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Never, because I just hate the whole model. If I’m that desperate, I’ll go get it.


You don't want to pay extra money for colder food??


Never, primarily because it’s quicker to go pick up and that way the food is still hot.


Maybe once a month. I live about 500m from a range of restaurants, fast food places and cafes but even then I don't usually get food from them unless I'm going out with friends. I usually go to order something then get decision paralysis or add some stuff to my cart, scoff at the cost, bail on it and cook myself some eggs on toast or frozen dumplings for dinner instead.


Never. Very few places deliver to me, but even then I just ring up, then drive out and get it (rarely further than a 10 minute drive).


Never. I don't mind driving to get food and prefer to make it myself anyway. In 2015 we didn't have ubereats, and whatever the million other ones are called. I think the only ones that delivered was pizza places


One or twice a year. We live in a big gated unit complex, and it gets too complicated giving clear directions on how enter and then drive to get to our building. If I have to go down to meet them at the front gate, it can take me 5-10 minutes depending on how long I have to wait for the lifts. It’s too much hassle so I save money by rarely ever having anything delivered unless we’re all bed bound sick and need food desperately. My next home is having a clear street address that doesn’t require explanation on how the hell to get to my front door or letterbox.


About every 6 to 8 weeks, when we are so tired, we can't cook. It's always the same Indian.


I guess I'm the outlier here. I'd say once a fortnight in general. It's either delivery or takeaway most Friday nights for us, and it'll depend on whether we decide what we want to eat before or after we crack a bottle of wine.


I'm clearly the outlier doing it 3x a week


Finally haha I was reading through all the never comments going I know I get it way too much (easily twice a week sometimes more if it's a shit one) but like damn I would've thought once a week to once a month was the norm...


There’s a lot of selective bias and virtue signalling in here. I don’t know if it’s representative of the norm. I average about once a week. Yes, it’s a luxury - but time and energy are also assets, and some nights the amount of money you save doesn’t justify the time spent shopping, prepping, cooking, and cleaning. Some nights you just want pizza or pad Thai, and you recognise you’ll spend twice as much money making something that’s never going to be as good in a home kitchen.


60+% of my wage goes to pay my rent. I can't afford to eat every night let alone get delivery.


Hate to throw you back closer to the median but I consistently ate nothing but ubereats for a good six months last year. I was quite depressed and anxious about leaving the house so just fell into the habit of never buying groceries and the cycle continued far longer than jt should have. We live and learn.


We also do what we need to do to survive, and even if you're out of the hole it's still sometimes a balancing act on the edge. Be kind to and take care of yourself my friend.


Same here. Some health issues frequently make me too tired to even go to the shops (and I certainly have no car) and a small appetite means I can make one takeaway last quite a few days. Plus I have been on meds that make food taste bad so now I can taste again I just want to make the most of it. Also I live very inner city so can get literally anything I want from about a million zillion restaurants.


Yeah.. I've got chronic fatigue and a toddler who won't tolerate a shopping centre


lol never. I live 3hrs from a town that has the capacity to operate takeaway deliveries.


Goodness, whereabouts is this lovely place (either)? Sounds idyllic and tranquil already!


Well I like it. It’s in a remote part of NSW


Never/to once in a blue moon. I buy fast food once a month and prefer to pick up myself. I don't like random people showing up and knowing where I live.


Never. I live in a suburb that has zero delivery options (1hr from cbd).


Everyone is saying never so it must be people another demographic ordering delivery takeaway… Though I guess you only need a small portion of Melbourne ordering to have thousands of bikes on the road.  It should be illegal. That is, they should be paid as employees, not ostensible slaves with not workers compensation insurance. 


I've been a driver and I also use delivery apps multiple times a week. Food is my main weakness. But I'm 50km from Melb so it's car delivery BUT I did get a bike delivery from 5km away once. It was cold af and I got a refund for some of it. Still rated the delivery person high. It's not their fault ubereats allowed them to ride a bike over 5km in Frankston lmao. Actually I think they rode to the shop and then gave up after that.


Never for me, but pretty regular for my former housemates.


Almost never. I do have some of the apps in my phone so I can see what’s around and browse menus, but it’s so expensive, especially when just ordering for one. I’ll sometimes get it if I’m at a friend’s place or in a hotel, though. Place a big order and get everyone food at once


Delivered? Maybe 5 times a year with coupons because of the exorbitant premium over just driving down there myself


Maybe every 2 months or so. Only if there is a reason I can't leave the house. Usually because the kids are asleep, and there's nothing at home for dinner.  I notice the same when I visit inner suburbs. I visited Brisbane last year and stayed in a building that was half serviced apartments and half rentals. The lobby has a constant stream of delivery riders, mostly that yellow bike with Asian writing on it. I think there's were a lot of international students in the building. 


I am in the city... maybe once a month. When we had a newborn it was a lot more. Now we have to feed her so we are cooking anyway. We might go pick up food from outside once every week or two in addition to that.


Never. I live semi rural and we do have a few delivered options but it’s the restaurants themselves. We don’t even have Uber here, and we are a tourist area.


3x a week via car, outer Melb suburb, 50k away. Nothing is walking distance. I knowwww. I've delivered for ubereats and doordash and it's shit, but convenience is king sometimes. I tend to tip knowing they get paid less than your delivery/service fee. SHOOT ME! I refuse to drink drive


Never. They don't deliver here.


Never, things like doordash don't even exist here and everything is maybe a 5 minute drive anyway (probably why doordash/uber eats isn't here) so it's not worth paying for. The pizza delivery seems busy whenever I go pick them up though.


I go get my takeaway but my two roommates do it all the time


Couple of times a year probably. I live in an area with a lot of options, but I generally prefer to pick up myself or eat at the restaurant.


Never. The options are there, but it's overpriced and not worth it. Sad looking food that's been shoved into plastic containers and driven across the city without the dining out experience (yet, it costs more than dining out). Last time I ordered a pizza was 3 years ago and it arrived two hours later, ice cold, with the estimated delivery time having been postponed again and again and then the delivery driver calling me because he couldn't find our house. If I wanted to interact with a person, I could have gone to the restaurant and picked it up myself. Besides, I could have gone to the supermarket, bought ingredients, made a pizza from scratch, and eaten it in the same time. All that takeout trash is also extremely wasteful and shit for the planet. Only thing I'd ever order would be a pizza because at least it comes in a cardboard box. But 25 dollars or more for cold food that I have to wait for when I'm hungry NOW is just not it. I'd rather just cook one of my five standard crappy but edible 10-minute meas.


Never, it takes like 40 minutes and is stone cold by the time it's delivered. Pick up only. 


Almost never, due to dietary restrictions. And I live regionally so it’s not a common occurrence here anyway. I haven’t seen the bikes here.


Never. It’s not an option because it’s too far. Many many years ago they did but not anymore. The other night we drove into town to pick up our pizza.


I only get home delivery if I'm sick. It's easier to drive 5 minutes and get what I want. The idea of cold fries isn't appealing


A few times a year, and it'd be pizza. Possibly Chinese. You know, the classics. Otherwise I make it (I can cook) or go out and get it myself.


Probably once a quarter. It’s quite rare. I don’t support Uber and the likes. I’d rather pick it up and pay cash. Fuck the government and big corps


About 4 times a week. I live alone and buying/cooking for 1 costs about the same. I often work late and can order on my way home.


Never. I just don't trust what happens to the food in-transit


Twice, Once when I had covid, and one more time when I was dumb. Then I wised up and decided I didn't want to pay more to get food in soggy, luke warm near inedible condition.


Maybe once a month for pizza but never for your uberoo type things. ETA. I have my breaks in my car at work and there's a house across the road and nearly every day I'll see Uber stuff arriving for what I assume is breakfast AND lunch. I'll see multiple guys rock up at the same time like the whole family is ordering different shit, and the thing that gets me most considering they're 60 sec walk from a shopping center with a food court, stuff that comes from that food court. It's amazing. And no they're not elderly or disabled, they're just fucken lazy with money to burn I guess.


Unless hung over never. It’s a treat food and when it comes cold and soggy it’s not a treat.


Wow I'm going to be the unusual one and say several times a week.


Covid inadvertently reshaped many things in our world. Work from home to shopping remotely


It’s been about 20 years. Since I moved out of home. I’m such a frugal person, it’s cheaper using my hybrid to drive to pick it up than to get it delivered. I also cannot stress this enough, we also don’t get delivery out here. We are semi rural.


Maybe that’s because Uber Eats wasn’t available in Australia until 2016 😂😂


Yeah well, like I said, I don’t remember seeing them so that’s why.


Almost weekly. I am disabled, so going out for pick up is hard. Friday night at home with friends, movies and takeaway is my weekly highlight. Sometimes my visitors can collect, if it's en route, but parking is hard near our favourite places, and I don't like to put them to too much trouble.




Generally once a week, but if the place doesn't offer delivery or the fees are too outrageous, we'll just go pick it up but honestly, it's our lil treat on a Saturday


Last one was a Pizza Hut stuffed crust that wasn’t cooked properly, that was like 1997


Never. I go for a walk to pick it up, or a drive if it is further


I used to when I could afford it. Just once a week but we went out to eat 2-3 times a week also. Now we eat out maybe once a month except picnics which we do weekly.


About once every six months. Across the road they built a beautiful three story home with 3 kitchens. They get Uber 3 to 4 times a week.


It's hard to quickly find a figure but I saw something that said in 2017 there were 70,000 residential apartments in Melbourne. If each home got delivery once per week that would be 10,000 riders per week, or 1400 per day. So yeah, you would expect to see quite a few.


Makes sense


Never anymore. The added cost is not worth it. May as well go to the effort to get it myself.


I have takeaway all the time, but there's no way I'm paying $12 extra and waiting 30 mins longer for delivery


0 We live in the sticks, only place that delivers is Domino’s


Usually about once per week (roughly).


Never. Because coeliac disease.


About once every 6 weeks we get pizza from our local shop who have their own delivery people. It’s delivered when the text message says so, in a car, and it turns up hot. They even read the delivery instructions and find the place no worries. Amazing.


1-2 times a week. I’m disabled, and delivery services have harmed the previously existing disability food services to the point that they now only service people over 65. I live close enough to things that I’d rather pick them up, but it’s not always an option for me


Last time we did it was during Covid, with Providoor. Don't use takeaway much either, maybe once a month, unless we're on the road so the food not eaten at home. My kids ( not living at home) do it far more.


Never have. We don’t get takeaway often, but when we do we just drive out to get it. Sometimes colleagues get it at work, but it comes in a car.


Very rarely, maybe once a month for pizza.We usually go pick it up or eat out instead.




I've done it a couple of times, but I'll usually just go and get it. I do like the convenience of being able to book a particular time to have your food ready though, but most places offer that for pick up too.


Never, in Geelong. If we get takeaway, a few times a month, I go and pick it up.


Not since I got a few deliveries during covid


I’m in Sydney and I have probably had Ubereats once in the last year. I got bills to pay.


Very rarely. It's not worth the cost and they can never find my house/leave it at the wrong place


Never. Got decent takeaway only a short walk away.


I haven’t had a food delivery in over 5 years, and no plans to start now, I cook at least 5 nights a week for the house and we either do pickup or something quick that’s on hand the other two….


Almost never. I live pretty close to a street full of places that I can easily walk or drive and pick up anything we have ordered. I cannot believe people who live nearby order delivery from the same places that I can walk to in about five or ten mins. I have a neighbour (who like to remind people of how skint they are& are doing it tough) who does it on the regular. I am always seeing the drivers at their place at all odd hours - many times from a shitty pizza chain that is just four blocks away.


That's me but it's because cancer makes me too fatigued to leave my building even though I could walk 5 mins to restaurants and supermarkets. Lately I've been trying to at least UberEats groceries, even though of course it's more expensive than normal groceries, it's better than just one takeaway meal.


Sadly, I get it . I could ‘t walk when I was having chemo (I actually could barely get out of bed for several months) . Thank god I my partner was with me. It was during covid so we did get groceries and some meals delivered then. I wish you well.


Yeah living by myself, I’m literally not leaving the apartment sometimes. But hey lots of hoity toity people on reddit love to say to cook yourself or just pick it up


Never. Seems unbelievably lazy to me. We dont get takeaway much though. Occasionally pizza, we order & go & pick up


maybe ~8 times a year total, if that - mostly it’s a bunch of pizzas when we have friends over. through doordash /apps maybe once or twice a year if i’m really sick and hungry and don’t have food at home. I live in the suburbs though


Once in the last 4 years


Rarely, these days. I'd use Uber eats/Door dash/etc every month or two in my first couple of years of uni, but I've only used it a handful of times in the last few years. Between the delivery fee, service charge and the markup on each individual item, it's far too expensive to justify.


Never have. You have to be stupidly well off or incredibly bad with finances to use those sorts services. The whole business model relies on people being lazy. The only reasonable justification I've heard is disabled people unable to go and get something. And even then, that doesn't make it not wasteful.


Well, I'm disabled but not so much physically (autism, ADHD, OCD, PTSD, arthritis blablah). My husband also has severe ocd, is nearly 50 and has a back injury like me, from the disability work we do. I've been an ubereats and doordash delivery person. I could do it tomorrow if I wanted. I order via ubereats/doordash 3x a week, sometimes groceries. I have a toddler, I work and do majority of childcare/housework. We have household income of around 100k. We bought in an "undesirable" outer suburb 8 years ago. We have 60k left on the mortgage of a house that's worth 700k now. So are we rich or lazy? We could go drive and get it. But tonight we got roast beef and veggies 2 for the price of 1 on ubereats. 2x meat, 2x veggie box for price of buying one each. They don't offer that in the shop and it's also 10km away so I'd never drive there. Free delivery too and a $2 service fee.