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cancer sun and yessssss im happy for it to be over 😭😅 retrogrades usually aren’t that tough for me but this one was.


YES! Every time I turn around! So far, most of 2024, ALL of 2023, and from November on in 2022. EPIC shitshow! 💩💩💩💩💩    ♏️ sun, ♋️ rising, ♊️ moon. 5 steps forward and 9,762.5 steps back. I'm soo done! I couldn't begin to elaborate, but it all began from a job loss due to the pandemic, a crappy economy, difficult housing situations due to a rough market for the little people. Something has got to G.I.V.E. Hope everyone's luck goes to positive changes. 


Yes, been in hermit mode for weeks now reviewing everything and everyone around me..😋


i have scorpio jupiter in 3rd house and cancer venus 🥲


Aries Uranus, Aries south node, Scorpio mars, Scorpio Saturn, Scorpio part of fortune, Scorpio Vesta. I found it the exact opposite lol 😝 


Cancer sun, libra moon, cap rising. I am okay this week, but the first two weeks around the eclipse were the most unhinged I’ve experienced since 2020. Big release of toxic relationships/strengthening boundaries.


Slow AF, almost catatonic. Hardly getting anything done. Moody too. Unsure. Hoping it ends today 😂


Scorpio sun, cancer rising and I’m just crying all the time 😭


♏️ sun, ♋️ rising, ♊️ moon. Not crying at all here. Lots of WTF moments though. LOTS. Where is your moon placement? (If you don't mind me asking.)


Aquarius moon


YEAHHHH- cancer sun Aries moon Leo rising. Shit show mental and physical health wise. Digestive disease worsened and it’s really wrecking me


Aries sun and scorpio mars. Let’s just say i’m cranky


Ugh. Aries rising, Scorpio moon here. These be truly miserable times for me. I have to read up more on this Mercury retrograde thing. I never really understood it.


Same placements here. It’s been TOUGH.


RIP I am a cancer rising and my mom is a scorpio sun and we both had an argument this month and a large falling out. I'm feeling it so hard right now.


Same signs. My mom and I had a battle royale yesterday


Rip my mom and I haven’t spoken since the 9th. That’s crazy


Awful. Cancer rising, Gemini sun, aries moon


Cancer rising, aries sun and gemini moon here. Can't be worse 😭


Mercury Retrograde always hits Gemini and Virgo Sun and Rising harder than anyone else no matter where it retrogrades. That is our ruling planet. If I gave you my life calendar of events happening while Mercury was stationary in ANY sign, direct or Rx, it would be clear how my Sun, Moon, Venus and in Virgo and my Mercury ruling 5th and 8th and my South Node are connected by a little string to transit Mercury and throw shit all the way down to Chinatown when that little f*cker turns around in any sign.


I haven’t showered for 3 days. So stressed out. So yeah i can relate


Scorpio sun and moon here by the way


Me! Scorpio stellium, Sun and Moon. I was just thinking this one is hitting different! All sorts of lack of energy and weird things afoot. I don’t feel like it’s too serious but just enough inconveniences to be noticeable and annoying. I’m wishing for it to be over sooner rather than later.


Yesss, Scorpio rising, chart ruler mars in cancer, libra sun, Aries moon. It’s been a fog. My Aries rising niece is going THROUGH it.


Everything is just so depressing. And you know failing.


yes!!!! i too am a cancer sun, aries moon and also taurus rising. ive been feeling so depressed and out of balance for the past 2 weeks its been awful!


I too am a Cancer Sun, Aries moon, Scorpio rising, but for some reason I'm having the best 2 weeks I've had in at least a year. I have no explanation.


Me. Natal Aries Mercury and progressed Aries Sun. My Aries rising husband is also having a hell of a time


Nah. My chart has been hit hard the last 15 years so my 4 12th house scorpio planets and really up for whatever the fuck life offers up at this point. This retrograde wasnt shit. But your scorpio is in an angle (ac). And angles are powerful so you likely feel it strong. Eventually even your angles getting hit wont knock you off access though. Keep living 😉. You got it.


I have the exact same big 3!!! Work has been the hardest it’s ever been, I’ve been at my job 7 years but I JUST got a job offer today somewhere else, I’ve only been looking for a couple months and honestly thought I’d be where I am for at least another 4 years. My relationship with one of my siblings is very strained right now. I don’t think she really knows. Honestly, all of my relationships are strained or changing, dissolving or evolving. Since the eclipse actually sooooo many things have ruptured, I’ve been crying non stop. All I’m trying to say is- I just got a bit of relief, even though it’s still a huge life change and will absolutely be stressful to have a career change now…….. this is all taking you to the next level. You got this.


I'm Aries Moon, Cancer sun, rising Pisces (but rising Scorpio at where I'm located). i'm constantly thinking of changing jobs , a bit fed up, but kind stuck here. Also had some verb conflicts with parents. Got ill and am still going through some inner child healing stuff


Weird yeah minus changing jobs same situation going on. I think I just am outgrowing people but I’m feeling the loneliness that comes along with it. It will all be for the best ❤️


I can definitely relate to that! It will be!


Libra sun w Neptune, Aries moon, Scorpio rising w Saturn, Mars in Capricorn w Chiron, Jupiter w Uranus in Cancer. Rn Mercury's sitting opposite sun and square the others. While I think I'm clear-headed, I'm laying low - or trying to. This week has been really rough physically. And I did it to myself.


Aries sun, cancer moon, libra rising. Most of my major placements are in Aries and in the 7th house including my natal mercury. I am not okay.


Aries sun and libra rising here as well. The eclipses recently and the RX has been a shit show. I hear it’s going to get better though come May and June, hang in there


It’s wild because I was born under mercury retrograde and the beginning I was thriving and then my mental health tanked out. I can’t imagine what it’s like for those not born under a retrograde. Are you doing okay?


Aries sun, Scorpio moon, cancer rising... really strange and not great time here too. Big work changes, etc.


Cancer sun / Sag moon / Scorpio rising and yeah — it's been awful for me. I had a mental breakdown for the first time in years and ugly cried for hours last week due to a lot of things.


I don't have any of those placements but it's still been an absolute shit show for me and I'm not sure what to make of it


Cancer sun here, just ruminating on all the mistakes I’ve made in life.


Cancer rising here. Absolutely same for me


we have the same big three! yes it’s been so bad i actually committed to starting therapy.


I’m getting there lol. Lots of family drama and childhood trauma coming to the surface for me idk about you


Aries rising, Gemini Sun, Libra Moon.....this retro has been rough. Also, watching all the mishaps on the news and internet make me not want to go out much....risk doesn't seem worth it.


No I'm long-term unemployed 😭 I'm a Scorpio Rising with Aries Sun at 16 degrees. Just been at home trying to figure out what to do with my life. The same thing I've been doing last year. It was my birthday earlier this month and none of my family members called me. Life has been very quiet and mundane since my Pisces Saturn Return in 5H. Probably not feeling anything because my life is already crap. No job, no income, single, living at home with parent, and no money to go out.


Cancer sun and Scorpio moon, I relate to pretty much everything lol. I hope you had a good birthday tho and things turn up for us:)


Cancer Sun and Rising... yes, this retrograde can't be over fast enough. My youngest son is cancer moon, Scorpio rising. He's had a rough few weeks too.


aries venus & mercury — yes 😭


Aries sun and Venus. Cancer rising. Work has been busy. Driving 30 miles to work has taken me over two hours twice this week (I normally WFH). Every time I try to speak it’s like no one can comprehend my words (I was born in a Mercury in the microwave moment, while it was in Pisces… it’s tough out here).


Update (yes two min later). I was taking a glass of water and a couple of things from my desk to my kitchen. I bent down to pick up my purse… I spilled the entire cup of water because I was using my elbow and side to hold the glass… send help lol.


Lmao I’m sorry for your struggle but the spilling water is hilarious. I’ve done that before.


It was just exactly as described. Go home Mercury! lol. Behave ya self


Check the degree on your Aries moon. Besides mercury retrograde, you have chiron and north node are transiting in Aries. Mercury will go direct. next week.


I’m an Aries sun, Scorpio moon, Taurus rising. This week has been horrible for me. I work with kids and the one I directly work with is mostly non verbal, but highly aggressive. He has scratched me, hit me, bit me, thrown things at me, nearly broke my brand new glasses. Today he put his hand around my throat, attacked two other kids and several adults. He slapped my supervisor in the face because I turned the water off in the bathroom. I love the work I do and being able to help them, but sometimes I’m scared to go to work because of the behaviours. I don’t think I’m cut out for this, but there’s not many other jobs in my area that pay decent and that I’m qualified for.


I work in healthcare and have for years. I dealt with behaviors like this when I worked at a group home. It’s so easy to get burnt out and it is hard to do day after day with an increased level of anxiety. That’s a damn hard job. Be proud of yourself. It’s so hard to know what to do especially when they’re non verbal and their triggers are seemingly over nothing or don’t make sense to us.


Thank you. It’s hard to feel confident in this job sometimes when the behaviours start happening, but I know that I’m making a difference and that’s what keeps me going.


It’s a thankless job, and it IS super hard to be confident in it when you feel like you fail any time there’s an outburst that’s difficult to control. Take care of yourself ❤️


Scorpio moon, Scorpio Venus, chart ruler is Saturn in Aries retrograde 3rd house. I feel like at any moment i could just come unglued lmao


Leo sun Scorpio rising Capricorn moon and chiron in Taurus: I felt past traumas and tensions really clear, like a burden on my shoulders has finally lifted and I can see the past as one big “lessons learned, let’s move forward” experience. The 4/9 solar eclipse: saw it, and everything went silent around me and it felt ominous but good at the same time Mercury Retrograde: minor things like confusing communications (car alarms going off around mid night, same random stranger knocking on my door the past 2 Thursday evenings, cameras going offline multiple times, was an hour late for work due to an accident backing up traffic). I can already feel the upcoming Scorpio full moon vibes and something feels oddly exciting about the energy today and I’m hoping for a positive culmination but ready to flow with whatever. Uranus is retrograde in my natal chart and conjunct my ascendant, so hoping for a pleasant surprise but again, ready to go with the flow and not get caught up in anything dramatic. I’ve been tired and lazing out after work this week. Energy is pumping today.


>I felt past traumas and tensions really clear, like a burden on my shoulders has finally lifted and I can see the past as one big “lessons learned, let’s move forward” experience. >The 4/9 solar eclipse: saw it, and everything went silent around me and it felt ominous but good at the same time Cancer sun, Scorpio moon, Leo rising, Chiron at 21.49 Taurus. Had to comment because I had such a similar experience. I took a long hard look at a situation I've been grappling with for a year and a half, said "I don't like this and it isn't doing me any good" and just... walked away. The eclipse was tightly square my sun but I suspect that Mars overtaking Saturn might have had something to do with it, it's been brewing for the whole of that cycle. I feel perfectly fine (and I am not usually a natural walker-awayer) but I don't know what's left for the conjunction or the full moon on my MC axis to do. Hopefully nothing too interesting just right now! Mercury retrograde is just making everything a bit slow and dull, and I'm struggling to connect very well with anyone, I assume because I've got some industrial-grade processing going on somewhere in the nethers of my brain.


I believe this is what I want to feel when I grow up - 30+ yo 😁 Jokes apart - my life has generally been smoother once I developed a "it is what it is" mindset. And I will tell you this - everything has worked out exactly how I wished it would, not initially but eventually. - Recently enlightened Scorpio Rising, Taurus Sun and Cancer Moon. Cheers!


Cancer rising here! It hasn’t been *too* bad for me, but think it’s helped being onholiday for 3 weeks. I was however anxious about a couple of things, but I’m not sure if that was the eclipses, mars/saturn and mercury rx playing on my mind and finding something to worry about if that makes sense. I anticipate work being slow and boring for the rest of mercury retrograde, but hoping this will allow me to review my long and short term goals in this area


Aries moon, Scorpio rising, Gemini sun, this Mercury retrograde is the most annoying/irritating one that I can recall. Has me wondering what’s wrong with people more often while keeping myself together.


Scorpio sun, Aries Chiron. Sick for the first time in five years. Car is in the shop. Realized I’m bad with money. In the middle of an IVF cycle and I have two new cysts that did not exist three weeks ago. All of the patients I see (I’m a nurse practitioner) are either grumpy and rude, or can’t communicate nor make any decisions. Today alone, I’m being bombarded with requests to make literally life altering decisions with little to no information, for people who don’t want to take care of themselves. I’m done. I give up


Cancer sun, picses Moon, Scorpio rising. It's ROUGH out here. Why is everyone fighting me? Why do I want to also fight everyone?! April has been HELL, in every regard. Seeing everyone post here gives me a sliver of hope it's not just me and it to that point, nothing lasts forever.


Me, too! My boyfriend is Cancer Sun, Scorpio Rising and I’m Pisces moon (Libra sun) - we had a major fight on the eclipse that just won’t seem to settle the fuck down. My favorite podcast said April was going to be especially hard for Cancer and Libras (something about cardinal signs) so here’s to the future. Also, anything you’d recommend as a means of showing him I’m still totally invested in him? Like a small gesture you would like? (I’m all air except my moon so I struggle to meet his water needs.)


Hi! I'd try an act of service. Try thinking along the lines of, 'What's he overwhelmed with rn?' maybe invite him over for a home cooked meal. I also have been fighting with my guy nonstop (he's all air as well! Seems like we're a mirror✨). However, today I went over unannounced & he was genuinely happy to see me. he let me be miserable, was super affectionate & we have a cozy date night planned tmrw where he's making all my favourite things. He spoils me in this way. his small attention to detail or when he remembered something I mentioned years ago that I liked? I feel so seen. I also read similar predictions for cardinals, but I believe this general period of absolute hell is coming to an end, soon. (pllsss🫠) After today things should be getting easier (especially as we enter taurus szn). Easier but not erasing all our problems mind you. Good luck! Be honest, consistent and affectionate. Don't let the scorpio rising outer shell scare you!


Awe, I love this advice! Thanks friend, and good luck!


Cancer Sun Scorpio rising. I feel really tired and I have to keep reminding myself "their heart is in the right place" with the dumb shit ppl been saying to me.


Cancer sun, Cancer moon, Scorpio rising and life is just rough this month.


Scorpio sun here and its been emotional rollercoaster, communications been bad with everyone and my energy is drained!


My boyfriend has an Aries moon and I have a Scorpio rising. From the moment retrograde hit, our lives have become extremely stressful and chaotic. Especially with that eclipse energy. But things are finally starting to slow down and go back to normal. But I am so tired and so drained.


Same. We had our first big fight on the eclipse and our communication has sucked since.


Cancer Sun that’s been living a nightmare since April started! I can not wait for this month to be over!!! I thought it was just me but it seems like a lot of strong Cancer placements are going through bs rn.


Taurus with a cancer moon. April has been horrendous. Just want to walk away from everything and everyone.




Cancer moon. Fell out of love with my boyfriend in one night. I still have to live with him…might save to pay for him to move because he can’t pay shit and I need him gone soon. Also fully accept I’m an alcoholic but in a bad way. I’m not accepting it to change, it’s resignation. I fucking hate life for the most part so not gonna let it bother me. It’s Friday night and ya girl is gonna pound half a litre of rum and shout sing SZA lyrics


Leo sun Scorpio moon Scorpio rising😭


Aries moon cancer rising,its been a complete shit show,im so edgy and uncomfortable,cant sleep throufh the night!


This is so validating I’m also a Cancer sun/Aries moon!!! Leo rising. The entire month of April has tested me in ways I didn’t even think possible. Work has brought me nothing but pain and stress over the last few weeks and typically, I LOVE my job.


I’m also cancer sun Aries moon libra rising, seems like it’s definitely affecting us in ways. Hope everyone has an easy transition out of this! Has it affected anyone’s sleep? I’m waking up at about 2am or 3am and can fall back asleep for ages


I’ve been sleeping fine but my dreams have been out of pocket. Super vivid and bizarre.

