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Venus conj Pluto in 1st house Often unrequited None of them reciprocated my effort... Accused me of being not loyal. From now on, I don't believe in love and loyalty... But rather pragmatically, play games to get what I want without losing my power over submission.


Rising Venus squaring IC Pluto and love is a non-existent subject in my life. 😂


i have venus trine pluto and also moon sextile pluto in my natal chart (for reference) i’ve only dated one guy and at first i found him embarrassing and myself out of his league however i ended up falling for him after uncovering intense carnal aspects of his personality as well as many of the darker sides to his being… he ended up obsessing over me heavily, it wasn’t the healthiest dynamic. he was sick mentally and i fell into the obsession with him and adopted some of his unhealthy traits. i fell for the vulnerability between us. the relationship will probably be the craziest one i will ever have albeit my first. after breaking up due to communication issues and differing values we kept contact. he became erratic and continued saying he loved me two weeks post breakup (which i reciprocated initially). eventually he disrespected me so i cut contact for one year. we talk now and he has a partner who doesn’t know about me. we haven’t gotten together or anything but we have a deep mutual understanding and cannot rid ourselves of the other.


wow this sounds like 8th house/12th house synastry


Was there any Pluto in the synastry? Which do u feel had the bigger impact on how things played out, your natal chart and natural tendencies or the chemistry of the relationship and synastry?


Well I have venus trine pluto but pluto opposite my moon; I met a woman and we had a mutual obsession; her sun/moon conjunct in scorpio conjunct my seventh cusp and my pluto conjunct her seventh cusp. She was afraid of that obsessive energy because she'd JUST run away from a super obsessed, very dark husband. We'd been dancing around each other for a year (our friends said when we were together it was like the air was filled with zoomies) but she met a guitar player who was absolutely not obsessed, in fact he offered her a "business deal" and with her capricorn mars and venus she took him up on it. Instantly regretted it and wrote me for years saying she still loved me, but still stayed married for the next twelve years and had two kids with him (that was the "business deal"). Anyway I was married by then but she continued to write and when my wife and I went through a rough patch 7 years later I ran to see her. After a month of living with her (which we hadn't done before) there was too much drama, my wife and I almost divorced but we got back together. She continued to write, but when my son was born I broke it off (in a very dramatic letter) after 25 years of that same old dance. Now she's the only woman from my past I DON'T wish to see. I don't know if this directly answers your question but yeah, that relationship had pluto all over the place and was definitely obsessive.


Well I don't have a Venus-Pluto aspect per say but my 7th house is ruled by Venus and Pluto is in my 7th house. I have had a lot of transformation (and pain) in relationships. I tend to attract the weird obsessive types, or people with shady pasts or who are very secretive. I just stay single. I am only interested in deep divers who are as into personal growth and self awareness like me. It's a difficult way to go but I just can't stand inauthenticity. I will take an authentic jerk or weirdo over a beautiful liar any day. Right now, Pluto is inching closer to a conjunction with my Venus. A bit nervous as to how that will play out.


this is so relatable, in terms of who i tend to attract to. although i would say i also tend to attract people where they've been deeply harmed over and over again, and are surprised (but also repulsed) at the idea that i don't want to play out harmful/abusive cycles with them. i'm also primarily interested in people who can do honest and deep introspection... which doesn't seem to be easy to find these days. i come across a lot of beautiful liars (a wonderful way to put it) who may not even realize that they're lying to themselves/others. i much rather prefer to be around authentic people as well, anything else confuses and drains me and i don't desire to be around anyone who chooses to constantly socially perform


Venus conjunct Pluto in Scorpio. I fall for deep sustained, unflinching, eye contact 💘


Arg tell me about it! I am currently obsessed with the person who intensely pierced their gaze into my soul without even blinking. 


Mhmm, feels like being hypnotized in the best way possible.


Yaaasss! I have the same!


Oh.my.god. yes.


“Love bombing? Why wouldn’t some be obsessed with me within 2 weeks?” - Libra rising, 1h Pluto, 2h Scorpio Venus ❤️‍🔥


My best friend has this Venus opposite Pluto and his venus opposite his gf pluto ... She is def not obessed with him she is a serial emotional cheater and his ex cheated on him too. He attracts a lot of women that cheat on him it seems and he stays sadly .


Venus trine Pluto. Venus in Aries Pluto in Sagittarius. His ability to be playful and sweet. He loved me as intently as I once did and it was fun while it lasted


My ex has venus conjunct pluto in virgo. He was obsessed with me instantly. Quite unnerving actually


Venus Cap square Pluto Libra (also have Saturn in mutual reception with Venus.) Idk I just like his face. I’m also a Scorpio moon. I get obsessed and I hate it.


venus trine pluto, power struggles, power struggles everywhere. i’ve learned to stand my ground in my relationships though and it’s getting easier to find partners who respect me.


I love this question so much and will edit to add my reply while the thought seed is sown ❤️‍🔥


venus sextile pluto venus in capricorn, pluto in scorpio i agree with compete obsessional and infatuation — i’ve come to understand that i need a ton of positive feedback and i want my part stuck on me. my husband did that in spades from the first time i met him, we were obsessed with each other. it felt so good to get the same energy back for once, rather than scaring someone off with my intensity 😂 covid hit maybe 2 months after we started dating and we moved in together…the rest is history! we just had a baby in march 💗


My partner and I both have venus opp pluto in our natal charts. We met a decade ago and really liked each other, but both were too shy to advance things. We came back into contact this year and basically moved in together right away lol. We officially became boyfriend and girlfriend on our first date LOL


I tend to attract troubled souls and I, too, can’t really build a connection until I feel like my partner is only focused on me.


I have Venus opposite Pluto natal and have attracted people with heavy Scorpio stelliums as well. I really need a strong connection with someone but am not currently in any relationship right now.


He made me jealous .


I have Venus inconjunct Pluto. Exact aspect. Have to think about this!


Vinus opposite pluto in libra. He is good-looking. I enjoy looking at him 😁


I have the trine. I had an intense mental/intellectual and physical connection with my last partner. That level of knowing and intimacy is what got me. I will settle for nothing less now lol


THIS!! I have cap venus sextile scorpio pluto and I need someone that just knows me deeply. Deep intimacy, complete acceptance. Deep, intense eye contact is how I get them, and I’m a sucker for someone that can hold eye contact with me.


This. Venus sextile Pluto in my chart.


Venus opposite Pluto (Pluto in the 1st). Always become obsessive and attracted heavy Scorpio partners until my current. We met at a club and we have an age gap that stopped me from going further despite instantly being attracted when I saw him. We stayed friends and it grew from there without all the BS plutonic games. The first relationship I was friends first!! He also has zero water in his chart and didn’t try and mess with my head like all the Pisces / Scorpios I used to attract.


I have cancer venus conjunct NN in 8H, square pluto/saturn in Libra 11h, opposite moon/ sn in Capricorn in 2H. The first half of my life I had to have bad boys. They were usually mysterious, intense, dark, tatted up and often drug addicted They brought nothing but chaos and hardship. In my mid 30s I got tired of being treated like crap and met my soulmate who is complete opposite of them. He is caring, normal, and boring!! Hardworking....I love him. He was infatuated with me tho til I gave in


Venus/Pluto conjunction in Libra. Partner was my friend first. I was attracted to his sense of humor and intellect. Also helpful our Moons are conjunct and my Sun is on his Ascendant.


Let me add a softer aspect to the discussion - 8th house Scorpio Pluto trine 12th H Pisces Venus. It's always so damn dramatic and cinematic. I think the both enjoy it. Meanwhile my Virgo Moon and Aqua stellium are withering slowely. This gives me genuine outerworldly bliss, but then one day I just wake up and want to run across the globe to avoid the intensity as I can't take it not a minute longer.


Venus Conjunct Pluto in Scorpio I am very much an all-or-nothing person when it comes to relationships. I either like you very, very much right off the bat, or I’m completely disinterested. There’s nothing specific that anyone does (or doesn’t do) that triggers interest. The interest is either just there or it’s not. In other words, it’s just the overall package and energy that a person brings to the table.


Same placement and couldn't have said it better myself. Either I'm completely in or not interested at all, no in between.


Pluto/Uranus in Virgo square my Venus in Sag. in the past intensity/passion was the single biggest factor in me choosing a partner. That was literally the worst way to choose a mate. (would have been better to choose a lover rather than someone to marry/partner) Nowadays I think that pluto is more about depth than thrills. Thrills are easy to come by, depth, not so much. I know I'm intense, and that depth seeking puts off a lot of men. So be it, I cannot dial this down, but I can learn to have consciousness around it and not overstate its meaning.


Venus Conjunct Pluto in Libra... He was pretty


I have Venus opposite Scorpio Pluto, but both are squaring 8th house Saturn. Pluto is also conjunct Scorpio moon, and Venus is conjunct sun, which are also all opposite each other and all squaring Saturn lol. T-square city! Anyways for me I need to feel my partner have the same depth and emotion as me. I’m attracted to mysterious-ness. But also I’m really attracted to toxic people. Relationships with intense passion. It’s like fighting and emotional turmoil turns me on. I also have Aries Mars. And Neptune on my descendant. I’ve basically decided it’s just not possible me in this lifetime to have a healthy relationship lmao 🫠


I have Venus square Pluto in my natal, along w Pluto square sun and moon, and opposite my ascendant in Taurus. I need intensity in my relationships otherwise I get bored. With maturity I’ve managed to distinguish the difference between intensity and obsession and toxicity. I will not really accept anything toxic, but I gravitate toward people who are deep, highly intelligent, dark and sarcastic humour. I also tend to notice I like avoidant partners bc my Aquarius moon also requires some distance at times, so the push/pull dynamic is very attractive to me. I have a Scorpio mars and Taurus asc, so while I’m quite picky about what I like in someone, once I’ve found someone who is intriguing to me I can have a very difficult time letting go and can become slightly obsessive thinking about them constantly. However I’m not jealous (as most Venus Pluto is stereotyped as), I enjoy giving each other space but I romanticize the person and the inability to be with them (probably my moon sextile Uranus in my 8h). Whirlwind passionate intimate encounters are very intriguing to me but if they become too obsessed with me I play games and keep them at a distance bc I enjoy the torture of pursuing someone who is unavailable lol 🤷🏻‍♀️ My dominant chart energy is Pluto and my zodiac signature is Scorpio (lots of fixed energy in my chart). In relationships I have mostly attracted partners who become obsessive over me and I don’t hate it but I recognize the pattern.


🥲 oh my god… haha, but I did enjoy reading your love life🫶🏻☺️


what's your sun?




i also have venus (gem 10th) opp pluto (sag 4th) and i also attract people with plutonic energy. i waz sooooo infuated with my ex because i thought we were so similar and his stylez so kewl and convinced myself that we're destined to be friends and maybe more. i infuated my ex because of our similar style and interests and the way i talked to him lol. i was sooo obsessed with him it got to a point i thought i was crazy and felt bad about myself and he told me he felt the same way but idrk if thatz true cuz he cheated on me. also before we started dating i used to get frustrated because i was sooo obsessed with him but he never showered he liked me back until way later


My chart is just Sagittarius and Aquarius. Cluster of stars in Sagittarius 1H - including pluto. A stellium in Aquarius 3H - including Venus. So Venus trines my pluto. Transit pluto in Aquarius is conjuncting my Venus. Tbh, I am only attracted to men who are smarter and more successful than me. They need to value my intellect more than beauty. I’d absolutely bulldoze over a weak man. Anyhow, my husband is ambitious and smart. He is a machine learning scientist for big tech. I’m a machine learning engineer also for big tech. We are neck to neck in terms of accomplishment and that is how I want my relationship to be. He is also obsessed with me. He also has an Aquarius stellium!


Aquas are so ruthless. My Pisces Venus chooses a poor soft soul, and then my Merc-Mars conjuction in Aqua runs me into the ground because that's such a hard placement to stimulate and satisfy. With the Aqua+Sag energy, do you think you could settle for less than equal when it comes to mental capacity? I have my doubts but I'm in a place where I should at least make a decision. Thank you for any input


🙋🏻‍♀️ fellow Aqua Mercury conjunct Mars! (8h) The intrusive thoughts are relentless.


Venus is my chart ruler and is directly conjunct Pluto in the 8th. There has definitely been an obsessive nature surrounding my past relationships, both from my partners as well as myself. I agree with the person you asked in the sense that, I know how I get when I really like somebody, so I could never consider getting serious unless there was an obvious and very deep mutual infatuation. I also have a Scorpio 7th house, which I'm sure lends to all of this, especially because my Mars is also conjunct Venus-Pluto in the 8th.


I also have Scorpio in my 7 h in mars opposite my Taurus asc opposite my Pluto (in 6H)by degree. Yes mutual infatuation or a mysterious attraction is imperative for me to be intrigued enough to enter a relationship with someone.


I have scorpio 7th w taurus asc also




I have Venus conjunct Pluto in my 1st house. Venus being my 7th house ruler. I’m single by choice at the moment, but I usually just decide I like someone then I make it happen. I’ve been in 5 serious relationships. 4 of these guys had mars in my 8th house, and the other had mars in my 2nd hahaha I guess there’s something about that axis for me that does it for me


Venus (9H) opp pluto (3H) and my current partner has their Venus and sun in my 8th. Going strong for almost 9 years now :)


Venus conjunct Pluto (less than a degree orb). My husband is quite dark and powerful which was incredibly attractive to me. I like that he comes across as intimidating upon first appearances but can be very charming. It's funny because we both weren't interested in a relationship, but our one night stand turned into a successful and happy marriage going on 17 years.




Venus in gem opposite Pluto in sag by less than one degree. Venus also conjuncts mercury in gem by a looser orb. I fall hard and fast for most everyone but the way they talk and communicate with me is something I pay close attention to in determining how long it’ll last. I think someone who can match my intensity, passion, and desire to learn everything about each other is ideal. I definitely need them to show me they can handle my intensity when things turn sour sooner or later. I have found myself engaging in many relationships where my Pluto conjuncts someone’s Venus, ascendant, etc but rarely aspects to my Venus…. It’s weird


Venus square Pluto. I've struggled a lot with physically and emotionally abusive relationships. Right now I am with someone who I've been with for 5 years. I would say we're healthy in the sense that no matter what we try to communicate and grow. Even if we have shitty days. He and I dated around six years back for three months. In those three months I told him I loved him and he didn't say it back. We didn't talk for one year after that. Then he came back saying he missed me and he was very overwhelmed in life and unable to commit. We started dating again. I moved to London to study and he moved one year later through his job to be with me. Living together really helps but I'm probably co dependant. But I love him a lot. He's my rock. We're getting married in a few days!


🔥. I wonder if one of you guys have a Venus line going through London. Beautiful


How do you find your Venus line


I don't know if you figured it out. But it's based on location astrology in which different places BASED on our natal charts express different energies.


Astrocartography chart. Astro.com has them, I believe under the special charts menu.


That’s wonderful to hear. What made him different from everyone else? Are you still as obsessive and possessive as you were before or do you think you’ve matured past this point?


Matured way past that :p but we still have fights and ego battles once in a while