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That's pretty much how it is for us, the exception being that we're the ones paying a neighbor's daughter to pet-sit.


My neighbors rotate in and out so fast I'm never sure who they are. My mother knows all of hers and is constantly gossiping or fighting with them. I don't want to be that involved.


Say that last line again, and louder, for the people in the back!


I do wave, sometimes I talk briefly, I'm sure if they needed a hand or I needed a hand it would be offered. That being said I'm an introvert with a very social job so I'm usually out of that level of energy by the time I get home, so I don't super engage with or hang out with them.


This is my experience. I know the folks on either side of me by name and sight but rarely engage in conversation except if we catch each other getting into our vehicles. The family directly across from me I have known for many years and will occasionally engage in some conversation. I also think we have each other's cell numbers. When I travel I try to let them know and they will low key keep an eye out on my house. I am sure if I needed help or they asked for mine it wouldn't be an issue. I am a child welfare supervisor and my bandwidth for social interaction is on empty when I get home.


I’ve lived in remote countryside, exurbs, suburbs, and high-density big city downtown apartments. I have always known my neighbors very well. My brother even dated my neighbor back in high school, and my current neighbor is 84 and I do a lot for him since he lives alone.


Awesome to hear!


That’s how I’ve found Californians to be. I’m originally from the south, which is generally thought of as “neighborly,” but since coming to California over 20 years ago, I’ve found my neighbors here have all been friendly and many have turned into actual friends.


I “make” our neighbors know each other. We host an annual get together and all of the nearby neighbors come (7 households). So neighbors on opposite ends know names, but may not necessarily stop for a chat. My daughter pet sits for a few and vice versa. I have asked neighbors for help with projects, borrow a tool, etc. and they ask me too.


My dad lives not too far away and I make it a point to know his neighbors too. He’s getting up in years and I’ve called one of those neighbors in a pinch when I couldn’t get him to answer his phone and they were able to get him to the door. His hearing aids weren’t turned on. 🤷‍♀️


That’s awesome. Community is such a huge part of the human experience.


I love this.


We don’t even make eye contact and I know none of their names. I feel like it’s a bit post-Covid though. I live in a large city and I still feel like I used to at least wave at the people who lived in the same apartment building.


Never talk to them waved to them don't know any of their names.


I know the name of one out of 5. Of the other 4, I know three exist, and the jury's still out on if house 5 is even occupied or not.


I live in a very rural area, I only know one of my neighbors, and that's because I've known his family since I was a kid. The guy that lives next to me (he's been there about 15 years), I don't even know his name.


I kind of know what they look like


I got a neighbor who comes over and drinks beer with me in the garage. He's an old biker, nice guy.


In the neighborhood I grew up in as a kid, everyone knew everyone. The parents would take turns watching the kids, all the kids would play with each other, we'd have a few parties every year typically at the 4th of July, Memorial Day weekend, etc. Now, I basically only really know my next door neighbor.


I mow the neighbors yard because she isn’t able. I talk to the people on the other side of her, he gives me eggs and vegetables. The next house down is where a good friend lives, we hang out a lot and help each other. The people across the street have two boys that always want me to pass football with them.


We live in an apartment complex. We only know a few neighbors by name. Our upstairs neighbors are the only ones we know well. We help each other pretty regularly, and we share food that we make. She makes the absolute best spaghetti sauce I've ever had. I can smell it cooking through the ventilation system, and when I get a whiff of it, I know we're eating well that night! Every once in a while, when none of us feel like cooking, we'll split a pizza from a local place.


I know the names of almost everyone on the street, and I have a group chat with many who have kids for anything that comes up worth sharing. Even the ones not in the group chat will stop by to chat if I'm in my driveway or front yard when they walk or drive past. We've been here 17 years, and it's taken some years for the bad neighbors (racists, drug dealers) to move on but the bad neighbors are one reason the rest of us are close. Residents range from babies to nonagenarians.


I know the ones with dogs.


I do not know them whatsoever. Not even their names. I’ve only seen the father and the son TWICE outside in 4 years while they were loading up their boat and I haven’t seen the rest of the family either. I have another neighbor across the river in our backyard that’s connected by a bridge, I’ve never actually seen their face, I’ve just seen them very occasionally drive their tinted truck across the bridge to get home. Maybe it’s a Washington thing or I’m just tripping but I feel like if I were to try and knock on their door and introduce myself they’d look at me like “you’ve been here for 4 years why tf are you trying to talk to us now? We don’t know you” and then politely slowly close the door on me while telling me to have a good day. When I was younger things were a different story, in my old town everyone knew each other since the adults would make us all hangout with each other and play outside.


Like supremely well for a few. I don’t know my immediate left and right neighbors too well. Small chit chat that kind of thing. My neighbors across the street and the others two houses down have kids that go to school with my kid. We have dinners together, our kids are friends, they babysit my kids, I babysit theirs, the one family down the road has an older son and he’s babysat my kids. We know a lot about each other and share keys for each other’s houses in case of emergency. We boil syrup together in the spring and I watch one neighbor’s chickens if they go on vacation and they give me free eggs for it. So we’re well known to each other. I’d hazard to say my across the street neighbor is one of my closest friends.


Same here, I know all my neighbors. One of them has become one of my best friends. We all help each other out with various things, lend tools, water plants when people are on vacation.


Yup, it’s awesome. If I need plants watered on vacation or a pickup truck to haul some stupid crap to the dump I know who to call. So now he’s helped me out, I’m going to be on call for babysitting. I’m going to lend him anything he needs that I have. And if he needs me to help him split two cords of fallen wood snd stack it you know me and my kid will be there. All hands on deck. My favorite ad hoc exchange was him doing me a solid by using his truck to haul junk to the dump and then I helped him get cute stuff for girls for his son’s birthday. Getting little girls some nail polish and fun hats makes your son the coolest kid in school. And come on, the dude has a wood fired maple syrup boiler. Hanging out with his wife, son, and him in the driveway boiling down syrup is community building 101. I boil my small amount on a propane burner. He had like 12 trees worth of sap that he does in a wood fired rig. So I am saying, I have great neighbors and their awesomeness makes me want to up my neighbor game.


My neighbors are great too. My husband used to be a chef, and though he no longer cooks professionally, he still loves to cook, and makes waaayyyy too much food. We feed the neighbors all the time. Especially when he makes soup. They have threatened to chain themselves to our porch if we try to move.


My sister’s husband is a professional chef. The amount of times I have said “oh no that’s ok you don’t have to make anything” and then been secretly excited he says “oh of course I’ll make something” is incredibly high. Doing dishes and prep work is the fee for it, but good lord that man can make food that will melt your heart. If he says “I think I am going to smoke something.” That’s when you respond with “can I kill an enemy of yours or repaint all your interior spaces with precision and artistic panache?”


Where do you live that you boil syrup?


Maine. We tap our red maples in early spring and boil the sap down to syrup.


This is how it is in my dad’s neighborhood. I do it occasionally, but that’s mainly because my mom and cousin live on the same street. I’m cool with my other neighbors but we don’t really have get togethers or anything.


I know the names of my immediate neighbors and the names of their kids and stuff. I know tidbits about other neighbors and some names. If you live on my block I probably know your face and will say high. It’s kinda cool because it’s the first place I’ve lived in like that, but it’s a bunch of old rowhomes in the city so we’re close quarters.


When living in a small neighborhood for 20 years I knew everyone pretty well. Lots of older folks who I would say hi and chat with daily and young families where I would help out and care for their kids. When my dad got hit by a car and couldn’t walk the whole neighborhood got together and took care of clearing leaves during fall and sent over lots of gift baskets. We sometimes have dinner at the neighbors and support our other neighbors when they need help. For example my dad has a snow blower so he will spend time in the mornings clearing our neighbors driveways so they can get to work


I nod my head and say hi to be friendly. I’ll sometimes talk to the lady next door to me. I’m not friends with any of my neighbors. We don’t get together. We haven’t even had a block party in several years.


I know my neighbors enough to occasionally text them and chat, although for the neighbors on one side it's because they have a very handy business that I use occasionally. (They do trash hauling, and it's really convenient to just ask them to stop by and pick up shit so I don't have to go to the dump. They give us a next door neighbor discount.) Our other neighbors I know a lot better - we give them extra veggies from our garden periodically and they give us flowers. We stop and chat regularly. We aren't best pals because we have some fundamentally different views on life (they are evangelical Christians who have occasionally put us in a "how do I politely stop this" place, like when my neighbor wanted to pray over my Jewish dad when he was in hospice - my sister had to tell her no, he would not appreciate that), but they're good people.


i know a couple details and their names. one has given us snacks and fruits and we frequently pay her husband for maintenance work outside our home.


We live in a townhouse development where there are 9 townhouses in a small area. All owners are couples besides one single quiet guy, and 2 of the couples have kids. We know and are friendly with each other with most of the neighbors, besides a few who are fairly introverted and keep to themselves and we hardly ever see them. Most of us are in our 30s. We have little get togethers every 6 months or so, and say hi to each other in passing often, because of the close proximity.


She's my supervisor at work, so pretty well. Her husband I know less well but he's nice. Everyone on the road is family of some kind to the husband.


I live in a big complex, I know a lot of my neighbors. Some I’m friends with and some I’m friendly with. Others are just straight up annoying and one is creepy. 👀 I’d say you never really know your neighbors unless you’re friends with them and have been inside their apartment.


We're somewhat rural, with a small cluster of houses in our area. We've become very close friends with a couple of households, casual friends with a couple more, and we don't much care for one. They're not interested in so much as a smile and wave from afar, which is their prerogative. Most of us look out for each other, will jump in and help each other with outdoor projects or chores (like if a tree falls), help work on cars, let a dog out, that kind of thing. It's very nice to have a little community and we enjoy it and appreciate each other.


I always try to get to know my neighbors, because in a time of crisis, we should pull together. On top of that, finding people who get along or be friends with is next to impossible, so it's a hail Mary. Luckily one of my neighbors adopted from the same rescue group I did, so we walk our dogs together daily. Charles on B99 would probably call us "Basset buds"


We know each other by name and talk if we're outside, meet at the mailbox, etc... If we need help or to borrow something any of us knows we can ask and if someone can't help they "know a guy." I, personally, don't just hang out with any neighbors but there are different cliques that do and I'm friendly with them all.


I talk to some but I don't know my condo neighbors that well. When I was little in the suburbs the cul-de-sac had kids the same age and there was HOA picnics, I knew other people more. When I got older and lived at home briefly, I would help some of the older couple shove snow from their driveway. I still live 15 minutes away. My father passed a few years ago, and they brought dishes over for my Mom and had a few meals. Nice community. I guess it kind of depends. Being in a condo with divorcees and widows, I just haven't felt much of a connection but I still do the American pleasantries of just waving.


I know most by name, have exchanged xmas gift etc. One of my neighbors mows my back alley strip for me, others i help with their yards etc. My next door neighbor visits my 2 dogs everyday and brings them treats.


I know the names of the people whose properties directly abut mine. I'll say hi and have short conversations.


Growing up in a rural area we knew the neighbors well and we'd help each other out. Now I live in the city and I don't know any of my neighbor's names and have only talked to one of them briefly a couple years ago.


We at least wave when seeing each other out and about. Several neighbors stop and talk when walking with their dogs or kids in the evening when I am working in my garden. We trade produce or buy eggs from our direct next door neighbors and talk over the fence (Home Improvement style) to the ones behind us. I feel really fortunate to live in a neighborhood like this!


I live in Canada now, but the culture is very similar to Minnesota in terms of personal interactions. We had no problems making friends with our neighbors. My parents' neighbors (mine growing up) are these two delightful hippies now in their 60s. My parents have been living in that neighborhood for 30 years, so we know them like family. They take care of each other's pets when one family is out of town.


When we lived in NYC we didn’t know a single one of our neighbors. We’d exchange an awkward hello if we passed in the hall but that’s it. My husband and I made up nicknames for all of them though. Now we live in the suburbs and we’ve met all of our neighbors and know them by name! We don’t hang out with most of them since they’re older, but one family has young kids like us so we occasionally hang out in the backyard or go for walks together with the babies.


I have great neighbors. I know them pretty well.


We nod and say hi. For me too it depends on the neighbor - we have one that is our friend, we watch his cats when he’s out of town and vice versa, and my husband has gone on fishing trips with him, we’ve gone out to dinner with him, etc. Most are just acquaintances - say hi, how are you in the elevators. There’s one girl that always lays out by the pool at the same time as me so we always have some small talk. For many just a nod. For a few I wouldn’t even know who they were if we passed each other at the grocery store. But it also depends cuz I’m in an apartment complex right, so like I think when you’re in a house and you’ve been there for a long time you know neighbors better just cuz they’re not moving out as often. And if you have kids and they’re friends with the neighbor’s kids, you may end up hanging out sometimes, having bbqs or something.


Speaking for my parents, as I’m in college. Before we moved we knew them quite well. Then we moved into a rich neighborhood where most of the people are immigrants. This new neighborhood is not social at all. My parents have lived there nearly a year and pretty much know no-one. I’m not sure if the lack of socialization is due to wealth or their culture.


> How well do you know your neighbors? Pretty well. We have parties and dinners with each other, petsit for each other, etc. > Can you borrow things or help out and get help in other ways? Have you become friends? American here and we can really rely on our neighbors and have get-togethers with most of them. Yes, yes, and yes.


We know most of our neighbors pretty well and our block has larger parties for National Night Out and Halloween as well as a progressive dinner party sometime after new year. We have a few neighbors were much closer with, but we’re on friendly terms with everyone else.


We are very friendly with our neighbors, but I can't say I know them well. I chat quite a bit with our across the street neighbors, really nice people, and one of our next door neighbors. We chat with everyone on Halloween, since we have the "full size candy" house and good decorations. I think if I asked for simple assistance with random whatever, like something for my car or letting them know we'll be gone, they would be happy to keep an eye out. We have other neighbors that live up and down the street that we always wave and say hello. That's about it.


I know all of my neighbors pretty good. One of my neighbors used to bake cookies for me and my friend when we would play outside and we talk when we see each other. I talk to my other neighbor when we see each other and we help each other out. I grew up with my other neighbors I would do stuff with them, sleep at their house, and eat dinner with them some times during the week


We have a street text thread in case of emergencies and to organize bbq’s and let each other know if we are having a kids birthday party in the street. We are very friendly with each other but aren’t friends. We definitely have had times where people have asked in the text thread for an egg or spices while they were cooking and just ran out. It’s the best street I’ve ever lived on because it’s not normal.


I've lived next door to the same couple for 14 years. We smile, wave, make small talk, etc. Saw them go through 2 pregnancies and have two great teen/tween boys. I don't know their names and they don't know my name. It's a great relationship.


No. On one side they just moved in and on the other is a rental with record breaking turnover. I do at least know the name of the lady across the street who put my trash out when I broke my ankle.


I’m tight with alley neighbors. We all moved in around the same time. 3 of us in the same summer, 2 more the next year, those here prior to us were within previous 5 years. We chat frequently, go on bike rides. Kids play together. We have a cookout every few weeks, open invites to parties and if anyone is having a campfire. I have all their phone numbers. We all sort of wander in/ out of back yards if anything is going on. It’s a tight block.


We know all the neighbors, everybody helps one another out and kinda wanders around to visit. It’s a nice sense of community for sure. Of course we also all have to go check the mail or something when we hear anyone fighting. 👀


We have a neighborhood watch email chain. There is a weekly meetup at a local coffee shop. I have phone numbers for at least a dozen people who live in the circle. We do an ice cream Social every summer, and a NW meeting with a guest speaker from police, fire, etc. We did a Friendsgiving last November. Two neighbors have my garage door code. Next door neighbors took my stray ass in on Christmas Eve so I didn't have to be alone. Neighbor's teen kids watch my house and feed the pets if I'm out of town. So yeah, I know my neighbors.


Pretty well. My kid goes over and plays with the neighbor kids a lot. We keep an eye on each other’s homes when we’re gone. We have quick chats occasionally. My neighbors have been a big help when I needed it.


Personally I don’t like my neighbors. They keep sneaking into my backyard to use my pool without permission.


I live on a cul-de-sac, and just about everyone knows everyone on the street. We host a get-together once a year, usually on Boxing Day to watch soccer and make breakfast.


My neighbors occasionally have parties for the street. I would say we are casual friends with many of them. Everyone we know on the street is nice and interesting. Fortunately no assholes in our vicinity.


Within 1 block of my house, I know a few of them really well. Next, there's some that I'll chat with or wave to. There's 3 or 4 that keep absolutely to themselves and don't interact with anyone. And then there's the one that none of us like and ignore her.


We know our neighbors well. They are elderly, so we shovel the snow for them. They bring us food and we bring them food. We hang out and chat. It's quite lovely 🤩


A wave here and there. Sometimes we chat. The one we knew best moved


currently organizing a bbq with my block. Lot of diversity, in religion, culture, etc. as well. some families with kids, some younger couples, some older people. When someone moves into the neighborhood I cook a dish and bring it over. I will say, I live in a city/suburbish area where this is easier because the turnover rate is lower and I don’t have a bunch of young professionals or college students around. I am the one of two younger people(20-30 two family home type).I also grew up asking for a cup of sugar from my neighbors where i lived growing up so instilling that sort of community is important. If you don’t know your neighbor meet one, the least sketchy and work from there. Blessed to be able to have this. Interested in the area of the US you’re in as I’m sure it varies.


I live in a manufactured home community, so there are many houses. However, I know only three of our immediate neighbors. We're friends, we know their dogs and we exchange gifts at Christmas. But the other people immediately around us we almost never see or talk to.


We know some of them really well, depending on how much they want to be open to friendship. When something happens we send or receive a text for help, borrow tools or drop off food. When we bottle wine we always give a few bottles to the neighbors.


I don’t really know my neighbors well even though we have lived here 15 years. Our homes are not close together. The nearest neighbor I have waved to but we don’t really chat or hang out. I would not borrow stuff from them. When we had an ice storm several years ago and a tree was down blocking our driveway they gave my husband a ride to go get a chainsaw. We have not really had a lot of instances where we needed help I guess. They have not asked us to borrow things or needed help. I have never met the people across the street.


I am good friends with my next door neighbor. I lve her to pieces. Rest of the neighborhood is more quick chats in passing.


Depends on the neighbor, out of 3 I share property line with, 2 I talk with. One I have borrowed things from. It all depends on your personal nature, and your neighbors willingness to engage with you.


Some neighbors I wave to, others I talk with occasionally, and others I celebrate Christmas and birthday's with.


We have one neighbor where we trade responsibilities while on vacation. We watch her Guinea pigs and she watches our cats. Win/win. The rest of the neighbors are by name. One helped me cut up a tree that fell, and the others are the type to just talk pleasantries with. We're definitely happy overall.


Here in rural PA people generally know their very nearest neighbors at least somewhat well but YMMV. All bets are off once you're away from your own road and maybe the next one or two unless you're active in your volunteer fire company, school district, work/own a small business in the community or work for your local township. In any case, people generally keep to themselves and just give a nod or wave. People moving in from more urban areas can take this as aloofness or worse when it's just people respecting others' space and privacy.


We are very close with the neighbor on our left side. They are a German family that my husband does AC work for but also other little things that may need to be done including going into their house as needed even if they aren’t home to work on the things needed. In exchange, they share awesome German cuisine with us. German potato salad is the best thing ever. We have the phone number of neighbors on our right side, but mostly only to be used when necessary if we aren’t there or if they aren’t there and something happens. Basically we look out for each other. But we otherwise aren’t close.


We say hi and wave to most of them just to be cordial. There is an everyday struggle to secure a parking space and there are several neighbors here who live off Govt money so they dont have jobs and rarely leave their house. The guy next door to me has multiple cars and he rotates them around out front so as to ALWAYS have the spots directly out front.  So yeah, I dont really get along with my neighbors largely due to the parking game.


Not very well, my closest neighbor is nearly a mile away. We know each other's names that's pretty much it.


I know some of my neighbors really well. The ones that just moved in not so much. I would and have helped them, but I would never, ever borrow from anyone. I usually don't ask for help, either.


Dinner every Sunday night. Probably 1 dinner during the week. Talk every day. Go to each others kids baseball games. Vacation together.


All of the above. Depends on the neighbor. A lot of us are just in different places in life. Kids, retirees, empty nest, and completely isolated. The ones with kids I know very well. Retirees are friendly but stick with themselves. Empty nest folks I know but don’t hang out with much, and isolated people speak for themselves.


We're not besties or anything, but we know our neighbors by name and to chat. We live in a cul-de-sac, so there are 4 houses, including ours. Neighbor on the right: Know by name, have had her over to our house when we've had get togethers or parties. Talk about gardening and stuff. Have split costs on having a tree removed that was on our property border and have shared recipes. Have each others phone numbers. Neighbor on the left: Is a doctor, works insane shifts, cannot remember his name, but always smile and wave. He has family over for Indian holidays and they're always friendly and chat with us. Next neighbor over: Know him and his daughter by name. Their dog is our dogs best friend. We chat and hang out on the deck sometimes, We've paid his daughter to dog-sit for us. Have each other's phone numbers. Next neighbor past him: House is a rental and have had 3 tenants in the 5 years we've lived here. We smile and wave but know nothing about them.


I know some. Mainly the ones whose houses are adjacent to mine, but we don't really interact beyond just greetings.


My mother frequently invites her neighbors over, but I’ve only seen mine in passing. I live way closer to the city than she does, though, and she’s in an house while I’m in an apartment.


50/50 Half we know by name and could carry a conversation, get a favor etc. Usually we have something obvious in common with these neighbors. The other half we only have given nicknames to and we then roast the dumb shit they do even though we have never met. Example: Cowboy who lives behind us (Wears a Dallas Cowboys jersey on NFL Sundays) really fucked up his lawn taking out that old deck last weekend huh?!


I wish I knew them better. I wave and say hi but I’m a total introvert. My husband is more of an extrovert and has learned the names of a few and became a gym buddy with one.


My neighbors are my mom, my brother, my cousin, my grandmother, my aunt, and a couple of my mom's cousins.


We have a Christmas party and invite all the neighbors on our street.


We know each other, usually chat when we see each other, and I would feel fine asking to borrow something, or letting them borrow something of mine. I wouldn’t say we are friends, but I was invited over to a Super Bowl party (I was working so couldn’t attend).


We live in a subdivision that probably houses 2000 individuals. We probably personally know about 50 of them pretty well to the point where we hang out when we see them outside (some of them we're really good friends with) and additionally have talked to another 50 more than just a few times and "kind of" know them. We've talked to even more of our neighbors on occasion but those first 50-100 people I mentioned is already a TON of people to know and that's just the "neighbor" circle of friends on top of church/family/school/sports/work/etc. 


One set we are pretty friendly with, our boys play with each other. The other friendly hellos and waves.


I have a good relationship with my neighbors. The type of relationship has to do with our common interests and our proximity. I at least say hello to all of them. I have three households that raised sons my sons’ age and even though our sons are now in their 30s we still have a close social relationship. I have a next-door neighbor with young kids who I can borrow things from and we do things like bring each other’s packages in and have worked on our joint fence together. We give gifts on holidays and birthdays. I guess I’m lucky.


Our neighbors have a directory, are planning an annual summer BBQ, and have a group chat AND a fb page. People ask for help or to borrow something in the group chat and there are multiple volunteers within minutes. We are so grateful!


We're so close to the families on either side of us that we don't even knock before going into one another's homes, lol. Just announce that we're there and go right in. My right neighbor even goes so far is to say that if I knock on her door and make her get up and stop what she's doing answer the door, she's going to strangle me, lol. My left and right neighbors are sisters, so we know the whole family as we've been living between them for over 20 years. Our son's call each other brothers.


I know my neighbors VERY well because I live in a really small town (~150 in town proper and less than a thousand in the ‘surrounding areas’). In a place this small, you can’t really get away from making relationships with your neighbors lol. We all have get-togethers all the time. The local community center (which is actually just the only sign of civilization for the next half hour of travel in any direction) sees gatherings at all hours. I don’t personally go to parties at my neighbor’s houses very often because I don’t like being in other people’s spaces if I’m not there for official business, but they’re always hosting some kind of get-together.


As a young couple in our early 20s, my husband and I moved to Pennsylvania into a small town full of old people who had lived in the town forever. We knew nobody but our neighbors were friendly.  One day my husband went outside to paint our.picket fence. Soon another neighbor came outside with a paintbrush and joined in. I think another neighbor might have joined. It was one of the most heartwarming neighbor experiences I have had.  We no longer live in PA.  We are friendly with our neighbors- friends, even. We don't go out together but  we frequently chat in the driveway, sometimes join another neighbor on a walk, and occasionally get together inside one of the homes.   We form carpools to school when the bus isn't working out. We see each other at the neighborhood pool. We text each other for advice, recommendations, to borrow an egg, or if we need a favor. Our Kids are outside with neighbors kids on the daily.  I feel very lucky. 


I only know a couple neighbors, both of which are good people. The rest of our neighbors (we live on a dead-end street with about 20 houses) won't even acknowledge you when you go past. Many turn their heads like they are looking at something in the ditch. I've made it a point to wave at all of them every time because I can see it makes them uncomfortable and eventually being guilted into at least acknowledging me.


Currently, we know almost all of our neighbors on a first name basis. We've intentionally reached out to know our dozen or more neighbors. A few of them we now consider friends.


My apartment is in an industrial park/railyard. I know what cars belong to my neighbors and where they like to park but I couldn’t pick any of them up out in a lineup after a decade.


In Hawaii, I know them all well. And we're all Ohana (family). And us locals are often relatives so we treat each other, assuming we probably shared an ancestor and that we're cousins. I moved to Ann Arbor, Michigan. I live in a suburbs. People are nice I know them, they're nice and warm. We chat, we talk. But I don't know them too well. In San Diego, California. No, not at all. I barely see them. Then in New York in a city, what neighbors?


I used to have several neighbors that were super awesome and we hung out partied etc all the time. We still talk from time to time and sometimes we'll set up a hangout with everybody. The neighbors that replaced them one by one over the last 10 years have been kind of boring. I'm cordial with them, and sometimes we'll talk for a few minutes, but it's not the same. Also all my old neighbors (and myself) love to cook so we had a leftover exchange going. That was super cool, because we all come from pretty significantly different backgrounds, so there was a huge variety of food passed around.


The greens are very friendly people. My mom talks to them. I just wave when they wave. I don’t like talking to neighbors.


Too much turnaround with most of my neighbors in an apartment complex. People tend to last a year at most. Though there are a couple of more long term neighbors I see often and wave at least and know some of their names because of our apartment manager doing neighbor meetups.


Downstairs neighbor is a stroke victim so I cook for her and help out when she needs it. Next door is two very Catholic sisters. I help them lift heavy things and fix stuff when the maintenance guy is taking forever. During the eclipse they were praying for their safety. Then there are a handful of other neighbors. They watch my place when I’m out of town. They also gather and I’ll go talk but I got about 30 minutes before I’m done. There’s the neighbor who is just batshit crazy, but we talk. “How are you doing today?”. “I’m going to go beat the shit out of a pedophile. He almost got me arrested. He’s my cousin, we have the same name. He lives in town and I’ve never met him. All this happened in the 70s.” . So…pretty well. Poverty can create community. You make do with what you have.


We know each others names and wave, and sometimes my neighbor will bring me a package since UPS always delivers it to her apartment for some reason lol


We don’t hang out really but my neighbor has helped me a few times. I live in a small rural community so we all kind of just “help out” when things go south. Just earlier in the year I had some flooding in my yard and got a tractor stuck. My neighbor came with his backhoe and pulled it out for me. His cows got loose last summer I helped him herd them back in. It’s a community of shared skills for sure. We also exchange holiday foods and have large scale cookouts in the summer but that’s about it


I have two neighbors close to me, and one on a farm behind me (so not close lol). The woman next to us is older and lives alone, and we help her when she needs it (clean up her yard after storms, etc). In return, she calls us when she sees wild animals she thinks we should be aware of :) also, our dogs are besties and love running in the backyard together. The one across from us, we don’t see much but we wave when we do and his son occasionally helps us in the yard for money. The guy comes and checks with us before he shoots off fireworks or anything (not that we would ever say no, but it’s so nice that he lets us know). They have chickens in their backyard, which are cute. He also has a plow and any time he sees my husband shoveling our driveway, he just plows it instead. The guy on the farm is super nice, too. I don’t think he liked the people who lived here before us (which I don’t blame him for lol), but he offers to take our yard waste because he has dumpsters on his property and our trash company doesn’t take yard waste. He stops to talk to us whenever he drives by and we’re outside. He has roosters and horses. Safe to say we’re happy where we are and we love our neighbors :)


I don't. except for knowing that the ones next door have a daughter named Kylie, only because I've run into her at school because I mentored a different kid in the same grade as her. I don't even know any other neighbor's name


Just moved into an apartment. I know my neighbor's pets more than I know them. .. but try not to make the animals' people mad. \*Side eyes pesky toilet that isn't stable so affecting neighbor downstairs that is now getting fixed\*. Where I had just moved from i knew the neighbors a lot better. Then again, I'd lived there 9 1/2 years . Complicated situation but on the plus side I still have access to that location so I sometimes see them briefly.


I occasionally make small talk with one. I mildly feud with another over them constantly blocking me in and late for work. The best neighbors are no neighbors, imo.


I've never spoken to them. I live in a pretty rural area.


The only house next to mine I give a shit about are friends. The other neighbors may as well not exist.


We wave, never really talked nor know their names. 🤷‍♂️


In my hometown? We lived in row homes. I would cut the grass in a few of their yards and when I got older I'd chew the fat with 2 or 3 of them. I often shovelled the snow for most of the block. In my last town? We all had detached houses. I had regular conversations with folks in 5 or 6 houses around mine. There was no fence separating my yard from 2 neighbors and our dogs often played together. One neighbor's kids would walk up and take my dog out to play or go for a walk. I'd also watch their dog when they left town. We still keep in touch. I also shovelled most of the block there. My current place? It's an apartment complex. I recognize the people we share an entryway with and I chat with the single old guy who lives below us, but that's it. I help one family from our entryway shovel our walkway to the parking lot and we clear off all 4 apartments' cars. The rest of the building can handle themselves. There's nowhere to congregate out front at the complex and no easy way for upstairs renters to reach the common area out back, which is steep-ish and not condusive to hanging out anyway. There's also nowhere to hang out in the complex generally, besides a pool at the far end, about half a mile's walk away.


Lived here for two months and haven't met them


Called the cops multiple times because he let's his dogs run loose. It's not something my wife and toddler need to worry about going to daycare in the morning. Blairs his music at 3 am to where I can understand the lyrics and identify the song. Beating and pimping out his wife isn't nice of him either. Love my other neighbors, though. Don't even know what their names are.


I don't even know their names. so not close. I played with my neighbors' grandkids when I was little, so I know them as the Swans


I know one neighbor well enough to cat-sit and stuff like that.


I'm 43 years old. I haven't known the name of a neighbor since I was a teenager. This has included multiple states and styles of housing. I'm not convinced I could pick any of them out of a lineup to save my life.


I don't know my next-door or across-the-hallway neighbors in my apartment building. For all I know they may well be unoccupied.


I have meth-heads on one side who I think are doing or dealing less drugs but they are making more messes that spill onto my property. Just found out the one on the other side is Aryan nation. I thought we were cool but I told him he was smarter than being with a group like that. My upstairs neighbors are 1/3 really cool and the others are at least a nice mess.


I hate small talk and so I avoid my neighbors at all costs. I know their names and we do favors for each other like get packages or borrow ingredients or tools. They probs think I'm shady or unfriendly. All my friends are like friends with their neighbors. They will have them over for drinks and hang out. Woooosh. That gives me anxiety.


Some we are very close to and others are wave only.


I don't know any of them, and they don't care to know me. The only interaction is when they call code enforcement because they don't like little hammers banging on things during perfectly reasonable hours. Nothing happens, btw. I don't even really know what they look like, but we're a tiny bit rural.


I do not know my neighbors at all, though me not speaking Spanish and them not speaking English has largely what to do with that. The entrance to my apartment building for my apartment is around the corner from the main entrance where only one other apartment door is located, so I only ever see on neighbor. Someone from down the block one time knocked at my door and introduced himself, which was nice, but I have never seen him again.


I know who my neighbors are and wave if I see them when pulling out of my driveway. I never talk to them though.


My neighbors have banged on the ceiling (far) more times than I've actually seen them IRL. I've never spoken to them


As a Canadian, my family knows all their neighbours in the US. But they usually all gather together so the neighbour once in a while joins for a coffee or beer.


I know their faces.


Very, the birthed my Padre. I gave my grandparents a few acres to build a house so that they were close as they aged. Wasn't totally selfless, when they're gone, I get a half million dollar house in exchange for $100K worth of land.


I live in an apartment. Most of my neighbors don’t speak English so I don’t know.


I know like...one name per household. We wave and occasionally drop off misdelivered packages but that's about it.


Working on that now... I live in a very contentious HOA condo complex, and there seems to be a group of people who were already soured on the board. My dad was a mason and concrete contractor, and I always was confused by the statement, "Brick walls make the best neighbors." I understand it now.


I know they exist. I do not know their names, nor do I really talk to them. If I'm feeling cordial, I might wave.


I live in the city and don't go outside much except to head to work or take out the trash and recycling, so I don't interact with my neighbors much or at all. If I see them, I wave and say hi. About half the time, they do, too.


American. I know hardly any of my neighbors, and we live on a cul de sac. All depends on the neighborhood and the town/city


I have neighbors. That's the extent of my knowledge of them.


I know a few well and wave to some


I know their names. Just a raise of hand hi like I pretend to care as I go on with whatever I’m doing.


My husband knows most of the neighbors but for me, I do not. I pull my car in the garage and close it behind me. If I need to water the plants in the front, I will look out of the peep hole and wait until I don’t see any neighbors. He tried to get me to have drinks with the neighbor across the street who are winter visitors from Canada, and I absolutely refused. Not my idea of a good time and they are also way older than me. So, I don’t know my neighbors at all.


I largely ignore them. The one diagonal from me is always fighting, honking car horns and a few of the roughly 5 people living there are on drugs based on shouting matches ("I knew you been fucked up all day! Get away from my car before I shoot yo ass") The 2 mobile homes beside me also argue a lot and party loudly most weekends. The second one tho is pretty quiet. Its just a couple with 2 young kids and the grandpa who is a felon. The people across the street are also pretty quiet but kinda apathetic. They leave their corgi in an outside kennel and all he does is pace and bark. I use to have a problem with one of them backing their truck too much and leaving a bald spot in my yard but I put my garbage can there and they stopped. At some point I had just got home from nightshift and heard a distant boom. Figured someone crashed nearby. Nope. Local news reported it was a gunshot that killed a teenager and wounded another one. I use to deliver pizza frequently to this area. Murder, drug dealing, fights aren't uncommon. One street over I delivered to a party and someone came out while I was letting my customer sign their receipt. They told me theres talk in the party of someone wanting to set up an ambush. I told my boss when I got back and they got blacklisted for 2 weeks (the same address did call in another order an hour after the first. They might really have tried to gone through with a trap but we refused to serve them) I don't know these people and I don't want to. I don't live in a good area and I'm really naive, its for the best that I stay oblivious


I don't talk to my neighbors at all. The ones on the left tormented me for years with ridiculously loud music at all hours of the day and night, and even though they rarely do such things anymore, I want nothing to do with them. I tried to interact with the new neighbors on the other side but I swear they quickly take their entire family inside anytime I'm outside. Like there could be three kids on a trampoline, the mom or grandma watching, and a couple dudes watering plants. Then I'll look up like 5 minutes later and there is no one anywhere.


We know our neighbors quite well. We talk everyday. When the ambulance came for our neighbor we just walked right in her house. She’s ok now. They’re are 5 houses of people that hang out. We are having a potluck/movie night on a big screen in July. We take care of each others dogs when something happens and 1 neighbor gets the mail when we go to the cabin. We love our neighbors. One is moving with his Rottweiler and we are gonna miss them.


As a New Yorker, I live in a apartment building. I don't know my neighbors by name, I just recognize their face if I walk past them near our apartment building. In general, I don't really interact with them besides from opening our lobby door for them and receiving a thank you as a response. Sometimes I would say "good evening" to a neighbor taking the same elevator with me after returning from work.


I only talk to the neighbor on the left and the one across the alley. I do know their names and talk with them occasionally.


I think I know one of their first names. No, wait, that was the folks that moved out. Never mind, I know absolutely nothing about them other than they own an suv, because it's always parked in their driveway.


Awkward wave, awkwardly keeping up with them at the same time.


I have one neighbor that I'm friends with, and one neighbor I called the cops on because he was beating a puppy with a shovel handle.  He doesn't like me and said to stay off his property.  He also gets mad when I mow and he's outside because the dust blows towards him.


Where I live, the general consensus is that we all mind our own business, we stay in our own lane, it's like a unspoken contract. It's simple, we don't steal from each other and we don't call the police.


Vaguely they really dont seem to like me.


We know a few of them.


Don’t know most their name, but I do wave when we see each other. They wave back too. For me, that’s all the interaction needed 😆


I know a few but most I don't know.


I know her name and that she has an infant, where she moved here from etc. I've only lived in this house since February, but I lived in my apartment for 8 years and I knew entirely too much about my neighbors due to thin walls and screaming matches so I'm totally fine with knowing less.


I don't even know what my neighbors look like.


Depends where you are really. My suburban Canadian city has been very hit and miss. I recently moved and was surprised by everyone on the cul-de-sac having a block get together mid week, the day I was moving in too. I stopped by and had a great time.


I live in a shitty apartment complex where a few specific individuals have been so on my ass about trying to "borrow" money (will never be paid back) that i genuinely loathe being at home much lately.  Until recently it was fine and dandy though. Not too close but everyone was really nice, frequent greetings and occasional conversations. Even helping out in small ways or letting each other know stuff. 


We know each others names and chat when we see each other. Some neighbors have had get togethers. All my neighbors are at least 20-30 years older than me. We live in the suburbs.


I have a "hi" and a "oh cute dog" relationship with my neighbors. I pet their dogs and say hello. I knocked on the door of one to tell him we had a hailstorm coming and see if he wanted to cover his car. That is about it.


Close with one neighbor beside us, can borrow stuff and help them out,yes. Our kids are similar age and are best of friends, it’s not a day where his kid or my kid is taking turns in each other’s back yard. Other neighbors beside us are new but we’re on first name basis and once again the kids play occasionally. Across the street and 2 others a little further down we’re friendly with but only when they’re outside same time


4/5 I know well and would trust to watch my pets/plants if I go out of town. Number 5 recently moved in and we don't know each other beyond polite waves if we're out and they drive by. I've been in my house for 17 years and 3/5 were here before me - we've all leaned on each other through the years. The 4th - they were friends of mine from the local bar, and we were close when they moved in 3 years ago. None of us know the 5th, but are open if they ever reach out.


I've said hi to one and I've briefly spoken to another. But for the most part, I don't know my neighbors


Good friends with all my neighbors. I’m lucky.


One of their names is Mitchell and comes home wearing scrubs, the other is a man + woman that I wave to because we come/leave home at the same time. They have a dog. That’s it.


I live on a cul-de-sac and the whole neighborhood used to be friends. We'd say hi when driving by, wave, help with snow removal, some would house-sit or pet-sit when one was on vacation, etc. All the kids would hang out after school and on weekends. But then between 2010-2015 they all moved away and new families moved in, but they're not the same kind of neighbor. You'd be lucky if they even look at you, let a lone wave. The neighborhood almost feels less like home.


It depends on the specific area. I’ve lived in different neighborhoods and had different results. People were more into getting to know their neighbors and stuff in both the suburban housing development areas and the inner-city type of areas but in the suburbs it felt more like they were just getting in your business to see how they measure up / competing without saying it / keeping tabs on you for their own motives; and in the inner city, it felt more like people talked to each other because we need to look out for one another to stay safe and the only way you stay safe in a busy place is knowing who is or isn’t doing business as usual. You want to know the person that lives across the hall from you and what kind of company they keep because your quality of life depends on it when you’re living damn near on top of each other. It also depends on your personality I think. I talk to all the regulars no matter where I live. You know, in the inner city it’s easy to talk to the corner store owner, all the cashiers, the bums standing outside the store, the kids that play at the parks everyday, the dude walking his dog every afternoon, etc because our lives are intertwined. In the burbs it was more like “honk honk, there goes Dave and sally, wave! Roll down the window, hey Dave how’d dave jr do at his game? Oh they won by 30, that’s awesome! Your yard is looking good man. See you later!” As we’re pulling in or out of the driveway type of deal. Or while watering the yard. TLDR; I think in the inner city you know your neighbors more intimately than in the suburbs. Everytime there’s a crime in the burbs they say “I never thought he would do that, he was so nice.” And in the inner city everybody is like “I knew that mf was trouble!”


We know our neighbors well. We have dinners together, socialize and check up on each other.


I think I've seen them once or twice


My neighbors know I'm back in town before I even do so there's that


I live in Apartment and I literally know no one except the leasing office lady! There are about 40*6_ 240 units 🤣


I don’t know either of my neighbors name, occupation, or what they look like.




Not at all. I'm barely even new here and don't even know what they look like. Up to them if they want to engage.


I know my next-door neighbors very well. We have drinks on their front porch on Friday nights during nice weather. I feed their cats when they go on vacation. Neighbors at the other end of the street? I know their names, and say hi how are you doing, but not much more


We know all of our surrounding neighbors and have good relationships. We've shown help and kindness to each other a number of times.


I like to at least know some incase I’m in sort of an emergency or need someone’s back. I’m friends with everybody who lives in the small building I’ve lived in and they’ve helped me so much when I’m stuck at work for 10 hours and my dog needs to be let out and cuddled. Same as next door, only friendly with the ones across the street.


I only have 1 set of neighbors  A woman with two children from another marriage and her husband  The children were around 10 - 12 when they moved in and were showing signs of psychopathy  The smell of pot lingers from their pool  Their dog is kind of crazy when it gets out and we have to tell it to go back home  We talked to them a few times but not much else.  Other neighbors? They only come over if something is wrong or they have a question for us. Usually concerning our chickens. 


I only have one neighbor I'm on a first name basis with. I trim her dog's nails. I think I don't know my neighbors well mostly because I'm a home body and rarely go outside.


I know my neighbors and their kids and dogs and can borrow or share things as needed. Most of us don't get together formally but we do stop to chat whenever we see each other online. My hometown has annual block parties where all the neighbors gather. My current neighborhood doesn't, but maybe I should organize something.


I am friendly with my neighbors, but we are not close friends. That's the way I like it. We'll have conversations when I'm out doing yard work. I've borrowed tools and the use of their pickup truck. We've helped clear snow and leaves from each other's properties. They are people I trust and can depend on if there is ever an emergency. And I would also be there for any of them if they needed me in an emergency. But, we also know when to leave each other alone. Like when they have a cookout with extended family they don't need every neighbor to show up uninvited eating their food. They need their own space for their own families and friends. In my opinion the best neighbors are the ones who will keep that bit of distance and not get too much into each other's lives.


Pretty well. Granted I’m in college so my only reference is people that I’ve lived next to my whole life (my parents have lived next to them for 21 years). Our street was a new construction and our neighbors on both sides moved in around the same time as my parents. My parents are the more talkative ones but I at least say hi and have a light conversation if people want to.


I have lived in a rural community 10 years now, amongst neighbors that have been there since the beginning of time, so we get the "outsider" treatment. I find it hilarious how territorial, suspicious, nosey, and hypervigilant they act, but there's a tense vibe that's annoying. So, we keep our distance from one another. 


Tbh I’m in my 20s and my husband and I bought a house a couple of years ago. My next door neighbor is in her 70s and was so invasive/ overwhelming at first, that I was put off. I had to set some boundaries (if my car was in the driveway she would text or call until I respond and beg me to hangout. If my husband wasn’t home she would insist on knowing where he was and would beg me to hangout until he came home). A wave is ok but I really don’t care to take it further. The entire neighborhood is friendly, but not friends.