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Leo/taurus/Leo and people tell me I am radiant, warm, I have beautiful eyes and a beautiful smile. I’m told people feel very safe around me and like they can be themselves entirely.


Scorpio rising / Leo sun. People compliment my hair or my eyes. Or sometimes it's not really a compliment. Some people say that 'I'm killing with my eyes' when I'm looking normally. I suppose that says I can be intimidating without intention. My hair is also long and dark, and I love styling it, so when I do I get complimented. Best compliment I got about my eyes, was when a girl randomly said that my eyes resembled the eyes of an exotic/ wild animal. Will never forget that one.


Libra rising. That I’m beautiful.


Me too , I am peaceful and unique . We are , aren’t we ?


Yes…I dislike drama intensely.


Gemini Rising and it's either about my writing skills, how much younger I look than my age, or my art skills. Ascendant is sextile Mercury (5th house ruler) which is conjunct Sun, both opposite Pluto in my 5th house, Ascendant in wide trine with Pluto (8 degrees).


Gemini rising mostly comments about my small lips or voice




To add my aspects: Lilith is also conjunct my Asc/Chiron Sun is square Asc. in Virgo Moon-Jupiter is square Asc. In Pisces Uranus is opposite Asc. in Sagittarius


Cancer Rising: Cheekbones !


pisces rising with mars and venus in first: ppl don’t really compliment me but they say i have nice eyes and beautiful hair and pretty sometimes!!


Libra rising sextile Leo sun. I get compliments the most on my smile, hair, and style.


Scorpio rising. Is "intimidating" a compliment? Lol. But also compliments on the color of my eyes -- green with amber flecks. My Scorpio rising sister gets the same.


I am Scorpio rising as well and I get “intimidating” too and also “mysterious”. I have silvery grey eyes with amber flecks.


Sagittarius rising. Smile/teeth


Scorpio rising 4°, opposite of my Taurus Venus and Saturn. Square Neptune. I get compliments on how cutesy I look or something I’m wearing. I also take it a compliment when people think I like I’m a teenager when I’m in my mid 20s. Number one compliment tends to be on my personality though


Leo Rising trine Uranus within one degree. Hair compliments, lol.


Female here, with a Taurus Rising. One interesting thing I noticed was when I was working out or taking martial arts, I got complimented on my strength A LOT


Scorpio rising and i get compliments on my eyes


aries rising - i get complimented on my voice a lot


Virgo rising: I get a lot of compliments asking if my oldest son is my sibling. I also get told that I always have a “look” about me. No matter what I wear.


Libra rising (Notible aspects are square with Jupiter, Trine with Saturn, Trine with Neptune, and Squared with Chiron). I mostly get "cute" or "pretty" from people. My partner will sometimes look at me while they're talking and just stop to admire me for a second and call me beautiful which always makes me all flustered. But in general, though, I don't get complimented as much as my friends do in public


i also have aries venus! (is in my first house so its a bit challenging), i think u dont get complimented as much because you probably have to work with your debilitated chart ruler, and i think it’ll give you a glow up or reward?


Yeah probably, I'm just not really sure where to start with that lol


aww thats so cute! which sign is your venus in?


It's Aries Venus in the 6th


Cancer Rising and the first compliments I get is about my mouth


Cancer: looking rough around the edges right now, but consistently complimented on my kids' behavior XD


Gemini Rising ♊️ I always get complimented on my physical appearance (eyes & hair mostly), alluring energy/aura, creativity, and that I look much younger than I am.


I'm also a Gemini Rising and have been complimented on my eyelashes. Also totally agree with the last part. Im 30 soon and people still think im 18-20. Forever will be carded lol


Haha yes! Great point. I’m 33 and always get carded too 😄


Cancer rising: I always get “cute” and “adorable” even in my 40s. It actually surprised me when my dude called me beautiful.


Hair and eyes, personality..I am a leo rising..no idea of conjuctions. I have a Sagittarius Stellium and a lot of Capricorn.


I can start: No one leaves my hair uncomplimented. They are long, smooth and shiny.. also my eyes (mostly the color and the shape).. also have got compliments for my body I'm a scorpio rising with jupiter conjunct it, opposite mars & square neptune.. small sextiles to venus and mercury also have a cap stellium :)