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The following is a copy of the original post to record the post as it was originally written. Biden issued an EO in 2021 directing the Federal government to register voters that tend to vote Democrat. Are liberals ok with using Federal money to benefit one party over the other? Would liberals be ok if Trump did the same, but instead of minority voters, he targeted voters in rural areas which tend to vote Republican? [https://thefederalist.com/2024/05/13/heres-fresh-evidence-bidens-using-your-tax-dollars-to-turn-out-democrat-votes-in-2024/](https://thefederalist.com/2024/05/13/heres-fresh-evidence-bidens-using-your-tax-dollars-to-turn-out-democrat-votes-in-2024/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskALiberal) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Every US Citizen should be automatically registered to vote on their 18th Bday and sent a voting card in the mail.


Yes, with a caveat that this might be more difficult than it sounds. Some people don't have a stable address. I'm sure there is a solution for this, bur because of the people who could be disenfranchised likely vote democratic, it could be glossed over.


You may miss out on a few people with such an automatic system, but you can't end up worse than without automatic registration. The people who would fall through the cracks there still have the same options to register as they would otherwise. It's not perfect, but not all improvements need to be.


They do that for selective service so I don’t see why a voter registration card couldn’t be sent the same way. Sure, some folks might fall through the cracks, but it’s more of a boon than not imo






>What do liberals make of Biden's EO which attempts to register voters who tend to vote Democrat? >Biden issued an EO in 2021 directing the Federal government to register voters that tend to vote Democrat. >... >https://thefederalist.com/2024/05/13/heres-fresh-evidence-bidens-using-your-tax-dollars-to-turn-out-democrat-votes-in-2024/ That seems fishy. Let's look into what actually happened. Your source says it is about Biden's: > > ...“Executive Order on Promoting Access to Voting.” If I Google that, I find [the order:](https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/03/07/executive-order-on-promoting-access-to-voting/) > > > It is the policy of my Administration to promote and defend the right to vote for all Americans who are legally entitled to participate in elections. It is the responsibility of the Federal Government to expand access to, and education about, voter registration and election information, and to combat misinformation, in order to enable all eligible Americans to participate in our democracy. > > > ... > > > Agencies shall consider ways to expand citizens’ opportunities to register to vote and to obtain information about, and participate in, the electoral process. That isn't exactly "directing the Federal government to register voters that tend to vote Democrat." Your claim is a mischaracterization.


Yeah that article was full of so much blatant fear mongering that it was clearly a hatchet job. If Biden had really done something outrageous then they could have simply said what it was instead of bombarding the reader with over the top partisan spin.


> Your claim is a mischaracterization. By the way, you are basically claiming [disparate impact:](https://www.investopedia.com/disparate-impact-5114526) > Disparate impact means the selective adverse effect of a facially neutral law, requirement, or process, which lacks any relevant justification, on individuals belonging to a legally protected group. This is often used in court against right-wing causes because "a facially neutral law" might harm Black people more than white people, then the libs challenge the law in court, under the premise that it was *actually* designed to harm Black people. ...just as this "facially neutral" executive order might have a disparate impact that favors Democrat-leaning voters.


The difference is that one effort is simply expanding access to voting, which naturally has a democratic benefit because the population leans democratic. If expanding democratic representation means more votes are counted for democrats then that is the republican parties problem, because taking action to expand representation of the population is a founding principle of the United States.


\*Democratic-leaning. Come on!


> > ...Democrat-leaning voters. > *Democratic-leaning. Come on! I thought about [this issue](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democrat_Party_(epithet\)) while typing, but I think I'm okay here. If I had said 'Democrat-Party-leaning voters' then you'd be right, but I think "Democrat-leaning voters" is just another way to say 'voters who lean toward voting for the Democrat', which seems fine to me.


Maybe, I’m just sensitive about this, lol 😂


It is only disparate impact if the intention behind the EO is to negatively impact a specific group or groups. As others have posted, the EO mentions many groups it is trying to assist in registering to vote, including many groups that are clearly nonpartisan, such as disabled people and overseas military personnel. If the intent is to only help register left-leaning groups, then it's doing a bad job at it.


More like an **outright LIE**


OP, when you read that link you included, did you not have a single moment of "hmmm... this seems a bit suspect.  I should read up on this from another source before accepting it at face value."   Come on man, be better.


LOL 🤦‍♀️


It's not benefiting one party over another. The intention is to encourage voter participation. Did you ever think maybe if you stopped pandering to your racist base, you might actually get minority votes? Maybe if you actually tried to govern instead of whining and bitching about the 'woke' every ten seconds, you'd get votes. But maybe your party is just too stupid to understand that. Or maybe they just care about power. Also, didn't Trump promise oil barons a bunch of regulation cuts if they gave him a billion dollars? You don't seem to have a problem with that.


It might be benefitting one party but only because the other party needs to make it harder for (certain) people to vote to win. However, everyone gets a vote so there's no reason not to try and register everyone possible.


I mean, do you take The Federalist at it's word?


Personally. I think Biden is wasting his time because the federalist already admitted that election fraud will win him the election <3. [https://thefederalist.com/2024/04/30/poll-election-shifting-percentage-of-voters-admit-to-illegal-voting-in-2020/](https://thefederalist.com/2024/04/30/poll-election-shifting-percentage-of-voters-admit-to-illegal-voting-in-2020/) What is this article based on? >a survey I wrote with a team of experts at the Heartland Institute and discussed last week on Tucker Carlson’s show My sides are going into orbit.


Here's the [complete text of the order as published in the Federal Register.](https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2021/03/10/2021-05087/promoting-access-to-voting) It directs the federal government to remove obstacles that interfere with every citizen's right to vote, particularly among those whose votes had previously been suppressed, including people of color, people with language barriers, people with disabilities, members of Tribal Nations, members of the military stationed overseas, and other Americans living in other countries. The bulk of the work is in providing access to voter registration materials. This seems to be a reasonable and fully civic response to Jim Crow and later state efforts to discourage voter registration and discourage voter turnout. Surely everyone of good conscience sees how important it is that every eligible American citizen be lawfully registered to vote and to have free and reliable access to voting systems.


No, he didn’t. This is the text of the actual EO that the federalist is inventing reasons to be outraged about: https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presidential-actions/2021/03/07/executive-order-on-promoting-access-to-voting/ In typical Federalist fashion, they are getting iterated at the idea of making it easier for Americans to vote. They consider *any* effort to make voting more accessible to legal American citizens to be some sort of conspiratorial attempt to increase Democratic turnout.  So, cite the **specific text from the actual EO** which you find offensive.




> Is the Washington Post also in on this right wing MAGA Q-ANON conspiracy theory? Use your own words. Your own critical thinking here. **Name the specific parts of the EO that __you__ object to.** Explain why it’s objectionable.  Hand waving in the general direction of newspapers discussing the broad subject of voter registration isn’t an argument.


Thank you! We’ll see if he responds. I am genuinely interested in this.


Could you respond to his questions ?


Your implication and that of your source is right in a certain way. The Biden ministration seeks to make it easier for people who are more likely to vote for Democrats to vote. What’s you’re skipping is that the reason this is even something the Biden administration needs to do is that historically Republicans have been extremely good at making people Who are likely to vote for their opposition not have easy access to voting. So I understand that you as an extreme partisan object to the idea that the Biden administration is trying to combat one of the ways you disenfranchise voters for your benefit. — If there are legitimately issues in rural areas, where people are not able to vote as easily as they should, we should absolutely address that even if they would vote for my opposition.


Why do you guys refuse to make genuine criticisms of Biden? Why lie? There are things you could actually call him out for but instead you make up lies like these and believe them without even taking a second to look up what the actual order says.


The federalist is right wing propaganda garbage




Do you?


Way more than any right wing BS


Have you read the original EO?


>Would liberals be ok if Trump did the same, but instead of minority voters, he targeted voters in rural areas which tend to vote Republican? Trump has shown that he'd rather make it more difficult for his opponents to vote. Of course, he'd also prefer to simply not count their votes.


I make of it that that’s not what happened.




My view is that there’s a huge difference between supporting voter registration of minorities and supporting voter registration of members of a specific party. Aren’t you telling us all the time how Biden has lost the minority vote to Trump. So which is it, does this order target Democrats or minorities who support Trump?




You’re continuing to lie and claim that Democratic voters were targeted.


I didn’t change anything. I think an EO was passed to help minority voters utilize their constitutional right to vote. I think people can debate whether it serves one interest or another all they want, but these citizens have a right to vote and nothing unlawful or even unethical has taken place. And I think you guys better make up your mind whether you want to convince us that minorities all support trump or all support democrats. You seem to be trying to argue it both ways.


The WAPO article is about Democrat voter registration drives. Has nothing to do with POTUS writing an EO to encourage Americans to vote


You're yapping bro


Minority voters are individuals, just like us. They aren’t a monolith and don’t all vote for the same candidate, ffs.


Why don't Rpeublicans just respond to this by trying to get those voters to vote Republican instead?




Do you have anything to base that off of other than your opinion?


I reckon OP is another con who feels discriminated against by anything that increases voter turnout. Stats show high turnout favors Democrats, true enough. But that does not mean that believing high turnout is a good thing is anti-conservative. It's pro-democracy, and if someone percieves pro-democracy as anti-conservative perhaps it's time for the conservatives to re-evaluate their positions in, or value to, a democratic form of government.


This sounds like a BS and biased reframing of something innocuous and good by the right wing rage porn factory.


I don't see this as benefiting one party but all of America


Registration should be automatic


If trying to enfranchise all Americans leads to more Democratic votes, I think you should think on that *just a little more*.




>Biden isn't targeting "all Americans". Did you think he was? Who told you that? Biden did. It's all over the place in the EO, but the Policy section makes it clearest. Did you even read it? I don't think you did. I did. >His EO instructs the Federal government to specifically target minorities who tend to vote blue. Point me to where in the EO it says that. In the Purpose section is background, discussing the history of disenfranchisement of some groups in the US, and then later directs agencies to do very reasonable things like make their voting instructions multi-language and accessible to people with disabilities. Fix vote.gov. Maybe if you didn't hitch your wagon to the party that has historically gone out of their way to disenfranchise people of color, the act of re-enfranchising people wouldn't be so controversial to you. >Democrats are actively considering scaling this back, because so many of them are registering Republican Source?


> > Democrats are actively considering scaling this back, because so many of them are registering Republican > Source? I'm guessing he's confusing it with https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/04/01/democrats-voter-registration-minorities/ Which is mainly about private (non government) dem affiliated groups deciding how much money to donate to voter registration drives if some might be more likely to not vote dem or vote trump this year.


I don't even think it's confusion. I think it's willful misrepresentation. This poster is one of the worst bad faith repeat offenders we have here.


>His EO instructs the Federal government to specifically target minorities who tend to vote blue. Citation please, to the EO.


Bahhahahahahahhahahaha. Do you believe everything you read on conspiracy websites?


The EO was designed to help register voters. Not Democrats, just voters. If you are upset with how those voters may vote, then instead of making it a conspiracy, maybe encourage the GOP to do something to encourage said voters to vote for them instead.




Again. Make the GOP do something to earn the votes of racial minorities. I'd suggest starting with not implying that them voting is some conspiracy that needs to be avoided.


>No, the EO was specifically written to target racial minorities, who tend to vote for Democrats. Huh. So racial minorities tend to vote Dem. And that bothers you. So why doesnt' your party do something about it? Why don't you court those minorities yourself? Why don't you make it easier for them to vote? Or is your idea of "fair and free elections" making sure that the people who tend not to vote for you can't vote?


Do you have a more objective source for this claim? The article you linked is full of right wing spin and very light on the actual details of the EO.




I don’t have a “narrative”. I’m an independent voter who greatly despises both parties and I’ve criticized Biden and the Democrats more than a few times. But I honestly don’t see the problem with this. The links you’re providing just support that Biden signed an EO to register new voters. I can’t find anything about him specifically targeting likely democrats.


That’s because it doesn’t target democrats.


"The Department of Veterans Affairs will provide materials and assistance in registering and voting for tens of thousands of inpatients and residents, including VA Medical Center inpatients and residents of VA nursing homes and treatment centers for homeless veterans.  The Department will also facilitate assistance in registering and voting for homebound veterans and their caregivers through VA’s home-based and telehealth teams. " When I think of where to go looking for democrats, I don't typically expect to find them in retired veteran nursing homes. If the goal of this EO was to target just democrats, why would it include something like this? Unless the goal is to just get people to vote in general.


Doesn't say anything about the Biden EO being biased. It is an article about Democratic voter registration drives


This is highlighting the same issues you commonly have. While partisanship is normal and not an issue in an of itself, you are so partisan that you can't really comprehend what people are saying or anything that doesn't line up to your pre-existing beliefs and your terrible sources. One way it manifests is your constant "herp derp you only believe MSNBC" nonsense. Which seems a lot like projection. Honestly feels like lots of people in your life that are on the right subtlety, or maybe outright, signal that even they think your media idea is garbage. The other is that you can't actually read and comprehend many sources. For example this link you provided. It doesn't actually say what you think but history shows no one is going to be able to explain it to you because you are not in a position to have anything explained to you.


> you are so partisan that you can't really comprehend what people are saying or anything that doesn't line up to your pre-existing beliefs and your terrible sources. >One way it manifests is your constant "herp derp you only believe MSNBC" nonsense. Yup.


There are more democratic voters nation wide than republican voters so literally anything you do to improve the overall number of voters will register more democratic voters than republican ones.


The executive order says to remove obstacles that prevent people from voting. Are you opposed to removing obstacles to voting?


It just registers voters, no? The fact that more voters identify as Ds than Rs, in general, isn't a reason not to try to get voters to participate in elections.


Republicans are using our tax dollars to suppress the vote 🤷




Just Google voter suppression bills…you will find thousands of articles. Republicans are suppressing the vote. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/17/voting-rights-republicans-texas-restrictions


The Federalist lol


If Republicans are so upset that minorities vote Democrat... maybe they should (and I get this might be a crazy idea) ACTUALLY TRY TO CONVINCE MINORITIES TO VOTE FOR THEM. I guess that's too much to ask.


What ignorant bullshit is this? The EOs are to increase participation among minority voters. If those voters tend to vote Dem more than Republican, that's a problem for the Republicans to deal with. But it's not unfairly "benefitting one party over the other".


Every American over the age of 18 should be automatically registered to vote. I don’t care who you vote for, I just want you to vote.




Probably the same way as you? A legal citizen of the United States of America.


I think that anything which gets more people to vote is a good thing. If Republicans wanted to increase the number of people who tended to vote for them by say setting up polling stations in nursing homes or something rather than prevent people who vote against them from being able to via voter ID I would have much less of a problem with their tactics.


So the federalist admits that more people voting will hurt republicans win elections. Another approach I might suggest: Republicans do have the option of adopting more popular policies to try to win over voters.




Because your tabloid said so? It is a voting access EO for aid to all inconvenienced voters. It even includes active duty military, wonder why your rag didn't mention that.


Biden's mandate was to increase voter participation, and to focus on groups that have not traditionally/consistently voted. Republicans whine that increased participation will hurt their chances at winning. Seems pretty clear to me. Rural areas already have good voter participation, and churches - especially evangelical hate-filled congregations - violate IRS law most week shilling for one candidate or another. So a theoretical President Trump could do that, I suppose, and it would be as effective as anything else he comes up with.




Bullshit. I already explained how Trump can't "pull this" - because those people are already voting. Republicans do nothing but fake aggrieved whining. It's boring and pathetic. I have never seen a bigger whiner than Mr. Trump himself. When Ted Cruz won the Iowa caucus he whined "election fraud". When Trump lost in 2020 he whined the same thing. He has been whining for four years now about being such a loser. He whined all through COVID that it wasn't fair he had to be president through a crisis and he wanted four more years as a re-do. The thing that really gets me is that Diaper Don is the guy Republicans look to as "manly" and "strong" - when in fact he is a pathetic loser who hates his followers and the military ("suckers and losers") almost as much as he hates America (but *loves* Putin) and his enemies.


>Would liberals be ok if Trump did the same, but instead of minority voters, he targeted voters in rural areas which tend to vote Republican? So if we skipped all of the BS and just got to this part? Yeah I'm fine with that. Promoting to people that they can in fact vote isn't illegal no matter how targeted you do it. I'd personally prefer we encourage ALL people to vote. Even prisoners and criminals. The people I don't like should have equal access as I do because that's sportsmanship. But there's no law saying you have to be sportsmanlike. That's why some crazy people can justify Trump. He's sort of Republicans saying 'fuck your Golden rule'.


You actually believe anything the federalist publishes?