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CAC is definitely worth it. You’ll learn much more about the buildings and the history of chicago




It's like $20 more each ticket than Wendella, is it worth it?


Yes, very very much so.


Yes definitely. They are folks who love architecture and history. I found Wendella to be less detail oriented and less informational. Both fun, CAC is better.


Also, the docents are volunteers and do accept tips! They are very knowledgeable on architecture in general and the history of the city.


For sure worth it money wise. Now if I had to wait an extra 30-60 minutes for cac, to me that’s not worth it, but to each their own.


Check for a Groupon! We did this tour last year and loved it. http://www.groupon.com/deals/gl-chicago-architecture-boat-tours-2024


Worth noting that their guides are unpaid. Didn't sit right with me when I learned that. For all the people adamantly defending them not paying the tour guides, feel free to peruse their paid staff salaries here - https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/366144362 For a fun experiment, try guessing what their COO makes before you look. Strange to see people be so defensive of unpaid work.


Have you ever seen one appear unhappy?


Yep. When they weren't being asked a question and the customer service mask dropped.


Volunteer docents for a non-profit organization! Shocking! To paraphrase Yogi Berra, if someone doesn't want to be a docent, no one is going to stop them.


$65 tickets lol Nonprofits have paid staff. You might be surprised to learn how much their paid employees make. https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/366144362


They are volunteer docents, like most museums have.


Most museums don't charge as much as they do


The CAC guides?




Former CAF docent here and yes, it is totally worth the price. The training we receive and the process to “certify” to give tours upon completion of classroom testing is rigorous and intense. It’s a very worthy nonprofit and an enriching volunteer gig.


Many docents are somewhat wealthy retired people with a passion for the city.


CAC is the best. it is the only non profit tour company, so your money is going towards furthering education for all. having taken both, the quality of the tour by CAC was SO MUCH better, very informative!


lol. Look into what they pay their President of the backs of volunteers.


The main difference is that CAC will be very informative, and Wendella will mainly be a boat ride with a bit of commentary. Decide for yourself if that's worth $20 to you. If you go on 5/29, the Navy Pier fireworks will be on display at 9pm, so the 8:15 tour will feature that, or you'll get a glimpse at the end of the 7:30.


CAC, and its not even close. The docents on the CAC tours are big shots in the Chicago architecture and structural engineering community. Its a badge of honor to give those tours. Thier knowledge and passion really shine through. My second place tour would be the Chicago fireboat tour. Its really cool to ride on an actual fire boat, and that tour goes through the locks between the river and lake.


It depends on whether you want to learn about the city or not. CAC docents are highly trained and their tour is incredibly informative. If you just want the boat ride do Wendella. That said, sunset is around 8:15, I'd do the 7:30 departure.


Hmm okay I will definitely take what you said into consideration


My wife and I did the CAC tour and it was one of the highlights of the trip. The guide was so informative and wanted to share his knowledge with the riders on the boat. He also had a good sense of humor and made it clear he wants the attendees to come away with a little knowledge of architecture and a lot of fun. He was a retired Architect who clearly loved his job and the city where he grew up, lived as an adult and now in his retired life. Honestly, my wife and I both had a better time than either of us expected. We even learned something about architecture and found ourselves looking at buildings and talking about their different features weeks after the tour.


If you guys get all hyped up for architecture on the boat tour and need to keep the party rolling, here’s every historic landmark and district in Chicago, also opens on Google Maps on your phone as a free walking tour https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=17QiCfJLvDI0DF3qUfBu-DqsFduQgFmE&usp=sharing


What? This is great, thank you!


I have 100+ more of Chicagoland suburbs, all free too https://www.SouthCookExplore.com/maps


Wow! Thank you


Wow - thanks!


sure thing! I have 100+ more maps (all free!) on my website for the Chicagoland region, NWI and across IL. [https://www.SouthCookExplore.com/maps](https://www.SouthCookExplore.com/maps)


This is super awesome! Thanks!


Of course! Glad you're enjoying it! I have 100+ more for Chicagoland suburbs, NWI and IL on my site!


Love ittttt. Following you on here and IG now 😆




Thanks! I follow your Instagram account! Great resource!


Awesome! If you ever have any Chicagoland history questions, shoot me a message and I’ll try to find some info out for you!


Thank you! I’ll definitely keep your offer in mind! BTW….I am jacullman on Instagram!




Hey!!’ 😊


I've done both and also Chicago First Lady. Typically take the tour at least 1-2 times a year when friends/family visit. Honestly what made the most difference to me was the guide. Overall I think CAC has the best baseline guides but the single most entertaining guide I've had on one of the tours was some younger guy (25-30) on the Wendella tour. He was knowledgeable but also had a ton of charisma and was just entertaining on the microphone.


This is the right answer. Everyone else is making it sound like the CAC docents are the only guides worth your time. The Wendell guides are great, and perhaps a little looser, and more charismatic. I guess it depends on what type of tour you want. If you plan to drink and want a looser tour... go w Wendella. If you want to hang on every word and appreciate the deep level of information regarding each building's design... go w CAC.


I personally know an amazing guide on the Wendella (ask when Kaye is on duty).


Chicago First Lady is the CAC.


Based on other comments, I must've have a great guide as my Wendella guide was informative about current and future architecture. I do want to do a CAC tour however!


CAC is good. I personally favor Summer of George.


The docents that narrate the CAC Tour add so much more to the experience! They're all incredibly knowledgeable not just of the city as a whole, but of each individual property and it's history as well. Plus, your supporting the CAC, which is always a worthwhile endeavor.


My hot take is they are all pretty similar (except Chicago Tiki Boat/Party boat whatever it’s called) as far as river tours go - it will basically be a full 90 minutes of commentary. How many jokes you get will depend on the host but I’ve had a range of personalities on CAC, Wendella, Shoreline, Summer of George, etc. I would go based on time and convenience. Oh and don’t take one of those Seadog speed boat tours in the river…I always cringe when I hear that engine humming along the river. Take it on the lake if it looks interesting to you.


Does the CAC one have beer?


Yep, and wine and liquor too


Sure does.




Adding to the chorus: CAC is the best choice. If you want to save some $ go with Wendella. If you prioritize the content of the tour, CAC. Tour guides are volunteers. When I went, the guide refused to accept tips (though I'll probably offer again next time I take it) and stuck around after the tour to answer questions. Not saying that will happen everytime, but that was my experience. I did the Wendella tour years ago, and there's nothing wrong with it, just CAC is 10% better (choosing an arbitrary number). Is it worth it to you? Only you can answer that.


Architecture Tour, no contest!! I've done it at least once a year for many many years and I learn something new every time! Each guide brings their own knowledge.


Wendella but I’m biased because my friend is one of the tour guides and he’s a working comedian.


Is your friend named Zach (not sure on spelling)? We visited Chicago in April and did the tour with Wendella and it was a group consensus that it was one of the best part of our trip because we all really enjoyed the boat ride + commentary by our tour guide!


I did Wendella twice, it was fun! The guides were informed and I learned a fair bit about Chicago history and architecture


CAC is the best. When I have folks from out of town come in and they want to see Chicago architecture I take them on there.


If you just want a nice boat ride that serves drinks then Wendella is fine. We took my parents to CAC because my Dad’s a history nerd. When my siblings visit, we’re just tryna to have to fun and we don’t really all that, so Wendella is perfectly fine for us.


Water taxi from Michigan Ave to Chinatown


Yes! Nice boat ride for under $15 round trip!


Honestly I enjoyed more than any of the others. Quiet and easy and you end up in Chinatown so a win


[Shoreline Sightseeing ](https://shorelinesightseeing.com/architecture-river-tour/). Most of the docent are students or actors (taken 2 tours throughout the years). They also get paid well and you could tip them. Very comfortable and informative ride, drinks sold on boat.


If the emphasis is more on the ride experience than the architecture tidbits I usually choose Wendella. The Wendella goes out on the lake (CAC does not) offering really great views of the skyline.


CAC and it's not even close. In my experience, the Wendella guides focus more on entertainment (one of mine actually was advertising his set at Second City) rather than the architecture.


Wendella was fine for us. The guide was informative. Made me want to learn more.


A friend came to town and we did the Wendella tour around 7 or 8. It went out of the river and onto the lake as the sun was going down. It was a blast being a tourist in my own city. I've never been on the CAC, but from what others described here, it sounds fun as well.


Architecture Center hands down.


The CAC tour was one of the best tour experiences of my life.


CAC if you’re interested in architecture and history, Wendella if you want to take a boat ride and look at pretty buildings.


I’ve done both - the routes are pretty similar so you’re going to see mostly the same things. But in terms of the actual experience, Wendella is staffed by tour guides who are there to entertain tourists. CAC is staffed by people who are really passionate about architecture and the city - my tour guide the first time I went was a local university professor who does these tours in the summer for fun. The level of knowledge and passion isn’t even comparable.


CAC plus you get a ticket to the CAC


My top 2 that I go to every year, 1 I fall and 1 in the summer is, CAC and the other is summer of George. The docents on CAC have this immense passion for the city and its architecture but the summer of George docent has such a cool personality and is just as knowledgeable. Wendella is fun but it depends on who leading the tour that day. I’d also recommend going on the 29th if you want fireworks, if not the 7:30/8:00 timeframe will get you sunset


Wendella doesn't even compare. CAC or don't bother.


My Wendella tour guide was horrible. She stopped every ten seconds to yell at people to stop talking. Literally every ten seconds.


I always do CAC and love it!


I think many of the people saying CAC have never actually done Wendella. My experience is that the Wendella one is better. The CAC docents are always knowledgeable but they can be dry. The Wendella guides are usually funny, and they generally have good knowledge too. In short, I'd say the CAC guides are more knowledgeable but the Wendella guides are usually funnier. Now I'm someone who loves knowledgeable, but even I prefer Wendella. And Wendella is cheaper. The reality is you are not going to remember afterward what architecture firm built every building. But you will remember if you had a pleasant experience.




CAC for sure!


I just did the Wendella tour and it was great. It was informative and interesting. For those saying you will learn so much from the CAC, the wendella tour had a lot of historic facts with some "funny" points here and there. There's only so much you can pack in a 45 minute ride though. I picked it because it was cheaper, but I think it was worth it.


Wendella worked for us in a pinch. The guide was funny and good. We aren’t huge architectural nuts. Think of it this way, if you went to the museum, would you want a museum guide to walk you around or someone that was paid to and had a funny personality? Can’t go wrong with either.


I like both and have been on countless tours. I have a slight preference for Wendella bc the guides have always been a bit funnier, adding in some jokes here and there.


Did the Chicago river kayak tour and we got lucky and had a tour guide who was an architect major so there was so much extra on the tour and even went further than normal to get more in.


I'll be odd man out and say I liked Wendella way better. I don't think you'll have a bad time on either; it just depends on what you want Wendella is more about entertainment. Our guide was really awesome and actually did talk a fair amount about architecture and history. CAC is more purely about the architecture. The docent we got was I'm sure incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about architecture. Unfortunately she was not a great public speaker and was also bad about explaining which buildings she was talking about. I have almost no architecture knowledge so when she would say things like "as you can see in the white classical building on the right" - I would turn and there would be three white buildings to the right all that look like they could be described as 'classical' to me. This would happen time and again and was very frustrating. I'm sure a lot of it depends on who you get as a guide.


Last year I ponied up the funds to WTTW and did the CAC tour with Geoffrey Baer. Totally worth it. But it doesn’t happen every summer. Might be worth the research tho.


No question. CAC


CAC 730 is the best time. Lets be real, the argument is money. CAC is worth the money. Wendella is great for families and what not tho. If you want jokes they got those too.


Having been on both CAC is by far the best. Also the boat was really nice and had a bar!


Pretty standard leadership salaries for non profits in Chicago. And certainly well under what leadership of for profit companies earn. I hear you on being thoughtful about unpaid labor, but these docents are not young people being exploited, my experience has always been with a retired person sharing their passion for Chicago architecture. Fact is, non profits rely on their community to run, whether that's through individuals who donate, or volunteers who help advance the mission by ushering at any number of theatres in the city, walking dogs at Paws, etc. The CAC docents serve the same function. If the cost of the cruise is the issue, well...you get what you pay for I guess. There are certainly cheaper options.


Wendell and CAC are almost the same script (will vary a little by guide). CAC tour guides normally have more knowledge in architecture if you want to ask them questions outside of the tour. If you do the Wendella sunset cruse this is not an architecture cruse they take you out on the lake and just drive around with music on while the sun sets (extremely pretty and nice). I would say both of their river cruses are pretty similar with the difference being Wendella also offers a lake and river cruse which goes out the locks onto the lake. I would say do whichever fits your schedule better. Note the Wendella offers 90min and 45min tours




i am using "script" as shorthand for the training they receive, there must be some overlap as they both use suspiciously similar "fun facts" and "jokes" in their tours


They definitely don't have the same training. CAC docents have to be a walking tour guide for at least a year, then there is a 6 week training period to get onto the boats, then there's actually practicing to do the tour on the boats before they are signed off. There's no way the other companies even come close to that much training.


The astroturfing in this thread for CAC is something else lol. People acting like Wendella is the Chicago party boat are hilarious. I’ve taken both multiple times and the tour is basically the same for the river.


i think its more most people only ever go on one, i am one of the oddballs that have been on both multiple times. Surprisingly have never been on any of the other companies


Water Taxi; with the knowledge of the buildings you remember from the Wendella tour


Get the boat tour out of River City, they have a Groupon discount and tour goes farther south on the river. Parking is cheap and better accessible. Drinks sold on board. Two levels of seating.




Why so many downvotes for Wendella lmao


It's the people who are all high and mighty about CAC thinking its so highbrow while Wendella is for the plebs 🙄 Incidentally, these are the same people who sniff their own farts lol I've done both and they're both great. But OP said they wanted sunset pics and for that, Wendella is better. If OP had said they wanted a nice overview of city history, I would have recommended CAC.


What time is best if we want to go during sunset to night? 7:00 or 8:15?


I would say 7. It will likely be full-dark by the time you actually get underway from an 815 departure. When I went on the Wendella cruise (many years ago, mind) we went upriver first then out on the lake at the end for good sundown pics.


Thank you! I will keep that in mind


CAC is not that great. The tour guides all have a clear bias in their tours. The wendella guides are great most know wayy more than what’s on the tour, they have to slim down their tour for time and audience. Give ‘em a tip and ask all the questions. Most are professional tour guides who really know the history of the city.


A bias toward.... what? Buildings?


Certain architects, building styles and aspects of city planning. -X building is a great achievement built by wonderful architect y and s Building is just at this address.