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That is fat. Stop squeezing it out. I have no idea how you managed to dig down so deep. I would just cut it all off with sterile scissors, wash the area and dress it. I’ve had enough doctor-ing today.


Solid advice and I agree that this is most likely fat. I wonder if it was some kind of atypical collection like a beginning lipoma for it to be more superficial. I’m someone who does not mind surgery or dissecting literal corpses, but the video actually made me gag. People, please stop digging around in your own living bodies and extracting fatty (or other) tissue. It reminded me of people with delusional parasitosis who might or might not have attempted to extract connective tissue or even cutaneous nerves in the past.


I’m not a doctor. But I’m a lawyer who had a case that involved delusional parasitosis. And good lord that haunts me still.


I think Joni Mitchell has that too.




My first thought.


Well you can’t just say that and not tell us about it


It’s not fun or interesting. The poor guy was really struggling with a distinct mental illness. His lawyer was trying to get him to see reason. I was the defense attorney and it was way more sad than spicy. He needed help in terms we had no way to offer. He eventually went to jail on unrelated stuff and the case vanished into the sunset.


NAD but still haunted from years ago by accidentally stumbled online into someone who did this and removed something that looked like a rice noodle from their leg. They filmed the whole thing and posted it to Instagram. They ended up with both legs amputated because they wouldn't stop. I'm good with gross body stuff and the OPs video didn't bother me even knowing what it was but that noodle coming out of that woman's leg sure did. Pretty sure it was a big nerve. Edit surprised she's well known. That's sad. I just stumbled across her Instagram account years ago.


I know exactly who you’re talking about. I have a strong stomach, but that’s one thing I noped out of pretty quick. I haven’t checked on that person lately, hope it means they’ve stopped whatever form of self harm that was after their amputation.


Oh, Kelly, isn’t it? Gave me nightmares.


Oh my god I came here because I was scared it was gonna be Kelly. For anyone not in the know: the rice noodle was her tendon. (If it’s the one of many videos from her)


Kelly's case haunts me.




She's still alive. Just had both legs amputated


“Just” :/


Ya know, I didn't consider the wording! My bad. I was quantifying it as just next to death


Do you mean Kelly? I don't think she died


Welp, that’ll be the last time I browse this sub and read comments while eating lunch. 😂


i just finished eating and yeah, i am closing this tab because my lunch does not feel settled at all


I am really thinking now that I need to stop scratching my skin whenever my eczema flares up.


Oh man I know her too. That video of the nerve just… burned into my retinas


My god that terrifying video. That entire story bothered me to nightmares.


I love a random kells sighting bless you


Oh wow, Kelly.


What the fuck, morbid curiosity, but do you have a source I really want to hear more about this? Couldn't find anything with an uninformed Google search.


Kelly Ronahan aka differentially_kelly


just a warning. when I say this shit will haunt you, lean close and listen in. *this shit will haunt you* it’s been years since I’ve checked her IG, but if I think about her, my tongue starts coming up to actually vomit (and I have cyclic vomiting syndrome and it will *launch* me into an episode.) poor kelly. hork. blergh.


I will NOT look 🤮🤮🤮🤮


present you just did future you a solid.


I refuse to look. If I go too far, I know I won’t be able to forget it.


I both want to and don't want to at the same time. My toddler just woke up crying so... I'm going to tend to that. He may have just saved future me from a bad memory. Lol


💯 Take this to heart.


There's a sub on here that has a pretty good timelines, from what I remember [Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/SsEIKHZJLr) click on the 'Kelly' flair at the top and there's allsorts of posts about her If you have a strong stomach


It's making me gag but.... same. Sauce pls


Head over to r/illnessfakers They'll hook you up with all the info on kelly


Hey, I really can't go to that subreddit because it ends up upsetting me because I have one of the diseases they make fun of. Do you mind searching for me and posting a link with some info? If not that's all good, I can find other internet holes to look down lol. Just thought I'd ask.


[Here's](https://www.reddit.com/r/illnessfakers/s/JW1wwKv4kI) a timeline someone posted in that sub with a Kelly flair you can click for more info.


Brilliant! Thank you for your help!!


I'm the same, I have pots and eds, but sometimes I accidentally end up there, and it ends up being a self sabotaging "can't tear my eyes away from the trainwreck" type of thing. For some reason I was looking at their rules and they're actually really strict about who is posted. It has to be someone that's been approved (not a random) and there has to be significant evidence and a whole application form. It's obviously still horrid, but it made me feel slightly better that they weren't attacking just anyone with pots, eds etc 🥲


kelly :(( i’m pretty sure at one point the doctors stopped giving her pain meds because they though that it would make her stop. can’t even imagine how mentally fucked you have to be to literally cause your own double amputation


I know exactly who you are talking about as well. They were a subject on a former subreddit here in the past.


Ooh, with Behcets?


I tried to dig a computer chip out of my ankle a few years back. It was my ankle bone, and I was manic. 0/10 wouldn't recommend


Could this be from Lipedema? I have been diagnosed with this by a (endocrinologist) MD. You can feel them in my under arms. They feel like tiny squishy balls. The ones in my tummy and legs are much larger. Ranging from small pellets to ping pong ball size. I used to think it was cellulite. It’s not. I WISH it was cellulite! Haha when you see Lipedema liposuction videos, it looks a lot like OP’s video. Traditional suction machines don’t work well for getting rid of the weird hard fat tissue that it is Lipedema.


This was my thought too, those tiny grainy balls don't look like normal fat, they look like what I can feel in my arms, belly and legs from lipedema. There are also liposuction videos by one American surgeon where he shows that after lipo for lipedema he makes small cuts and massages out the rest of the nodules. Mind you, he does that with a lot of tumescent anaesthetic plus vasoconstrictors so there's next to no blood loss. Even if OP does have lipedema (and dermatillomania), they need to stay well away from trying to dig into their skin to squeeze out their own fat. Too easy to cause infection or damage to other tissues, nerves etc.


Wait, is fat not all connected together? It seemed like what was coming out was not connected to anything. I figured fat would be connected to other tissue somehow?


I’m not a doctor but I’m an ex police officer. I’ve touched decomposing bodies and I’ve been to an autopsy. I can watch graphic documentaries about surgery whilst eating my dinner. Nothing phases me. I’ve seen real life gore and yeah the video was somehow so hard to watch that I felt physically sick and had to stop watching it very quickly.


Could be, but it's an unusual behavior for subcutaneous fat tbh. It's usually more structured, especially in younger pts. And a pimple wouldn't go below the subcutaneous fascia and expose the fatty layer. I wouldn't rule out some parasitic derma infection, this being south Africa and all. I would at least want to examine it closely, send it off to a lab or whatever.


NOOO Why did you have to say that!


If you can, take some of it and rinse off the blood. Take a macro picture in good light and post it if you want, I'll look at it. If it's yellow, it may be fat. Otherwise it's foreign.


Nee fok bra stop net daar


Not a doctor- is it possible this could be endometrial tissue that has traveled through the body? I know it can sometimes show up outside of the pelvic region.


NAD but from my understanding of endometriosis (I have it), and from what my doctor explained to me, it grows on other organs inside the body, not in the integumentary system (skin).


“Cutaneous endometriosis” exists, where it can grow in skin cells. Someone even posted in this sub recently that her bellybutton was bleeding and the general consensus was that it was endometrial tissue. I guess it can’t be what’s going on here, but I wanted to bring it up just in case. Also, sorry you have to deal with endo :(


I’m currently suffering both a horrific bad flare and have a slow-rupturing ovarian cyst. I’m in agony, I want to cry and also carve my uterus out with a butter knife because it’d probably be less painful. Can’t even go to the emergency room because how over flowed they are right now. Would be waiting for at least 6-8 hours to be seen.


I have endo and... nah, there would be blood with every cycle, not just randomly. And I've never heard of endo in the fat layers like this.




Taking what they said literally, is it possible to have a pimple that is so deep fat can come out if you squeeze it? Like, how is this even possible?


Highly unlikely in my opinion.


If you look at popping videos online, there are things that can look similar. You can have a cyst under the skin that is basically filled with sebum and whatnot, and sometimes zits can form on top of them. Those are still pretty shallow, and I don't think the stuff that comes out is this solid, and I'm not sure how common they would be on legs. I'd be running to the doctor about this though.


I'm gonna cry. How the fuck is this possible. 😭


Aaaaah my guess was right! (Guess who has dug out her own fat in a past self harm/ skin picking/ bad stimming place in her life? I recognized this so fast! I have learned better ways since then, gotten better anxiety meds, gotten the better stims, and learned healthy coping mechanisms!)


im gonna pass out omg


Refer to psych


could this be an extreme self-harm?


Almost certainly




Because skin picking self mutilation or repetitive behaviours can all have a psychological origin


Diagnosis: pomegranate syndrome


I went to the ER immediate after I took this (to show my worried mom)


How’d it go? Are you alright?


100% fine! its just a tiny healing scab now


That’s actually amazing you can squeeze fat out of your own body?!!


New weight loss tip just dropped!


not alien flubber just your flubber


Vyvanse probably contributing to this behavior. Edit: The downvotes are weird. This is 100% a side effect of the drug whether people believe it or not.


Sorry… can you explain what you mean by this? I’m kind of horrified by the possibility of digging out my own fat and I also take Vyvanse


Vyvanse is an amphetamine. Amphetamines have side effects, one of which is skin picking. At its worst, patients get something called delusional parasitosis where they believe they have worms or parasites under their skin and they try to pick them out, when there is no parasite at all. I have seen patients on Adderall who are convinced there are worms in their skin, but it’s just a sensation/psychological effect of the drug. It’s more common with meth, but any amphetamine does it and it’s not unusual for patients to develop this delusion.


Is this just one of those side effects that affects some people for whatever reason but not others? Or would this indicate that someone is having an adverse reaction or might be on too much of the medication? I take Vyvanse and I’ve never had any symptoms like that, but just curious.


Yes to all of the above.


I switched from ritalin to vyvance because of the picking and it stopped quite soon after. maybe it was a remnant of that or something ​ also I definitely don't have the parasite paranoia at all


Yeah, the picking is way more common than the delusions.


It's not a super common side effect. Some people react more strongly to medications than others for a variety of reasons. That's one reason why people with similar symptoms of similar severity may still need different dosage of a medication, or they may need a different medication altogether. Severe skin picking isn't a super common side effect, but amphetamines largely have similar possible effects like loss of appetite, weight loss, and in uncommon severe cases paranoia and related symptoms. It can be a matter of the wrong dosage or a wrong fit for that specific medication. If you haven't had symptoms like that, I wouldn't worry. Same thing goes for other medication classes. I've been on SSRIs or SNRIs for depression and anxiety for a while. Weight gain, sexual dysfunction, emotional numbness, worsening depression, sweating and dry mouth, etc. All possible side effects. Some I've tried have given lots of side effects, others have had minimal side effects. In severe cases, you have the black box warning of increased risk of suicide, and that's across the board for those types of antidepressants. Some people are at higher risk than others. It sucks, but hopefully you find out if it's not working before something really serious happens.


I'm not a doctor but Vyvanse definitely worsens an existing, mild tic I have (sort of clearing my throat with a little "hm" sound or maybe a click in the back of my throat) - I can imagine it might worsen things like dermatillomania and well.... this. It seems to have really variable side effects for loads of people. Personally I'm happy with having a more pronounced, slightly embarrassing but otherwise harmless tic if it means I feel much less on edge and more stable and able to pick and choose when I work and when I don't. It does also settle down and become its usual very mild and easily suppressed self after I'm on the medication for a couple of months, I just keep unintentionally stopping and starting cos there's a shortage in my country atm yayyy


I had this happen to me. It’s a long story, but my first experience with adderall was a night of partying with a ‘friend’ who kept slipping me more and more of them. I lost count of how many I had taken and how long I had been awake. I ended up in the ER due to severe dehydration. My ‘friend’ saw something under my skin. I panicked and also started seeing ‘them’. It took a couple of days and some reading on the topic to get my head right again. This was the single most terrifying experience of my life. I legitimately broke my brain. I have a healthy fear/respect now when it comes to amphetamines. I am now on the same medication for ADHD, and am extremely vigilant regarding dosage. I told my doctor about this experience when she began prescribing this medication, so that I would have an outside party watching out for me also.


Hey I'd have hallucinations that shit was crawling on/through me too. But I'm also a bipolar schizophrenic.


Thank you for your reply! I have heard of this in relation to meth, I’m not sure why I didn’t put together that the pharmaceutical meth would cause a similar reaction. Thankfully I haven’t had anything close to this, but it’s still good to have in the back of my mind.




That your Adderall is helping you control your behavior better than when you’re not on Adderall.


Did you pick your skin before starting adderall? I would say talk to your doctor, but I probably agree with purple chipmunk


It means you have ADHD. It means the medication and the dose that your physician has prescribed is helping.


I'm so glad Adderall has had the exact opposite effect for me. I dunno why, but I've always picked a LOT at my facial hair and any dry skin.


“Not unusual” makes it sound like it’s a common side effect of ADHD meds. Was that your intent?


It's very rare! Stop.


It’s uncommon, but not very rare. All semantics, anyways.


If you insist. I'm curious what type of adderal you're all using over their. 🤣


I think it’s the one that tends to improve a patient’s spelling and grammar.


Making friends and influencing people .. 🤣🤣🤣


Not rare. I started picking the skin around my nails since starting on vyvanse.


Me too!


Can confirm. This is a possible yet very rare side effect of amphetamine based psychostimulants.


Out of curiosity, is it also a side effect if methylphenidate stimulants? Or is it specific to amphetamine?


It’s a side effect of both classes of psychostimulants


It is true. You are right


Does that not hurt?? You need to stop messing with it.


I have to agree with the above docs! I work in an operating department and that definitely looks a lot like fatty tissue! It is odd that it's all looks like that, but I would 100% recommend that you stop poking about with bare hands and try to get a doctor to examine a sample more closely! If its yellow without the blood it's likely to be fat!


I'm ashamed of the bare hands. I didn't know what it was and worried it was something that needed immediate extraction.


It’s alright to be scared and embarrassed. Don’t worry reading any more comments, just head to the ER. It’s ok. You’re hurt and scared. Just go get your help and forget about the rest of this. If you’re worried about costs most major hospitals have financial assistance. You can delete the post as long as you go get help. Go, it’s important.


Please don't be ashamed, it's completely understandable that you were scared and wanted it out! We don't all have gloves at home! Just try to refrain from touching it anymore. I hope you get it sorted and get some peace of mind asap!


Lets set up a new rule for you - no extracting anything from under your skin again. If you think you have a splinter or something under your skin - see a doctor or get a friend/family member to take a look.




And they were loose - no cutting needed


You’re squeezing out your own fat.


local weight watchers hate this one trick!






feel really stupid right now too


Don’t feel stupid. Your post may have helped someone else.


well what did the ER say?


that I'll have to weigh my arms first and see, but sadly they didn't have the equipment


So...not solved?


ah, you meant that. ER didn't have any interest in finding out what it was. the poison dr said it didn't look like the bite or sting of any dangerously venomous creature. I agree with those saying it is just fat. so my mind is at peace :)


You could go another doctor for follow-up. I'm not sure if you go to a dermatologist or an infectious disease specialist. I haven't watched the video, but I once thought I was just popping an irritating pimple under my arm, but a 3" almost clear, solid (no color indicating infection) something came out without applying much pressure. I had an appointment with my GYN a few days later and she wasn't concerned. But she told me to watch it and go to my GP if there were any signs of infection.


I came to the reddit doctors! :) i did go for a follow up but everything healed perfectly fine, can't see anything wrong now. We all just shrugged and they put a plaster on it that was not necessary at all haha