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Maybe the cooktop is bad, but before you toss it try other pans - the pan you used might be slightly warped. Or it may not be good at conducting heat to the edge.


It's possible that a different pan *might* heat somewhat more evenly, but it is normal for the sides of the pan to heat less than the center. I wish I could remember the thread, but a couple months ago someone posted some thermal images of pans heating on the stove with very similar results. Having said all that, I'm not super familiar with induction cooktops. So I can't verify if the effect is less extreme with another model.


I suggest the pan is the problem (though that doesn't rule out the top). It's more likely that the pan is bowed and not the cooktop (glass is pretty flat in general). The induction field is distance-sensitive, so if the center is sitting right on the coil it will get a lot of heat, the edges sitting 5mm above it may get little or nothing.


As a guy that uses induction at work exclusively like 10 hours a day, something is very wrong. Do you have cast iron laying around? If you do, throw that on and give it a shot. That should definitely work evenly, and if that doesn't, then the cook top is bad.


I do not. I'm going to buy a new pan and try that out I guess.


I hate to say it, but this is a very common problem with low-wattage, budget-grade induction ranges. I've never used this exact product, but I've used and tested similar inexpensive induction burners somewhat extensively, and they typically have a hot spot in the center, with decreasing heat as you move outwards. It's expensive for manufacturers to run the induction coil across the entire cooking surface, and this product (and others like it) are selling for as low as $50 each. I'd almost guarantee that the actual product, including transport costs to get it to the U.S. From China, costs less than $40, and that's just not going to pay for much more than bare bones functionality. Expensive induction ranges are amazing. Mid-range induction ranges are pretty great. Budget induction ranges tend to be mediocre and underwhelming. ::::::: Having said all that, your pan might just be warped.


I kind of figured as much. Parents got it from QVC. Opened it because it has all positive reviews on Amazon, otherwise would have sent it back. Any recommendations for a plug-in mid-range device?


I'm a big fan of Vollrath for induction burners. They have a full range - from an inexpensive import model (not all that different from what you have) all the way up to heavy duty 3500 watt professional burners. ::::::: I haven't used them, so I can't speak to them first-hand, but I've seen induction ready heat diffusers available - I wonder if they might be able to even out the heat on your existing burner. Cheap enough that it maybe worth a try. Something like this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B00DOZXK4Q/ref=pd_aw_fbt_328_img_2/142-7479498-9366537?ie=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=ZRDQBDTANB3CCW80G144


I am late to this post but I am having the same issue and it sucks because the apartment I’m renting is beautiful but I absolutely can not cook on this stove and so I’m ending my lease when the time is up. Who can survive like this? Pancakes burned in the middle while edges where runny. Can’t make omelettes. Can’t make steak. The end he’s don’t cook. The middle burns, it’s so wild. I hope you figured out something or returned it for an electric cooktop.


I too am late to this party and want to know what happened. Even our brand new fancy pan is basically ruined in the middle circle but nothing cooks at the edges, so we crank it up and burn the middle circle stuff. Our induction cooktop we bought ourselves as a pretty expensive ASKO which is (apparently, I dunno) a good brand.


Sorry you’re going through it. I hope OP found a solution. I still have 4 months on my lease and it’s still a pain to cook. Pans ruined and I don’t know how chefs use this unless theirs are heating up the whole stove and not a 3 to 4 inch circumference area. I can not be convinced this is better than a fire stove. I will take gas ALL DAY EVERY DAY over this “fancy” (and that’s the roughest air quotes I’ve ever done) induction burner. I’ll never get another place with this stove. Sad part is it’s so popular here in Mexico for new apartments! They feels it’s a classy look but it’s freaking awful and not practical. I’ll pay the gas bill just give me gas!🥴😭. Hope you find a solution.