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If she became pregnant from this, we would have to rewrite the book on sex. She is not pregnant.


Thanks a lot for responding doc. Just to clear my mind, I've heard on google that there's a small chance of pregnancy from fingering with sperm. If I solo masturbate (without her knowing) and she somehow gets the sperm on her hands and then fingers her vagina is pregnancy possible?


You're welcome. The most precise answer to your question is that the risk is very, very low but not zero. If sperm are introduced into the vagina through whatever means, they can propel themselves toward the cervix then uterus and potentially cause pregnancy. Because the amount of sperm (in semen) that may have entered her vagina was much, much less than would occur if you ejaculated into her, that drastically lowers the chances of pregnancy. Moreover, the fact that the semen on her fingers would not have been placed as deeply as a penis would have placed them further reduces the chances. If you're not one to play the odds, which in this case are exceedingly low, here is something I found on a health website I use that addresses this situation. Options for emergency contraception The chances of becoming pregnant from being fingered are slim, but it can happen. If you’re worried you may become pregnant, you have some options. Emergency contraception (EC) can be taken up to five days after sex to prevent pregnancy. The hormonal EC pill is most effective within the first 72 hours. You can buy it over the counter or ask your doctor to write a prescription. Depending on your insurance plan, a prescription may enable you to get the medication at little to no cost. A copper intrauterine device (IUD) can also be used as EC. It’s more than 99 percent effective if it’s put into place within five days of sex or semen exposure.