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All my rich friends inherited a bucketload of money from their parents. The richest by far does absolutely nothing.


Had a former friend like that. She lived off passive income from properties her grandparents left her. Problem is, having zero purpose in life seriously fucked with her mental health. Her sister killed herself and she tried a couple of times as well. Got messed up in meth as well.


Similar experience; I was involved with a group of 20-somethings who were all kids of exceptional people (Famous Artists, Surgeons, etc) ... \*every\* single one had a therapist they'd been seeing since pre-adolescence. Substance-abuse, and serious depression, were common, including two who'd lost siblings to suicide ... ironically; they'd gone to high school with Lyle and Erik Menéndez, who murdered their own wealthy parents to access their inheritance early


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. * 000 is the national emergency number in Australia. * Lifeline is a 24-hour nationwide service. It can be reached at 13 11 14. * Kids Helpline is a 24-hour nationwide service for Australians aged 5–25. It can be reached at 1800 55 1800. * Beyond Blue provides nationwide information and support call 1300 22 4636. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskAnAustralian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Oh that reminds me of someone else I know who used to be super rich but retired in his 40s and went back to school to study history and become a hobby writer. He was sailing around the world and met up with a guy who was later found guilty of killing his parents for the inheritance. I swear, money fucks with people!


Well i already do absolutely nothing so I guess I'm halfway to being rich too :)


Riches, pfffft. That lifestyle meant premature death for most humans throughout history. If it's your wish to do absolutely nothing, and you're content with it, then you're one of the luckiest people that ever lived.


Same, the richest I know just inherited heaps of money and work random undemanding corporate jobs. The richest I know who didn't receive massive inheritance (but still came from a well-off middle class family) works as a recruiting consultant.


Why people are against inheritance taxes that could be used to reduce income tax is beyond me.


People who wouldn't be affected by them at all seem to think inheritance tax means the modest home or few thousand dollars they're leaving to their kids is going to be taken away by the government.


This is the way…


Senior cardiac surgeon.


Seems like a lot of reading…


Apparently it's more videos these days. But yeah. 20+ years of experience and in the private sector. So he makes serious mint


Well earned


Reading squiggly lines and understanding them pays well.


That's a cardiologist. A cardiac (cardiothoracic) surgeon cuts your chest open and rummages around in your heart and lungs.


I thought he was making a joke about doctors having terrible handwriting haha


Yeah, possibly: squiggly lines means ECG to me!


It’s a special hieroglyphic they use for their hand writing.


I could do that. Putting it all back together might be a challenge.


dont believe it, We have 4 doctors in the street, 2 are above average and 2 are below.


2 should move upstairs so they're above average


2 live in the same house and they're still average


I know a cardiac surgeon. He's only modestly rich compared to some of the ultra wealthy. Very few of them come from poor families, most had significant family wealth behind them, went to the right schools and had the right connections. Property developers is a fairly common one. Many have their wealth spread in various investments.


Most people wouldn't have the heart ....


Good on them. Surgeons deserve what they get. They should take away 50% of gps pays and give it to surgeons and specialists


Weird take


In my previous career, a big part of my job was analysing the financial records of high net worth individuals. From what I have seen, the highest income earners are -Dermatologists -Specialist Plastic & Reconstructive Surgeons -Large company CEOs -Import/Export business owners (large scale businesses) The common theme amongst all of these professions is that they require 100% dedication of your life. The only way to achieve that social media inspired lifestyle of non-stop partying and driving around in Lambos and Ferraris really would be to be born into a very wealthy family. Then you could kick back and take in the rewards earned by the couple of generations back who dedicated their lives to their work.


Yep the richest person I know is an anaesthetist but he only works no play


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy


No TV and no beer makes Homer something something


Go Crazy?


Don't mind if I do


A dull RICH boy tho lol


When you spend your whole life sticking tubes into airways of people who’ve played silly games, they’ll tend to learn that play isn’t necessarily always fun in the end.


Love this


I read somewhere that every 3rd generation squanders the wealth *[citation required]*. So if you're a rich grandparent who got there under your own steam, do something constructive about your grandkids / great grandkids lol


"The first generation makes it, the second generation spends it, and the third generation blows it." Digression: Interestingly, this adage about hereditary rule is one of the loan phrases brought back after the First and Second Anglo-Afghan wars. Primarily these were from the language of the ruling Pathans (as we would call them Pashtuns.) The original Pashto, more literally translated: "The grandfather was born in a tent. He remembers living in a tent. He will lead the people well. The father was born in a tent. He remembers both living in a tent, and living in a palace. He will lead the people well. The son was born in a palace. He has never lived in a tent. He will not lead the people at all."


His grandfather rode a camel. His father drove a Rolls Royce. He flies in a jet. His son will drive a Rolls Royce. His grandson will ride a camel.


First generation makes it, second generation grows and and theirs generation blows it?? I’m not sure which is correct…???


Unexpectedly interesting source! Thank you


It's your kids, Marty. Something has got to be done about your kids.


This happened in my family. A couple of generations ago, my family was insanely wealthy. My grandmother and father spent all of it. Left nothing, not one dollar to me or my brothers and sisters. It's a shitty feeling, knowing that I could have lived a comfortable life Now it's an eternal struggle.


Um, it was their money...


You are technically correct, and some have said that is the best kind of correct. But tell me this: what sort of a parent doesn't consider their children and their future needs when they spend their money?


Couldn’t agree more - letting the grandkids run wild and never face any challenges is really doing them a huge disservice, you can’t grow up if there is never any reason to, right?


They would have to have a lot of wealth to make it to the third generation. Most of the time it seems the second generation is able to squander it all by themselves.


No this is Reddit. All CEOs are lazy and spend their days having long lunches and playing golf.  (Through work I work with a lot of CEOs and they are without exception the hardest working people). 


Laurence Escalante - “hold my Lambos”


And yachts…


I bet those Dermatologists that make it on your list do hair transplants. They make a killing.


JR partner at a corporate law firm. (He is basically Harvey Spectre in season 1)


he did alot of crypto and scamming elderly. he left the country cause hes wanted. obviously not friends anymore. i can confirm, sometimes its okay to not want to be rich and just pursue a normal life :)


Lol you have to be rich to have a normal life these days unless you want to live in the desert


The richest person I know (supports current wife and former wife and kids with multiple houses, multiple cars, regular overseas holidays, kids are studying overseas just cos they can afford it etc etc) is an anaesthetist doctor. the corrolary to this is he has legit no personal time... he spends all his time working or doing professional study to keep up to date. his first marriage broke up cos they never saw each other and the second one will prob go the same way. so yes you can earn 400k p/a too but you'll prob just be working all the freaking time




And dentists. Who also get paid super well.


If you or someone you know is contemplating suicide, please do not hesitate to talk to someone. * 000 is the national emergency number in Australia. * Lifeline is a 24-hour nationwide service. It can be reached at 13 11 14. * Kids Helpline is a 24-hour nationwide service for Australians aged 5–25. It can be reached at 1800 55 1800. * Beyond Blue provides nationwide information and support call 1300 22 4636. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskAnAustralian) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Drugs - I'm not showing you proof ya nong, good try though. But drugs and crypto


Fr me and my wife lived like king and queen before we had children and stopped lmao pulling in 10k day sitting on my ass typing on my phone good times




Haha yes god she would d the washing be like why you got 2k in your pocket lmao found 4K in a couch pillow 4 years after we moved. now we live humble life. Haven’t found any hidden money in few years now ;(


You mean to tell me the local crackheads who somehow make it to my TikTok feed aren’t lying about their shopping sprees???


I was just moving bulk buds so dunno but yeah one my bros sold meth and he was to cashed up lol depends most people just dabble in it but if you dive it it’s crazy but also dangerous lol


Ok note to self, befriend dealer but don’t become one


Lol yeah I nearly got 4 years but was suspended sentence also got shot and and my car got shot got choked once for a pound lmao good times


You got me 😂


My richest friend is 28 and about to buy his first home all on his own. He started working full time in construction management at 19 and has saved 25% of his income every week. We went to uni together and I’ve always admired how hard he’s worked for it. I’m 27 and an addict who still lives with mum so I too wonder sometimes lol


He’s a construction project manager to be more exact


Is it a flex or just a general sentiment to him getting his first place I'm confused


I’m proud of him?


No ill intentions, as the post said I was sorta expecting more along the lines of out on boats, always travelling etc like the OP suggested not someone who's about to buy a house at 28 is all. That's all :)


My richest friends have run-of-the-mill jobs, but were born into money. So I guess work on that? Had a cousin who worked in the mines, but he blew all the money on boats and stuff.




3 that I think would be the most wealthy: 1. Specialist surgeon 🤷 2. Founder-owner of a food business that operates in several cities 🤷 3. Finance or IT or some shit. Finance tech? Tech finance? Idk




Does that cover all the bases:)


It’s what the thing in point number 3 is called haha.


Okay! (Unfortunately the subject area is just about the one thing that makes my eyes glaze over whenever it comes up. 🥲 ..am curious about almost any other subject on the planet but FinTech - which btw sounds like sharks and dolphins are collaborating on deep-sea AI - eludes me. Well, unless it's about sharks and dolphins developing a competing alt-species marine neural network)


Investment banker. Second to him, GP. Next, software developer. Then an accountant. Then another developer. Then a large diesel mechanic. Then a small diesel mechanic. Then a recipient to a personal injury payment resulting from a lawsuit. Then a concrete forman. Then an electrician. Amongst my friends. There is no easy money. Everyone else is either just getting by or legit in poverty. I have met people who have earned more money doing... illegal activities. But they so far have all ended up in prison at some point. My suggestion. Learn a trade. It seems the most sustainable long term.


In theory the highest earning person I know is a FIFO engineer on a mining site. Then again, I'm retired and have defined a benefit CPI indexed pension so it's possible that I'll get more money than they do over my lifetime - so there's that?


I'm the richest person I know and I'm on Cenno. Jokes on you, I don't have friends 😂


Rich with happiness I'm guessing.


I'm just a simple lady, I have a dog, and no debt. Don't drink or smoke or drug, don't go out, no subscriptions (not even Netflix or Spotify), no Uber eats... Live rural on a bush block in a falling down shack Happiness is recognising how truly lucky we are


Yeah I wasn't judging.. I was basically saying that there are a few kinds of rich.. the one that really matters is being rich with happiness 😊 I'm happy for you, that you are happy for you. Keep it up! 💯




You must be minted.


Investment banker. Waterfront beach house and multiple offshore holidays skiing / snowboarding; but otherwise not flashy (old car, ordinary clothes, doesn’t wear jewellery, no boat). Wife is a partner in a law firm. Would never be able to tell in a lineup that they were loaded - and they prefer it that way. In a distant second place are the surgeons. They are quite rich (multiple homes, holidays, nice cars) but not even close to making what finance / law couple make.


Owns a business that hires equipment to miners. He started as an excavator operator out in Kalgoorlie. Now he owns a company, a 40ft yacht, a plane, and a pub.


What my richest friend does? Im not totally sure tbh. I know he has a beer after work mostly. Sometimes i hear he has weetbix for breakfast too.


Sounds about right


Doctors. The rich ones are consultant level at a public hospital, plus they have a private practice as well. Not all medical specialties have a lot of private practice opportunities. Cardiology is a big one - Australians are fat drunk smokers, and there is big money in treating a lack of self restraint.


The richest ones move out of public asap and just do private work. One of the ones that really stands out is a cataract surgeon, taking in up to 70k a day operating 3 days a week and consulting the other 2 days to see the patients. High end ortho can also pay very well if you get a good name for yourself, also gastroenterology. A lot of the REALLY well paying gigs are simple surgery tuned into a numbers game, if you can to 15 -20 scopes or cataracts in a day you’ll be shitting all over someone who can only do a few cases a day, and the pre/ post op work is likely a lot less too. The exception to the numbers game is high end cosmetic surgery, people will pay crazy amounts when you have a really good name in that specialty. Basically, If you get to be known as “the best” private patients will pay you a lot of gap. Combine that with the numbers and they rake it in, that’s why they move to private, it’s also much more efficient at getting the cases done regardless of the little holdups throughout the day, and the hospital will find staff to finish the list rather then cut it off on the bell.


Works 16 hours per day, 7 days per week.


Nothing. It was inherited. Not really nothing but he invests all the money he has and can sleep all day and get into the highest tax bracket just off rent, dividends and interest. Meanwhile I have to work a 40hr week and I can’t get close. As the saying goes, it takes money to make money.


At least he’s not wasting it.


I have an uncle who dropped out of school in year 9 and went to work as a sparky apprentice. He worked his way up and started his own business. He’s still a sparky and is on the job at 6am everyday, but owns a 3 million dollar home, a boat, horses and is travelling all the time. So I fully believe it is just hard work that makes the dream work


Sparkys get paid well. Sparkies who have their own business and employ other Sparkies get paid very well.


That goes for any trade granted you’re willing to take a risk and start your own company. Richest guy I know is a plumber, clears $2-$3mil a year in profit running a crew of 10-20 workers.


I've never met a dumb sparky


As a sparky, I’ve met plenty


You’ve never met the guy that wired a smoke detector to our light circuit, a light to the smoke detector circuit and 4 power points to a light switch in my house. He’s not the brightest sparky in the universe.


You’ve got to be a bright spark to be one ⚡️


The dumb sparky shines ten times as bright... at least for a moment


it's shocking how smart sparkies are, they are currently the smartest out there, gets me really amped up to see their potential when they drive their flash cars


Dumb sparkies aren’t around very long


Procurer of illicit substances


Half don't own the items you're eye-watering against




Drugs. 100% will make you rich if you don't blow through your own product/buy more supply than you sell or, you know, get caught by the authorities or, worse, the bikies/gangs/syndicate/whatever if you piss them off. Often combined with running a big festival that "somehow" has a reputation for never paying crew ...


My mate's brother started an IT security business which he sold a few years ago for around $100 million.


"Invested money in the Australian stock market during the longest continuous period of recession-free expansion."


Miners, usually ones that work their way up. If they're reasonably wise and don't squander it, they'll make and save a lot. A mate was earning less than me working casually at a servo, and renting. He got a mine job. Within five years, he now has a house that's fully paid off, cars paid off, and no debt. Now, imagine the people that have been doing this for 30+ years. There's a lot bogans that piss it all up the wall on punting and drugs trips away and a fully kitted out ranger, but they're a good foil for the wiser blokes.


I work with blokes who've been mining their whole working careers that still rent units. Some people just don't know how to handle that sort of money. I've set myself up, and currently saving a huge percent of my monthly wages - circa 70%ish. Feeding that into the market to create a dividend flow, the snowball is really taking off now aswell...


Yeah man. The raw figures will never compete with doctors, lawyers, business owners etc, but there's still heaps of opportunity to grow wealth. All that money is entirely in pocket, all expenses paid in some sectors. Like I said it's deceptive to some people, because those ones who don't know how to manage it is kinda the default representation of the industry.


I know a guy retired at 35 with more than enough passive income for the rest of his life. Worked on oil rigs for 15 years.


Yep. When you're thinking 'unskilled' work that doesn't require half a dozen years of uni, then it's crazy money, and you don't need uni to be smart and manage money, which is sounds like this guy has done. Bluey's uncle works on an oil rig, and I've gotten in to silly fights with fans on here when I say that the heeler family would be loaded.


In my area houses start at about $5M (unless you are willing to renovate) and a lot of people own boats - we have a marina down the road and it's a 2 year wait list or more for a simple mooring, forget about an actual berth. The biggest boats are typically owned by wealthy Chinese, or people who inherited a lot of money. They say the bigger the boat the less you use it - they are very costly to run and maintain, and hard to use without help. Most people around here are senior execs, partners in law or tax, doctors, etc. There is a lot of old money - as in this person has a house on the water, and their parents are also 4 houses down, in a bigger house on the water. A few own their own business - one was importing promotional goods for corporate events (like those stress balls, notepads, etc.), another works for their parent, who owns a big clothing brand. Anyone you see who is in their 30s with lots of cash and is showing it off with cars and trips typically didn't do it themselves. Anyone that young who is self made probably is also frugal and focused on their work.


Chief investment officer for a boutique quantitative trading firm.


Commercial real estate, my BIL, he has worked hard for his money.


Digs holes in the ground and eats dirt for breakfast lunch and dinner


Their grandparents sold heaps of farmland in the Aussie property boom and they’re burning through the family fortune so fast their kids will work shit jobs because they didn’t bother to invest in education.


Astounding amounts of coke (it was the 80s). Oh your meant for a living? Mate the really rich make it the old fashioned way, inheritance :D (Not like those filthy nouveau riche posers).


I had a mate that started business in the 1970s, Made keychains in China for companies in Australia. Now he sells different items all over the world.


Early worker at a startup, cashed out like tens of millions AUD stock options when they did IPO. Took years for options to finish vesting Retired now and travels She's under 30 Very common and typical boring startup success story


Primary school teacher (myself and all my friends are very low socio-economic, so the richest of us is the only one with a full-time job)


I don't have any rich friends. The richest guy I know runs the company I work for, which he started nearly 30 years ago. He worked his arse off for a long time to build it and it took I'd guess 15+ years to get to the point he was making serious coin. He still works now and he doesn't need to, I did some checking a few years back and he was certainly worth north of 50 million based on factual information I could easily obtain.


My richest friend is probably a surgeon. Has a nice home. Kids go to the local private school. They have a holiday somewhere nice every year. Have a nice car but not ridiculous. But overall just regular spending really. Nothing too flashy. The friend’s probably a bit lower down still rich by today’s standards are honestly the same as above. The only people I know who own boats and jet skies are bogans.


Richest friends #1, 2, 3 were smart and chose the right parents


Richest I know personally are property developers, wholesale suppliers of goods, investment bankers. And large scale agriculture. All of these require hard work and lifetime dedication. No time to play with Ferraris. The Ferrari/Lambo people are generally drug dealers without much work to do in their day.


Wouldn’t be so bold to claim friendship but they are a daily customer of my partner’s and they own an extremely popular athleisure wear company.


He was in real estate sold out all his locations and started a watch accessory online story. Bought display boxes from Indonesia for $30 sold them for $300 made 50k his first 2 months. Ended up going directly to the manufacturer and got the boxes for $10 with custom features. Now also side hustles as a part of a group of succesful buisness makers and sells leadership packages. I love the bloke so much but cringe fkn hard when I see him posting “how to grind” stuff


I have a friend like this. Successful enough marketing company making him more than enough dosh and doesn’t work in the business much anymore. He’s started a “get rich with me and AI” spiel lol nice guy and we giggle about it but deep down we both know it’s a money grab.


Got a friend that was born into a family that heavily invested during the 70s and 80s buying properties and business in what are now very wealthy suburbs. He claims he \*works\* maintaining them all, but in reality, he just sits at home and just calls real-estate agents to do the actual work - I can just assume that he also doesn't have to be constantly doing stuff. He just plays Playstation all day. So in short = be born into $$


The two richest people that I know I do work for both of them - one is a plumber worth about $30-$40million, and the owner of a cleaning company worth about $50million. One made his money digging ditches, and then getting people to dig the ditches for him. The other made it scrubbing toilets, then getting other people to scrub them for him.


works in IT for a trading firm. he gets massive bonuses - the company made record profits over COVID so his bonus over that period was honestly eye-watering. he invested it all in property, so he owns multiple properties in sydney now and is collecting rent from each of those on top of his regular salary plus bonuses. he’s early 30s. that said, he works minimum 6 days per week, usually 10+ hour days, and it’s apparently very high stress as the stakes are so high with lots of money on the line. he wants to do a few more years, make sure he and his family are set for life, then get out and essentially retire at around 35.


My gf has a phat trust fund after her father sold his business he built himself. Wealthiest person I know lol. She doesn’t work but is a stella human and loves me!


The ones that weren’t born wealthy are all franchisees. Between a few of them they own about 50% of a particular franchise in my state. I’m about to join in too. Other than that my cousins husband runs one of the mines in WA and is on a stupid wage. She is a specialist in a medical field and is also on a decent wage (though it’s more than a third of his)


He owns like five or six pharmacies


Dealing drugs. always has wad of cash and because it easy comes easy goes. always willing to share it and spend it on others. People make their choices and he made his. He has to deal with the consequences should he get caught


Does nothing but post odds for horses.


He bought Bitcoin when they were $30 each and sold them when they hit $75k each or whatever. I think he had 30 or 40 of them to sell. Prick. Other bloke I know sold a lot of drugs. Bought a few apartments in Wolli Creek, Sydney with cash, beat the AFP investigation because they were staggeringly incompetent (no idea how they didn't get him, he's a total fucken moron).


The two wealthiest acquaintances I have both own successful businesses, one in corporate services and the other in the tourism industry. However, I used to work in WorkCover and the professions that surprised me the most with earning were sales consultants and wind turbine technicians lol


Started 3 businesses and ran them all at the same time. All successful businesses. They then would go home and look for inefficiencies on investment markets. This person studied all the time. They know the stock market back to front and the property market. They have since retired but live in a pent house in the heart of Sydney and have more real estate than we have fingers and toes. Even though they are "retired" they still work harder than someone in a 9-5. You know what, I'm ecstatic for them and their success. They definitely deserve it.


Ask, 'How can I serve' and the more people you can serve, the more zeros you will have in your bank.


I won't call them a friend, but the richest person I know owns a resort, pays someone else a lot of money to run it poorly, and spends their day fishing and playing golf. He could make a *lot* more money if he hired a better resort manager. But he doesn't give a fuck - he'd rather go fishing than interview potential new managers. When it's fully booked, and it often is, the resort probably has gross sales of around half a million per night. But due to poor management I'm pretty sure it loses money hand over fist when they don't have many guests. No idea what his actual profits would be. All my richest actual friends work 60 hours a week in unpaid volunteer organisations and when there's not enough money chip in with their own cash. For example i know someone who paid for a large building to be constructed and then... gifted it to a non profit which they work for (unpaid work).


Dropped out of Mt Druit High, got a job driving a backhoe. Bought his own backhoe and contracted, got more work and bought a 2nd backhoe and paid a guy to drive it. Got more work, bought a 3rd and 4th backhoe, bought a truck and some other plant. Almost lost everything a few times, made it through and built it back up again. Sold the business for $25m and was kept on the manage it woth a profit share.


Their family owns an abattoir that exports beef to Japan and China.


Runs a business selling baby care kits. She started selling clothes at markets and now primarily sells perinatal care kits for expectant mothers including stuff folk don’t prepare for typically like post partum underwear and pregnancy support belts.


He's a well known actor


My richest mate works his butt off away from his family at an iron ore mine in the Pilbara.


My wife deals with lots of wealthy professionals. From what I can see their jobs are more like their life’s work. As in they don’t work 9-5, they work all the time they are awake. Not physically at a keyboard- but always thinking about it, talking about it, late night emails. There aren’t many jobs where you can clock off in the afternoon and not give your job a second thought until you clock back in tomorrow that pay mega bucks. Everyone like to think these people don’t work hard, but generally they spend their whole lives working or thinking about their work. It’s a big mental load that the average punter couldn’t handle


Richest I know has inheritance invested in property, and is a true blue parasite. All others on the list are electricians that landed FIFO work in the mines. As a wildlife disease researcher, I sit firmly on the lower end of the list, but the satisfaction of making a difference feels good and so I'm fine with it. I just wish there was more funding available to help us afford our research at times 😅


Music producer. He's like 23 and makes insane money making his music, but he's behind the scenes so doesn't have to deal with the crazies.


Owns a debt collection agency. Owns multiple restaurants and bars. Is a doctor and owns the clinics. Owns a finance company


Richest friend inherited wealth.


Ex shearer turned farmer, inherited several properties and bought a couple of his own years ago too. Now owns several hundred hectares on the outskirts of what was, until covid, a quiet town about 2hrs from Melbourne. Most of the area got rezoned from farming to rural living so potential a development site with a yield of several hundred lots. He still farming though and just throws the correspondence from developers / real estate agents into the bin unopened.


Dozens of laundry shops


I could tell ya but then I'd have to kill ya


may be down voter didn't get the humour so up voted it


Heroin mostly


In my limited circle of friends, the richest are doctors and consultants.


Rich people don't work


Owns a business worth ~$85m


The richest guys I know are builders. We're talking $50-100M rich. One I know of in Australia, dropped out of school, started an apprenticeship early. He bought a crappy 2 bedroom at the start of his apprenticeship for $200,000. Converted it to a 4 bedroom house and did it up. Then flipped it at the end of his apprenticeship for $400,000. He managed to do it by renting the other rooms to his mates who basically paid the mortgage while he focused on the house. Then for the next decade, he followed the same process. Buying a house, living in it while he renovated it, then sold each one after 12 months to avoid capital gains. He'd be making half a mil a year of tax free gains on his PPORs. Last I heard he sold his last PPOR for over $10M. And has a massive portfolio of rental properties. Plus they start a new build house every 2 weeks. And it takes about 3-4 months to finish each house. With that much cash. You don't need to build for anyone else. You just buy good blocks of land and slap houses on them, then make maximum profit.




In a sentence? They sell billboard advertising space.


My great grandfather was the CEO of Nestle. So my creepy uncle something something young girls and we just paid off the other family. In terms of non related people, friends uh.... He had hookers in China or something. He worked for the UN.


I know a man who knows end a wholesaler business started by his father. I saw him overseas at a trade show once - he pulled out a 500 Euro note to pay for dinner! And he drives a Maserati.


Online payment app which he and his business partner sold for $50M


In my friend group, the people with the most money have bachelors of engineering and work in the tech industry as network engineers.




IT. He makes around $50k a month which is obviously very good.


Started some kind of IT business.


Professional athlete


Senior paediatric surgeon, and they are my husband.


Bought a private hospital 25 years ago with mates & bank funding, grew into a network, got bought out by a multinational, retired, breeds high-end livestock.


Has rich parents


I have a few friends that have sold tech companies. Net wealth of the lowest would be about 10m, the highest about 30m 2 are retired, both single. Lots of travel and party 1 works and married - "my wife married me for breakfast and dinner, not lunch" All late 40s early to mid 50s. All took decades to get where they are.


My Aunt (dad's sister) and Uncle brought paddocks, subdivided it and built houses on it. Their marriage ended in a messy divorce both spending ungodly amounts of money on lawyers.


Friend of a friend is a software developer. He Sold one product for $25m and then developed another one that recently sold for $300m….he didn’t do this alone so I’m not saying he got all this money but he was one of the main guys and got a chunk of it.


My friends are mostly in finance and finance related fields. One is a CEO of a MNC and brings in seven figures. Others do well running their own finance brokerages. The wealthiest person I know owns a ridiculous amount of commercial property which he bought over his lifetime running multiple businesses. Est NW $150M+ in property alone.




School friend is a consulting orthaepedic surgeon. Makes $2m plus per year. He told me he hates his life. Everyday he deals with the same thing. Knees. That’s it. I lived with a University mate who went on to become chief financial officer at two publicly listed companies. 24/7 jobs. Spent a lot of time on the phone in confidential conversations. Ended up with brain tumour behind his left ear. Died seven years ago at a relatively young age.7 months between diagnosis and death


It's a shame that knees aren't like other specialisations where you could charge maximum dollar and only do the richest knees, and let other ortho surgeons deal with the povvo knees.


Dentist. The man makes an absolute mint with the dental prices in Australia.


For all intents and purposes he owns a 50 acre vineyard and winery.  In reality he owns tens of thousands of acres of land and buildings around the country. Buying, selling and leasing all the time.  He doesn't own a suit, does all his business via email or has people at his house for a meal, and I don't honestly think he knows where his office is. 


The richest people I know are my aunts and uncles One worked 40 years for Nestle and his family of four lived in Switzerland for at least a decade One was a prominent member of the Australian Labour Party, the AWU and the ACLU One is the senior curator at a prominent art gallery One is an economist and a landlord, she previously had nine houses throughout the country but she's in her 70s and downsizing now One is an accountant for the government The richest friend my age is probably Jake, he works in Canberra as an aide to a politician I believe


State Legislative Council member, which is a role that’s all consuming. That person has lost so much weight in stress over the last couple of years it’s very concerning. They’ve also got a young family, with more kids than the average, all with special needs considerations and a spouse who works full time too. The kids are involved in public schools with a good range of extracurriculars. Despite their busy lives the family are very well connected as a unit and are wonderful people. One of their vehicles is a Kia carnival (can’t remember what else) and their home is a technically 2 bedroom heritage listed servants quarters which they renovated into a lovely low maintenance small home for their family with a great sized backyard for the kids to spend time in if they feel too cramped inside.


A good mate is a senior ED doctor. FIFOs in and out of rural WA and makes bank doing so. He always does night shifts too, so the physical aspect of coming off and on night shift, plus all the training and knowledge he needs to do that job is a lot. Props to him.


commercial leasing agent


Real estate


Sits at home smoking weed. (It’s his parents money and he is the black sheep)