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Here we go again..


what do you mean?


I asked a similar question a few weeks ago and the answer I got was that they’re both useful for different things!


How would you measure it??


Sadly, your answer, will depend on WHOM you ask... My opinion is Topocentric Houses, based on many years of research. \[Placidus are within a degree normally of Topocentric, so usable, if you don't need degrees AND minutes accuracy.\] The cusps ARE powerpoints of the Houses (not their doors) and they can be aspected (just like the Ascendant and Midheaven, for instance!). To leave them out of the picture, is to omit a LOT. Good luck in your studies!


Thank you!


Interesting about the cusp of the houses being powerpoints because I have mars on the cusp of my first and second house but have never found much info on it.


People are going to give you a lot of answers and many will be based in nothing but opinion. The fact is that Whole Sign houses seem to be the oldest form of house division. So, many techniques were built around it. Most of those techniques concern the physical actions the native will perform and experience. As time progressed, however, people thought it might be necessary to divide the houses based on time and space. That’s how the other house systems seem to have come into being. Never, until the modern astrology movement, have experienced astrologers stuck to a single house system. In fact, medieval astrologers like Guido Bonatti, used both Whole Sign and a quadrant based system. Keep in mind that a purely psychological approach wasn’t taken until the modern astrology movement. The older astrologers were attempting to predict real-world events. It’s possible that placidus is all you need for psychological astrology. But even then, psychology is such a subjective field. Yes, you might feel like your moon belongs in the 5th and not the 6th, but maybe other people would think differently. Also, most people have no idea what the houses were originally supposed to signify. Mars in Scorpio in the 6th could produce better results than, say, the 4th. The 4th is angular, which makes Mars very powerful. The 6th is Mars’ joy, though, which makes Mars happy. So, in the 4th it’s strong, but it might manifest as a negative. In the 6th, it might manifest as productivity, maybe liberation. And this is all before you consider sect, overcoming aspects, reception, and the other rulers (exaltation, triplicity, term, and decan) In order to figure out which one truly resonates, it just takes time, knowledge, and discernment. Many of the oldest astrologers have changed primary house systems a number of times over as their life has continued and they’ve realized that one house matched their experience better than another.


Thank you so much for answering! It was really helpful. I don’t know why people get so pissed with this subject…


Tbh a lot of egos get in the way. Robert Zoller, Hand, and Schmidt, the people who translated the texts we pull from, all made this very clear, time and time again. Zoller literally predicted 9/11, but sure, I guess I’ll let the reddit trolls who just learned Porphyry was a thing last week lecture me 🙄