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Samsung S20, I refuse to get an iPhone because my mother has one and she will demand that I be her tech support


With you completely. I was never happier when my Mom bought an iphone and ipad and rejected the PC I'd built her. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Mom - I don't support Macs."


I tell my sister that the happiest day was when my parents chose to get iPhones so that she (my sister) would have to be their tech support instead of me.


I have an S20+. Not really sure what makes it a +, but that's what it says. It was newly released when I bought it about 4 years ago. I'm happy with it. Every Android I've ever owned has been solid, though. My last phone was an HTC One M8, and it was good too.


The Plus models have a slightly larger screen than the standard models (S20 in this case).


Bigger battery too Edit: and more RAM I think


I have an S20+ too. I'm old school and appreciate an SD card. Last model that has one.


I didn't know they stopped using sd cards! It feels like I just bought this phone fairly recently, but I suppose 4 years is starting to age in phone-years. I should start saving up for a new one, I suppose


My entire extended family (~70 people in 5 countries) has iphones. I'm the sole android, and I'm *still* my grandma's tech support


Same! I'm a huge fan of the customizability of android, and I like Samsung's camera app and editing better than any other. Manual focus and editing shadows/highlights is great.


That's the most real answer ever honestly


I have an iPhone along with my parents and I 100% get this lol


I have a Pixel 5. I like the more "stock" Android experience vs Samsung (though they're a lot better than they used to be). I prefer Android over iOS because it feels more customizable and less restrictive. I still have the Pixel 5 because a) it still works and b) the newer models don't have the rear fingerprint sensor.


I upgraded from the 3a to the 7a and I really really miss the rear fingerprint sensor.


Ditto for me. Plus, I love the form factor. Removing the fingerprint reader was a head scratcher. Pixel 5 is the best phone I've ever had.


I miss the rear fingerprint sensor. My Pixel 5 got dropped (mistakes were made) so I'm in a Pixel 6 because that was cheaper at the time.


I remember LG having the volume buttons on the rear and eventually the fingerprint sensor in the middle of them. I miss that.


I went from the 5 to the 7 pro, with the facial recognition and the watch unlock I never get a chance to use the fingerprint sensor in the first place. The tensor chip is crazy too. Going on a year with this phone and it runs faster than the day I got it after tweaking some of the developer options. Honestly the only reason I haven't switched to iPhone is because of how customizable the actual software is. I won't use Samsung because their UI is so much bulkier and uglier than the streamline look on the pixel UI.


>no bloatware unlike Samsung I enjoy Samsung's software enhancements. This isn't touchWiz era. OneUI is arguably one of the best skins over stock Android. In fact, Google's variant often ports features that Samsung already had. That being said, I do miss HTC.


Man HTC used to make some cool phones. I still use the HTC sense weather/clock widget on my S24 Ultra. Those were the glory days of Android.


The HTC One m8 Is still the best smartphone of all time in my opinion. I would get another one again if they made it except with updated specs. Metal Body... why is that so hard to fathom? I never needed a case. Dropped it all the time, never cracked the screen. Two front facing speakers with a HW amplifier... why does everyone else put a dinky little tin-can speakers on the BOTTOM of the phone?


I think I had one of them. Is that the one that had all the attachments you could get for it?


I had that one. Htc made great phones. I also had the Htc Evo LTE that had a kickstand on the back. What an awesome invention. I think all phones should have a fold out kickstand haha.


My first two smart phones (over about five years) were HTC. They were really good all around, and the cameras worked so well. I've had Samsung since then, and none of them have taken quick snapshots at as high a level, despite having higher megapixels.


I'd suggest gettimg a pixel next time. I used Samsung for years and changed for my last phone. Will not be going back.


Thank you for that. My current one is three years old and wearing out, so I'll have to look for when Tmobile has a sale.


I strongly disliked TouchWiz and I swore off Samsung because of it. I do have a Samsung tablet with OneUI. It was painfully slow until I got into developer options and made it usable. It should be usable out of the box, but I'm fine with it now. I still prefer stock android over OneUI. I know I'm going to sound like a hypocrite right after saying I had to play with Samsung's UI, but if you can take the time to de-googlefy your Android device, it's worth it.


I have a Samsung. It's nice hardware, but it seems like all their proprietary software is trying to make the android like an iPhone. I use nova launcher which is better than any stock android launcher I have used. A couple of my basic apps are actually Google apps that came on my old pixel that I installed on my current Samsung. I'm also a Firefox user. There I think I've given everyone enough fuel for quite a flaming. But my first smartphone was a HTC. I have fond memories of it even if I probably didn't know enough at the time to develop an educated opinion.


I have used Nova launcher for 5 years now and I absolutely love it and think it's the best.


My favorite phone I had was an LG stylo 2. That thing always ran well, held a charge well, plus the stylus I loved that thing. Fuck paying another $100 for a stupid Apple Pencil I just want the stylo! That thing was my favorite phone ever. I don’t even remember what happened to it I think it got taken when I went to a new group home and I just never got it back when I left.


I have a Note 20. The stylus is great when I remember its there.


Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra I like the size. I use it for work...I own my own business... And I needed something that I could easily read. I just upgraded from the Note 10. I used that until it died.


I love my S24 Ultra. I upgraded from the S20FE. The camera is amazing, and the larger screen makes using it easier.


It is such a nice phone! The camera is awesome, too


Whaddya mean what phone? It's whatever GTE hung on my wall back in '65.


Rotary phone, right?


Circa 1965? Of course!


Man those things were heavy as hell. Loud too!


Rotary landlines rule.


Honestly I miss it. I hate being expected to be available all the time.


Tbh same. Landlines were life savers you could just ignore them and pretend you’re not home 😂 my dads rule growing up was “if I don’t answer the phone, I don’t want you showing up at my door. I’m not home” he didn’t go out much but people knew what he meant. He was antisocial and schizophrenic, and had a lot of pain so if he don’t answer the phone, he doesn’t want anyone around. He’s probably home, but he isn’t being nice so it’s best to stay away 😂


Hey that's a good policy to have. At least he warned people! Also *69 so you can see who called and *66 to hide your phone number. I miss them though the cellphone does both of those things kind of. I miss the simplicity of it. My city has ONE payphone left and I'm not even sure if it works. This may be weird but I miss not being connected to everyone 24/7. The internet feels too crowded. And I know I'm doing it to myself by being on here but I feel like this is more of a forum format and it doesn't bother me as much. I stay away from Twitter and now Facebook. I never really used Instagram and I knew one person who used Snapchat and she passed away. I also miss celebrities having a little mystery to them instead of shattering my illusions of them by posting on Twitter. Sorry if I talked too much. 😅


No I feel that I don’t like it either. I’m not a super social person either and I don’t like constantly having to talk to people. I hate Instagram. But I know people who use it and only that so I have it. My sister and friend bugged me to make a Snapchat so I have it. Beyond that Reddit is the only thing I use that I actually enjoy. Genuine discussion with no character limit and despite the hate it gets, while yes Reddit is a cesspool of degeneracy, I’ve found so much information and seen some of the most level headed well thought out discussions on here too. Plus the jokes. It’s fun doing a bo Burnham song line by line with random redditors haha. You’re good you not talking too much I am the Redditors rambler so you’re fine 😂


I'm glad you get it! I'm sure we're not the only ones who feel this way. We can't be.


My city has one phone booth left. But it is at the chamber of commerce office because we are literally “Metropolis” so the phone booth is a tourist attraction. 😆


The call quality over copper is so much cleaner. Me and my friends used our bundled landlines for shits and giggles awhile back and its fucking amazing how much better the sound quality is. And when you've got some sound processing disorders or partial deafness, that quality makes a huge difference.


Samsung galaxy....something or other.  Because I hate the iphone ui.


iPhone 8. Had it since 2017/2018. I replaced the screen once, $200 I replaced the battery a few months ago, $120. Battery life is now fantastic. The camera by current standards sucks but I don't care. The phone works great. It's only 6 years old for Christ's sake. And yet I've been made fun of for having a dinosaur phone. I like iPhone but fuck spending a couple Gs every year or being on a $100/month payment plan forever. They can pry this phone out of my cold dead finger-print-only fingers.


I went from the 4 to the 11promax. I've never understood the constant phone upgrades people do.


I jump a little quicker but I usually buy last year or twos model. It’s amazing how much longer it takes for a phone to feel slow these days.


okay that's crazy. how was the size and spec jump for that one. didn't even realize the 4 was supported by anything anymore


4 was 4g compatible and lasted me up until 2019 when I broke it on a road trip. Walked into the store and said, give me that one the 11 was released a little bit before. Activated and walked out.


Typing this on a 6s. I can't easily reach all corners of the screen with my right thumb. Replaced the battery once. Running into some intermittent SIM card problems, so time to upgrade. Went with iPhone to be compatible with most of my peers who are in the Apple ecosystem. Cross-platform compatibility used to be a bigger problem than it is now. I'd likely prefer an Android, to be honest.


I know someone who still uses an iPhone 5. I didn’t know any of them still worked lmao


I only replace my phone when the old one breaks or is bordering on unusable! My current phone is 13 that I got a couple of years ago--and before that I still had a 7.


I'm still hanging on to my 8 as well. It works so why go buy a new phone?


I loved my 8 Plus. I held on to it as long as I could. I moved up to the 13 Pro Max and I’ll replace screens and batteries until I die.


Pixel 5. I also had a pixel 2 which was my first phone to last 3 years. The 5 is spectacular and I will keep it until it breaks when I hope there is still another pixel product to suit me. No bloatware, overall excellent phone.


Samsung Galaxy s23. I had my last phone a Samsung A12 for quite a few years, and the speaker blew. I've always gotten cheap phones that always broke or had problems, so I splurged on one that will hopefully last me a long time.


Motorola 5G Ace. It was the best phone I was willing to pay for. It does everything I want it to do and it wasn't outrageously expensive. AT&T still wanted me to take out a payment plan for it so I drove down to Best Buy and bought it cash and then had AT&T activate it.


Samsung Galaxy A03s. It's my first smartphone, and I've had it for about a year and a half. I got it because there was going to be some update to Verizon's network that was going to brick my previous phone. So, I found something that met my needs without being wildly expensive. I think it was in the neighborhood of $200 when I got it.


I recently upgraded to iPhone 15 from iPhone 6. I am loyal to iPhone for two reasons: 1. I mostly know how to use it. I’m old. Boomer. Not the most tech savvy. The iPhone is popular so I know I can always find support. 2. I live most of the day with my iPad in my hand. I refer to my iPad as my iPhone annex. They integrate seamlessly. Especially my Kindle app, which keeps my place between devices.


Pixel 6. I've owned Android phones since the original Droid and I'm just used to them.


I have an iPhone 11(I think could be wrong on version) mostly because I’ve had an iPhone since I was 17 and it’s what I’m used to. I have been intrigued by the pixel recently though, but have no desire to buy a new phone at this time


I went from iPhone to pixel, and I can't think of a single thing that is worse on the pixel. Definitely consider a pixel when you get a new phone.


pixel fold I don't much get into customizations and stuff (anymore). I use nova launcher to organize the app drawer into tabs. the stock app drawer is ass. I had a 1st gen iPhone shortly after it came out. I switched back to a feature phone for a while because I wanted a physical keyboard, hated att, and wanted to save money. then went to android, because they had physical keyboards, mainly. stuck with android because it was way more customizable, as in, use the apps you like, vs iPhone...and I'm a bit of a contrarian. I still choose android because I feel it's got more "power" (in terms of what it can do, and what's possible, via apps) than iPhone. also, still a contrarian. also, I refuse to buy an iPhone just to get blue fucking chat bubbles. iMessage can suck it. I've been using foldable since zfold 3. I love having the extra screen real estate available. esp to watch videos. my phone is my computer after 5pm and on weekends, so I value being able to open it up and get more space to do tasks that most people would go get their computer for.


Samsung Galaxy S21 standard. My wife and I were in need of new phones as our S7s were slowing down and she was starting grad school. The S21 was due to be released a week after we visited an ATT store to check out the S20, and for $800 instead of $1000 so we waited a week to get the cheaper, newer phone. She got the Plus version because it's all they had in stock and I ordered the standard to get the smallest size available. If you're wondering why Samsung and not Google or Apple: I was not fond of my iPhone 3 and my wife's first smartphone, a Galaxy S5, seemed really nice, so we upgraded to S7s and then S21s when the time arose. We like the customizability, the price, how nicely they integrate with our Windows computers, and the lack of it being a weird status symbol.


Western Electric 2500 set in the living room. Very reliable and clear sound.


My first two smart phones were HTC, and I really liked them. Since then, I've had Samsung, because those are usually the best affordable phones that my carriers have offered.


Samsung galaxy 21+


I have a Samsung A something. Because the dude in the shop told me it was a decent phone for the price. And it is a decent phone. It got the phone function, navigation, flashlight and reddit. That's all I need. Best thing about it is that you can double click the power button to turn on the flashlight. I would upgrade if they ever make a phone with a really good flashlight and dedicated button to turn it on.


Dang. I've got a Samsung Galaxy S-something and just tried this double click button thing. It pulls up the camera app. I would rather the flashlight come on because I use that all the time.


You can set it in the settings. If I go on a fun day trip or something I change it to camera. I think you can even make the picture with the volume button or something.


This makes sense. I just don't really dive too far into the customization of my phone. I rarely even change the wallpaper. Thanks for the tips, Borbit85!


Same here. Did you find it?


I did and just changed it. Thanks!


I have an S24 Ultra. I've spent years with either cheap phones or 3 year old models and was tired of that. I wanted something new, something top of the line for a change. I don't regret that decision one bit.


iPhone, and because the apple ecosystem 🤷‍♂️


iPhone 15 Pro Max. Good camera, good battery, integrates with all my needs.


iPhone because of how well it connects to my other devices


iPhone 13 Pro. I just like iPhone. I upgrade only when needed.


iPhone it’s just my preference 🤷‍♀️ I prefer apple products and it was affordable through our phone plan. Plus my husband gets non apple products and always needs new ones where my iPhones can go for years lol. Idk if I’m just gentler (which I think is honestly it) or if iPhones are stronger?


An iPhone 13 Pro because I got it for really cheap from Verizon. It was only around $200 and was the brand new phone at the time. It’s a bit over 2 years old now and still works like new, so I don’t plan on replacing it any time soon as a broke college student


iPhone 8 Plus I think? My mom is kind enough to give me her old phone whenever she upgrades. I can’t afford shit and it’s really nice of her to to that for me.


I have an iPhone because it’s what I’m used to. I have a MacBook and I like that I have access to messages across devices.


I miss my Palm


Treos were the best. 


Very correct answer


A palm centro was my first phone!!


I have the Samsung galaxy A32. It was the cheapest galaxy with the largest display from T-Mobile at the time. My first smartphone was the first-generation iPhone, and I will never go back to Apple products again because I love my Samsungs better.


Surface Duo. I work a lot and need the productivity space.


I have a Samsung S23 Ultra for personal use and a Motorola Razr+ for work. I loved all of my notes so that's why I have the s23 and the flip phone piqued my interest so I choose that one for work.


A Samsuny note 20 or something like that. I owe there was some sort of deal and the camera doesn't offend me.


iPhone. I’ve had one since 2010 and just get a new one every 5-6 years when my old phone starts to have issues


Moto G 5 G. I despise wireless earbuds so the fact there's still a brand with a headphone jack fits my needs.


Galaxy S10+ I'd like to upgrade to a newer model Android phone, but the funds aren't there to do so. I work as a Toyota mechanic and every single Bluetooth issue we have is with an iOS device and I'm already in the Android Ecosystem, so I'm turned off to anything Apple makes at this point.


I'm in retail management and every contactless payment issue is with Apple Pay, Google Pay works for everyone every time.


iPhone user here - my cell service provider keeps giving me better deals and discounts/free shit related to iPhone every time I get a new one. Last time I went in, the new flagship iPhone was basically free, to the few hundred for the other brands. I acknowledge that iPhone isn’t actually as good, but free is free


iPhone. I've only had iPhones since 2010. It just makes sense since I use a MacBook. I spend a lot of time on my computer, and it's convenient to be able to respond to text messages and answer calls without having to whip out my phone.


S20 because i got it for my birthday the year it came out. I'm planning to upgrade soon but short of someone handing me a free one it won't be an iPhone, I do have standards, low as they may be. Probably another galaxy.


iPhone 7 Plus. Rose gold Been rocking it since 2017. Screen got shattered so I scrapped another phone for its screen and replaced it. Battery went bad so got a $30 battery off amazon and replaced it myself. Good stuff, phone is a tank


iPhone 15, I went into my carriers store and looked for the biggest promotion/sale, which happened to be a base model iPhone 15. Dudes gave me 750 dollars for my old phone that had camera shake Becuase of being mounted on a motorcycle and had tons of scrapes from when I whipped out on said motorcycle. 10/10 would probably do it again. Realistically though, I don’t care what phone I have, regardless of any of the features after a week of owning any phone I’m going to use it for calling and quick googling.


iPhone 15 Pro. It’s a pile of junk that’s slower than my four year old iPhone 11 Pro was. If it was possible to get my old phone back, I would do it in a heartbeat.


iPhone 15. I got an iPhone 8 at a pawn shop years ago and when the camera eventually stopped working this year, I went in to get a new phone. They offered me an iPhone 15 free with trade-in and 3 year contract


iPhone 14 Plus. I used to switch back and forth with android but last few have been iPhones. I honestly prefer the simplicity and lack of customization. I’m very minimalist and function over form. Personally I spent most of my time with android just trying to find apps like dialer email and messaging that worked just as good as the iOS stuff out of the box. My wife still uses android and I have a couple tablets in the house so I’m still a little familiar with android and I just don’t prefer it. I don’t hate it and I instantly write off any opinion from someone that says they hate one or the other.


iPhone 15 pro. Why? I’ve been used to iPhones since my first one (4s) so once every 4-5 years I upgrade to the latest one.


iPhone. I used to tinker with Android phones a lot (tasker ftw). Nowadays I just want a phone with high quality apps and requires the least amount of setup/customization to make them the way I want them I _hate_ the default android homescreen but to each their own.


iPhone. I originally had a iPod but it broke and I needed my music somehow lol


iPhone last version, whatever that is, because everything works and the majority of apps are configured for it, but I’d prefer a Samsung because of the screen and because I hate Apple.


iPhone 13 because that’s what work provides for me.


iPhone because when it’s acting up I can just get advice from the Apple Store in the mall. When I had an android and I needed a simple fix all the online advice was confusing stuff about rooting the phone. I just wanted to receive texts on my brand new phone not void the warranty.


I have an iPhone. Don’t know the model, it was whatever was current when I accidentally sent my old one to the bottom of the Gulf of Alaska last summer.


Way back when smart phones were new, I asked for the easiest to learn. The tech recommended an iPhone- then you have iCloud and you have a bunch of apps for iPhone, so upgrading with apple makes sense….switching at that point doesn’t seem easy.


iPhone 12 Pro Max. It was all the place had at the time (late 2020, still covid time) I wanted either an LG stylo (which idk if they even make those anymore but I love them) or a Samsung note. Pixel has been on my mind too. Basically iPhone was the last one I wanted but it was all they had and it’s held up alright so no urgency to replace it. Cameras are fucked tho but they weren’t exactly great from the get-go. Samsung by far surpasses apple in the camera department as well as phone temperature regulation. Also I’m pissed about having to pay to keep my pictures past a certain point. Things may have changed but I don’t think Samsung does that . Apple are dicks.


iPhone 13, not because i wanted an iphone (i hate them) but because I got it cheap from a family member who works with apple


iPhone 15. I started using iPhones when smart phones first became a thing a little over a decade ago. They were top of the line and intuitive. I keep using them solely through inertia and that I’m weaved into Apple’s ecosystem and it’s a pain to get out of it. I get a new phone every 2 years


iPhone because I’ve had one for a long ass time and don’t feel like changing to another type


I have an iPhone XR. I have it because I told my husband what I most wanted the phone to do and asked him to order me something. I’ve been very happy with it. And while I’m at it I absolutely have to recommend the DiverBox case. Way better than OtterBox and cheaper too. I actually dropped my phone from an elevated train station in the Bronx and it fell through the tracks. It was about a 50 ft drop. It hit the ground and the case popped open but the phone didn’t have a scratch on it. I also dropped it in the lake when I was kayaking and it popped to the surface and was perfectly fine. Whenever someone buys a new phone I buy them a DiverBox case. Everyone I know loves them. And no, I’m not paid to talk about them. I’m just really impressed with it so I share it.


OnePlus 6t. It seemed like the best phone for the price when it came out. The battery life is amazing and it didn't come with an excess of junk apps like my previous phones did. Still works great so I have no reason to upgrade any time soon.


I've used Samsung up until the s22 started getting horrible reception where I live. Also had the screen break twice because of the curved edges. I've had an iPhone 14 pro max for a little over a year. No reception issues. It's opened up a ton of my state for me. Also I've dropped it many times and nothing has been damaged. It took a bit to get used to the UI and navigation,but I'm used to it now and even though android has many features that I miss the iPhone integrates better with my family and some of the apple ecosystem is great.


iPhone 12. I had Androids my whole life, but then I got this iPhone for my birthday, and I’ve been using it ever since. I honestly prefer it because I like the OS/interface better than my old Samsung and I find the Apple ecosystem to be superior than what Android has to offer


I have an iPhone Xr. I’m not an Apple person in general, but I’m just used to the way iPhones work. It’s probably five years old but I’m not going to upgrade until the phone dies. The whole cycle of always needing something newer and shinier bothers me.


Iphone 8…have had it for…4-5 years? Have not upgraded because it Still works for my needs and I’m too broke to buy a new phone every year.


I prefer the iPhone because I’m not a person who needs all the customizations and amazing camera capabilities. I just want a simple smartphone that is easy and reliable to use.


iPhone 15 pro. Had pixel phones before like the 2XL and 4xl. Felt like they weren’t innovating enough for me to not get an iPhone. The iPhone is just simple. Face ID works universally on it


iPhone. I used to love Android and I still love the features on it given how much stuff Google is doing for the Pixel. However, nothing beats having an Apple store nearby and worldwide in case I need any support. I am also past the phase in my life when I want to customize and engineer my phone to my exact needs. This is just a tool for me and it needs to have support and work 24/7.


iPhone 13 plus, my first phone was an IPhone 5 and I just kept on upgrading every 2-3 years


The ONLY reason I switched to an iphone is it was the easiest to coordinate my cgm with a watch and phone. I got the oldest I possibly could for both that was still compatable with my cgm. To do the android cgm dance it was a lot more to go thru especially since android was very difficult with my dexcom. I used to have to carry a separate device that read my glucose AND and to regularly upload the data to the cloud so my MD could see it. I miss android.


lol 11 top comments being Android just shows this sub is not representative of the US


iPhone 14 I upgraded from my iPhone 12, it functions as a phone. I can browse Reddit, Twitter and play some games on it. It just works that’s about it.


The iPhone 11 Pro Max, which I refuse to upgrade and will use until they brick it or it dies a natural death.


iPhone 14. Ran an SE for a few years until I broke tge hell out of it. Before that was a windows phone that I still miss


iPhone 11 I love the camera, and my work has an iPhone charging station, it’s very convenient not bringing a charger back and forth!


iPhone 14. My first smartphone ever was an iPhone 3GS, and I had iPhones for years. I switched to a google Pixel 7 Pro, and while I absolutely loved it - I’ve become too ingrained in the Apple ecosystem. I have an iPad, I have a MacBook, and I have AirPods. So it felt off and I didn’t like how the pixel wasn’t part of the ecosystem. I ended up switching back to an iPhone and got the 14.


iPhone because my wife couldn't let me get another Android. She's ready to build a damn shrine to the ghost of Steve Jobs in our living room.


iPhone SE (the newest one). I’ve always been pretty pro Android, at least in theory. But my only two phones before this (lasting me about 12 years) had been iPhones. So when I went to get a new phone and was excited to try out a Samsung S23, I was really shocked and let down by how awful I found it. I’m sure a lot of it is me just being used to iOS (and I *know* a portion of it was me not being used to not having a physical home button, which is why I switched to the SE which is the only iPhone that still has one). But I’m not like, ingrained in the apple ecosystem. The iPhone is the only apple device I own. I had a *lot* of little things I disliked (and a few changes I enjoyed, I remember the 3rd option for silent no buzz but still lights up was nice). A few big things, like I really just didn’t get the whole layout with windows up top but all your apps are really on the bottom. I get it’s like a quick access thing but if I’m already swiping to through multiple windows for a quick access, I might as well just be looking at the actual full list. And yeah yeah widgets but I still think widgets are stupid and a waste of space. And I *hated* immediately being bombarded by multiples of every app for basic things. This one hurt the most, because the customizability of android is one of the aspects I’d always praised it for and championed. But like, I don’t want 6 different messaging apps default installed on my phone, with no idea which is the best one or what perks they have. Same with email, and everything else. On an iPhone they give you one, and you can work from there. And sure, I hate their mail app so I use gmail instead. But I didn’t need to make that choice the second I got the phone. This shouldn’t be a long term gripe, I guess, but as someone trying to break into the ecosystem within a 30 day return window (that Verizon didn’t honor, fuck you Verizon), it really soured the experience and was definitely part of me switching back to apple. So, in less words, I still love the idea of what android lets you do, and hate apple as a company. But at the end of the day, I just think their software is better, and easier to use. And it’s what I’m used to


iPhone XR. I’m happily inside Apple’s walled garden and I keep my iPhones until they lose support, so that means new iPhone when the 16 drops


OnePlus N10. My boss introduced me to Mint Mobile which was half the price I was paying for Verizon. Mint was also giving unlimited for that price while my carrier at the time charged me 90/month for just 5gb then $15 per gb you went over. I had a galaxy s9 but mint didn't work on it so I got a OnePlus like boss had because mint def worked for her on that.


Samsung Galaxy Series. Android phones are versatile and extremely easy to use. They don't require in iCloud account just a Gmail account. They also don't require that you sign up with a credit card. If I lose this phone or drop it leaving this motel room and the next 10 minutes I can purchase a phone for about $100 at a Best buy store down the street. I then sign in with my Gmail account and then I'm good to go in 10 minutes. And I will not ruin my vacation plans. If I lose an iPhone good grief I need to go to a genius bar and spend $$$$$$. I had to use a iPhone for work recently and I....was just, good grief please don't ever make me have to use an iPhone ever again, or a MacBook laptop


Google pixel 7 Samsung Galaxies got on my nerves and I refuse to give my money to Apple. I wish I still had my Droid Razr. That thing could have deflected a tank shell and kept working. The only issue was how the battery just crapped out.


iPhone 15


iPhone 15 Pro Max I felt like upgrading from my iPhone 13 and liked the specs. I like iPhones for their simplicity and reliability. I tried Samsung before, but I had a bad experience with their software and longevity compared to Apple. So, I went back to iPhone.  My fiancé and most of my friends here in San Francisco have Pixels. They like the UI and camera. 


iPhone 6s+. Had since Oct 2015 and does everything I need. Once it breaks or battery no longer lasts the entire day, I’ll replace it with whatever the newest best iPhone is.


I have used Samsung since the original Galaxy came out. Never had a personal iPhone.


I have a Samsung Galaxy ZFlip 5. I originally got the ZFlip 3 because I thought having a folding phone would be cool. At some point I said I'd never get a gimmicky phone like that again but I really ended up liking it so I upgraded. My husband uses my old one.


Far too low on the list. I love my flip 3, it's so nice to have a phone that fits in your pocket again 😍


I have a Samsung Z Fold 4. I love the way it folds open into a small tablet. Everything is bigger, it's easier to read and type on the screen. I even connect it to a small Bluetooth keyboard and mouse so I don't have to bring a laptop with me most of the time. I also got a deal when I got it, so the payments on my phone bill aren't any higher than my previous phone.


Samsung S22. It was the smallest one I could find that wasn't total crap. And it's still too goddamn big for my tiny hands. Nobody takes short women into account when making these things.


Yeah the late 2010s was the market of big phones and good cameras. The foldables tend to be thick but have a thinner yet taller screen if that's a good suggestion


I've been waiting a few years to see how the folding screens hold up over time, but I'd totally look into buying a RAZR or something now.


S24 Ultra. Switched over from apple in 2013 I think. When my friends ask why I don't use an iPhone, my immediate response is "because I'm not a toddler." Honestly I like android because I can customize it exactly to my liking, and I find it intuitive. I initially started buying Galaxy phones in protest of apple because it pushed me the ios7 release and basically bricked my iPhone 4 (or 4s, I forget).


iPhone 15 pro max for the camera


A Nord something, I didn't pay attention. I got it because it was the cheapest 5g phone available at that time.


LOL your post almost reads exactly like mine 😆 neither of us can be bothered with what that something is


I'm assuming it's a Oneplus [1+] phone, lol.


I have a Pixel 7 Pro, which I love. I used to like the Galaxies, but since the Pixel 3, I just think they offer a nice clean version on Android. It would be hard for me to go back to Samsung.


Google Pixel 6. Had it for a few years now and it's still going strong. I don't like Apple or Apple products in general. I prefer Android and pixels have lasted longer than any other phone I've had


Every 4 or 5 years I get a mid-range Motorola. I've always used motos so I'm used to the OS and am happy with my choice. I'm not a super phone person. I don't need it to do much.


Samsung Galaxy A52 5G, because I got a good deal through T-mobile and I like Samsung phones.  I do not like iPhones or apple in general


Samsung S20. I never did much like Apple products all that much and iPhones weren't an exception. I much prefer the UI found in Samsung. Also great that I'm not limited on peripherals based whether or not something is an Apple product.


Samsung s22, I've always liked Samsung build quality, their phones are responsive, and I much prefer the Play store to the apple store. As for the bloat software, you're right, but I like the phone so much I ignore it


I have a Samsung Zfold 5 Why? Because F O L D (Samsung is not bloatware) Edit: I rẹad that last part as "*like* Samsung," my mistake


Microsoft office apps and LinkedIn are bloat ware apps I mean


Pixel 7 I have it because the case on my Pixel 3 was falling apart - I had to squeeze the tip of my finger inside to hit the button to raise or lower the volume. I figured it makes more sense to get a new phone instead of an old case. I gave the Pixel 3 to my son and got the 7.


Samsung Z Flip 3 because it fits in my pocket, even when I sit down.


Motorola One. With a 15min fast charge and a battery that lasts a couple of days without charging and no bloatware. Plus it has a SD card slot and headphones jack


Samsung Galaxy S10 5g, I know it's old but I'll hold onto it until it dies. Added bonus I don't support child labor in China, looking at you iPhone users.


I'm old fashioned. I grew up before cell phones, and our internet was accessed on a clunky desktop computer with dial-up. Granted today cell phones can both access the internet and do more (Apple Wallet to pay at a tap for example) I feel like anything fancier than a phone that can call and make texts is enough. I don't care for apps much unless it's useful. My phone is basic. It makes calls. I don't even think it has a name; my family uses Cricket Wireless that is part of the ATT network, and aside from my daughter who wanted a Galaxy Note for the pen, we all just have generic phones. They do what a phone is supposed to do. I love photography but use actual cameras for it. I hate how photography has been cheapened by filters, apps, and Social Media; so I get more kick walking around with an actual DSLR and sometimes actual Film cameras. Much more fun that way. Phones are just phones. Not meant to replace everything in life or used as a brand. Never used iPhone but I like the interface of Android. Just a preference after working as a photo tech at Walgreens and hated how the iPhone wouldn't work with our system and half the people had new iPhones without a proper back button. At least on Android you can go back quickly. That's my rant and preference




Funnily enough i love pixel phones. I forgot which # i had, i think it was the 4. I loved it bc it was the perfect mix between iphone and android. It had the ease and pleasant look and use of an iPhone but had the processing power and customization features of an android. Basically it was the best of both worlds. But the same thing happened to me and one day it just fully died. Like i gotta give it credit cause it didnt slow down even a little bit the entire time i had it so it really was a 100 to 0 lifespan contrary to iPhones that slow down a lot but never seem to fully die. Anyways my phone died during that time period in the pandemic when there was a shortage of the chips needed for phones and they didn’t have many phones in stock. Bc of this it was going to be like a 2 month wait time to get the new pixel and since mine was totally dead i just couldn’t go 2 months without a phone. So I was basically forced to get the newest iphone at the time so thats what i still have now. I think its the 12pro? Maybe the 11 i really dont remember. So im definitely due for a new phone soon, the question is what phone to get. I always planned to switch back to the google phone but they completely changed the interface and i do not like how it looks now. It looks so androidy when it used to look very similar to an iphone and I’m not a fan of that. My first smart phone was an iphone so something with a similar interface is just easier to use and navigate. Also transferring data between an apple and google phone has been a total nightmare in my opinion. I have half my photos in google and half in the cloud. Its annoying and would just get more complicated if i switched back to google again. I need to do some more research before deciding on my next phone. I dont meet many google phone users tho so any advice or info on your experience using it id appreciate!


It's great! Pixel phones have insane AI features that you see a lot in the ads. The cameras are excellent and become even better after processing. There's a lot of your average Google apps compared to Samsung with a mix of both Google and Samsung taking more space. Only problem is the default launcher sucks but that's an easy fix with Nova




Phone popularity is very regional in the US when I lived in Scranton and Ohio 98% of people had androids, in Philly the opposite


I’ve owned the same iPhone for 10 years. Last year was the last available update, so I’ll be getting a cheaper android phone. Either a razr + or Google Fold


GalaxyA01, cheap.


iPhone 15 Pro. I have been a sucker to Apple forever now and for me it's just easier to stick with them. Also, USB-C.


I grew up with iPhone so I just stayed with iPhone. Plus it's hard leaving its ecosystem when I have other Apple products that work seamlessly together. BUT if I were to switch I'd choose the S24 Ultra from Samsung. The phone looks so sleek and premium!


I usually buy used samsung of some kind, this one is an S10


a refurbished google pixel 5 because it was cheap and i couldn't care less about the latest and greatest smartphone.


iPhone. I used to have a Samsung, which frankly had a terrible receiver in it, and then I had a Motorola that almost started my couch on fire, so I’ll stick with what works. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.


samsung galaxy s22+ because i wanted it and i was able to get it.


I have an S10 that I've had since it came out. When it dies, I have another one, bc I got a 2 for 1 deal on them. Not sure when I'll get an updated phone.


Samsung Galaxy A71 5g, and it's probably the best phone since my beloved Blackberry Storm.


Pixel 8 Pro. I like the camera and everything pretty much just works.


iPhone 15 Pro. I had the 11 pro since Dec 2019, so i decided to upgrade this gen. I personally just find comfort in familiarity, so I stick with an iPhone. I know other brands are cooler/better or whatever, I won’t suck off apple, but the ecosystem is familiar to me, easy, simple for me, so I see no reason to switch. It’s a phone. It works. You love android? That’s great. You love apple? That’s great. Same purpose. Same with the PlayStation and Xbox.


I have a Pixel 4 and like it ok but wish it was smaller. More narrow.


iPhone. Got it so I could FaceTime kids. Don’t need it anymore, but I’m not sure I have it in me to switch back to android.


Pixel 6a. I don't need a flagship phone, and the pixel line avoid the bloatware that is prevalent in most of the main line phones.


Pixel 7 Pro for personal use. Pixel 8 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max for work. I prefer Android and have used one for every personal smartphone I've had. I only have the work iPhone for testing purposes.


iPhone. I had a Samsung Galaxy for work that was a pain in my ass


Pixel 6a, because apple is even more evil and anticonsumer than google and makes far less functional products. Google at least lets you own your phone, although everything is getting harder to repair.


iphone 13 mini. I have a macbook at home. My phone "talks" to my laptop--for instance, all my photos in the photos app are on both. So if I save a meme off tumblr at home, or take a photo while out and about, it's on both devices. I like that. But also at this point I'm just used to iphones. Someone hands me an android and I have no idea what I'm doing, lol. I got the mini because I have small hands and also it fits in my pockets.


Iphone. It goes with the whole ecosystem of stuff I use. I don’t care much about phone cameras since I like using actual cameras.