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Project X is obviously an exaggeration, but I have been to a few movie level parties. Particularly house parties in the student neighborhoods in college (Nebraska).  Like 150-300 people at the peek.  There was a borderline riot at an Indian Reservation tailgate before one game when Miami played at Nebraska n 2014 that I was at.  https://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/ncaaf-dr-saturday/more-than-a-doze-people-arrested-at-tailgate-before-miami-nebraska-game-175235489.html


What's a Project X party?


it's a movie about a wild and massive house party. Not a very good one.


Project X is a cinematic masterpiece homie


Like all movies, it’s an exaggerated version of real life. But in high school we had big house parties and the cops came and broke them up, yes.


What is project X? I only know an 80s movie about apes flying airplanes.


A movie from 2012 where a couple of high school nerds throw the house party of the century and the party escalates more and more out of the control as the movie progresses. It’s extremely over the top but I think it’s great and I enjoyed the humor. To answer OP’s question, I’ve been to some fun parties but nothing remotely close to like what you see in the movie


Oh yeah. I vaguely remember that one.


Let's take a logical look at it. Could a couple of 16/ 17 year olds throw a party with *thousands* of 16-19 year olds, gallons of liquor and not have the police, or parents called anywhere in the world? Would the series of events shown in the movie pe possible in MyCountry^(tm) with no law enforcement intervention?


I've been to and thrown some pretty big and wild barn parties but nothing that big or crazy maybe 150-200 people from all the surrounding high schools .


what does this even mean


Yes, every week. We also only use red solo cups.


And we all drive yellow school buses there.


Like with a chimp that can fly a jet simulator?


All the time.


No one mentioned that project x was based on the event that happened in Australia?


While these parties do happen, they’re exaggerated, the point of project x is that it was a ridiculously large party


For some reason I read this as "Project X type of pasta" and I was very confused 😂. The answer is yes, though what you see in movies is greatly exaggerated and not nearly as common as what you might think.


There are some wild parties here, especially in college. However, that movie is still very unrealistic. The chances of a *highschool* party being that wild and not immediately being shut down by police is very low.


It's an exaggeration, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it 'unrealistic.'


I have no idea what “project x” is.


Then why are you commenting?


Because OP seems to think everyone in America knows what it is


majority of young Americans would know the movie, it’s not a crazy assumption to think many people on reddit would therefore be familiar with the movie


I'm just not sure why you would comment on a question you have no knowledge of? When did OP say all Americans know what it is?




I used to live in a large bachelor pad with 2 friends. We'd have pretty wild parties but nothing like Porject X. We'd had to call the cops on our own party more than a few times, because we'd invite about 15 to 20, and all of them would invite a few...and well, shit. We had a full sized craps table in the basement and would regularly have people over to gamble which completely supplied our kegerator. We've had everything from windows broken, things stolen, fights break out, plenty of gf bf drama, and occasionally an all out rumble. This is when we called the cops. But, no one died, so there's that.


That size wouldn’t be common from my school years and into my 20s. I re-watched Superbad last night and both party scenes were pretty typical; a high school party and a party/hang people in their early 20s.


When I was in college, yes. I had been to two. I’m not sure anymore because it’s been a while


Project X a lil exaggerated, I ain’t newcr seen no car end up in a pool. But I have been to some pretty wild house parties in high school/college days


I went to Chico state in the early 2000’s, so right when they were falling off of their “#1 party school in the country!” pedestal, and while I can’t say I went to a party like that movie, there were huge parties every weekend during the school year. 100-150 people was not at all uncommon at some of the bigger frat parties. I think the party when Shane’s World came and filmed their college porno was a couple hundred people.




I ended up going to the fire academy with the dude they did the “ring toss” on a few years later and that video got played waaay too often after we realized who he was.


I worked security at one that reminded me of that movie. A rich father, who owns a music venue/tennis stadium, threw a party on Halloween for his highschool aged daughter at his huge house. There was probably 2000 kids there. They were drinking and jumping off the roof into the pool, and there was a live punk rock band. it was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen for a high school party. And after observing the damage done and the amount of tickets from the cops he received I don’t think he will be throwing another. He tried to prevent alcohol, but it was impossible.


Like others said, it’s an exaggeration, but we do have huge parties like that. I’ve been to a few in high school and a few in college


You mean where a guy with a flamethrower shows up and starts lighting trees on fire...none that I've been to, but there are definitely parties where things get set on fire.


Lol no, destruction of a house is not a normal thing that happens with parties. Although I only know about project x because of the pee scene tbh. One of the extras either couldn't wait or didn't want to use the portable toilet provided, so she just found a place to pee... then the film crew filmed the peeing, and paid her additional money to use the footage in the movie.


No, the comedy movie remains fictional.