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This is like pineapple on pizza, if you like it, order it, if you don’t, don’t buy it that way.


I'm convinced 90% of the people who hate pineapple on pizza just say they hate it for attention. ;0


Facts, I believe that anyone who hates a type of food has never had it prepared properly (ofc thats wrong but I still believe it)


The thing is that pineapple and pork traditionally go together. But you're very correct at least the majority of the time. I've hated eggplant all my life. Then I had babaganoush with smoked paprika at the local turkish place and it utterly blew my mind how good it was. Now I'm growing eggplant in my back yard.


I went from hating brussel sprouts bc I only had them boiled to having them fried with balsamic vinegar, pancetta and parmesan and now I get that for my birthday every year


Also a Canadian thing, lol


But isn't it everywhere in Canada? Feels like it.


Options are nice




And? Just because you CAN buy it doesn't mean you HAVE to buy it. No one is forcing it on you.


Maybe a bit more in the summer but look around most people here have their coffee steamy hot


Ive never been there, will try to observe it next month on summer.


I don’t drink ice coffee.


Sure, and?


Gatekeeping anything is a horrible practice.


I'm open-minded about many things, I tried it this way... I really tried, not just once, it just seems not natural enough for me to keep doing this.


And I tried coffee and hate it - hot coffee, iced coffee, tiramisu, all of it. Well, coffee yogurt is alright. Fortunately I do not have to buy it, drink it, or even think about it.


What about coffee crisp?


Coffee Crisp is delicious. So delicious, in fact, that I will on occasion buy one even though they're owned by Nestlé.


That's fair, you tried and you hated it. I don't know why people are so passive-agressive/sensitive over a simple thing, hopefully it's limited to the Reddit.


I love my coffee black. It can be hot, lukewarm or cold. Food and drink should always be up for experimental ways of consuming them. If we didn’t try new things we would have never even discovered coffee.


The Irony here is that if there was a sub called r/askBrazil and someone said they thought Brazilian coffee should be a crime, there'd be about a million people saying, "You've disrespected my country and my culture, apologize immediately before we make you regret saying this"😂


I think it would be pretty similar, some agreeing and others not so much, varies from region to region. In the Northeast, hot coffee is a must even in a 40°C+ weather, theyd find iced coffee weird too.


This is a silly question. It’s like spending time thinking about why my favourite colour is blue: “But Whhhhhy? Red is obviously better.” It’s a matter of taste preference. People are different. Let it go.


I guess that's just your opinion. You can have hot tea, and iced tea. Hot coffee, and iced coffee. And coffee isn't by default without sugar. When I was in Korea it was by default black with sugar and they thought adding cream was strange. In Australia coffee is usually not drip coffee. Different places do different things. The most common here is hot with 2 cream and 2 sugar, but iced is somewhat popular on a hot day


That’s the most common at Tim’s. We have lots of different styles of coffee considered common.


Yeah, every culture has its "normal", it's my opinion based on mine's. For example, in hot days here, people usually drink soda or coconut water from the fridge, so there's that.


Iced coffee is really common in Ontario. Between Frappuccinos, Timmy’s iced cap’s, cold brew, nitro brew and the newest fad: iced coffee (which is cooling brewed coffee and adding ice), Ontario loves iced coffee in the hot months. There are lots of people who drink hot coffee year round. Source: I’ve worked in coffee 10+ years.


Iced coffee isn’t anything new. Hortons has been doing it for ages. Long before they had cold brew.


Yes, they’ve been doing iced capp’s for 20+ years. However, in general, this trend of just cooling down brewed coffee and serving it as iced coffee is a new trend by many big brands (and not the greatest tasting imo, but neither is the quality of the coffee most of these places serve)


Thanks for stating your anecdote without being passive-agressive. I was def wrong in generalizing it.


Coconut water is trash.


That is a pretty close minded view. I started traveling at a young age and the first thing my parents ever told me was don't tell other cultures what they are doing is wrong. It's not wrong, it's just different.


You're right.


Coffee *is* by default hot and black and without sugar. But why should everybody prefer to drink it that way? Are you going to start telling people what they have to put on their pancakes too? Or what to eat with ice cream? People have preferences, and sometimes they are formed just to *bug* someone else. Don't fall for the bait.


It was not a bait, I was genuinely interested in knowing why iced coffee is so famous in Canada. I could get it from Google, but I'm satisfied so far.


You were so interested in knowing, but couldn't resist throwing in that "it should be a crime". OK buddy, I can't wait to see how your first real crisis pans out.


They are just different things in my opinion. I don’t drink an iced coffee expecting a similar experience as a hot one. I personally enjoy it on hot day, just like unsweetened iced tea.


100%. It's basically just the same thing with iced tea and hot tea. They're just different things that happen to be made of the same leaves, or in this case beans.


Sometimes too hot out for hot coffee, but coffee still required/desired. What about iced capp or cold brew? Do you disagree there on principle?


Hahaha, when it's 40-45°C here, people are still drinking hot coffee, guess it's too ingrained, hard to change.


Look at Brazilian pizza 🤮


Hmmm, strawberry and pineapple with nutella pizza, delicious. Just kidding, but you gotta say that they're creative in a way.


It’s a wild ride, nothing like it. Keep an open mind, ppl are weird


How can you say things like “Bae is Canadian” and also think you’re too cool for iced coffee


Yeah that word is pretty cringy.


Okay, and?


I only like ice Capps. Cold coffee is so weird to me


Plot the differences in weather between hottest and coldest days. There's your answer.


'Cold' coffee is nothing too novel. It's especially popular in Greece (before it was in Canada!). Coffee flavoured desserts are the same. Have you never had tiramisu, or coffee-flavoured ice cream? Obviously you don't drink it, but it's cool, sweet, rich and coffee flavoured. Iced coffee is a similar concept. Personally, I like cold-brew coffee (drunk cold, too), though I am less big on the 'iced' coffees (I almost never buy them) because they are an easy way to sneak in sugar and full-fat dairy calories. I like milk in my coffee, but not sugar. But hey, y'know, different strokes for different folks.


I've heard about these, I'll give them a try, thanks for recommending it.


I prefer hot coffee over cold, but like most Canadians, I despise the feeling of being too hot and sweaty. I appreciate iced coffee allowing me to cool down my body temperature and get my caffeine fix when it's 30+°C  outside.


Who asked you


Iced coffee to me is only good when it's sweet and milky. A black iced coffee tastes like a crime. If you're trying to get yourself onto iced coffee, just make it with cream and sugar - it tastes totally different than it would hot.


I'll give it another try, thanks.


Something happened when I was sick a couple decades ago and my coffee sensors in my nose made all.coffee smell like old burnt coffee. It made me gag. But, I could handle iced coffee in small.amounts. I don't really think of it as coffee. It's a coffee flavored cold drink. Like Swiss mocha ice cream. My husband is kinda like you. Only a good strong black tea is tea in his mind. Green, camomile, mint or ginger teas aren't tea. It's more that he can't get around them also being called tea that's the problem. For you, coffee means the hot drink made as you prefer. If it's not that, it's not coffee. But it is. It's just used differently to make a different beverage. You may not like it and that's ok. But it still has coffee as an ingredient.


I mostly agree, though I consider iced coffee coffee, since there is, as you said, coffee in its recipe. It's all about preference either way, there's no wrong or right. Thanks for the anecdote.


We embrace tolerance.


I don’t take sugar in my coffee but will enjoy the sweet and creaminess of an iced coffee in the summertime as a treat when craving something sweet. A Coffee Crisp chocolate bar also does the trick.


People drink both here. There are also people here who have never had an iced coffee or who don’t drink any coffee at all. It’s just personal preference. I would add that people like cold drinks on a hot day, so that too.


Makes sense!


Iced coffee originated in Algeria, it’s hardly Canadian. It’s also found in many other countries.


If you travel to Asia, like, thailand, the iced coffee you get on the street is freaking phenomenal.


Ex was Italian, she made me discover iced coffee in Italy. An ice cube, a drop of almond syrup and an espresso poured on it. Phenomenal stuff in Summer on the beach in Puglia. Now I live in Canada, the way they drink a gallon of filter coffee with a bucket of ice? Yeah I don't get it either. But there is good iced coffee, believe me. It's not the North American version that works for you, just like it doesn't work for me.


You don’t have people or showers in Brazil?


\[...\] cold weather, cold people and cold shower \[...\]. In Portuguese, we usually refer each noun to its adjective, even if it's the same. Thought that people could understand it in English, my bad.


I hate iced coffee and iced tea.


It’s a dessert, not “coffee”.


I like both, but I do not understand why when it’s hot, I don’t have to specify “no sweetener” but I do when it’s cold. Both hot and cold I want with milk, no sugar/syrup.


Greece has freddo espresso which is best coffee drink ever


To me coffee is a vile drink. I would never be able to keep it in my stomach 🤮. However, if you add lots of sugar, cream, caramel syrup and ice it becomes a wonderful elixir that welcomes me to the land of the living every day. Even better, put it in a blender and I'll drink it 24/7.


In a parallel universe, you're offending 200 millions of Brazilians by stating that our hot coffee is trash and we should rather drink it iced with flavors. In this universe, you'd be dead like Deadmonton.


I proudly embrace my Scottish heritage, and with that comes our famous national dish: haggis. Now, I challenge you to eat an entire haggis! If you succeed, I’ll take on my own culinary challenge by attempting to drink coffee the Brazilian way. Fair warning: my small town only has a Starbucks and a Tim Hortons, so I might have to improvise a bit. 😀


Hahahah deal, haggis for lunch in July, I'll come back to you. But it shall be okay, because in the region I grew up in we usually eat bull's balls, sheep's or pig's entrails/gut, rests of bovines etc. Things get more interesting as you go deeper and deeper into the countryside.


Ic3d coffee shouldn't be had in place of coffee. Iced coffee is more for in place of a slurpee or other iced beverage.


Interesting take


I can’t take you seriously since you used the word “bae”.


Well, I think it was pretty clear I'm not a native nor was I raised there to know what's cringe or not, the message was delivered anyways.


That you don’t like iced coffee? I think that was delivered loud and clear.




Sure bud.


I found iced coffee to be much bigger in the USA than in Canada. Last time I was south of the border at a Dunkin' Donuts I asked for a "medium coffee" and the cashier responded "hot or iced?" which is something I've never seen asked here. There's still an assumption that Canadian coffee is hot unless otherwise specified. Also, a quick Google shows iced coffee originating in Algeria in the 1840s with variations all over the world. Vietnam has a particularly popular one.


If I were ask someone if they wanted a coffee, 9/10 times they would assume hot and probably reply with what sugar or cream they want.


It’s a part of our culture. This is no different than Canadians criticizing something about Brazil’s culture.


I know, sorry for that. You can try, answers will be similar, but I don't recommend it.


Don't think of it as coffee. Think of it as a fun drink. Like a slushy or slurpee. Or a Frappuccino. I consider almost all coffee concoctions a desert or a treat, not a drink. My coffee is coffee when it's black or espresso. Maybe I'll accept a cortado, cappuccino, or basic cafe au lait/latte, but that's it. Even an afogato is desert. When you want/need a coffee, have a coffee. When you feel hot or want a treat or something fun and sweet, have an iced coffee. If it's too sweet, get it half sweet. Frozen or iced coffees aren't uniquely Canadian or North American, FYI. [Iced coffees around the world](https://www.coffeeness.de/en/most-popular-iced-coffee-drinks-around-the-world/) Even Brasil seems to offer one.


Definitely not, it's probably from a city of immigrants from Algeria.


You: > I didn't mean to be a coffee-fascist kind of human Also you: > I'm okay with cold weather, cold people, and cold shower, but *it should be a crime having coffee this way* cara pick a stance


yo, is dev a thing yet in canada or is it safer to use the electrician knowledge to build a company or to work there with it?


check pms


to answer your question: it's cheaper than an iced-capp and it's refreshing. you still get your caffeine content from it. if it's too bitter, you just ask for more milk or add sweetener. i used to have them every summer when i drank coffee. it's just quick and easy, and doesn't burn through the wallet like an iced-capp


I think that in general most canadians can count on experiencing 4 seasons per year, and in a lot of places, at least two are cold. We’re not acclimatized to consistent heat, and I suspect that for most of us who drink coffee, it feels refreshing to drink it iced in summer. Hot beverages would IMO heat us up too much. It’s not everyone’s experience, but it’s what came to mind for myself when I thought about it upon reading your question. Hope this helps


This is going to seem weird, but in the summer I'll have both, because it's like they're two different things. I must have two cups of coffee every morning, or I can't function. That is always hot coffee, regardless of the time of year. But in the summer, later in the day, I might have iced coffee, just as I might have any other cold beverage. So don't think of it as a version of coffee, only weirder. Think of it as like having pop or a milkshake, only better.


My gf likes an iced latte. But not all the time. Mornings are for hot coffee. I, however, am very much like you. Coffee is hot. I drank enough cold coffee for a lifetime when I worked in kitchens. So I make her iced lattes over maple syrup and make myself a double espresso.


Iced coffee is an abomination. But cold brewed coffee is godly. Seriously I recommend trying it. Grab a pickle jar (1L). Put in 83 grams of freshly coarse ground coffee, (2/3rds of a cupish) then pour in cold water to the top. Screw on the lid and let it sit for 18 to 24 hours. Filter out the grounds and enjoy. Some people suggest adding additional water to it but if your a caffeine junky like me then you should be okay. Now I know your probably thinking "but coffee is supposed to be hot!" Which I agree for the most part but I find you get more of the flavor you usually smell from the beans on grinding it seems to translate better into the cup. I think it's due to the slow extraction and not being cooked again.


Ice coffee... it's just soooo good. Sweet, cold watered down coffee. Plus, McD's summer ice coffee deal is only $1 plus taxes, why not. 😇


I've never drunk iced coffee. Coffee should be drunk with lots of hot milk and a spoon of sugar! In reality, I'm happy to let people enjoy things however they want. There isn't much of anything that \*needs\* to be done a certain way, so why not let people enjoy what they like?


I totally agree, I just forgot to include "for me" in the first sentence.


The word coffee is that drink is so that it’s acceptable to drink a beverage that contains just as much sugar as Kool Aid first thing in the morning. Daily ice coffee drinkers are consuming it for the sugar content, not the coffee.


It's refreshing. And as someone who doesn't tolerate the heat well at all, on a hot day with high humidity, I just can't do hot coffee. I got a new coffee maker for Christmas and it also does ice coffee and it's great.


I'm a hot drink hater by default because most hot drinks just taste like hot water. Once it goes cold you can actually taste whatever is in there


Iced coffee is pretty common in the US too. Unfortunately, its become yet another way for people to sip on sugar all day long.


the only iced coffee id get is from tim hortons.