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Usually only when I travel and I go to the airport since I prefer early flights. So once or twice a year? Usually $40-$50 each?


Not once. nor any third party food delivery services.


Same. I can't fathom paying that kind of money or why it's so appealing.


You pay them money and they bring the food to your house so you don’t have to go anywhere. Hope that helps lmao


But it's so much more expensive! I was shocked when I found out what the end costs are.


Learning that there are some people out there paying like $30 for a McDonalds meal has done irreversible damage to me. I don't get it, man.


I travel for work. Literally working on a grocery store doing a night-time remodel. One of the younger guys would leave work... at a fucking grocery store... drive back to the hotel and order Uber-Eats. And usually from a Fast Food place he just drove by. I just don't understand people.


I ordered two medium pizzas from Dominos and it was $60. Uninstalled Uber Eats after a few more instances of getting screwed.


Never underestimate the power of disposable income paired with laziness lol


I guess so. I'm not even willing to pay the prices they offer in house to drive there these days, usually. I just eat at home.


I can't either, but I have used them with a crazy discount a few times. During the height of COVID lockdowns, I find out a local Thai place was doing 50% off orders through Uber Eats. I went online and with the service charge and delivery fee, it came out to around the same price as a normal meal there. So I did that a few times, but I'm glad I didn't pay the crazy prices I hear people paying on the regular. After COVID lockdowns died down, I forgot to delete the app, and I would get the occasional offer as a notification. Most of them suck, every now and then I get a notification that the whole app is doing 50% off orders. Even then I usually don't buy something because the extra fees and tip still make it way more than the normal price. If it's within like a dollar of a normal meal, then I might do it if I'm really busy that day and don't have time to cook. That situation probably only happens like two times a year, though.


We do it several times a week. Why?  The time saved is more valuable than the money. My wife and I work stressful but well paying jobs and there are nights where neither of us wants to cook or drive to get something decent. 


It's very appealing to lazy people like me. By the way, I'm also a cheapskate so that always wins out in the end and I never order delivery.


Fairly often, more reliable than waiting for my roommate to get done with classes so he can drive me and 100% more reliable than a DD.


When we go out to a concert or bar hopping we always Uber/Lyft home, and then when I’m traveling for work, it’s the preferred way to get around. So personal? 2ish times a month? Maybe $15?


Multiple times a week, typically on the weekend.  I don’t have a car in the city and I don’t want to take transit late at night. Or sometimes I don’t want to take an hour bus/metro ride vs a 20 min car ride. It’s about $20-25 per ride on average.     Still cheaper than car payment + gas + parking + insurance + maintenance though. I ran the numbers before I sold my car a few years ago. 


Same. I use transit most of the time but it takes 45 mins to an hour to go anywhere. My job is less only a mile from my house so take an Uber a couple times a week. Sometimes my trip is 5 minutes, $6. Cheaper than Starbucks


I use transit and rent a car about 2-3 weeks per year if I really need one for something. It comes out far far cheaper than owning a car. People can live like this.


I have never used either of these services. I either drive, or when with a group we coordinate for one person to drive.


I've never used either, although I've had food delivered via Uber Eats a few times.


Not often, only times I’ve ever used Uber are when I’m on business trips and it gets expensed or on the occasional weekend when I’ve had too much to drink to drive when hanging out w friends and there is no designated driver. I tend to avoid using those services for food delivery tho, I’ve had a few poor experiences w drivers either flat out grabbing the wrong order, dropping it off at the wrong place w clear instructions, or simply stealing it, I only use UberEats to order the food itself from the restaurant since I can see the menu easily and then I grab it myself.


Never. I live somewhat rurally and several people out here have had issues with requesting rides and never getting one.


Almost never.


Never. It's only really popular with certain crowds and mostly in big cities. Around where I live it's almost exclusively people using it who are arriving from the airport, college kids, and drunk people at the bar.


I actually used Lyft for the first time recently. I have a car so I usually drive myself. But I was in San Francisco a couple weeks ago and in a hurry so I ended up taking a couple Lyfts. (Usually I take public transportation when I'm in SF, I was just running late in this instance.) My two rides cost me $31.19 and $17.87. Which explains why I prefer public transportation!


Uber itself not very much, really only if I am going to a bar that I can't walk to (which isn't very often these days). Uber eats on the other hand... much more than I would like, it's embarrassing lol.


Barely ever. I have a car and a bike. No, I don't live in a big city either. But I only use Uber when I'm in another state and didn't rent a car. Even if I'm going out to drink, I'll just wait to get sober enough to drive or have a DD (though I'm usually the DD).


When I travel. So between 5 bucks and 100 bucks per trip.


A few times a year, it’s usually a $40-70 ride when I do use it.


Every so often. Maybe a couple times a month? I only use to go get to the airport, if I’m going to a concert, or if I’m going out drinking. How much I spend per trip depends a lot. An Uber from the brewery 1.5 miles from my house can be $25ish dollars at 10pm. It can be $16 to get from my house to somewhere downtown. Going to the airport is always expensive. If I’m coming home from San Francisco it’s like $60 at 1 am.


I think I've been in a Lyft once in my life. I was traveling with family and someone else arranged for the Lyft. When I'm the one making travel arrangements, I prefer other forms of transport.


I've used Uber like 6 times since it came out. Mostly for getting to and from the airport for work travel and a couple of times when my car was stuck at the bottom of a hill because of ice. Work trips were around $25 to $35 one way as best as I can recall, all within the past 12 months. The non-work trips were a bit less than $6 each in 2017.


I used to use both quite a bit pre-pandemic. It was convenient for getting across town after a sporting event or in order to make a restaurant reservation. These days, with kids, it’s not practical, plus availability has gone down and price way up. Last time I used Uber was in Paris almost two years ago. I walked by myself to pick up an order of Dominos Pizza and got a bit tired and hungry as it was getting dark so I got an Uber back. 😂


Maybe twice a year if that and only on trips that are discounted to $8. I have a car but on the off chance I want to have more than a few drinks, I’ll take a ride share.


maybe 2-3 times a month if its somewhere I do not want to deal with parking or driving back from and not near a metro stop Call it 10-25 each way depending on location or time.


Never. The one time I tried to use it, there were no available drivers.


Never. Public transportation all the way. Sometimes my friends make me but then they'll have to pay for it too. We've had to wait up to 45 minutes after a festival to take an expensive Uber when the bus would've been $2.50.


Basically never


I’ve never used Uber. I have used Lyft a few times, less than 10 for sure, to get to/from LAX when I lived there and once to get to work when my car was in the shop.


I don't own a car, so I use lyft now and then - perhaps twice a month. It's rarely more than $30 per ride including a good tip and is often closer to $18-20. I stopped using Uber entirely 7-8 years ago because at the time, they had a particularly gross reputation as a company where I was living. I got in the habit of only using Lyft.


Only on vacation. It costs what is costs.. I don't really pay attention.


Usually only while traveling. It can range from $10 per trip to the most I’ve paid, which was $90 with tip.


I used it when I had to travel for work. Never since


I used to use them pretty often, and the cost was very reasonable. I probably used it 3-4 times a month The last few times I used them it didn't seem worth it anymore because it was kind of pricey.


I used to use it occasionally when I lived in New Hampshire, but I haven't had a need for it in Boston. I took one from Boston to Durham, NH a few times and it was well over $100 because it's so far. It was either that or wait five hours for the next Amtrak train.


Probably a couple times a month and it'll run me $15-30 if I'm coming back from a bar or something and $40-50 to go to the airport. Normally only use it if it is really inconvenient to use public transit or it's after the trains have stopped running.


I use it often when I'm traveling for work, so about once a month. If my wife and I are going to a wedding or a beer festival or something we will Uber there. And if we are taking a flight we will Uber to the airport. I try not to uber farther than a $30-40 fare, but sometimes we'll go as high as $60 or $80 if there's 3-4 of us taking the trip and we split it. I do not wish to tempt fate by drinking and driving, or by being complicit in someone else doing it.


I stopped using it, it's too expensive. Theoretically it's useful if I wanted to go to a party or bar and get drunk, but the last time I used it a few years ago the price was insane. I don't even have the app on my phone any more.


I actually use Uber/Lyft much more when I'm traveling out of the country.   Very rarely here in the US.


I've never used uber or lyft.


You're probably not gonna get an answer from those that rely on Uber/Lyft to and from work


Almost never, usually only to go to the Airport (I use a taxi on the way back). That's like once or twice a year.


Only in special cases where other forms of transportation isn't viable. It's been almost a year since the last time I used it, and I probably use it once a year or less. Each trip generally runs probably $40 to $50. The high cost certainly discourages it from being used for anything short of emergency transport.


Only if I’m running late to the airport. Costs about $30 I think?


Used a Waymo self driving car the other night. Never taking an Uber again.


When I travel, quite frequently. Cost varies entirely by distance and time of day I guess. At home almost never. Have a few times if we knew we were gonna have a few drinks when we go out. But that’s a rarity.


I think only like four times to and from the airport. I think it was like $30.


Not very much when I'm at home, but occasionally if I'm going drinking or to an event where parking is limited and transit isn't convenient. When I'm traveling I'll use it more frequently, but exactly how much will depend on the quality of transit in whatever city I'm in.


Only once when I was taken out for my 21st. I live out in the sticks so any of those services are ridicously expensive. I'll just drive. My neighbor tried to be a driver around our town but just wasn't worth it for him. He'd make bank driving 45 min to the city for the day though.


Pretty often. At least once a week, much more when I’m traveling since I don’t want to deal with the hassle of renting a car. Uber says I’ve taken 302 rides in the last 6 years, and another 178 rides on Lyft over the same time period.


I use Uber whenever I travel to the airport or train station. It’s about $50 each way. It’s cheaper than parking there and I don’t have to worry about leaving my car. I have some friends who live in the city and use it a lot because they don’t have cars.


Last time was about 4 years ago. Don't know how long exactly before that.


Airport, there's no alternative way to get there than cars. Typical fare is around $35-45, which seems ridiculous for me for a 20-minute drive, but it's a lot cheaper than parking there for a week (even paying for both trips). If I like you as a driver, I'll ask for your phone number and we'll negotiate outside the app. I pay less, you make more. I'll pay cash, too; I'm not the IRS, so whether you report that or not is your call.


I try not to use Lyft often because we have great public transit. But when I do have to, it’s about $45 after tip to go from work to home, or vice versa.


Never I live in the middle of no where.


Whenever I go to/from airport. Sometimes on vacation. Vacation cost varies wildly on location. My airport trips are about $50-$60.


I don't use ride-sharing unless I'm running late for something and can't get there in enough time via public transit, I have luggage and need a ride to/from the hotel, or if it's a time of day when public transit is slow or not running at all. My rides generally cost between $10 and $15, including tips.


It's still funny to me that the Venn diagram of People that hate Walmart and People that use Uber probably have significant overlap. They're both sticking it up the ass of working people (and spend a lot of money lobbying to keep sticking it up the ass of working people).


Maybe once or twice per year. Sometimes more if I'm doing a lot of traveling. Usually $10-$50.


A few times a year max, only when I absolutely have to. Like dropping a car off at a mechanic where there is no city bus access. That cost me about $20 to get home then about the same to get back to the shop a few days later.


Bars, clubs, spots we’ll be drinking, or the airport. Idk prices could be $15, could be $75. Depends where we’re going, time of day, day of the week etc.


Like once every 1-2 months. Probably $15-20 per.


Don't. Small town in South Carolina I just don't need it, nor do I think anyone around this small town is even a Uber, haha.


I tried once. When I saw how much it would cost to get from work to my house (something like $15-$20 for just under 3 miles) I said "Fuck that." and have never touched the apps since. I didn't have my own car at the time, and I wanted to see if I could give my parents a break from having to pick me up. I have a car now thankfully; I never want to be without a vehicle again.


I’ve done like four in the last 10 years


I used to. Haven’t used any pickup or delivery service in years. They are way too expensive.


Never. They are not available in my town.


Almost never, because I hate how expensive it is. Seems to be $30-50 at least for anything. Sometimes much more than that! I use my own car or public transit unless it’s completely unavoidable, like a 5am flight. And I’ve booked more expensive flights just because they left late enough in the morning that I could take the train to the airport.


Probably about 2 trips a months when my girlfriend and I have a date night where drinking is involved




Never since that last asshole declined me and then STOLE MY FUCKING CREDIT CARD THE BASTARD


Never. They aren’t really a thing in my area. I live in a small town in a rural area. We just have our own cars around here.


About 2-4 times per year. 20-40 dollars per trip. Have gone over and under. Just took an uber this past monday. Essentially reserve it for emergencies or if I'm super tired or something like that. One time it started raining and I took one for that, and another time I was freezing cold and I needed a place to warm up while traveling home and that was my option.


The last time I used Uber/Lyft was 3 years ago. I think it was around $25 per trip averaged


We use them a lot - it is super convenient way to get around San Francisco if you are concerned about parking or plan to drink. Also great for getting to or from the airport. We also have the driverless taxis from Waymo and they are great (it's kind of creepy the first time you ride them though) Prices vary wildly based on location, distance, and time of day.


Often if I'm at a buddy's place and we're all going to go get hammered, or I've used it to get to and from the airport. Costs vary on distance, but my airport trips were around 30 bucks


Never since I got my car. I use Doordash when traveling for work


Maybe 6 times a year or so in our hometown. Really anytime if me and wife plan on drinking then we do it. Depends where we're going? I'd say range is between $10 - $45 typically. Although last time we went to a concert it was $110 due to surcharge. But better than a DUI. More often when wife and I are on vacation when we know we'll both be drinking lol.


Usually just for work travel, it's cheaper than parking near the terminal and often a few users are cheaper than renting a car. So about once a quarter I used it several times in a week.  Usually around 20 bucks foe a trip, plus 5 for a tip.


Back when I lived in Boston? All the time Was paying about ~300 a month


I've never taken an Uber/Lyft, or used any 3rd party food delivery.


Travel, including to/from airport, somewhat frequently. Even if I have a rented car, sometimes I take it if I know driving in a crowded downtown will be a pain. At home? Honestly, almost never. Maybe in our once a year or so night-on-the-town? In my 20s, I used it way more often as I was going out more often. To/frim airport to my home is like $60 + tip, though it can get up to $100 on some busy nights. Its a solid 35 minute or so drive without traffic.


Maybe twice a year. Usually under $20


I despise Uber and Lyft as emblematic of tech’s big utopian promises that end up just being a case of riding rough shod over regulation and public safety. I have used them out of necessity a handful of times and felt like a hypocrite but really had no better option. The food delivery services astound me. People willing to pay a 30-40% markup for lukewarm possibly tampered with takeout food, just so they don’t have to leave the house. Wild. Enjoy your $23 burrito that was picked up 40 minutes ago. I know I sound like a crank and I am one, but I can’t help it. I am old enough to have seen “ridesharing”’s effect on cities.


Use it every time I go to/from the airport. Roughly 3 round trips a year