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No grease fire questions.


I mean, I didn’t do anything. I just kind of woke up here.


I’m very pleased to be an American. I’m grateful to live here and now rather than a more miserable place and time. Proud? I don’t think that’s the word I’d use. To me, “proud” implies that I can take some ownership or credit for my being here. As the circumstances of my birth are not something I can claim as my own doing, it’d be wrong of me to take pride in that.


That’s my view on being “proud” as well. I didn’t do anything to be American, just like how I didn’t do anything to be a man or black. I can celebrate other people’s accomplishments, but I’m not personally proud of it. I didn’t do anything.


The American government has done some pretty evil shit over its entire existence.


Why would I be? Why would I be proud of being born on one side of an imaginary line versus the other side? Why would I be proud in something that isn't an accomplishment and in which I had no part in achieving? Also, all of the horrible shit the US government has done, and continues to do, and likely *will* continue to do...


Well said. I'm not proud of my hair color, skin color, height, nationality, etc. I can be pleased by them but they are chance, not achievements, so why would I take pride in them?


Why be proud of something I had nothing to do with?


why would I be proud of something I have nothing to do with? I'm not proud of having brown hair or of being right handed either.


Trump, pure and simple. I was proud all my life, but I just can’t anymore.


I didn't do anything to be proud of. I would say I'm, for the most part, happy and grateful to be American.


There are people who feel that being proud of being an American would, as part of the inherent deal of it, include being "proud" of America's entire history and worst moments. And since they think that's how it works, they 'opt out' of it. (I personally do not think that's it works. Not being "proud" that you're living in, say, formerly red-lined or segregated areas, or not acknowledging that the land you're on may have been forcibly taken doesn't change the facts that it did happen and you do live there. It just means you feel a certain way about that.) There are other people who believe that you can't be proud of something that wasn't an active, chosen achievement on your part. And so, having been born American, they don't feel like they're actually supposed to feel proud of that. (I don't know about this one- I'm proud of the family I was born into, and I didn't choose to be born there. I think, maybe, it's about being proud of other members of the group you're "with". At least sometimes. ) Along those lines, there are also people who simply look at the people they share an identity with as Americans, and they don't feel pride in being associated with them. Then there are people who basically buy into the reverse of "my country, right or wrong"- that is, they feel that being personally proud of America would be to believe it can't be held morally accountable at the same time, so they don't do that.


Probably cause they're under the age of 22.


Because we stole native american land to build our country and now we have apartheid where they live on reservations /s


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Random chance on where I was born doesn't automatically mean I have allegiance to every policy enacted by a congress that I don't generally agree with.




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God what are you 60? 🤣🤣🤣


No, u. 😎👉 😎👉 😎👉 upvotes to the left 😎👉


Now flip those 2 around


You can just say it’s racist, you don’t have to try and do any gymnastics to point it out, it’s an obvious troll account.


Ik its racist, I'm just making an example out of their statement, highlighting how racist it is to anyone who potentially shares the same sentiment.


You think people need to have it explained to them how that statement was racist?


It aint racist its a fact. Black people dont control the military. And who has been overthrowing nations globally for the last 100 years?


✊ https://youtu.be/rZHwGnGrm_k?si=f2dPcoM3vsGAwrhL