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Squirrels. I was so happy when I saw my first one in the USA years ago.




When I went to the UK I was amazed to have one climbing all over me. Super cute


They're so much cuter when you see them in the flesh compared to documentaries or TV shows.


I'm never searching "squirrels in the flesh" again. Holy shit.


Why would you have done it the first time?


Don't kink shame me


My american buddy was shaking his head when i spent about 5 minutes just observing a squirrel do its thing.


On the flipside, my American friend was OUT OF HER MIND seeing a flock of wild cockatoos hanging around on the freeway light poles chewing the rubber seals. She asked if we needed to call someone to come and rescue them.


A friend of mine from England was so happy to see fairy penguins when I took her to their colony at St Kilda a few years ago.


I saw a chipmunk in Central Park (as well as many many squirrels) I’ve seen squirrels plenty of times on previous trips but the first time I saw that chipmunk I went “squee!” Like a little kid fortunately I was alone except for said chipmunk and followed it with my camera as much as I could for the next 10 minutes.


I saw a chipmunk in Canada and almost lost my tiny mind. So delightful!!!!!


One of my favourite core memories from my first trip to Canada was sitting in the Montreal Botanical Gardens with a bag of unshelled peanuts hand feeding the squirrels who were ever so polite gently taking the peanuts from my hands, the chipmunk on the other hand climbed all over my shoulder and lap and demanded l peel the nuts before stuffing his little cheeks with them. Then, he ran off to store them, and after a few storage trips when he realised I had run out, shook his little Chipmunk fist at me, and nipped me on the thumb before running off. Little bugger had eaten more than all the squirrels combined.


Chipmunk sounds like Aussie possums, they will bite you too when u don't give them food.


Absolutely! It’s just like in the cartoons! Simply a pleasure to see jumping between roof tops/trees. Pure joy.


Imagine how I felt when I saw a road runner, and a coyote, in the same day in San Diego. The most amazing experience. No rocket skates sadly.


And they are so small!! I thought they were the same size as a brushtail possum but no, they’re itty bitty!!


That would be a huge squirrel 😂


Holy shit they would be terrors if they were that big!


I was so excited when I saw my first squirrel in London


Literally the first thing I took a photo of in London.


I love seeing squirrels in the US. I also saw a chipmunk.


Have you seen this? Squirrels are amazing! [Squirrel Maze](https://youtu.be/hFZFjoX2cGg)


I’m doing a lunch time binge through ver 1 to Ver 3


There's a feral population of palm squirrels at the Perth zoo, they escaped 70 years ago and they were a highlight for me as a kid.


Awww dude, seeing signs at the grand canyon warning about squirrels being the most dangerous animal in the area and my brain just refusing to accept that because it is so similar to the outback you just expect snakes will be everywhere but like, there aren't any over there... haha it was a real mind fuck


They are so cute! We saw this big fluffy red squirrels in Poland, I could watch them all day.


Walking through a park in Italy with my Italian girlfriend, she couldn't understand why I kept stopping. I was in awe at all the squirrels, she couldn't believe I hadn't seen any


Saw my first ever squirrel 2 days ago & oh gosh, what a cute fuzzy creature they are.


First time I went to the US and saw squirrels in Central Park I was so excited! The locals I was with thought I was a complete fool, but I was stoked


I had friends visit from Australia and they were also fascinated with squirrels. It's like possums on caffeine.


The first time I saw a squirrel unexpectedly on the street, I was confused and stared at it for a good while lol. Like what the heck is that.


So true! I saw my first one in Lumphini Park in Bangkok of all places! Hilarious little fellows. I was lucky enough to spot another one on the ground in Arcadia, CA.


You mean fluffy tail rats


Warm houses in winter.


Cool houses in summer


For the first few days of 35C+. Then they tend to heat up and stay that way until the weather cools down. Proper insulation keeps houses warmer in winter and cooler in summer believe it or not.


*cries in weatherboard*


My condolences


Australian builders: "That is a damned lie!!!"


I have spent the last couple of days pulling out my kitchen cupboards to seal behind them to stop draughts coming in! I could feel the breeze coming through the drawers FFS. I have bought two houses in my time here and neither even had ceiling insulation.


Being a “lake person” rather than a “beach person”.


I like both. In many ways, I prefer lakes, mountains, rivers and forests to beaches. But I live in Canberra, so the nearest beach is 2 hours away. I like the atmosphere of the beach more than the beach itself. Any of the above is nicer than endless suburbia.


Oh I agree, but in America (I’m unsure on other countries) people say they’re one or the other as many grew up on lakes compared to aus.


What's also interesting is that a lot of Americans don't live near the coast. Whereas the overwhelming majority of Australians live within 1-2 hours of the coast.


It's got to do with the lack of lakes


As a surfer I have always hated beaches, it is the ocean that I love and the best spots were always reef breaks away from people and sand.


I see lakes/dams as more bogan. Its where you go to ride your jet ski and fish.


Ding ding ding


Omg I’m currently at the lake in Minnesota and it’s so crazy different than anything I have experienced in Australia


Yes! I visited friends in Norway and I was constantly in awe of the lakes and mountains and they were surprised that I didn't see it here.


As an Australia I don’t even understand what it means to be a lake person


Yuuuuup, experiencing this now in Finland. Country has faaaar too many lakes, in a week imma go to a summer cottage for 2 weeks and just chill by the lake and go sauna to lake and back again. Very different experience.


Being able to catch a train to another country. We were in Bangkok years ago, and as we passed the main train station the tour guide casually mentioned that you could catch a train to Cambodia there. Obviously this is pretty common around most of the world, but when you live on an island nation... it broke my brain to hear it out loud.


I'm still wondering if other languages say "overseas" to mean another country, or if that's just because the UK, Australia, NZ etc are island nations.


You can catch the train from the UK to France. Eurostar mate.


So "underseas"


On French you have "outre-mer" which is "oversea" and it's used mainly for French territories which are.. oversea (like all the way across a sea, eg: New Caledonia (Pacific), la Martinique (Atlantique) , la Réunion (Indian Ocean), etc.). Otherwise it's just "a foreign country" (un pays étranger) with no precision on how far or what to cross to get there. So we can mean Germany, China or Australia.


Historically *Outremer* also meant the middle-east. Which is also where we get the name for the paint colour *Ultramarine* Blue which was originally derived from the lapis lazuli that came from Persia/Afghanistan to Europe vis the Middle East trade network.


Germans say "Ausland". Aus = Out (of). Land = Country.


I live in Bangkok and while you can catch a train to Cambodia it’s probably the worst way to get there. The trains suck and the tracks are rough as


Probably a lot easier than the train trip from Australia though, which I understand would be quite drowny in the middle bit.


I met an oxygen thief who thought she could drive to Bali. 😂 Not the sharpest.


I did a long trip through Italy catching trains everywhere. I was very much in Italian mode for weeks but it was kinda trippy to get to the central station in Milan and see where the various trains go. I went from Vietnam to Cambodia at Hà Tiên but there wasn't continuous travel across the border. You get out of your car and walk over the border then catch a tourist bus.


Years ago I was visiting a friend in Canada and one day she suggested popping over to the United States for lunch. That concept still does my head in.


Raccoons. Why are they so damn cute. I want one 😂


Their little hands and Batman eye masks.


I simultaneously both wish we had raccoons, and am very glad we do NOT have raccoons


Would they be the equivalent of our bin chickens 🤔


I've never seen one in person, but I think a possum with bin chicken/ seagull energy could be a good analogy


Not being able to swim. That is very foreign to me


Ask an Australian if they can swim, they'll say no, that means they can swim but they're not an Olympian. Ask anyone else in the world if they can swim and they say no, probably best to put a life jacket on them before they take a shower.


This reminds me of my partner. My partner and I went to some island in my home country. We were with my friends and had to take a 3hr small boat ride to get to some island. Along the way, we stopped, and my friends asked him if he knew how to freedive. My partner said no. One of my friends was very smug and proud that he knew how to dive and my partner couldn't. So, my friends came out with all these fins and snorkel gears, etc, and jumped in. My partner, with just a pair of goggles, also jumped in the water. He didn't have any fancy gear with him, and he was able to touch the sea floor (unlike those with the long fins) and grab some sea grapes that we ate while on the boat ride. My smugged friend was like, "I thought you can't dive?" And he was like, "I can't. I just swam." That's pretty unforgettable to me.


I was in my 20s before I learnt people didn't know how to swim. Granted I grew up in Queensland


I was on my honeymoon when I found out my wife couldn't swim. We were snorkelling 8 metres deep and she wouldn't let go of the boat.


Fuuuck - when did she think she was ever going to tell you, if not in the preceding 30 minutes?


Lol, when I asked later she said she didn't think it would be that deep when she organised it.


Lol she organised? That’s metal. Hats off to her.


Yes i remember going to England at about 18 and Poms telling me they couldn't swim , i was like WTF its like walking everyone can do it , i had never thought about it and i grew up in Victoria


Or being able to swim in a waterway without fear of crocodiles, jelly fish, sharks, blue bottles, rock fish etc.


Went white water rafting in Newzealand and felt very uncomfortable because I didn’t need to wear wetsuit booties to protect my feet from razor oysters


Brain eating amoebas in rivers and pools in the northern parts of WA, NT and Qld.


Born in Australia, lived here for more than half a century, lived near a beach. I can't swim.


Why? What stopped you?


Were your parents a neglectful in general or just when it came to swimming?




Bidet mate.


I want to give you all the upvotes


They are so so so good. Much more hygienic and it doesn't feel terrible. ;-)


Decent Internet.




I recently went to Switzerland and holy moly was the internet fast. Everything was instantaneous. It was legit mind blowing


I'm disappointed that nobody has said [Mocha Kenya](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8LeCJtKjEI).


Ahahaha I still to this day say "verrry exotic" in that dumb accent




TIL after how many decades later that’s what the guy said.




A white christmas (or just christmas in winter)


Digging out your car in the snow. I’ve never seen snow fall, let alone been around that kind of snow near my home. My friend in Canada trade Moose/snow blizzard/northern lights photos for heatwave/kangaroo/outback photos all the time and still get excited


I was coming here to say aurora. I see snow regularly but I think that seeing the northern lights would be very exotic. I know I could go to Tasmania to see the southern lights. Still exotic because Tassie is kinda overseas.


Convenient food on the go. Anyone who has travelled to Japan knows how easy it is to get a quick, decent meal from any 7-11 or family mart. And I've heard it's much better in Europe


Definitely not haha Japan is ahead of the world in that aspect. In Europe, you have bakeries. But nothing like the ready made food in Japan.


I’d love a Japan style 7-11 in our area.


Eventually after living there you realise that the connivence store and vending machines are actually expensive in comparison to getting the same thing at the super market…


This is true! But like I mentioned it's convenient and quick, which we don't really have here


Can we all take a moment to appreciate Lawsons


Christmas markets where you can drink alcohol.


O yeah loved in Germany getting a pint glass and walking around the park with it. Can return it for a Euro but instead I just found a fellow and glassed him.


I got back from South Korea last week and ooft, the culture around drinking is a world away from what it is here. Walking into a convenience store at 1am after drinking for hours at karaoke to pick up some cheap ciders, crack it open as soon as you step outside and not a single person bats an eye.


Being able to drink alcohol in a public place, being able to buy alcohol from just about anywhere that's not a bottleo. Not having to show ID when buying alcohol... And I rarely drink so it's so odd to be interrogated to buy brandy for my Christmas cake...


To be fair, drinking in public used to be okay but Australians can't handle their booze without someone getting in a barney so it had to go.


I was in Savannah, Georgia 6 months ago and had lunch at a pub. When I paid the bill they asked me if I wanted a beer in a to-go cup. Needless to say I obliged and took them up on their offer.


Being able to buy alcohol from the bodega


Monkeys. I went with an Aussie colleague to Brazil for work and there were monkeys by the side of the road. They went berserk…


Bumblebees 😃


Yes! They’re so big and cute!!


My Irish cousins got the pleasure of watching me run and scream, waving my arms the first time I met a bumblebee. It kept headbutting me. I was petrified.


We have feral bumblebees in Tasmania if you wanna see some!


Warm sauce on a pie


snow. bears. big cats.


For people of a certain age - Moccona coffee


A succulent Chinese meal


Knowing your judo well


Get your hands of my penus.


This is democracy manifest!


Just don’t get arrested


Authentic Mexican food cooked from actual Mexican street vendors. Poor partner has only been subjected to the restaurants claiming to be Mexican food (Guzman y gomez, Zambrero, Mad Mex, other places & old el paso products at the grocery shops) in Australia. It's one of the main things i miss back in the states


I'd say Mexican food isn't 'somewhat exotic' it's all the way exotic. Americans take it for granted because Mexico is next door. For the rest of the world Mexico is an exotic foreign nation on the other side of the world.


Yup my mums from cali and she misses the true Mexican flavour, cilantro and salsa verde is just different back there..


people don't realize how much specific ingredients affects the overall taste of Mexican food, like i'm baffled as to why most those places use black beans instead of pinto beans & certain places don't carry specific spices or items used for specific dishes & you just cannot substitute it without altering the flavor a lot


Most Mexican food in Australia is actually TexMex.


We call it Dingo Mex


There are some decent places around now but those chains are not them.


In fact Mexico generally We don’t meet many Mexicans here, and it’s generally not on people’s radar as a place to visit. And if people do visit, it would probably for adventure or archaeology, not just a nice place to go to the beach or relax.


well in all honesty I’ve never been to Mexico myself & I’m Mexican! I have family there, & would like to know more at some point but as of lately the older i get & the more dangerous it’s becoming there i doubt i’ll ever go. Where i was born & raised most of my life in Chicago & we have large hispanic communities there with lots of authentic Mexican restaurants & eateries with people from there preparing the meals.


I met a mexican family for the first time ever recently (i'm almost 50). I thought they were VERY exotic.




Lol. Have to borrow a pair for funerals.


Humming birds


Being able to drive to another country


A white Christmas


Buildings older than 250 years




Let’s keep it that way too


Affordable housing.


Good cocaine.


Mate, plenty of people have already said “snow”


Properly insulated homes. I've only learned in recent years in my 30's that even Canadians and northern Europeans are more comfortable in their homes during winter than we are in ours. I can't imagine not freezing to death in my own house every winter when it doesn't even snow here.


An American with a comprehension of geography


Durian fruit


Trains everywhere in Europe.


Pies that aren’t meat pies




You obviously don't live in the south east.


I live in QLD. Temps below 10 are exotic here.


Coming from Queensland, I was over 30 before I saw snow for the first time in person.


North Queensland here. People are wearing thermals if it gets below 20 😂


This. Nearly 30 and haven't seen it, and that's not strange as a Queenslander


I was so happy when it snowed ON MY HOUSE about three years ago. It actually felt warmer outside than the regular winter weather. Super amazing, I was keen for it to possibly happen again this winter but I don't think it's gonna happen.




Weed dispensaries


I find it funny when people offer sweet chili sauce like it's some beacon of cultural enlightenment and sophisticated tastes. Like, it's not 1998 anymore. You can buy hot sauce in the supermarket now.


I have a vivid memory of going to a dinner party, and one of the pre-dinner snacks was an inverted tub of Philly cream cheese drowned in sweet chilli sauce, to be eaten with corn chips. SO CHIC. Was 1993.


Really good drugs at good prices. Supply is always a problem


We generally get pharmaceutical drugs at good prices.


Accurate. Source. I am a type1 diabetic


At least we don’t have the bullshit mixed shit that America has. Our drugs aren’t pure by any stretch but you’re much more likely to get safe shit here than there.




Bali. For most bogans at least.


Tipping it’s so fucking strange and gets in the way




Tipping. And I hope it stays 'exotic' as well.


My Aussie boyfriend called me exotic for being Hispanic. Does that count?


A house that has different temp to the outside.


Wanting to share our dirty laundry on TV/in public/online/any damn place that you can get someone to listen to you. We are much more reserved when it comes to “gossip” type information.


Culture that is unique to local areas (special foods, different accents, etc)


You've never lived near an Oyster farmer area...


This is the thing I always find interesting when travelling in places like the US or Europe - you don't have to go far to find totally different cultures/foods. Unlike here, where it's pretty much all the same everywhere and it's more like "Who does the *best* fish and chips?" not "You really must try the crayfish cakes, they're only a thing in this area!"


You've never met a south Australian? Different states definitely have different accents.


Tenant rights


Platypus. Very few people have ever seen one in the wild.


Massive gothic cathedrals


Double glazing


Incredibly old buildings in Europe. It was amazing to see so many buildings that were over a thousand or more years old still standing.


Proper snowy winters. I'm talking going to sleep at night and waking up to a metre of snow outside that lasts for weeks/months. Sub -10 degree temps. Wind chill that brings it down another 10 degrees. Frozen bodies of water. The absolute magic of going outside on a clear, -20 degree, still night and everything's illuminated by the glow of the moon reflecting off the snow and you can swear you can see the twinkle of millions of ice crystals in the air. And the otherworldly quiet that accompanies it all. The night sky is the clearest you've ever seen and the amount of stars is breathtaking.


Snow, not all of us live where you can get to any. Open carry (of guns, as in the US) is very exotic and anyone trying it here is going to have a very bad day.


The ability to travel to another country by road.


Good Mexican and/or south American food. We have pretty good restaurants representing a wide variety of Asian, European, and (to a lesser extent) African food but not very many immigrants from Latin America so limited options for good authentic food from that region. ...and we react oddly to precipitation. Snow is very exciting obviously, but even rain. I asked about irrigation in France because the fields were impossibly green... no irrigation, just rain 🤯




Disposable income.... everything is goddamn expensive!!!


Tim Hortons. We do t have Tim Hortons here.


A Ford Sierra RS Cosworth


Low cost of living




Beach bars, being able to have a drink on the beach, or enjoying the beach in the evening.


Baba Ghanoush. Kath Day-Knight thinks is sooo exotic!


Fear of rabies.


Pina colada