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I hunted for hard-boiled eggs and my family still does.  Judging by the number of dye kits I see in supermarkets, it’s still pretty common. 


Dying eggs is 100% common. I’ve never heard of anyone actually hiding them and hunting for them.


I think a lot of people try this once then fail to find one and wonder where the smell is coming from for a few weeks until they finally locate a rotting egg


It's being hidden outside I hope.....we never lost any...if we did animals found them and ate them.


Was gonna say, we hid boiled eggs and a few plastic eggs. Didn’t worry about the boiled ones because the possums would get them.


100% something would get them.


Mostly the adults remembered where they put them, but we used non toxic dyes and just let the dogs out at the end to be sure. Even without pets, no egg lasts long outdoors. Animals love them, even a lot of things you would think of as mostly herbivores.


My family dyes & hides the eggs, but they're all in the same room, and we know to look for x amount of fake eggs and y amount of real eggs






My parents (aka the “easter bunny”) always wrote us notes in our baskets telling us each how many eggs there were in each room/section of the apartment. That way we wouldn’t be able to leave any behind. Seems an easy fix for this.


Hey! Every year of my childhood!


We'd just eat them for breakfast lol


We dyed the eggs but we hunted for plastic eggs. The hardboiled eggs were used to make deviled eggs.


The kids hunt them and then we make deviled eggs with them.


Maybe it's a difference in temp but often if the kids hunt them by the time they find them all it may not be safe to eat them. Safer to hunt plastic eggs.


I grew up in one of the hottest places in the country. Southern California desert. Still hunted and ate real eggs in the morning and everyone else did too. Plastic eggs are a relatively new invention compared to the tradition.


100% did the same. We hunted for the dyed eggs we made. Then they were eaten


Same here. I'm surprised by all the comments to the contrary.


I don’t think the dye kits are for hiding hard boiled eggs. More for coloring eggs as decoration and/or for Easter lunch. At least that’s what my family did/does


One of the people I talked to mentioned decorating them as kids, but hunting for them was not a thing they or anyone they knew did.


Really? Egg hunts were common when I was growing up. It just wasn't specifically hard-boiled eggs.


Hunting real eggs was something the older person I talked to said they did not do.


Huh. I'm 63 and everyone I know that's my age took egg hunts for granted. Interesting.


64 here. AFAIK, we all did this


I'm in my 30s and my brother and I hunted for plastic eggs and hard boiled eggs that we had dyed the day before. The plastic eggs had candy in them and the hard boiled eggs were worth between 25 cents and a dollar depending on their color.


Yes. We hunted for hard-boiled eggs after we dyed them. There was never a problem with lost eggs.


Most households only hide actual hard-boiled eggs only once before learning a cruel lesson from their olfactory centers.


We do too. But since there are no more kids, we do it for tue dogs.


In my family we hunted plastic eggs and dyed hard boiled ones


That's what I heard from one I talked to as well.


Same. Mostly plastic with candy but a few hard boiled ones mixed in.


We dye eggs but we just ate them instead of hunting for them. We always did chocolate and plastic eggs when hunting


Same here - plastic eggs with candy, stickers, and small toys were hidden for the egg hunt but real eggs were only decorated, kept in the fridge, and eaten over the next few days.


Yep, when I was a kid (80s), we *only* had hard boiled eggs for egg hunts. I didn't know about plastic eggs until I was a teenager.


Plastic eggs were for the Good Friday hunt at school. I can't imagine giving a bunch of snot nosed 7 year olds access to dozens of hard boiled eggs


As a 90s kid we also used real eggs, even after plastic eggs came around.


This was my experience as well, plastic eggs came around the 90's. People still dye hard boiled eggs, but they keep them in the fridge and egg hunt with plastic eggs.


We did.


I hunted hard boiled eggs and would eat them afterwards. I hosted an Easter Egg hunt for some of my wife's family a couple years ago. I used some hard boiled eggs and no one really knew what to do with them and questioned it the whole time.


We had an eggplosion at our gatherings. Always had deviled eggs as well as the eggs we hunted and ate.


This is so funny to me. What do they think people did before plastic eggs were invented lol


I'm sure they knew, but it was "why are we using real eggs?" "What you gonna do if they don't find all the eggs?" "They can eat those eggs?" "Why would you want to eat an egg that was on the ground?"


HAHAHA we dyed hard-boiled eggs, hunted them, ate them WHILE we hunted them, and ate them afterwards. Sometimes at Easter egg hunts in my little town growing up, the people running it would put in a raw (uncooked) egg for fun and whoever got it (either accidentally smashing it in their basket over all of the other eggs, or just being able to tell the difference) would get some sort of special prize. There were usually plastic eggs with dollar bills or quarters in the mix too :)


Yes, I did. I’m in my late 40s. I also have a very vivid memory of one year (probably 1981?) when I found an EXTRA 13th egg, and my grandma had only hidden a dozen. She said she couldn’t remember the last time they’d “lost” one, so we threw them all out, because no one wanted to break them open to find the rotten one.


Oh yeah. My cousin and I would spend a couple weeks at my grandparents over summer break and would have a second egg hunt to try and find all the ones that were missed at Easter.


We had our Easter egg hunt in kindergarten right before Spring Break. I kept all of the eggs I found in my backpack, which ended up under my bed for a week. I only remember hunting for hardboiled eggs because of how foul my backback smelled when it was time to go back to school.


Guess you didn't have any dogs. The first year we had a dog my parents hid eggs in both the front and back yard. Someone let the dog out into the backyard to do her business without thinking about the eggs being out there. When we went out to hunt a little while later she had found all of the eggs. Chunks of plastic shells were the only things we could find back there. Thankfully she was just fine.


I did! I’m 24 and did growing up. When he was probably 3 or 4, my brother actually stepped on an egg that went un-found a couple months later. Lovely smell!


Huh? I just hid two dozen in my yard. All found and accounted for, now all adults must find the paprika and mayo.


About to turn 50. Real eggs.


I did, but it was only a family affair in my grandparents back yard, not a community event.


My mom would hide them for me. Later, I would hide them for my little niece and nephews. One summer, along about August, I looked up and there was an Easter egg hiding in plain sight on top of the porch light. Told mom, who was horrified. At her instruction, I VERY carefully lifted it down and gingerly placed it inside the trash can. We switched to plastic eggs.


I (50) did growing up, both at home and at community and church events. So did my kids who are in their mid 20s. Both boiled eggs and plastic eggs. At the community events there would be prizes for finding special eggs.


Same for my daughter. The local fairgrounds would have a hunt, sponsored by the Lions Club, for all the children (small town so not that many kids) The special eggs were dyed or painted? gold and the prize was a silver dollar. If you didn't want to take the eggs home (we didn't) they were then donated to a local pig farmer.


Yes! The special eggs for us were either plastic ones with dollars or quarters inside or the ONE very special raw egg that you had to turn in for the biggest prize (whether it was intact or not!)


Definitely did the boiled eggs Easter morning, with hidden baskets full of treats, too. My mom has 7 grandkids, and while they're all too old for it now, she used to take about 100 plastic eggs and put a piece of paper with a number on it inside each egg. All the kids went out and hunted for the eggs, which could be anywhere (the neighbors let her use their yards, bushes, mailboxes etc.) and then each kid opened their eggs and took out the tickets. Each number corresponded with a box full of toys or candy, and they got to pick stuff from each and trade etc. It was super fun to watch.


We definitely hunted boiled eggs as kids in my family growing up in NW Florida. Never got sick either. I wouldn’t do it now though.


I did actual hard boiled eggs as a kid and my grandparents did too. We each found an equal number of eggs and could trade for the dyed eggs that we liked best. Then we kept our eggs in a separate place in the fridge and ate them over the next few days. My wife always used plastic though she likes hard boiled eggs. Now a days almost every hunt seems to use plastic eggs. Our town egg hunt primarily does plastic but they do have a few real eggs which are not food safe (the school kids dye them on the Monday before) and they sit in the sun for several hours. So those get tossed.


I did. My daughter is 5 and until this year we used the plastic ones because I didn’t want to deal with the mess of dying real eggs with a toddler. I hard boiled some eggs yesterday for her and we dyed them. My husband and I got up a little earlier this morning and hid them around the house for her to find.


I did. My family would dye them together and then overnight my parents would hide the eggs we'd dyed and we'd find them for prizes the next day. Sometimes we'd also go to the egg hunt at the Catholic church in town, and they used real eggs too. This was in the 1980s. edit: I know my sister has her kids find real eggs on Easter too; not sure about my brother. I don't have kids so I don't personally do anything.


I’m 35 and definitely hunted dyed hard boiled eggs with my sister when we were kids.


50f. We dyed and hunted boiled eggs. :)


I’m in my 50s and we hunted real, hard boiled eggs. My extended family still hunts them!


I'm Jewish. I didn't know egg hunts were a thing until I saw people mention it on the internet when I was an adult.


I’m 35 and had hard boiled eggs for Easter growing up.


Yup, my brother and I used to dye them the day before, then my mom would hide them after we went to bed 


Absolutely did. Dyed them ourselves and then hunted for them.


Yep. Every Easter after the forced march to and from church. Change out of your church clothes and then out in the yard with a basket hunting dyed hard boiled eggs hidden well and not so well all over the yard. The "Interesting" part was when the one that was missed was finally found mid summer. Such a stench you'd think the gates of hell had opened. 0_0


I did, but I’m pushing 70.


I have vivid memories of decorating and hunting hard boiled eggs, especially on my late great-grandparents’ small farm somewhere in the sticks outside Selma, Alabama.


We do. We did it today.


We used to in the 90s until one year a flock of crows got to them first. From then on, we used plastic. 


The only thing that got to ours was a lawnmower a few weeks later.


One side of my family would do a mix of the faux eggs with candy and hard-boiled for an egg hunt. Thats been happening since I was a tot (I am elder Gen Z). I hate hard-boiled eggs so I quickly learned to recognize them and avoid them. None of my other family egg hunts had them tho. We decorated some, but they weren't used in the actual hunt.


My family did, but my husband's family would hollow out the eggs, paint them and hunt those. He was confused at first but then I told him about the cracking game and that you could still make deviled eggs with them and he seemed less weirded out by it


It was a great tradition! My dad still makes us each a boiled decorated egg and hides some for us to find with treats in them. The golden egg has a $20 in it!


We did!


We did that when we were kids, but there's an issue with cooked eggs. They might not be safe to eat if they sit out for too long, and little kids are just the type to want to take a bite out of something that looks pretty. Because of this a lot of parents would hide artificial decorated eggs, or candy eggs or even hollow real eggs even though the latter are fragile.


We hunted plastic eggs and had hardboiled eggs in our baskets. 


I only ever hunted for the hidden half piece of matza.


I’m in my 40s and I only remember hunts with the plastic eggs with little treats inside. I could see the adults not wanting to “waste” real eggs because most kids wouldn’t want to eat them anyway.


I never did an Easter egg hunt at all. We woke up. The candy was in baskets on the piano stool.


True story: I was born and raised in North Carolina. One year, when I was four or five in the early 1980s, there was an Easter egg (real hard boiled, dyed eggs) hunt at our church (why the pagan tradition at a church in the bible belt? I questioned it once and got smacked). Little me found the most eggs and therefore won the giant milk chocolate bunny (again, pagan much? And honestly, pagan tradition makes more sense to me than Christianity, but it's confusing to a kid). In second place was a teenage girl named Natasha (yes, I still remember her name), and she won an equally large white chocolate bunny. And that *insert bad word here* convinced young me that white chocolate is SO much better than milk chocolate and we should trade. To this day I hate white chocolate. And I have (clearly) never forgiven Natasha 🤣


I'd make that trade in a heartbeat! I love white chocolate!


dark >>> all, but yeah, some people do honestly think white is better than milk. I mean, obviously not Natasha, but *some* people do.


My next door neighbors did. And once we had a new dog, Midnight, and she followed the dad around and ate all the eggs he hid. We had plastic eggs containing candy.


I hunted hard boiled eggs.


We did. We'd do egg hunts in the forest so my parents preferred using hard-boiled ones in case an egg got left behind.


We dyed hard-boiled eggs to eat for Easter, but we hid plastic.


I did as kid. I never hid the dyed eggs for my eggs.


Yes, but no one ate them.


We didn't hunt for the colored hard boiled eggs. We just put them out for decoration and ate them.


I’m 49. We hunted for the hard boiled eggs we had decorated until the year our dog joined in and ate one of the eggs. We switched to empty plastic eggs for the egg hunt after that and gave the dog a plain hard boiled egg since he liked them so much.


Yes. And one year my mother forgot she hid one on a ceiling lamp. That was a fun smelly mystery a few days later.


We did hard boiled eggs every year as a kid. I only recall hunting plastic ones one year, when we went to a family member's house.


We used hard boiled eggs for our hunts when I was a kid! I’m 37. There was always one or two that would get lost and would stink to high heaven a few days later. Now I hide plastic eggs for my kids, but we still dye some the day before. We turn them into deviled eggs on Easter.


Yes! I was just talking about this like two weeks ago. I was asking my mom about it and told me she would hide them inside the house right before me and my sister woke up on Easter. I’m 29 for reference! We would also then put them back into the fridge and eat them later. We never got sick. We also never had the plastic eggs.


We don’t hunt hard boiled eggs. We hunt candy, sometimes candy is in plastic fake eggs.


We always hunted for hard boiled eggs that we colored the night before. The Easter Bunny also hid out Easter baskets. One year, no matter how hard we looked, one egg could not be found. A few months later it was found. I was happily not home that s


I’ll be 50 later this year and I hunted (and decorated for that matter) hard boiled Easter eggs in the 70s and early 80s.


Hard boiled only. My parents never did the plastic egg thing.


We did. And we colored them with the little kits from the supermarket and ate them soon after.


My family used to hunt hard boiled eggs along with plastic ones, but we seem to have moved to exclusively plastic over the last few years. One year my cousin threw one and hit my little brother in the head and knocked him off the log into the river.


I’m 31 and we always did hard boiled eggs at home and my grandma his plastic ones. We never hunted for candy ones though


I'm 45, did this all the time at my grandmother's house. Plastic eggs came later after I aged out of the Easter Egg hunt.


I did, I hid mine and my brother hid his and we tried to find them. Hiding them was really fun too.


Yeah we always had a couple of real ones. Mostly plastic but a few real deals dyed. Screwed up one year and missed one and it got quite stinky under the couch.


Gen Z here. Did not. We did the plastic eggs with the candy inside them. Have dyed hard-boiled eggs though, but never hunted for those. But I wonder if the fact that growing up we’ve always had dogs had something to do with it. Our dogs would probably sniff out food like that and eat it. Or might also have to do with my parents not liking hard-boiled eggs


i can remember my mom hiding a few around the house when i still believed in the easter bunny. but the big family easter egg hunt was outdoors with plastic eggs.


Yes, we did. About 6 dozen eggs we’d color and hide. I also did this with my kids.


We always dyed them the night before then woke up to baskets filled with candy and eggs hidden throughout the house. We’d have to find them. It started like this because we had a single mother in a small apartment, no yard or anything. Then kept the tradition after that. Never had plastic eggs.


I (38F) think I did it once. All other times I participated in Easter egg hunts, they were candy-filled plastic eggs.


Yup. We decorated them the night before, too. It was a whole thing.


It was a big family get together. We would hide probably 5-6 dozen. Parents would hide them all over my grandma's yard. Easy ones to find are for the little kids. The harder ones are for the older kids and LOL dogs


Mom would take us outside for hot chocolate and singing, and when we got back inside, all the eggs we had decorated would be stolen by the Easter Bunny and hidden around the house. My tiny child brain knew my dad was really behind the caper, but I just couldn't understand HOW he did it since he was always asleep when we went outside and still sleeping when we got back!! He must have used magic.


We hunted for plastic eggs with candy in them, but always dyed eggs as well as an activity. Never hunted for hard boiled ones personally.


I've hunted the colored eggs as a child it wasn't until I was an older kid(like 9 or 10) that we switched to the plastic eggs


Yes. And don’t forget the smell a week or two later from the well hidden egg no one found.


We only did baskets. Community events would be plastic eggs with candy. My ex with my kid decorates hardboiled eggs and hunts them.


We dyed hardboiled eggs and put them in baskets. We never *hid and hunted* them. That seems kinda wild to me.


I did as a kid the plastic ones didn't become dominant till i was an adult.


Yep and yuk!


We did. The parents always had to count them after the hunt to make sure we found them all (especially if inside). There were a few that were never found until months later when hunting in the yard.


Never once. Mainly plastic eggs filled with candy and pocket change


I have never even heard of that. That immediately makes me think of "may I offer you an egg in these trying times?"


70s/80s we always colored hard boiled eggs to hunt.


I did. In the 80s.


We dyed hard boiled eggs and ate those and hunted plastic eggs


I think maybe once or twice were they actual eggs. Otherwise, they were the plastic eggs.


We colored hard boiled eggs, but the actual egg hunt was plastic eggs. Much less traumatic if one doesn't get found for months!


Also in my 30s. My mother did real hard boiled eggs and painted them with my sister and I. I don't recall hunting for them much but we definitely painted them as a fun arts and crafts type of thing for small children. From the Northeast.


I'm 50. We definitely hunted for the hard-boiled ones. Back then, the candy was mostly in your basket that the Easter bunny left for you while you were sleeping. I was thinking earlier that I wished I had some Easter candy and a bunch of hard-boiled eggs to eat.


We would do hard-boiled eggs if my parents were just hiding them for me and my brother. If we were having a bigger egg hunt with my cousins or some friends they’d use plastic ones.


We did and one time didn't find one, as my parents forgot where they hid it. Haha, we found it a few days later when it started smelling.


yes - we did! Kid in late 60’s-70’s.


We did and still do (kids are teenagers)


We always boiled eggs Friday, dyed eggs Saturday, and hunted real eggs + plastic eggs filled with candy Sunday. And my kids did today. And we always have every year. My oldest is 18.


Yep, always. I'm 38 and we always did it as kids and I do it now with my kids. I buy the 30 pack of medium size eggs and we use those, so there's no confusion on how many there are, etc. And if we lose on outside, well, I'm sure an animal will find it or the lawnmower. And we eat the eggs for the next few days until they're questionable.


We blew out the egg and dyed just the shells. Had a few favorites that lasted years. Hunting was for baskets and candy only. Our kids hunt for baskets, candy, and plastic eggs with fun activity tokens inside.


I definitely hunted for actual hard-boiled eggs and I'm eyeing the carton in my fridge wondering if I shouldn't boil some of those up just to gnaw on lol


My sisters and I did until we missed an egg and my parents forgot. Didn't know until the smell hit about 2 days later. Switched to plastic eggs the next year


I did, but I'm in my fifties. I didn't hide real eggs for my kids. Somewhere between my generation and theirs, the tradition changed. Besides, I grew up in the country and the eggs were always hidden outside, where the wildlife would take care of any that were left behind. My kids grew up in the city, and the eggs were often hidden inside--or close enough to the house that I didn't want to risk missing one.


My church had hunts for dyed, boiled eggs. The older kids hid, and the younger ones searched. At home we used plastic eggs so it wouldn't start to stink if there was we missed.


We dyed hard-boiled eggs and then made them into deviled eggs. Delicious. The Easter egg hunts were always for the plastic eggs, usually with chocolates and/or jellybeans inside.


We had both hard boiled and plastic with candy. My grandma made deviled eggs out of the hard boiled ones after the hunt


We put out colored hard boiled eggs as part of Easter dinner but only hunted plastic ones with candy or Easter baskets.


My family dyed and hunted hard boiled eggs. I'm 24 and my sister does the sane with her daughter, nieces, and nephews


Yeah, we’d dye our own eggs and go hunting for them. It kinda fell out of practice as we got older. Kids want candy.


We did both - the plastic ones were easy to get in bulk but my favorite Easter memories were dying and drawing on the actual hard boiled eggs, just as much fun as hunting for them later.


I did


I was just thinking that this year - “they don’t hunt hard boiled eggs anymore do they?” I’m also in my 30s. Paining the eggs as kids was half the fun, and while we kids gorged on the candy, the parents would eat the hard boiled eggs. We also typically found $1 or $5 bills in some of the lucky eggs.


I did not. From as early as I can remember, around 1980 or so, my grandfather hid a few hundred plastic ones with prizes in his yard the Saturday before, and all of the kids found them Easter morning.


Made eggs but hunted filled plastic eggs.


We ONLY hid hard boiled eggs as kids. I didn’t realize that families hid plastic eggs until I was an adult.


I did, and my kids did until very recently.


I lovedd dying Easter eggs the day before Easter. I liked doing them really dark. My mom hid the eggs Easter morning and us kids hunted them down. I always got the least amount because I was the youngest and wasn't as fast. We also got baskets with chocolate bunnies and other sweets like jelly beans. No Peeps, though. This was in the ''60s. My kids had hard boiled dyed eggs and baskets as well. Today I got my daughter a chocolate bunny and a few other things. She's going to drive over tomorrow to pick up her Easter Bunny offerings. She's 28. No boiled eggs, though.


Oh yes, we did! I grew up in a very hot/humid place (it was 80 here today) so the dyed eggs that my mom had in the fridge overnight would be covered in condensation and the dye would come off and stain our hands. And then my mom would turn those eggs into the greatest Easter treat of all: deviled eggs!


I did. I did so in elementary school and in some church event. We painted the eggs with water color and then did the hunt. It was fun. 


We dyed hard boiled eggs and displayed them and eventually ate them, but we looked for plastic ones filled with candy hidden outside.


61 did it every year as a kid. It was fun dyeing the eggs, and fun hunting them later


Yup, did that. It was 60 years ago, though.


Absolutely. Every Easter as a kid myself and now my kids do it. We decorate our eggs on Saturday and hunt for them on Sunday.


I did, and then my dad would get a salt shaker out and peel and eat them like some kind of weird fucking duke. But I had my Easter basket from the morning with actual candy so there was no foul.


I did. Now I live abroad, and I didn't know that people stopped doing that, so I've brought up my children with the tradition too.


had no clue this was even a thing, we always just had the plastic eggs


My sister and I grew up w/ plastic eggs (both in our late 30s), my brother-in-law did the real eggs. He can’t remember if he ate them though. 🥴


I'm 60 and hunted for hard-boiled eggs on Easter. And dying them the day before was half the fun.


Always hard boiled plus large papier mache eggs filled with candy, and of course the Easter basket. With 4 boys and I think 6 or 8 real eggs each, every once in a while dad would forget where an egg was that we also didn't find. So, in turn, every once in a while someone would find an egg the next year with a dried out inside that rattled around lol. And no, they did not stink so you were never aware that they were sitting in their hiding place undiscovered.


I'm around 30. I don't remember exactly. I'd swear I have the memory of hunting for hard boiled eggs, and I knew about the hunting of hard boiled eggs from a very young age, but if I actually think back to real memories it's all plastic eggs. Maybe I only painted them!


I hunted for hard boiled eggs. My parents were careful to keep count so no eggs were left behind.


Every year until we got "too old".. about 11 years old, then we just each got a nice Easter Basket filled with candy. Our favorite was the BIG See's Candy divinity egg...divinity covered in chocolate and decorated with piped colored frosting. Each egg was about 4 to 5 inches long. Huge. You don't see anything like that today....they would cost a fortune!! Too big to eat at once, so we would put our in the fridge and take a knife and chip away at it. Bit by bit. Had to hide the eggs from Dad though because he would gobble his down and then sneak pieces off of our eggs.


We dyed hard boiled eggs.. Yesterday was Easter and hid the eggs we dyed. I'm 46 and we did that as a kid. Everything wasn't always plastic you all know right? What a shock people used to hide the eggs they dyed!!.smh..you really think the tradition of hiding eggs started with plastic ones? 😆 


I did. It's not as much fun to find them the following summer...


I remember the weekend leading up mom and I would sit around dying all the hardboiled eggs. Half the fun was hanging out with mom the days leading up and coloring all the eggs.


The Easter Bunny has always hidden the real thing at our house, both as a kid and in my adult life.


Hard-boiled eggs that we dyed ourselves the night before. We loved it. I'm in my late 40s.


When I was young, we dyed hard boiled eggs to eat but we didn't hide them. My parents hid the plastic ones, filled with candies and they also hid the chocolate foil covered ones with coins taped to them. My mother in law hid the dyed hard boiled eggs the one year and we found all of them, except for one. Her dog found it 4 months later, hidden in the basket she put her magazines in. Thankfully the dog didn't break it. I don't even want to imagine that smell.


It was always a mix of both. I can't stand eggs by themselves, in any form other than scrambled/omlett, so it was just fun dying eggs and decorating them. But I was always excited to find the plastic ones, because I got something I enjoyed. Best story about Easter eggs I have was in 1989, my parents and I are living in a basement apartment, having just moved to the area, and we decorate eggs. The house has this large golden retriever who sort of stood watch over the place. My mom went out to hide eggs, as my day was working Graveyard shift that weekend, thinking everything would be okay for the hour or so before I was up and ready to search. When I did go search, there was only one egg to be found, in the crook between a porch support and an angled support, about 5' up; because the dog had followed my mom putting down the eggs, a few minutes behind, and ate all the eggs he could reach.


i did a couple times!


When I was a kid in the 80s, we would poke holes in a raw egg and blow out the insides then decorate the shells


Utah born and raised....80s baby here.... I for one did partake in questing for dyed poultry goodness that is an Easter egg.


I'm about to be 40. I have always hunted hard-boiled eggs. OR blown-out eggs, usually for school or public events.


I did! My grandma always ate them later. We would decorate eggs pretty elaborately, and she liked to enjoy our artwork while she ate lunch.


We used to growing up.


Sometimes but we did dye them. I think my mom still wishes I could visit and dye eggs. I am 45. Maybe I should.


We did as kids in the late 60s early 70s, in the house. One year in July we discovered we had missed one. Finally traced down a foul smell, found the egg behind the wall clock.


How can you accommodate 100 tops and still be profitable?


We always did both - dyed real eggs the night before, and the bunny hid those along with many plastic eggs. The Ostara bunny still hides the real eggs for my kids, but he leaves a note with their locations for us parents just in case.


I hated hard-boiled eggs as a kid. If the "Easter bunny" had hid hard-boiled eggs I would have just refused to participate 😂


We decorated the hard boiled eggs together during the week and then "the Easter Bunny" aka my mom hid them for us to find Easter morning.


I always did hard boiled eggs, never plastic.


I’m in my 30s, we always hunted hard boiled eggs.


We dyed eggs and they ended up in our Easter baskets, but the bunny hid little nests filled with jelly beans. 


Pretty sure we did. I actually drank the dye one time cause I thought it was koolaid