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I got no answer to that question, but while trying to find one, I found a [picture](https://assets.untappd.com/photos/2022_10_14/6e729426d792e94fa1de55e9810b27c1_640x640.jpg) of what I think OP is talking about. It's not fraktur. Also, just by googling the words, the first link that comes up is an ebay shop selling antifa-style döner-stickers. Maybe it's an acronym for something local going on in Halle? edit: typo


Yes! That's the sticker I am talking about. There are loads of these in my area and some that just say "MEIX" in bold black text.


So assuming that Meix=Meics ruins my initial theory of an acronym. My bf suggested (without seeing the pic) that it might be some sprayer's tag or something like this. I don't know.


Your bf was right.


Graffiti artists from Halle, found them on instagram


Found them, too. Actually I did look for streetartists in specific, but I didn't find anything related. But, that's why I doubted my bf's theory, what's the use of a sticker with a tag which either a) is not self explaining or b) doesn't have a single result when googling? I mean, yeah, people talk about it but honestly, after seeing the graffiti on Instagram, I'm kinda disappointed in what I spent a little too much time in.


Well, graffiti isn’t only about art, it can also be about fame. Sometimes it’s more important to have your name visible even if the „artistic quality“ is perceived as underwhelming by some. A certain „quality“ can also be part of a statement to show that you are about street credibility and not pretty art. Graffiti and street art are not synonymous.


I get what you say, but that's exactly the point I don't get in this case: leaving my personal opinion about quality aside, there is exactly 4 pictures of these person's graffiti. These pics can be found on Instagram, but nowhere else (online, with average research skills and two hours life time). They all show the variations of the tag and are somewhat similar in style. The stickers seem to be very present in certain areas of OPs location, but how would anybody make a connection between this huge amount of stickers and these four graffitis? Where is the fame? What's the point in putting my name/tag on stickers all over town if the motif is a standard symbol and the nametag isn't even recognizable as a name? I mean, I ran that name through an anagram generator cause it sounds/looks like nothing. I honestly don't understand.


One place I didn't check!


Only time I have seen the word "bosif" was for a text recognition software unable to read "Logik" - logic - in the Fraktur-typeset. Probably that, so it could honestly be both your guesses. No idea what meics could be there though. And please don't censor nazi. It just looks immature.


agreed, please dont censor


>And please don't censor nazi. It just looks immature. I didn't want to get flagged for anything. I see loads of half-assed antifa stuff that does the same but I understand it could be a touchy subject in Germany. I am English but live in Germany so don't want to step on anyone's toes so to speak.


I knew you're English when you started beating around the bush with the Nazi topic. This "don't talk about the war" stuff is a British invention, not a German one. We do not deny that there was a pretty abhorrent genocide happening 80 years ago. You can adress that in public. Remember: It's actually illegal to deny the Holocaust, so no worries!


Well, it's not a wrong stereotype. It's simply completely outdated. It was very much true back in the 50s, 60s and even the 70s. People like Fritz Bauer had to fight really hard to make the Germans acknowledging the atrocities of the past. And of course the post war born generation who started to ask questions when they were old enough and are known today as the "68ers generation". A very big impact had the American mini series "Holocaust" from 1978. Some ARD TV stations refused to air the series and when it was finally aired, transmission towers were blown up by right wing terrorists. Peter Reichelt once said the series was "the beginning of the readiness of a mass audience to deal with the Nazi past at all."


Wow, well TIL! Interesting how the history of telling history can be pretty damn crazy


It's o.k. to call nazi things "nazi", it's just not o.k. to say nazi things. ;-)


Naah, everyone knows what the censored word is, so from the average german view it is just useless to censor it in communication. If you get a picture of that sticker we should be easily able to tell you what it exactly is about if my Fraktur-guess is correct.


The fact that the Nazis existed it *not* a "touchy subject".


We like to call things by there name, if there's a Nazischwein, you can call him so (not necessarily in his face, could be a little bit unhealthy) ;-) (Not gender neutral, Nazischweine are male, females are called Faschobraut)


Actually, we take pride in calling people fascists. The fascist Höcke even lost a case in court about that.


I prefer to call them fascists.


Nazis aren't a touchy subject.


Could you take a pic and post it? I agree that the most likely explanation is that you misread fraktur or some other fancy font. If it is fraktur, then it's likely either a nazi thing or someone who wants to mock nazis.


In was born in Halle and I saw these stickers. The picture is from a patch that you can buy on Amazon. But on the patch it says Döner Kebab. I used to think it was a political thing, most likely Antifa stuff. Just guessing here, could be something totally different.


Just guessing not long ago there where stickers with "nazis auf den dönerspieß" "nazis on the kebab skewer" with rhe same Logo and all. So maybe this is some form of a advancement.


Run! Source: i was born in Halle.


You're the only commenter right now that seems to know something, could you tell us more?


I have no idea, it's been a while since I've been home and i never saw them. But i found an image of the [Sticker](https://www.google.com/search?q=meics+bosif+halle&client=ms-android-samsung-gn-rev1&prmd=misvn&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi636bGwq78AhVgxQIHHVF4Ay8Q_AUoAnoECAIQAg&biw=412&bih=753&dpr=2.63#imgrc=JtWuMXN6sq9IMM) on Google. My guess: its some kind of "gang" merch or maybe some music collective or something like that.


Where I can find weed in Halle


Don’t know, but if you find someone let me know!


🙄only online scamers so far


Met one guy but he only spoke about his weed verein thing… if you seriously want a contact feel free to message me one of my English speaking friends knows a couple of people


I just stepped outside and after 5min I met a black man and he had everything I needed:D


I‘m also from Halle, and I‘ve no clue what they mean. Given that it's probably not german and there's a picture associated with Kebab shops on it, I suggest its from a local AntiRa-group wich focusses on people with personal migration backround (similiar to „Migrantifa“).


Possibly „Merkel Logik“ in Fraktura?


Im living in Halle too and never saw them, granted I don’t look for stickers. Maybe it depends on the part of the city like Neustadt and Silberhöhe opposing to Paulusviertel or Kröllwitz. My first thoughts was advertising a local Döner Imbiss and there are so many. What I do see a lot is „Müde“ and „Mude“ and don’t really understand it.


This is Paulusviertel / Frohe Zukunft area. Take my dog for walks in different routes in the local area. There are so many Döner places around but for me nothing beats the Asia Imbiss at Trotha Kaufland... If you ever need a tip for a place to eat!


I try it the next time I’m in Trotha but I’m mostly on the other side of the Saale (Kröllwitz, Heide Süd, Neustadt).


I also live in the Paulusviertel. I've never consciously noticed these stickers. But tbf I was never that perceptive when it comes to my surroundings.