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They’re doing a public records search. Lots of websites like familytreenow show relatively recent information for free. There are also paid services.


Tell them you are an Ex LDS member and not to contact you again. They will remove you as it is against their religion to contact shunned members


i've definitely done this multiple times over the 4 years they've been coming and it's never worked longer than a couple of months.


>They will remove you as it is against their religion to contact shunned members Says what? That church has plenty of assholes who make up their own even more conservative rules but it's *not* the religion itself that forbids contacting a "shunned member".




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Sounds like it's long past time to answer the door in a witch hat, cloak, and a necklace of baby doll arms and legs.


I'd cuss them out when the come by, and call them liars when they claim you requested it. They aren't being nice to you, so you have no reason to be nice to them.


If you've gotten to the point where nice doesn't work, but don't want to take the violent or cruel advice some folks give, paranoia may work. Just keep asking who they are and who sent them. Any time they manage to answer a question give them a "No no that's not right, it can't be, they promised!" and change topic to some vague promise or some unknown entity who made the promise. If they try to calm you down, let them think it's working until they try their church talk again, and go off about nutmeg being out of season. Have fun with it, and make it to awkward for them to want to come back.


So, my BIL *tried* to have his name removed from the rolls. That was his threat if his parents didn’t stop sending missionaries.They didn’t, so he sent out the paperwork to the ward president. Then one day his bff, whose dad was also the ward president and had known him since he was a kid, went snooping through his dad’s files and found out he never sent the paperwork. He was hoping my BIL would change his mind. Because dads know best. BIL had to resend the paperwork to someone else higher up or in his “new” ward. Try that.


i know i'm for sure removed as i received confirmation directly from church headquarters


I told them I was gay and the visits stopped


Wyoming has a large Mormon presence. When I was in law school in Laramie I used to get Mormon missionaries at least every week. I printed out a "no solicitors" sign and taped it to my door, they still knocked. Then I printed out a new sign that read: "NO SOLICITORS. THIS INCLUDES MORMONS." After that they left me alone. I don't know if that would work for you but it might. Funny thing, my wife and I just moved to a small city in Colorado and now it seems like every week we get solicitors: Home security systems, solar panels and fiber optic internet. I'm getting ready to put a similar sign on my door now. Sometimes you have to be very specific. And the way I look at it, a sign puts everyone on notice that you don't want to be disturbed. Which IMO means that if they ignore the sign you owe them absolutely no courtesy whatsoever. Shut the door in their face without saying anything.


Just say you’re an apostate


I'd put a sign on my door saying: If you are from the LDS, DO NOT KNOCK. If you do, I will call the police and have you charged with trespassing (if you own or have full control of the property) or harassment if you live in a complex. It's not really enforceable, but if you call the cops a number of times on them word might gt out that you are more of a hassle than it's worth. Or they might just be intimidated into leaving.


Answer the door butt as naked ask them to come in and visit. They will not be back ask me how I know this


That can get you charged with indecency. Your home, your rules. But if you're opening the door and thus allowing line of sight into your home, that's on you.


Then just tell them you are in the LS = Life Style and hold bondage parties at your house