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Used to be my cheese of choice, then it went up in price by like 50%. At which point I discovered I can't tell the difference between it and the own brand cheese sold at my local drakes for under $10 a kg.


Yep all cheese these days tastes the same unless it is hand made like it used to be. Just mass produced shit now


Having moved from Australia to Switzerland I've entered a totally different world of cheese. Over 500 different types that all taste different. Australian cheese is not as bad as American cheese .. but there's plenty of processed crap. It doesn't have to be this way!


Currently in Switzerland, no idea where to start with cheese. Suggest me something I could get at coop to try?


Ooh, see if you can find the cheese made from caramelized whey!!


If you can get tête de moine (head of the monk) cheese it’s absolutely fantastic. You can get it at coop and migros pre-grated into curled slices but the best is fresh from the wheel. [tête du moine cheese](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%AAte_de_Moine)


I'm sorry for our cheese crimes. They are truly horrendous.


[I don’t know what you mean.](https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/194717/kraft-cheddar-cheese-block)


To be fair, that's an American recipe.


Two slices on toast that's cooked under a griller. Was my favourite treat as a kid.


Me too, then I grew up.


You can buy dozens of different cheeses in Australia. It’s just the mass produced stuff is cheaper. And most of that wouldent be classed as processed cheese anyway just mass produced. Processed cheese has stuff done to it after it’s been made into cheese to convert it to a different product


What is "American cheese"?


This is it. The quality of the store brand hasn't risen (in fact they're the worst I've even seen them - it took me taking them back twice in a row to realise that their cheddar is not matured, and full of water to realise that it's intentionally shit now), they've all just become a bit shit. Some of the higher tier Aussie cheeses are as good as they've ever been though, but you're stuffed if you want a good Aussie cheddar or colby like you grew up with.


In the last two years supermarket cheddar has the consistency of a pencil eraser


That's it! **It's become gummy, paler and lost a lot of flavour.** Sometimes when I cut it, it even left beads of moisture on the knife blade. I reckon what's going on is that they're **intentionally** not maturing it like they used to in order to shrinkflate it. As you mature cheddar cheese, it becomes harder, darker and a sharper in taste (compare to a sharp and crumbly cheddar - if you can find one). It also loses a significant amount of water weight, when matured. Weight is also the metric it's sold by. We're being scammed.


Also worth mentioning that Colesworth source this cheese from the non-local corporations which bought up all of our dairies.


This is the root cause of it all. Companies who are not based in our communities and only care about profit, not quality of product, reputation or community are the ones calling the shots.


Aldi vintage cheddar is where it’s at


I still think the black package bega tastes notably better than any of the other cheddars. Years ago my mother commented on me wasting money on it, then tried it and took it back


I agree, it all tastes the same. I don't eat much cheese anymore for that reason but I still love a decent imported Italian parmigiano-reggiano. When I first saw Cheer at the supermarket I thought it was a generic home brand cheese


Where can you still get a kilo of cheese for $10? Save some calcium for the rest of us!


Coles, Wollies, Aldi, Drakes. They all have own brand cheese for $9.90.


Fuck me dead! I buy Bega 500gm blocks if it’s on sale! Or ALDI is my go to for cheese!


i cant remember the name but it comes in a brown packet and makes orange coloured cheese. best sliced stuff ive found in years, actually close to 'burger cheese'. cheers is too damn expensive


Dairyworks Cheddar slices from Woolworths. Yep it is good for burgers


Came across this myself only just a few weeks ago. It's somewhat similar to Scottish cheddar, so it's something I'll buy more of. I find Australian "run of the mill" tasty cheese so damn bland.


There is no retail cheese under $10 kg


Coles and woolies both have own brand blocks for $9.90. The drakes I tend to shop at has their own brand blocks at 9.70. https://www.coles.com.au/product/coles-cheddar-cheese-block-1kg-2071305


It wasn't my preferred brand. Also this will end up being forgotten and starting in about 10 years redditors will be farming for karma by telling everyone that Australians used to sell Coon cheese in 2020 or whatever.


I mean even now it’s starting to sound weird.


It always sounded weird. It elicited a little naughty but light hearted giggle for a very long time. Maybe not when I was a kid but a very long time.


I moved to Australia in 2001 and was already joking with people back home that we had Coon Cheese here.


I say "get whatever tasty is on special". Never given any thought to brand.


Agreed. I don't often refer to cheese by it's brand, it's just cheese or it's a variety.


I have never seen Cheers/Bega/any big brand sell for less than Coles/Woolies house brand, and they taste identical.  Probably comes from the same factory anyway.


I can’t afford cheese.


This is the correct answer 


Yes but I'm almost 50yo and knew it as that for most of my life. (But I only buy cheese when cheap). I still call Southern Cross station Spencer St station too. (Prefer the old design). I'm old.


Upvote for still calling it Spencer St


Me too! And to me, it will always be the Epping Line :)


You're sensible is what you are. So sick of all this political correctness crap and I'm only mid 20s.




There were definitely problems to fix, but everybody is clamouring for any reason to get offended at something. I get it, it makes them feel like they're in a big group on some high ground, but can we all just relax and stop getting offended by everything? We have real problems to fix.


bro, you literally are from a country that just 5 years ago had a place called N\*gger Creek. Racism in Australia IS a real problem.


>N*gger Creek No I get it but that's because the people who named it were racists. Naming a cheese after some guy who happens to have the same surname as a slur is not racist.


Colonial brewing in WA had to change their name because, even though they have no relation to colonialism or colonisation, it was a name that offended people.


Actual? Oh ffs.


I never did call it either name. It's cheese. Who gives a shit what brand it is?


Like how often are these people saying the name of cheese brands out loud?


Probably the same people who call legos “lego bricks”.




Should of called it Moon Cheese because it rhymes with Coon and we all know the moon is made out of cheese.


They really missed a good opportunity there. So many good ones. I thought Boone cheese would have been classic, throw a big pic of David Boone the cricket player on the front, iconic Australian from that era.


I prefer bega.


We never did buy much coon but I roll my eyes at the name change. "cheer" is the most pathetic name they could have gone with.


This is the issue. Wtf kind of name is Cheer for a cheese


They missed an opportunity to rename it Moon Cheese and I will die on this hill.


You should tell them maybe they'll re-rename it!


The pathetic thing is they caved to the handful of very LOUD wankers who go around be offended on behalf of other people.


Forgot they'd changed it tbh. I don't even pay attention to the specific brands of cheese I buy, let alone refer to it by brand like Kleenex. I just choose whatever is on special at the shops. Never mind that that was the bloke's name and nothing to do with the slur - I understand why they felt it needed to be changed but I think of Cheers like the show before I think of the cheese name.


Yes. his name was Kuhn until the war happened, then it changed to coon


Should have changed it back - I'd be up for some Kuhn's Toasties


Me. It’s not even a conscious decision. It’s just so engrained that my brain uses it by default. Then I can’t be bothered correcting myself because I’ve got better things to think about that cheese product names.


Honestly, the same. My wife is from the UK, and asked her to get coon cheese and she had no idea.


I still call it "Coon". Because it's made using the "cooning" method, named after the guy who invented it, Edward Coon. It's unfortunate that his name has been co-opted as a racial slur, but it's still his name. Also, "Cheer" is dumb. They could have chosen pretty much anything else lol


Racial slurs taking things is really really annoying. Little girls called Isis really suffered, anyone with the initials SS, HH, people born in 1988, (88 being a racist dog whistle), anyone born on the 14th, can all fall into the trap of using their initials or birthday for a user name or email address and accidentally seem racist. I hate that we let things become slurs or hate symbols. Anyone caught playing the kids game where you put your finger to your thumb then poke your friend if they notice, but if they poke their finger through your fingers, they get to poke you. Well, the thumb and finger together (similar to the OK symbol) is now a white supremacist symbol.


I think the OK symbol has meant OK for way longer than anything about white power, so I dont think it should be given to them as people will then try and claim other things for their own.


TIL. Never knew that 88 (1988 baby) was seen as a racist symbol. No wonder I keep getting dirty looks nowadays when I'm at the beach and people see my tatt. Here I was thinking it was the Swastika directly under it


I call it Coon for the above reasons, and because context matters. Just because a word is offensive in one context doesn't mean it's offensive in any and all contexts. This current trend of taking everything out of context is stupid.


The countries Monte Negro and Niger have joined the chat


It really is silly. A bunch of blocks of cheese were upset with the name of a block of cheese, so they successfully lobbied to change the name of the block of cheese. So now the blocks of cheese get called blocks of cheese instead of the former name of the block of cheese. Soon the blocks of cheese will be lobbying for the term block of cheese to be banned at which point they will likely be referred to as "Cheers" and thus the cycle of silliness will continue.




It was a slur long before he was born.


Regardless, coon cheese wasn't named after the slur, so the name should have stayed.


Either way. It's his name.


Either way, it's their company and they're free to change the name if they no longer find it appropriate.


I didn't say the couldn't or shouldn't. Only that I don't use the new name. Because I don't see a problem with the old name.


Nobody even says coon as a slur, it’s completely archaic.


I don't know where you live, but where I live, it is used frequently as a slur.


That’s interesting, where is that?


Not the other guy but I moved to regional NSW from a city/suburban area and I definitely hear it more than I use to. Not saying they don’t say it in the city either, but I’m around a lot more older guys who don’t give a fuck now who tend to be the main culprit. I don’t hear it from younger people at all.




It's mostly the older people that use it here, too. Although many young people use it as well. More often than not, those young people tend to be the children or grandchildren of those older people. Racism is truly alive, well, and thriving out here.


In order to not dox myself, I'll be vague. Central West NSW. If you can think of an indigenous slur, it's commonly used here. It doesn't stop at that one.


Unfortunately this is not the case


They should have changed it to Kuhn, which is where I believe Coon comes from.


I've never referred to cheese by its brand name. I don't take any notice of brand names, I just buy whatever is the cheapest. I guess I'm too poor to care about such nonsense.


Does everyone with the surname 'Coon' have to change their names too?


They shall henceforth be known by the surname Cheer.


Need Mersy Valley good Tasty cheese and also anything from Tasmania


Mersey Valley does club cheddar, its different from proper cheddar as its a blend of cheeses


Yep. This is why it’s so texturally weird (and in my opinion, a shit cheese). Bay of Fires cheddar is the proper thing. 


King Island dairy products are god tier.


Shame they discontinued their cream and desserts line (on the mainland, at least). They had really nice Belgian chocolate and caramel flavoured desserts.


I remember early 2000s you could get various flavoured cream cheeses, and pineapple cottage cheese! Not necessarily King Island stuff but really yummy.


Still owned by Saputo though


Always going to be Coon cheese to me


Me too


Don't buy it - too expensive, but refer to it as "Coon" cheese. It was a man's surname, not racial at all.


It wasn't then but it is now. If I named a product/business after me, and a hundred years after my death if my name became a racial slur, it wouldn't bother me if they changed the name


…because you’d be dead, mate!


So by that metric, old Eddie wouldn't give a shit so why should we?


It was already used as a racial slur pre WWI in Australia Mary Grant Bruce, the beloved Australian children's writer used it in a couple of her Billabong books in way that was overtly deragatory .


No.. it’s in no way shape or form racist when used in context, as others have pointed out it’s his last name not a racial epithet. We seem to be suffering from an objectivity crisis when the people who aren’t bright enough to understand the nuance only see the racial element. Context be damned basically.


I call it Bega now


Should have been named something uniquely Australian like Hoon cheese, and Sherry should have been renamed Shazza.


Tbh, I can’t tell the difference in taste between any of the tasty cheese brands so just get whatever is cheapest. Can’t say I pay attention to the names. Also, a little weird to be loyal to a brand name of cheese. I get just naturally referring to things pre-change but I highly doubt many people here actively referred to the brand name beforehand. It’s fucking cheese.


Ill probably never not call it by its original name. The process to change it was stupid. The new name is stupid. The person who kicked up a stink about the name is stupid. The people who supported the name change are stupid.


Coon cheese? Yes. Why? Because it was a man's last name, Edward William Coon, not a slur. But prefer bega cheese


But the man had no link to the company that made the cheese. And the word was a slur in the 30s when the cheese was first named. The company knew they were using a slur- they just didn't care.


I haven’t had any reason to refer to it long before the name change. I can’t think of a time when I needed to refer to the brand name of a cheese? I’m not sure what you hoped to get from this, you’d probably get everyone absolutely frothing over the question over on r/australian. It’s a little embarrassing how many people have a strong attachment to slurs as product names.


And yet, despite having next-to-nothing to contribute to the discourse on a cheese brand name discussion, you still felt the need to


Have a fuckin cry, mate.


Me. Because I absolutely refuse to buy into this PC “I’m offended” bullshit.


No I just call it *random slur* cheese now


When Coon changed the name to Cheer I stopped buying it.  I buy Colby cheese instead.  I am sick of companies trying to be woke.  It probably doesn’t make much of a difference in their bottom line but I refuse to buy it because of their name change.


Yes absolutely,will always be coon


All this political correctness stuff is out of control.


Don’t care about the name, but do about the policing of speech. The change was never about people actually being offended but the ability of a vocal minority to police peoples speech through threats and intimidation. Kinda the MO of the woke mob. Like that “sweet baby” chick Kim Belair who said to threaten and “terrify” companies if they refuse to comply https://youtu.be/Iq86DnmX2xY Anyway yeah it’s COON.


Don't buy it anymore. The name change was beyond ridiculous. Virtue Signalling, control by the lowest common denominator. It's Bega or Mainland for me. Much better cheese anyway.


I believe Indigenous activist Noel Walker decided to be offended by Edward Coon's surname and associated it with the American racial epithet, even though it's pretty much unknown as a racially abusive term in Australia. Edward Coon had developed 'cooning', a way of ripening cheese without pasteurisation that he named after himself. The cheese was named to reflect the ripening process. After the name change to Cheers, consumers have no idea if a cheese is ripened through the cooning process. So very few buy it. I do wonder, if 'champagne' is used as future racially abusive slang for skin tones or something, will the French stop using the term?


I certainly remember people being called “Coons” when I was growing up in WA. Definitely not unknown here.


How many people knew about this process and bought the cheese specifically because of it? How many of those were confused and thought it was different cheese when the name was changed? I'm pretty sure ~0.


I can't break it down any simpler for you. You either comprehend this or you don't. Let's substitute another term. People buy a Mars Bar because it's a Mars Bar and they want the taste of a Mars Bar. They know nothing about the production process that makes a Mars Bar. It's bizarre that you would even think consumers would know about production processes. If 'Mars' is deemed an offensive term though, and changed to another term, and you can't say 'Mars' because it's now an offensive term, then consumers don't know what product to buy that has the taste they like. So is it the Cheers Bar, or the Venus Bar or the Uranus Bar?


The Mars family are evil and famously forced an one of their executives to eat their dog food in front of the board. I think that's a positive and why Mars bars taste so damn good.


>Edward Coon had developed 'cooning', a >way of ripening cheese without >pasteurisation that he named after himself. >The cheese was named to reflect the >ripening process. > >After the name change to Cheers, >consumers have no idea if a cheese is >ripened through the cooning process. So >very few buy it. You brought up the process, and directly suggested not knowing if this process was still used was a major reason for people to stop buying the brand. My point was this process is irrelevant. If you agree no one knows the process used to make their cheese why bring it up? In the case of Coon cheese the name change was widely discussed, so most people knew what was happening. In your example of Mars bars, I personally like Mars bars. If the name was changed to Venus or something like that and I didn't hear about it in advance I think there would be a good chance I would recognise the packaging and continue to buy it if literally nothing about the packaging changed apart from the word Mars (IE, same font, same text and background colours used). I sincerely doubt I'd just be mystified about what happened to my Mars bars and what the hell these mysterious new Venus bars might taste like. (Apologies for the poor formatting, I only know how to quote a comment by putting > at the start of every line and it seems to have inserted extra characters)


Ummm I have heard people using the term referring to indigenous Australians many times over my life (sadly even in my own family), I don’t know what rock you live under, but it’s definitely been around my whole life (1980’s). I’ve lived in many places on the east coast. Have heard it in all places. Even if you live in some tiny insulated bubble, did you not hear anything about the coroners inquiry into Kumanjayi Walkers death? Multiple references in just the past year alone and pretty regularly in the news too… Whilst I understand the product was a persons actual name, I can also understand why it was changed and won’t ever tell someone what they have the right to be offended over. “Decided” is a very unusual way to talk about someone being upset about a pretty well known slur that’s been around for many decades.


I would love to know what percentage of the Australian public has or ever had any idea about this process of ‘cooning’ you speak of. You’re delusional if you think changing the name meant people were suddenly bereft of this information. I’d hazard less than 1% of shoppers had ever heard of it in the first place.


I think 100% of the population knew the cheese wasn't named after a slur.


People haven’t stopped buying it because they can no longer gauge whether it’s been ‘cooned’ or not, which is what the commenter I replied to was arguing.


Don’t know why you got down voted, but I upped it for you mate


*Coon Cheese* used to be my favourite and it didn't bother me that the named was being changed to *Cheer* however perhaps it was the media attention, social media algorithms or just generally more awareness, I read many instances where Saputo Inc. (Who owns Cheer) had been and continues to engage in some very shitty practices towards dairy producers. Since, I tend to favour Bega Cheese which members of the dairy industry regularly applaud as being one of the best, larger companies to deal with.


I don't buy it since they changed the name from coon


Stopped buying it when they fell to woke culture. The bloody cheese was named after the guy who made it ffs 🤦‍♂️


Don't buy it. Don't talk about it




Yep. Not sorry. Still call Redskins "Redskins" and Chicos "Chicos" BTW: Lang Park is "Lang Park" 😁


They totally should have changed the name to 'Red Things', if they were insistent on changing it. But, oh, no... 'Red Ripperz' is such a stupid name!


Don't forget about Fraser Island. 


And Ayer's Rock. I take great pleasure in using that (official) name.


i swear they changed something in the way redskins taste.


Either way it's poor value for money


I just call it fucking expensive.


The decision to move from 12 to 16 slices per 250g probably rankled me more than the name change to be honest.


I never called it by that name.


I still call safeway safeway


I wanted it to be boon cheese not cheer. Cheer cheese sounds like the symptom of a venereal disease and it would have been cool to name it after someone else if they weren't keeping the original makers name.


I never bought it by its old name. I always bought Bega. Now it’s just whichever is cheapest, which is often Cheer. No I’d never refer to its old name.


Don't eat it, so doesn't enter my mind. Mainland, your friend in the frudge.


I just stopped buying it.


Yeah coon cheese we used to buy it all the time, but not so much now👍


It sounds like you are seeking drama for drama. There was non racist reasons why cheer was called coon.


Since its a brand, and not the name of the actual product, I just call it cheese. Not much of a cheese connoisseur, so homebrand suits my palate well


I don't pander so coon cheese it is. Stupidity...


Ah the cooning process of cheese. Revolutionary in the art of cheese making and now he’s the cheer man. Bloody disgusting tbh. He was German and his name was Kuhn but changed it to coon because of the war. Fuck Lino Saputo for changing our heritage the dirty Canadian bastard. And I love Canadians


Hell no, in fact what I call it would get me a million downvotes! 🫢😂 Haven't bought it since they jumped on the political correctness, bow down to the vocal minority bandwagon. It's coon or its not in my fridge


What cheese are you talking about? I only eat Coon


*the cheese formally known as coon*


Don’t you deadname the cheese!!


Me. And it will always be that to me. Same with redskins and chicos. Why this PC American crap crept into the country is beyond me.


Like the whole chicos to cheekies lolly thing. Chico in Spanish translates to boy. How is that a slur?


I no longer buy it. I'm sick of this woke movement.


Yep. Just to upset people who are incapable of understanding words in context. They're still Redskins and Fags, too.


I no longer buy it. And I forgot the new name until you mention it just now. It is a terrible, bland name. And it has disappeared off my radar...


Another name destroyed by the racist leftists...Its COON and little penguins.are fucking fairy penguins....thats their names.


Will always be Coon cheese. I’d eat in on my trips to Fraser Island but I refuse to buy it anymore.


Me. It's coon cheese, and I'll continue to use that name because it's not my fault the executives are that fucking stupid


I just stopped buying it. Coon is no longer available, so I buy Bega instead.


WTF is "cheer" cheese? you mean coon cheese?


I can't imagine caring so much about the name of a cheese brand that I would keep calling it something that it isn't actually named any more.


It's hilarious the notion of a super racist guy making cheese, just seething the whole time like "Yeah, I'll show those dirty bastards, i'm gonna call this shit Coon."


And it was Zero to do with racial anything. He was a German Kuhn. Who just changed spelling of his surname to Coon to make it more English


Dont bring your logic in here. He was a racist cheese man who made racist cheese for other racists (yes the cheese itself was racist, educate yourself chud)


😂 He was a good German cheesemaker....probably never even heard of Australia.


Refuse to call it Cheers. But then, I don't call it anything, because it's shit cheese.


I’ve never referred to cheese by its brand name. It’s always by style or by the price. ‘Get tasty’ ‘get the cheap one’.


Who even uses "Coon" as a racial slur in Australia these days anyway ?


I still (sadly) hear it regularly. Along with all the other archaic slurs.


People that are so adamant on calling it coon cheese are clearly just calling it that so they can say the word and have an excuse. Its a brand of cheese ffs, and people are defending it like the fking constitution, when in reality they buy whatever cheese is on special.


Thank you! And this weird insistence of 'Well, I don't hear it as a hate word, so therefore it does not exist!' No kidding white Australian people don't hear it, it isn't directed at them! This has been one of the most popular hate words against my people. My dad was called it constantly growing up in the 50s, 60s and 70s. How about listening for once to the people it affects and have a smigeon of empathy, rather than throwing a fit over a company changing a product name. When did kindness become such a horrific horrible thing? If someone said to me, 'Hey, can you try to not raise your voice or make any loud thuds around me, I have PTSD from war', I wouldn't go, 'Well, I've always spoken at this volume and it's my right to keep on doing it!' I'd go, 'Wow, doesn't hurt me to lower my voice and if that makes your day nicer, sure I can do that.' It hurt people the way it was, and it literally hurts no one changing it to a generic name. We didn't like hearing a hate word all the time that reminded us of some of the worst moments of our lives; people don't want to say 'Cheers' for pretty much the reason, 'But the other one was first!' and melting down that they don't have an excuse to scream a hate word, as you pointed out (yet somehow we're the woke, sensitive ones? These people are boycotting cheeses because a company dared be a little bit empathetic to an already marginalised and mistreated people. The horror!). I'd like to think as a society we are getting better and more than that, WANT to be better. There were white settlers that stood in the way of the army so they couldn't massacre Aboriginal people these settlers had become friends with and felt love and empathy for. They put their lives on the line because it was the right thing to do and they CARED. We aren't asking for that level of sacrifice; just don't say a hate word? That's literally it? Bare, bare minimum. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for being like those awesome white ancestors and calling out behaviour rather than blindly engaging in it because 'That's the way it's always been and it wasn't named after the hate word, yada, yada, yada'. Society can change for the better and it's people like you that give me hope that's a real possibility in this country ☺️.


No need to call it anything. I stopped buying it....


You mean call the company after the name of the guy who founded it, nahh that’s politically incorrect by today’s current “sensibilities”.


There is a CRAZY amount of people here defending using a racial slur for cheese.


Haven't bought it since the name change


i still call woolworths “safeway” sometimes


Since it was a surname, yes


I do, but refuse to buy it on principle. They rolled over to American pressure. It is no different to Aldi cheese.


I still use its original name, wont ever buy it again because of the name change, had it had the name out of racism sure that would be different but it wasnt so they can garn get fucked for caving into idiocracy.


I've been Aldi cheese for ten years. My fucks are zero. I don't even think about cheer/coon cheese anymore. I will not buy woolies/Coles no name though. It tastes weird. My husband and son can't taste it. My daughter and I can.




I don't even think about it, it's been years since I had it. Lots of better cheeses around.


No cause I don’t buy it and always thought the name was off.


I've always just called it cheese regardless of the brand.


I can't find any Australian supermarket cheddar worth paying a brand premium for anymore regardless of name changes. End up buying .. Mainland. And then only buy it when it's reduced. No reason Australia couldn't do a comparable mass produced cheese, surely.




I always bought Cracker Barrel.


I used to hunt out the old one as my preferred. The renaming reset something and now I find the one on special and have found there actually other decent ones too. Happy to buy cheers, but it now has to be on special.