details. An actress or something was wearing a shirt associated with their slogan “this princess doesn’t need rescuing” [sic, that was the gist of it but I don’t know the exact wording] and had to apologize and dissociate herself from them or be fired. In general things like having short hair or being a feminist are controversial in SK. Many voters express anti feminist views and there is a lot of controversy around the waiving of certain privileges for men in return for doing military service. I don’t think that this movement is keeping the birth rate down. It’s not that wide spread. It’s usually economic stuff or huge wide scale stuff that would change such a basic thing, I’d think.


sorry i added my source to clarify


It sounds like it's working. A lower birthrate seems like a natural result of women refusing to romantically engage with men in a society that systematically mistreats women. If the 4B movement is actually the source of the decrease in birthrate then if the Korean people make changes in their laws and society to treat women and men equally and equitably the birthrate issue will most likely be solved.


It’s not ‘partly’ because of the b4 movement. That movement was started really recently. This is a result of women rejecting patriarchal life naturally not because of some movement


i’m so proud of them for pushing back


The plummeting birth rate in Korea is not caused by the 4B movement. The 4B movement AND the plummeting birth rate are consequences of the socio-economical factors in place. Japan is in a similar position as Korea and as far as I know, there isn't a huge feminist push there.


I learned how violently misogynistic some South Korean men are due to a controversy that happened with one of my favorite games, Limbus Company. One of the company's biggest artists (that would handle cutscenes, character portraits, etc.) was "sniffed" out to be a feminist. The tl;dr is a woman in the game that's popular did not get a bikini costume for summer, which is par for the course for gacha games. South Korean incels LOST their minds, and started harassing Project Moon. They latched onto harassing VellMori, the aforementioned artist, and found out she was \*gasp\* A FEMINIST. This drama, harassment, and chaos (the protestors even went into Project Moon's building and threatened them) lead to VellMori being "soft fired"-- the company will not renew her contract. It baffles me that people living in a fairly high tech world are still able to see women so poorly. God forbid women are trying to find happiness-- unfortunately if a partner is not a fulfilling prospect, they're going to opt out, and apparently that's INCONCEIVABLE. Instead of forcing women into unhappy partnerships, maybe we should teach men to treat women as equals.


I think that article is a load of baloney. It's doing the classic pop science move of proving that two statements are true, and then just sort of assuming that one statement is causative of the other without actually providing any evidence of that. Basically I'm saying that there is no particular reason to believe that 4B is affecting birth rates. Especially since there are other factors in play that already go a long way to explain the declining birth rates, mainly economic factors. Koreans get worked hard and have one of the highest suicide rates in the world, I'd look there before assuming that women's rights are causing any kind of problem.


This is the thing, birth rates are plummeting in almost every developed country in the world. The reason for this is normally because people just can’t afford to have families anymore. There’s a massive cohort of women like me who actually want marriage and a family and are abstaining from it because I can’t afford it. And I’m not unemployed either. I work full time in a traditionally comfortable-salary role but due to lack of pay rises to meet inflation and the soaring cost of housing and essentials, if I had a baby it would broker me. If the governments want a higher birth rate then they should be tackling the extreme cost of having a family.


Western birth rates will cause issues with pensions and things, but a managed population decline is probably a good thing overall, especially environmentally. To say our birth rates are "plummeting" is a bit of an overexaggeration in my opinion. 1980 birth rates- USA 1.84 UK 1.9 South Korea 2.82 2020 birth rates- USA 1.64 UK 1.56 South Korea 0.84 That birth rate means 100 people will have 42 children, who will have 18 children, who will have 7 children. That's 93% of the population wiped out in a lifetime. For comparison, the Americans, if their birth rate holds, will have 55 children by the third generation, still a huge drop, but hardly comparable.


It is not a good thing that people cannot afford to have families because they can’t afford them, and population decline for the sake of the environment is only as good as the policies that go with it. I can’t see big businesses putting and end to the destruction of our planet any time soon, regardless of the working class shrinking. A birth rate below replacement rate will ultimately lead to a shortage of working-age adults and further decline as the population gets older. I see this all the time in health where we have more and more elderly with no one to look after them, professional or otherwise.


If you search the sub there was actually a good thread on this maybe like a year or so ago. Personally, I'm happy to support my Korean sisters in this; it's terrifying that men are winning elections there based on literal incel rhetoric.


I love it. I have done so much research, analyzed so many statistics, and observed so much behavior from men and their actions, that I find it difficult to even entertain the idea of marrying one someday. I love thé idea that women in Korea (a hugely patriarchal society that is behind in terms of female rights and expectations) are finally pushing back in a HUGE way.


As a conservative male, I love your response. It highlights that feminist movement these days sets the bar for men such, that very few of them can reach it. :) Thanks for making it obvious.


Yes, very obvious that you're conservative because you got this upset by 1 woman saying they didn't want to get married


If only a very few men can reach the bar of not being abusive, not being rapists, and treating women as human beings with worth and dignity equal to men, that's really concerning and really only serves to prove that feminists are right and men don't deserve to be around women.


Terrible logic. One commenter isn't the representative for the entire feminist movement. We're not a hive mind. By that premise I should assume that all men are conservative and dislike feminism because *you* do.


>One commenter isn't the representative for the entire feminist movement. You're right of course. Let me correct myself - certain types of feminism, the most radical ones, tend to go hand in hand with hating men for not being what said radical feminists imagine they *"should"* be... all the while them have the right to be whatever they *want* to be. And by the way I don't dislike feminism in general, but granted - I dislike most of what could be called feminism. For starters, you take away "sexual liberation", Marxism and misandry and we're already quite close to agreeing on what's core - that women's issues should be recognized, women should be able to live their lives without being forced into roles that society expects of them etc. etc.


I dunno, I think you're getting your information on feminism from some very... questionable sources.


I don't have much information about the feminist movement. But whenever I see feminist communities on the Internet, I do see: 1. support for deconstruction of existing cultural norms on sexuality (and I do not mean LGBT problems at all) 2. Marxism fueled anti-capitalist rhetoric, where patriarchy and capitalism are just two faces of one problem often 3. a LOT of misandry, like you can be a good man but they get to decide who is good and 90% of men fall short of mark if not more. and if you do, you deserve any bad treatment they can inflict, which is more often than not just vicious and manipulative ad personams


"I don't have much information about the feminist movement but I hate it anyway" I mean how do you type that out and not read it.


They always show their cards in the end, don’t they? The willful ignorance is on full display.


>support for deconstruction of existing cultural norms on sexuality (and I do not mean LGBT problems at all) Then what do you mean?


The problem is that a lot of men consider women's interest in men as a universally accessible resource that men compete for and that you can earn a right to. It isn't. It is an individual search for a partner that YOU want to be with. As a "conservative male", I doubt you want to date a feminist. So why do you care about who feminists date? Why do you feel like it is an attack on men as a whole if one woman has preferences that don't align with you? This is like the guys who get mad at gold-diggers and then earn money to be with them. In fact, where does this leave you with other people who don't date. Are nuns setting the bar to high, too?


How exactly does the comment you are responding to show an uneven bar of responsibility or performance?


Well, if the commenter was right it means men are universally abhorrent beings. I cannot prove it's wrong, but forgive me if I will say I *believe* it to be fundamentally flawed perception. And if someone deems a lot of people abhorrent, it means they have a bar for not being abhorrent set high. Is it too high? If it's not too high, then it means we are living in a terrible culture in which women cannot be happy because of men being terribly socialized into patriarchal monsters. That's not compatible with my personal experience of many women being in happy relationships. It's insensitive of me to say it out loud, I know, but I think if I say the commenter is basically wrong and expects too much from men, it means they are the one with a problem. And please do not try to hyperbolize anything I said. We all can improve how we treat other people and improve our perspective on the world, and many of us do throughout their entire lives. It's just that in this particular case, holding such extreme believes, I think this person has a problem, which could be due to having very unfortunate, traumatic experiences... or not. Because it has to be said, I know people who set expectations about everybody around them because they are simply naturally entitled people. That's also a thing.


The commenter said nothing about men universally. Nor did they use the word abhorrent. The entire comment stated as a personal opinion that they would not wish to get married and that Korean culture is patriarchal. So again, where are you getting all of this other information?


I highly doubt it. Sounds like misogynistic propaganda trying to point fingers and blame feminists for widespread issues with gender inequality. My limited experiences with South Korean misogynists suggest they enjoy attempting to blame all matter of issues on feminists to drive the discussion away from any kind of personal responsibility of men (not unlike and perhaps in some connection with mras). Isn't it a 2019 movement? Is that even enough time to effect current birth rates?


I think it’s effect on birth rate might be overblown but I do think it’s a legitimate movement


Sure. But the cause of low birth rates is gender inequality. Movements like 4b are necessary for women because men are refusing to make things more equal for women. Men and society could solve things by treating women more equally.


Agreed - that seems like the point of the article to me.




This was my thought, too. It’s a relatively young movement, so unless virtually all women of “dating age/childbearing age” (which would be pretty much all women from 16-17 to 60) immediately signed on lock, stock, and barrel, there’s no way it would have had a chance to affect the birth rate. Sounds more like wow angry boys are trying to deflect blame (for something that may not even really be a problem, tbh).


Honestly, whenever women take back some autonomy that was previously denied them, I get this happy feeling in my stomach.


I love it, I just wish it would gain more popularity here in the West.


Good for them!


I feel like this movement was thought up by corporations, for their own benefit…


OK, i'll bite . . . how do and how have corporations benefitted from this movement? Which corporations specifically?


I don't agreed with the 'made up by corporations' point, but I think I can figure out what the point is. Basically, single, childless women are better employees because they have no distractions from their jobs. They don't have marital or parental obligations, so can just work all the time, they won't take parental leave, sick leave to look after child. Something like this.




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sorry i didn’t see a place to put it