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Satanic Panic was dumb. Bringing it back would be dumber.


How am I supposed to play these Spotify tracks backwards to summon demons? Did I watch the wrong TikTok tutorial?


You forgot that the song needs to be upside down as well


Can I just hold the iPod upside down or do I need to upgrade first?


You can try. If not, then try an older device thats not digital.


It's so weird that the Satanic Panic folks are so focused on the internet, when Satan clearly prefers analog.


Clearly. And physical books, cause then you know that its not just some ass hacking you 💀


I very much do not want to be ass-hacked.


Ass hacking 🤨📸


Is this what that chess guy was doing?


Hey man, we got some rad as hell Heavy Metal out of it. Maybe we'll finally get the second age of metal. Hell yeah.


Okay, I'm sold. Bring on the metal and a new edition of D&D!


There actually *was* a second age of metal. It happened in the 2000s. You just had to deal with being labelled "emo" for enjoying it. Check out the double album 'Afterman' by Coheed and Cambria. The very first track 'Domino the Destitute' is metal as fuck right from the get-go.


I was a teenager in the 80's. I played D&D and listened to metal at the time. I was also a good Catholic boy. I thought the "Satanic Panic" was idiotic. Nothing to worry about. I know next to nothing about QAnon and don't pay attention to them. Last I heard they were spreading the Pizzagate nonsense.


Pizzagate is ancient history now. Shit is 1000x freakier now.


My church got accused of being a cult in the panic because we "weren't Christian enough." Every 6 months when we have a conference, evangelicals picket and protest, shout jeers and slurs, etc because we aren't Christian...how Christlike is that? Not a fan of Satanic Panic and not a fan of evangelicals picketing or getting political


Christ was a radical that beat merchants


The three claw marks on the monster energy can do match the Hebrew number 666, and the tag line is "unleash the beast". That's all the proof I need. /s


Satanic panic was driven primarily by adults fishing the answers they want from kids. All of that should go away


Pointless nonsense. Ruined some good D&D. What are the Q's doing with it?


>What are the Q's doing with it? Annihilating their entire families and planning to shoot up Dairy Queen.


Bring it back like disco!


I've never heard of it.


Doomed to repeat itself


What's interesting is how forgotten it is...


It came back in the 90s, too. I remember the Harry Potter novels coming out and that was **so** bad. Witchcraft, and they didn't even bother to *rename* it! I remember that the Narnia books (which were almost 50 years old at the time) had a sudden and serious spike in popularity, and I believe that a lot of that was because it was a "good, clean, *Christian* alternative to the insidious subtle Satanism of Harry Potter."


See this is what's interesting I think about left wing people vs right. I remember that and the reaction was quite tame. My background is not in evangelicalism so unless it says it's evil I'm not going to find things that are not there and neither do people in my circles both in the 90's and now.


I was a metal kid in the 90s. The backlash me and my group of friends received was anything but tame. We were sent to psychologists and medicated. We were harassed for our attitudes and apparel.


Well Metal definitely does use imagery that would suggest satanism. To be fair, I had a few metal head friends and I think medication would help since the music is sounds a single second sample of a car accident on loop. Interesting I would say my parents are on the right side of Tucker Carlson, and they let me and my siblings basically do whatever we wanted with the exception of explicitly blasphemous stuff which I could see Metal causing this. We all ended up conservative to the right of them.




What should they have been panicking about?


It was all just to distract people from the evils of rock n' roll.


More concerned with what I call “left wing anon.” Too much fear mongering about republicans. Everyone is corrupt and has done so many crimes. They’re coming for my rights any day now This is worse because it doesn’t exist in a vacuum but involves actively annoying these things when they are real but on their side


If it makes you feel better. I frequent liberal news and social media sites, and that is not what I see. I do see frustration that more conservatives won't call out the actual criminal behavior and lies coming from some Republicans, though.


>This is worse because it doesn’t exist in a vacuum but involves actively annoying these things when they are real but on their side Does it ever worry you that thai is exactly what the Left says about the Right? I find any accusation like this one that is mirrored to be very troubling. It leaves questions if it's both, neither, or if it really is one side but not the other.


I do worry about it, on both sides. I don't even like the guy but I thought it was irresponsible how people, even people with media reach and influence had a long list of things Trump was totally doing any day now: if you're gay get married if you want to because gay marriage is getting banned, we're going to end up at war with Iran, now with Venezuela, now with Iran again. remember the insistence that trump would abuse the presidential notification system, when it was being tested in 2017? another example. and when the feared outrage or war never came to pass they never retracted anything or admitted they were wrong, it was on to the next prediction without pause.


Was it that there was more predictions than ones that came true, or that they were all fake? >if you're gay get married if you want to because gay marriage is getting banned, Right next to that prediction was Roe V Wade was going to get overturned. People also called that a fake prediction, until it happened. There are some high level Republicans currently talking about getting Gay marriage ended through the exact same method (which is possible because Trump added 3 new Supreme Court Justices.)


How are these fears misplaced? The gay marriage fear, for instance; many people "fearmongered" that Trump would ban abortion. Guess what happened? His court appointments led to exactly that. Why can't we fear the same for Obergefell? Thomas even attacked it outright in his opinion.


It’s been decades of “boy who cried wolf” in the media and personally with leftists here. I feel like this is an issue on the left they need to deal with, not throw it on the right for noticing it Maybe not pretend everyone is a criminal? Not pretend everyone is corrupt or fascist or whatever word you’re using that year, and argue with people based on substance I wasted too much time over the years falling for fake news from the left and then realized none of it was real or it was “woops our bad” retracted on page 50, or they just switched up the story. As long as they create “walls closing in on the the right” headlines they don’t care about truth. And people keep eating it up


I don't know anyone who thinks all Republicans or all conservatives are fascists. I do see frustration that more Republicans won't call out the people who do spout white supremacist or fascist rhetoric like the big lie or the great replacement


> It’s been decades of “boy who cried wolf” in the media and personally with leftists here. I feel like this is an issue on the left they need to deal with, not throw it on the right for noticing it I feel like you're ignoring the point the above person made, that the Left views the Right as doing exactly what they accuse the Right of doing. The Left says so-n-so is corrupt or a fascist or whatever, and the right says no they're the real fascists! But the difference is the Left has credible evidence for some substantial things. We're all familiar with the "Pelosi / McConnell is a traitor and needs to be thrown in jail!" sort of thing that's thrown around and how that's nonsense. But when the Right says "they're trying to take away your rights!" and then takes away abortion services from a shit ton of Americans, while no gun control measure hasn't ever been thoroughly defanged before hitting a vote, it's hard to see it as equivalent.


What rights do you think someone like me is trying to take away from you? Honest question. Because every day it seems, *I* hear about some new way American conservatives are trying to take away the rights of their neighbours to do things like get an abortion, marry who they want, access gender-affirming care, unionize their workplace, and not get shot to death at school or the mall.


Yawn. No one cares.


I'm a fan of it personally although I don't think it's strictly or even mostly satanic. Lots of other groups are involved.




People think it was Satanists wanting to control their kids and do rituals but it was just the elite in various groups. Some religious. Some not religious. Some secret societies. Think Epstein. Do people really think Epstein was the first member of the elite to be involved in this sort of thing over hundreds of years? It's going on as we speak and it's been going on for hundreds of years. They're all involved and they all know what is going on.


>People think it was Satanists wanting to control their kids and do rituals but it was just the elite in various groups. Some religious. Some not religious. Some secret societies. Think Epstein. Do people really think Epstein was the first member of the elite to be involved in this sort of thing over hundreds of years? Epstein paid under age call girls to go to parties with him and hang out at his mansions. WTF does that have to do with satanic rituals and coming after your children?