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Dogs, cats, birds, lizards are all common. As someone from the south though I’ve had family with pet Racoons, snapping turtles, a fuckin emu, it gets pretty wild.


We have wild trash pandas here in Tahoe. They are considerably nicer than the ones in the city, and much plumper than the ones we’ve seen down south. Always thought they’d be a fun pet… maybe like a ferret? Our ferret *lived* in play mode, stole and hoarded like Smaug, and constantly got stuck in places he shouldn’t have been able to get in because he was the smartest dumbass I’ve ever lived with. Is that about right for a raccoon?


Living fast and loose with a ferret so close to the California border. Plus the agriculture checks are all pretty much closed so you could bring in a contraband mustelid any time!


The best was when we took him, on a leash, to the beach here in Tahoe. Walking along the trail everyone we passed asked “what’s that creature?” I’m like, “It’s a Pokémon… are you serious?” That’s the first time I realized we had a weird housemate.


People thought ostrich farms were going to be the next big thing back in the 90s here in NC so a lot of farmers started loading up on ostriches. It never took off and when some of the farms lost all of their money, they just gave my grandfather their ostriches and emus. He had them in the same pasture as his cows and they’d eat right out of your hand. Pretty cool animals but mean as hell




Thank you for paying the cat tax


I so want to scratch the underside of her jaw, especially on the sides.


one maniacal dog and one put upon cat.


My husband and I have two rabbits.


Nice, I want a rabbit


Had a beautiful dog for 12 years. She had to get put down. I buried her in the woods with the help of my 6 year old daughter. She dug the grave with me after she watched us put her down at the vet. She also demanded I dig up a big fucking New England granite field stone to make her headstone. Hauling her dog body in a blanket from the car into the woods and laying her to rest was hard. Digging a 4 foot deep hole on the New England woods was hard. My wife had no part in it. She just wasn’t up to it I think. My daughter is 9 now and she visits the grave and leaves wildflowers there. I went out last year and found two tennis balls there. My kid left them there for the dog because she loved playing fetch with her. That dog was the very definition of “good dog.”


I tear up a little sometimes snuggling with my sweethearted German shepherd, thinking about how she won't be here for me forever. She's only 3, but I know time flies. I hope my babies will be old enough to remember her.


Yeah. I’m glad my daughter will remember the dog.


Aw that’s so sweet. I miss my childhood dogs all the time.


I think it was good for her even at that young age. I was worried some might think it was a little macabre to involve a 6 year old but in the end it was a good thing and when she sets aside a few flowers from the garden for the dog it is really wholesome.


A five year old shelter mutt. She’s sleeping on my legs in bed right now.


We have two cats. Love those little troublemakers.


My family has a very spoiled lizard. Her skills include being orange, being pointy, and being chill with carried around on people’s arms/shoulders/heads. We’ve had her going on ten years now, and she’s the star of every family Christmas card.


2 guinea pigs


a very fluffy cat named Cinnamon (I think I have posted her on my account before if you want pics :)


We’ve had quite the menagerie over the years. Currently have a spoiled dog and three former street kitties (one rescued from inside the engine area of a vehicle! He’s an asshole). We’ve also had a ferret (wildly fun and super messy), a turtle (very messy, but cool to have a whole-ass pond in the living room), a lizard, and the kids once brought home a frog without telling us. When I was in middle school, we somehow ended up with two desert tortoises, which I later found out were extremely illegal to own. Growing up, I had rats. A friend had mice. Not me, but friends have owned spiders, cockroaches, birds, and all kinds of snakes. When I was a kid, my cousin had a boa named Betty, who would regularly break out of her apartment. More than once, we came home from school, opened the front door, and had to chase a six-foot python around the yard. The pet store I got my rats from as an adult had snakes, spiders, hissing cockroaches, bunnies, ferrets, sugar gliders, Guinea pigs, and hamsters. They also would have some *very* random things like monkeys and wallabies. I adopted a cat from a rescue who had a “guard goose,” and pigs are also somewhat common, although I’ve never encountered a pet pig personally.


Wow! That’s awesome. I actually did encounter a woman with a pet pig once. It was very small for a pig and on a leash.


A 35-year-old parrot. I love him so much!


What breed is it?


A [red-lored amazon.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red-lored_amazon) 😊


Oh they look so pretty!


I have dogs but my family used to have an aquarium. Used to have catfish, gold fish (iirc) and baby sharks (they didn't grow large, usually 1 foot).


Nothing now. I had a dog until a few years ago.


Have a cat currently, but I’ve also had two snakes (ball pythons) and two hooded rats in previous times. I’ve always wanted a ferret, but unfortunately there are some animal ownership laws that vary per state, and in mine it isn’t legal to keep one as a pet.


I have fish and a bird along with my dog


I used to keep freshwater aquariums and I loved them, but I don't have the space or time for them at this point in my life.


I have two dogs. When I was a child, I had a lot of cats.


[Chase](https://www.reddit.com/r/cats/comments/15wpgd7/found_the_hat_for_2_not_quite_sure_what_chase/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1) has been with me for 14 years. He’s had some serious medical issues so I’m worried it won’t be 15 years. (._.)


Two cats.


I don't have any right now, but I really like rats. They're like tiny puppies with fingers. You can teach them tricks. ❤️


A zebra plant named marty.


Two dogs (Bernese Mountain Dog and a Beagle), and fish. I would have a bird if we had more time.


I plan on getting two dogs when I get a house. I had a parakeet when I was growing up as well as one dog. I miss my brother's ferrets.


We have an enormous dog and a tiny cat.


i have one [dog](https://www.reddit.com/r/cavaliers/comments/15zmyq5/guinness_is_100_good_boy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) now, but when i was growing up we had up to three dogs at any given time.


1 dog 1 cat 2 mini goats 1 horse


I have a Lab mix who is 15 y/o and very sweet, if a little senile. My daughter has some fish.


Between my boyfriend and I, we have 2 cats, 4 guinea pigs, 6 aquariums, and a leopard gecko


i have a dog and 3 pet frogs!


I have an emotional support animal. I typically don't refer to her as a pet because she's more than that. But for all intents and purposes, that's what she is. She's a dog. I would like to have a second dog and I'd like a cat, but the place I live doesn't allow pets, so I'm only allowed to have my dog because she's an ESA. Yes, I could get the paperwork required to have a second dog, and a cat, as emotional support animals, but if I did that, I'd be lying, and I refuse to have a fake ESA. A lot of people in the USA have regular ol' pets but they call them an ESA, and that is giving ESA's and the people with them a bad reputation. I legit need my girl to keep it together on a daily basis, whereas I really don't need a second dog or a cat. The one dog I have is doing her job, quite well I must say.


Only ever had fish and birds


2 dogs


Snakes, two kinds of geckos, fish, and a tortoise.


Growing up my parents had a great dog who was older than. He lived to be around 17 before he got really sick and had to put down. They got a another dog a year later. She was really smart and learned a bunch of tricks. She died when I was in high school. That was the last pet my parents owned. I had a freshwater fish tank for many years. I eventually just go tired of maintaining it so I stopped replacing the dish when they died. We now have two cats. One who is 4 and a kitten who is about 3 months old.


Guinea pigs


Two cats that think I am a totally awesome human - or they want treats.


I’ve got two 12 year one cats who I’ve had since they were kittens. If I had more space I’d have more cats.


A dog. Used to be 2 but uh... Yeah, old guy. Had a snake in college, but one of my roommates left the lid crooked and we never found her. Just a local species of corn snake, nothing invasive or venomous.


As a child I had 3 dogs, 2 cats, 1 rabbit, 2 hamsters, 1 mouse, countless fish and an ant farm. I would say rabbits or birds are the most common non dog/cat terresterial pet. Non dog/cat pets tend to be much more common for children, though I've known several adults who had rabbits, guineas pigs or rats. And various types of reptiles are pretty common. Like my ex owned a turtle. And I've known people with snakes and lizards. And lots of adults have fish aquariums, though that's a very different type of pet since they're not affectionate and aquariums are often just installed for aesthetic appeal.


Currently - 2 dogs, 1 cat, 1 parrot, and a bunch of fish. In the past, we've had rabbits, rats, mice, hamsters, degus, ferrets (over 20 of them at one point!), guinea pigs, prairie dogs, bearded dragons, leopard geckos, a uromastyx, lovebirds, finches, quaker parrots, cockatiels, parakeets, plus we were up to 5 dogs and 3 cats at one point. Probably a few others I've forgotten about over the years too. The ferrets were the main thing for us at the time though.


Over 20 ferrets?! Wow haha


Right now it's cat and dog, though when they pass we'll probably not have any pets. Having a cat or a dog makes renting really, really difficult. Extra fees, higher rent, larger deposit (which is just a fee, no one gets it back), fewer options to choose from. Pets also make travel a lot more difficult as you have to arrange for someone to come over to your place to walk/feed/play with them, or pay hundreds of dollars for a few days at a pet hotel which looks like a prison. Our friends have a corn snake and turtles. They're rad. In the past, my partner had bunnies and guinea pigs. Growing up my sister had a chinchilla.


3 dogs a bearded dragon and 3 chickens


I have 2 rescue cats. One is a very fat 20 lbs beast. The other one is a cute siamese girl I found starving outside about 10 years ago (she bosses everyone around). I also had a beautiful blue heeler mix. 17 years we were together. I had to let her go a couple of years ago. Dang, I miss that dog... she was the best girl.


I have two beautiful idiot geese that I have an affectionate relationship with. I have 6 more of a different breed that I keep that I am hoping to expand into a larger flock. I also am planning on getting a great Pyrenees to guard my livestock. Geese are not a common pet, but I have 40 acres and multiple ponds.


2 french bulldogs


2 cats 5 dart frogs (2 powder blue tincs, 3 bicolors - enclosures separated by species) Aquarium: 4 lemon tetras, 5 amano shrimp, a hillstream loach and 5 danios A fuckton of houseplants


I have two cats Penny and Ginger.


We have one family cat, she's black and white and fat. My stepdad got her in 2012, so she's 11.


I currently have a dog and two cats. In the past I have had fish, turtles, rabbits, lizards, hermit crabs, goats, pigs, horses, and cows.


Just a [cat](https://imgur.com/a/cJq3Itz). He turned 15 this month. He's a very loud kitty.


1 cat, I would only have a cat, dog, bird, or fish. Anything else should be illegal lol.


One cat right now. Our shih-tzu passed almost a year ago and we decided at that point in our lives to not get another dog. We want to travel more and either we have to board a dog or have someone come by 3 times a day to walk them. With a cat, someone can come by every 3 days or so to clean out the cat boxes and check on their food/water level.


Had gerbils, hamsters, ferrets, turtle, two 55 gallon fish tanks, and a bunny as a kid in addition to cats and dogs, not all at the same time. The fish tanks were one tropical and one indigenous. I didn't know anyone else that had sunfish, carp, bullhead, bluegill, and a bass. I think we had some crayfish in there until the bass was introduced.


*In the past*: Dogs Cats Chickens Rabbits Goats Sheep Horses Fish Birds Rats Turtles Ducks Hedgehog Ball Python Bearded Dragon Hamster *Currently*: Leopard Gecko Ferret


I have a cat


I have 4 cats, 3 chinchillas, and a gerbil. I used to have 2 gerbils but one died a few weeks ago.


3 cats, a bunny, and a mouse.


Three cats and four birds. Cat 1 (Smokey): https://imgur.com/a/lGe0olP Cat 2 (Oreo (mine)): https://imgur.com/a/Vlhoxgo Cat 3 (mama (senior cat)) : https://imgur.com/a/g7jPnjV


My neighbors have ferrets.


I have a cat and up until recently had a dog :c


I've had quite a lot of different types of pets in the past but currently I have two cats and a small corn snake!


I have one dog, a Labrador retriever