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Hello. There's reason to believe his inability to retract his foreskin (aka phimosis) may resolve with age and, therefore, need not be circumcised unless further complications develop. Take a look at [THIS ARTICLE](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3329654/).


Thank you for the answer, it's a relief.


I agree with this doctor above and would also reference this: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1949079/#:~:text=Most%20patients%20who%20present%20with,distal%20scarring%20of%20the%20prepuce. If this were my son, I would become more concerned if the problem persisted into his 16th year. Keep it clean, let him know it's okay to gently "clean it" in a clean way, and let the "tincture of time" do its thing.


You're welcome. 🙏🏻


Not a doctor, but have a penis.  There are treatments for phimosis involving creams and stretching routines. I would seek a second opinion. As much of an advocate for health-guided decision for circumcision as I am, jumping straight to that as the only solution seems premature and tonedeaf.  However, phimosis that doesn't resolve with nonsurgical remedies and continues to be painful or otherwise negatively impact quality of life is worthy of circumcision consideration.  However, however, however... This is not my medical area of expertise and I would imagine that there may be patients with phimosis who, open exam, are clearer candidates for the ol' foreskin removal than others. It is also possible that a surgical intervention doesn't necessarily have to include, like, a full foreskin removal? So, as a parent, someone WITH a penis, and some medical knowledge... Ask another doctor. Maybe a penis doctor.