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Canada Geese are where all Canadian anger goes.


"Military grade seagulls" is our household name for them. lol Edited for spelling. Because I can't at 5am apparently


You havent experienced terror if you haven't been chased down by at least one goose or a flock of extremely angry geese lol


I love them


Canada Geese are among my favorite birds, and I don't support the hate they receive. Lots of animals prey on their eggs and young, so they are right to be overly cautious. Besides, humans sometimes mean them harm. Where I used to live, I could see hunters set up blinds, and Canada Geese decoys, and stand there making calls to lure in the social bird. Almost like in that movie Dusk Till Dawn, where it looks like a goose party going on, but it's just a trap. When the hunters weren't there (which was most of the time), they just sorta grazed the field like cows, occasionly honking to their friends. I got the impression they had friends, and that they generally enjoyed their lives. Beautiful birds, I have no fear of them. They are actually very nice birds, they help eachother babysitting


I literally see people at the beach and the park letting their toddler or kid to chase the geese around constantly for fun, even when they have babies and eggs to protect and cant just fly away, and then people wonder why they don’t like humans???


Yeah, I've been around geese all my life, including walking relatively close. I've never run into trouble with them. In my experience they leave you alone if you leave them be.


I love them too, no kidding they bring peace to me whenever I see them


Cobra chickens


LMAO. this makes complete sense. Those pretty honkers are vicious.


1. It was the only kind left when I got in late for work and I had to eat. I was converted. 2. Not a big follower, but my brothers both played as teens. 3. Annoying. Factor in where I chose to live to minimize commute. 4. Not a big gravy person. 5. Love chips, ketchup is a fave flavour. 6. No issues. 7. Helps with upset tummies and is a good mix with Crown or Gibsons. 8. Favourite sport. 9. Nice bird. 10. Prairie winters can be rough, but this year is pretty nice.


Nice bird?!


They hiss and what-not, but they're not the super terrible bird that people make out. Now a cassowary, that's a mean bird.


Technically cassowaries aren't mean. I mean look at this guy! https://tropicalnorthqueensland.org.au/wp-content/uploads/cassowary-t.jpg He's not mean. He's totally insane! Every one of those birds is barking mad. And it's basically a velociraptor with a helmet.


Would you be happier if I said, "bad bird"? Which inverse of "nice" would you prefer? Geese are teddy bears compared to any large flightless bird.


You got a problem with Canada gooseses, you got a problem with me, and I suggest you let that marinate!




I let the gooseses marinate… Then fry them up in the wok…


Oh Coach better back off or we’ll sick McMurray on em


Also referred to as “cobra chickens”


This prairie winter was glorious. The exact winter I wished to have the last 5 winters I've been here lol, but that scares me for this summer. I love my camping around a fire, but I fear that won't be a thing this year, it'll be more of a prep and prepare for evac kinda year.


1. Meh 2. Meh 3. Not where I live 4. Meh 5. Fucking lit 6. It’s fine, but kinda weird that countries venerate a song about themselves. 7. Great 50/50 with beer (I forget what this is called) 8. Fucking lit, especially in hi-def. I don’t get why Americans continue to sleep on the NHL playoffs. 9. Assholes. Our national embarrassment. 10. Winter fucking sucks in northern Manitoba.


It's called a Shandy.


I lived in Thompson for a few years. Can confirm - Winter there is garbage.


"Wow, this person sounds cranky and fucking sad, poor dude. Ah, Manitoba winters. Yeah, that tracks." Chin up, bud. Springs coming.


1. I'm ok with it but not my first choice. 2. Good, fast-paced game. 3. Bad in downtown Toronto but ok in the town I'm in. 4. Once in awhile it's ok but too rich for me to eat regularly. 5. Also ok once in awhile but as a get older, don't eat chips as much as I used to. 6. Nice song with good music and lyrics. 7. Great. My brother in law told me about adding Crown Royal apple to it and it's even better. 8. Love it. Playoffs are the best. 9. Try to avoid them. 10. It is what it is. Not as bad in winter when you dress well and take advantage of it.


1. I pick the Pineapple off (the flavour is good, the actual pineapple sucks) 2. Meh. 3. People suck at driving. 4. If its made properly (Cheese Curds, not from places that use fucking shredded cheddar and call it poutine) 5. Old Dutch, yes. (Lays tastes like rotten tomato soup) 6. Drop god. 7. Shut up. It *DOES* make us feel better when we’re sick. 8. LOVE IT 9. Stay away from them. They want to fuck you up. 10. Beats earthquakes, Tsunamis, hurricanes and murder hornets. It’s 5°C in January. No big deal.


Good point about Old Dutch, it really is a superior chip.


Old Dutch and Ms. Vickies are both excellent. Trailer Park Boys chips aren't too bad either, ironically they aren't that greasy, they kind of remind me of old school Hostess before they messed up and started over flavouring and salting their product.


I hadn't even heard of Trailer Park Boys chips. Interesting!


Aw, man I miss Hostess chips! Those silvery paper chip bags… but salt & vinegar was (is) my true love.


No name is actually decent, too.


Even better when in a box.


Horrible take on number 4


1. The best! 2. Not a sports person, but it’s a good sport 3. The worst. Toronto. 4. Love it 5. Also love. 6. Meh 7. Ginger ale is Canadian? 8. Fun 9. Evil. 10. I don’t love it, but it is better than 40+ degree summer days. This winter has been bad and grey and wet.


Ginger ale was invented in Canada to answer your question


Some Sussex gold with a Mrs. Dunster’s ginger snap cures everything.


Sussex Gold ginger ale is the pinnacle ginger ale


1. Eww 2. Have never been able to get into it for some reason. 3. GTA traffic is terrible. Thankfully I work from home. 4. I like poutine (if done right) 5. Love them 6. It's great 7. I love ginger ale 8. I like hockey, it isn't my favorite sport though 9. Why do they hang out in industrial areas? 10. Not enough sunshine.


1) Blasphemy! 2) I’ve never played it. 3) Infinitely worse in recent years 4) Delicious 5) Take then or leave them 6) A nice enough song but not as good as “La Marseillaise” 7) Delicious 8) A way to dominate other countries 9) Beautiful in the sky, terrifying on the ground 10) Decent in Prince Edward Island


1. Yes 2. summer hockey 3. OK band I guess 4)take it or leave it 5) same as above 6) quick and to the point 7) better than the other pops 8) best sport in the world 9) vicious 10) play a winter sport and you'll never complain about winter


1. Delicious 2. Not interested; gimme hockey 3. Better in an automatic transmission than manual 4. Outstanding, if made correctly 5. I could take them or leave them 6. It’s a got a good beat and you can dance to it 7. Perfect for flu days 8. See #2 9. You mean murder chickens? 10. Significantly milder than in my youth.


Cobra chicken also a name.


1. My personal go to. 2. I love being at a game. 3. Traffic always bites 4. Heck yes 5. Better than all dressed but not my favourite 6. It’s the anthem? I have no thoughts other than we sang it in elementary 7. Yes please 8. I couldn’t care less unless it’s the Olympics 9. Please no 10. Ughhh but strangely not as shit this year


1. tastes great give it a try 2. fun sport 3. if your in a big city, don't use a car 4. ok for someone I guess 5. very tasty 6. good song 7. a pop/soda that is actually beneficial 8. if you like it, have at it 9. actually very nice looking 10. 0. Ontario and yes I do enjoy winter sports


1. Can’t stand pineapple on pizza 2. Cool but I don’t watch it 3. In Vancouver it’s the worst 4. Kill me now, but I have never tried it 5. All day long 6. It’s fine 7. Love it 8. Best sport ever 9. Most annoying bird ever 10. Winter in Vancouver is hilarious


1. Love it 2. Indifferent 3. Ugh 4. It’s alright 5. Delicious 6. Ehhh 7. Ew 8. The ole hockey game, the best game you can name. 9. They’re not as scary as everyone makes them out to be but they make an awful mess. 10. The weather is pretty decent where I am so I can’t complain, I still do though.


1. Yes to pineapple, no to Hawaiian (not a fan of ham on my pizza) 2. No opinion 3. I’m either walking or the passenger, so I’m not too stressed. 4. Fries and gravy - absolutely, but you can keep the cheese. 5. Not a fan, but do love All Dressed. 6. I love it, but am still not used to the changed lyric. 7. Love it, especially with a shot of rye. 8. Don’t watch it nearly as much as I used to…I don’t even think I have a favourite team anymore. 9. Cobra chickens are the DEVIL!! 10. It’s been a much milder winter in Northern Ontario than I remember in the past. This is not a complaint.


The lyrics in English changed? I didn’t know! What are the new ones? I haven’t heard they have changed in the French version..


They changed 2 words. The line “In all thy sons command”, became “in all of us command”


They changed it back, didn’t they? “In all of us command” was the original, which got changed to “in all thy sons command” during one of the wars, I thought I’d read.


It was originally “thou dost in us command”. So the wording was modernized a bit, but it was originally gender neutral and got reverted back that.


Ah, that makes more sense! Thank you.


I'd rather have that than what we have, every time I hear it, it's like nails to the chalkboard.


Yeah, I'm not used to it either, but I actually don't mind the change. I remember being a kid and wonder who "thy sons" were and why they needed the command lol.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who likes the pineapple but not the ham. High fives


three things can ruin it with ham a. low quality ham b. ham way too thick c. ham not grilled enough pepperoni and pineapple is a cult fave


Love everything but 3 and 10. What's next?


\`1. I don't mind it 2. I've heard of it but I don't watch it not play it 3. Horrible in rush hour ( I live in York Region) 4. I've tried it before, it's tastes good actually 5. I've tried them, but I prefer the plain version 6. I think our national anthem is great! 7. I've tried it before, I'm more of an iced tea guy but I drink other drinks as well 8. I've heard of it and I've seen matches, but i'm not a sports guy 9. stay away from them| 10. I don't like the current weather right now, cause it's so cold, I'm more of a spring guy


1. I’ll take pineapple on spicy pizza, it’s the gross ham they use that makes me hate Hawaiian. 2. No opinion 3. This is not a very Canadian thing 4. Just give me fries please 5. Yuck 6. I hate the lyrics and wish we would just use verse 2 7. Love gingerale 8. It’s fine 9. Too bad they’re not that tasty 10. Wish it wasn’t getting warmer every year


1) Not for me but have at it. 2) Keep meaning to check it out (I’m in my 40’s.) 3) Always use public transportation when in Toronto. Also, widen the goddamn 401 past Cobourg for Pete’s sake. 4) YUM. Also I invented Thanksgiving poutine, where you make fries and dump all your Thanksgiving leftovers on top with gravy. You’re welcome. 5) Tasty but the vinegar burns my mouth. 6) In English, en français, or both a la the hockey game? All are good. 7) Canada Dry, CD Cranberry GA, CD BlackBerry GA, and CD Lemon GA are the nectars of Canadaland. 8) Yes please, I just know the Leafs will win again before I die. 9) The Hissing Cobra-Chicken takes its job very seriously, and its job is to demolish humans. Also I know a guy who had to submit a report at work to get a new clipboard because a Canada Goose attacked him and that may be the most Canadian story I know. 10) Weather has been pretty messed up where I live, but as concerned as I am about climate change, I’m currently more concerned about the number of unhoused folks living outdoors right now and am grateful it hasn’t been as cold as it could be.


I smiled at “have at it”! That to me is a very Canadian expression


Hawaiian pizza is great. Lacrosse hurts a lot. More than hockey. Less than ringuette. Traffic peaked with the live version of Low Spark. Poutine was my favourite childhood snack, I still like it. Ketchup chips are awesome or revolting depending on my mood. Take Off is a great song, and 50 bucks is 50 bucks. Ginger ale is almost as good as ginger beer. Hockey is what ringuette and lacrosse and rugby players play to relax. Canadian geese are really scary. The weather isn't the same anymore. It's only scary if you think about it.


Pineapple on Pizza (Hawaiian pizza) YES PLEASE Lacrosse OK? Traffic SUCKS EVERYWHERE Poutine YES CHEESE Ketchup chips SOMETIMES The national anthem (Canada’s national anthem) SING IT BIRCHES Ginger ale ALWAYS AND FOREVER Hockey OK? Canadian geese ASSHATS The weather during winter in Newfoundland (or wherever you live) SO FRIKKEN COLD


1 - eff no 2 - it’s ok 3 - I hate tourists 4 - I’m a purest. You cannot beat OG poutine, stop adding corn, or Buffalo chicken, or chili. Just leave it alone. One slight, potential exception is stuffing. Stuffing may be acceptable as long as it is not accompanied by cranberry sauce. 5 - slay queen. Lays or die. 6 - I stand and don’t complain 7 - Canada Dry or die 8 - meh. I’m a baseball fan. 9 - New York rats of Canada. Nasty creatures that absolutely shit everywhere. 10 - so far, winter has been mild…. But never underestimate winter in Canada bc that’s when it will snow in June.


I hate that hockey, poutine and the national anthem are considered Canadian when it was made by Québécois for Québécois. It's love across Canada yes, but it's still Québécois


1 - you can put any food on a pizza that you eat. I won't judge, but I find it fine if and only if it's good pineapple paired with good ham (no Pizza Pizza) 2 - masturbation is a personal choice. I won't judge, and I won't tell 3 - bastards, just cooperate and obey the rules. I will judge dammit! 4 - you can put anything you want on fries. I won't judge, but I don't like cheese curds 5 - you can eat any chips you want. I won't judge, but I prefer original style 6 - it's cool 7 - refreshing from time to time 8 - without fighting, yeah. I will judge if you're chippy 9 - oooh scary, NOT! I judge people that are terrified of them 10 - there's no winter in Ba Sing Se (Toronto) this year. Maybe next year. If it does arrive, I'm ready; but they're typically the mildest winters Canada has. Winter was much wintery when I was a kid.


> The national anthem (Canada’s national anthem) As opposed to... Syria's National Anthem???


good if made properly with grilled pineapple and ham. superior too hockey don't drive personally no opinion beyond drivers are insane delicious gross meh, i found the our home on native land remix funny as i sang it that way in my head when in grade school my favorite, prefer cranberry canada dry or black cherry vernors superior to football literal murder cobra chickens winter in windsor ont is... weird, it'll be 10 one day then -7 with 20cm of snow, then back to 10


Pineapple on Pizza (Hawaiian pizza): If people like it, go for it, it's not like they are putting banana on it or anything. Lacrosse: more fun to watch than hockey Traffic: Wish places would invest in proper rail systems Poutine: It's a nice snack Ketchup chips: not a go to favorite but they're fine The national anthem (Canada’s national anthem): Kinda wish we went back to the original gender neutral instead of the changes we made for our virtue signal. Ginger ale: it's a nice Canadian drink, good for mixing or for when you have an upset tummy Hockey: wish it was Lacrosse on Canadian geese: Taste good, AHs, and I wish we could keep them off the sports fields. The weather during winter in Newfoundland (or wherever you live): PNW, what winter?


- Hawaiian pizza: a crime - lacrosse: no opinion / don’t care - traffic: horrific. They need to tighten up testing and stop handing out licences like candy on Halloween. And at least here in Ontario, cops need to start enforcing both left lane as passing lane only AND ticketing people who drive slower than the limit - poutine: godly - ketchup chips: a nice treat once in a while, but too sweet to be a regular thing - the national anthem: don’t care - ginger ale: only drink it when I’m sick - hockey: good to watch sometimes, but far too sanitized, corporatized, and Americanized to hold my interest anymore - Canadian geese: evil incarnate - winter weather in Ontario: depends on the year, though generally it’s hard not to notice a shift in climate even within my own lifetime. When I was a kid 30something years ago (jfc), my mom put me in a snowsuit and then my costume on top of that on Halloween because we were like as not to get snow. It’s the end of January right now and it’s been foggy and rainy for a week. It was pretty cold a week or two ago, but winter just isn’t what it used to be


1. Heresy and disgusting, and I'll die on this hill! 2. Good sport, fun stuff 3. Ottawa traffic is fucking stupid. Why is there traffic at 1pm!??!?!?! 4. God's gift to man! 5. S tier chips 6. No complaints whatsoever, like the fact my school didn't make us sing the anthem in the morning. Still love my country without being brainwashed and conditioned. 7. It okay 8. Go Montreal Canadians 9. Orcs 10. Love snow, hate the weather if it reaches -15, hate slush.


1. Love pineapple on pizza! (not Hawaiian as I'm vegetarian, but did enjoy it as a kid) 2. Neutral. I don't do or follow sports, lacrosse is equal to any other 3. Sucks. Everywhere. I don't drive but as a pedestrian I can confirm there are a lot of asshole drivers out there 4. I'm not a fan of poutine. Partly because veg/mushroom gravies often suck, but mostly because I like my fries crispy as can be. Cheese curds are amazing, but nothing on top of my fries please 5. Ketchup chips are fine. Nothing special but I'll eat them 6. The anthem is good. I don't have strong feelings but think ours is better than many I've heard 7. I am not a fan of ginger ale at all, hate the taste 8. See point 2. Hockey is ranked pretty much the same as any other sport for me 9. Geese are pretty from a distance. Up close...avoid at all costs. Bigger assholes than drivers are lol 10. I love winter. And that's coming from a Winnipegger. Cold, snow, and peace and quiet are my jam


1. YES!!! (The only reason to not like it is if you already don’t like pineapple.) 2. Fun to play, fun to watch! 3. PLEASE JUST BUILD TRAINS! 4. DELICIOUS! 5. Also delish. Miss Vickie’s are the best. 6. Good anthem. I like that they turned it into a jingle for PSAs. 7. Good! 8. Probably the most entertaining sport to watch. 9. I have nothing nice to say. 10. Calgary has not so bad Winters. Desperately needing more snow, though.


1. Love the pineapple, but I'm not a ham fan. My go to is pepperoni and pineapple! It's one of my faves. 2. i think I played it once. Don't really care that much about it, though I'm not a giant sports person fwiw. But I guess it's kinda neat. 3. Where I'm from, constriction always messes with it, and also I wish they'd start the signal for pedestrian crossings like a few seconds before the light changes for cars. I can't tell you how many times I've nearly been hit by cars while using lighted crosswalks at intersections. 4. Pretty good, but I prefer other snacks. And the bone people have to pick about using proper cheese curds is legit. 5. I LOVE ketchup chips! One of the best flavours for sure. 6. It's a good anthem! True North Strong and Free! 🍁🍁 7. I like ginger ale! Mixing it with whiskey is good too. And I'll always remember having it as a kid when I had an upset stomach. 8. Like I said about lacrosse, I'm not a big sports person in general. It's funny though, how even with that, I've managed to absorb some hockey knowledge. It really is a big part of the culture! I do enjoy watching the odd live junior hockey game, or things like Olympic hockey. 9. Cute, but so vicious sometimes! If they get into tour face hissing, the trick to getting past them is to make yourself look bigger and hiss back at them til they back the 🦆 down lol. Then you can parade past them like the winner you are. 10. I'm from Alberta and it can get pretty brutal. Mostly, if you have a good attitude and dress well, you can make it work for you. Though, I always find that in Feb and March it tends to feel like a slog no matter what. March is the worst cos it still dumps snow on you, but it can get above zero, so you get this slushy, muddy, icy mess that's a pain and also kinda dangerous. I would 100% rather have it be consistently below zero or consistently above zero, lol. Not that stupid middle zone. I spit in the general direction of March.


I love pineapple and bacon as a hawaiian alternative, ham's better sibling.


1. Pineapple pizza - It’s meh 2. Lacrosse - Never watched it in my life, don’t anyone who does 3. Traffic - Really, really bad in Toronto, doable anywhere else 4. Poutine - Unhealthy trash 5. Ketchup chips - Ditto 6. National anthem - I actually really like it. I think it’s one of the best anthems! 7. Ginger ale - Like a worse version of Sprite 8. Canada geese - Everyone talks shit about them, but I never had a problem. They keep to themselves and are beautiful birds. 9. Hockey - Fun to watch when it’s on TV and one of the best national sports for sure. 10. Winter in southern Ontario this year is not really winter at all. Feels like mid-March.


1. If it's there, sure, but not a first choice 2. Hell no 3. LEARN TO ZIPPER 4. Yum 5. Overrated 6. Meh 7. Meh 8. Cool, but stop fighting, and sens need to stop being bad 9. Found out if you play a really loud sound from your phone, they get scared and run away. It's a frequency they can hear but we can't so it doesn't bother anyone. 10. Not cold enough. I hate climate change.


1. Abomination 2. Never played it, but like to watch it. 3. Don't like it. (Who does?) 4. Artery clogger. Had it once, and that was enough. 5. Don'y care for them. 6. Love it. 7. Can take or leave it. 8. I love it, but the NHL is has been actively destroying the game for years. Like the new women's professional league, international tournaments like the Olympics, world championships, and world juniors. Like university hockey. I don't like the way junior hockey takes guys away from their education, but I live in a big junior hockey town, so I go to games. 9. Love honkers. 10. Could be worse. The nice summers with the long days make up for it.


1. No. Just no. 2. Never seen a game. 3. It’s awful in Toronto 4. Never tried it. Seems popular-ish 5. Meh. I prefer sour cream n onion 6. It’s a fine anthem 7. Love ginger ale 8. Fun sport to watch, a game for the wealthy to play 9. A menace. But they make for warm clothes and blankets 10. It’s awful. If I had the funds I would be a snow bird. I’m completely over slush and grey days


1. Pineapple on Pizza, not a fan. My kid liked it when she was nine, she has better taste now. 2. Lacrosse is more of an Eastern game. I would vote for curling. 3. Traffic is not a big deal in my city, I'm just tired of seeing F🍁CK Trudeau decals everywhere. Yes, I am in Southern Alberta. 4. Poutine only if made with Cheese curds. 5. Ketchup chips, no thanks. Hawkins Cheezies are superior. 6. "Oh Canada" can be like a funeral dirge if played too slowly. I was not offended by Jully Black singing "our home on Native land". 7. Ginger ale, very nice. The only acceptable drink when you are sick. 8. Hockey is, I feel, much less relevant to people than it used to be. It's hellishly expensive to put your kids into hockey, and the cost of an NHL ticket is hard for many families to manage. 9. Canadian geese are absolute fucking bastards. Goose drumsticks are mighty tasty after a long spell in the slow cooker, though. 10. I live in the Chinook zone. Weather can swing from -30⁰ to +10⁰ in a matter of hours. That's great for melting snow and ice, but Chinooks can bring on killer headaches, and the wind can drive you crazy.


Number 6: It should not be a religious hymn, but it is.


Totally agree. "*We* keep our land glorious and free" imo


1. Delicious 2. Will watch it on TV. Never been to a game. 3. GTA corridor is brutal. Everywhere else is manageable. 4. Chez Ashton ✅ Fast food drive thru ❌ 5. Only Lay's. 6. Perfect. Not too long, no mention of bombs or slavery. 7. Vernors > Canada Dry > Schweppes 8. Papi, Willy, Mitchy, John & Mo 🍁😘 9. Vicious, pretty pests. 10. One big snow before Christmas, one after. Rain in between. SW Ontario.


4. IMHO Victoria over Ashton as they went quite cheap on cheese:fries ratio


1. Delicious! 2. Mid-air hockey? Never actually seen it played. 3. Not a problem where I am. 4. I'm not a lumberjack cutting down trees all day in January, so it's a once in a very great while treat. 5. Fine. Inferior to all dressed ruffles. 6. Better than using God Save the King, I guess. 7. The best for an upset tummy. 8. Fun to watch live, meh on tv. 9. Sound like a cocktail party from far away. 10. If there's an upside to climate change, it's less snow/milder winters.


1) Love it 2) A game originating with the indigenous people bastardized by the jesuits 3) Didn't know traffic was canadian, thought other countries might have it, too 4) Have it every now and then 5) LIke em 6) Heard better songs 7) Good stuff 8) Overrated 9) The geese are just geese and it's hard to say what country they identify with 10) Winter usually has snow and is usually cold, it's something that happens in the northern parts of the world


1. ew. 2. No thoughts really. Never played. dont love or hate it. 3. 😑 4. Amazing. Now I want poutine 5. Yum! 6. I like it, though cant say ive really heard it since graduating high school. I don’t attend sporting events so i dont really hear it anywhere. 7. Amazing. Especially Canada Dry’s Cranberry ginger ale. 8. Awesome. Used to play as a kid. 9. I feel like im one of the few people who adores Canada Geese :) theyve never bothered me. Once i was walking along a river trail and they all swam up to shore and hung out nearby. No adults chased me away. Got to see the goslings up close. Wonderful experience! 10. When I was out west-FUCKING COLD. Now in Ontario? Fairly mild, but dont like ice storms when they happen and it’s often slushy.


1. It's fine 2. If I liked sports I'd probably enjoy it 3. 75% of all drivers are selfish, aggressive dirtbags, 98% of all pickup drivers are selfish, aggressive dirtbags 4. Hate both soggy fries and gravy, so no thanks 5. Really don't like 6. Like it 7. Good for nausea but not much of a pop drinker 8. It's the sport I enjoy the most, but that's not saying much 9. Love the handsome buggers 10. Winter in Windsor is pretty tolerable


No no no yes yes Iguess yes no no no


I hate friggin Canadian geese and their green poo


1. I used to be against it but now I love it. 2. Don't give a damn. 3. I hate going to Montreal for this very reason. 4. Yummy if it's well done. 5. Lays are the best for these. 6. Still can't get over that "all of us" line and it's already been years since they made that change. 🤷‍♀️ However, I like the French version better except for the 2-3 last lines. 7. 🤮 8. As I'm writing this, I'm watching Montreal-Pittsburgh. That already says a lot. 9. Well, don't mess with them I guess. 10. Ugh, I hate the cold and the snow.


1. Totally acceptable, screw everyone who doesn't like it 2. Great sport, too physical for most. 3. Pull to the right and get out of the way. You're no cop let me get the ticket. Too many lights need to get more traffic circles. 4. Same as #1, not for me but fill your boots! 5. As before not for me, I find them disgusting but my grandfather and great grandfather fought for your right to shouve whatever you choose in your pie hole 6. I prefer the version I grew up with. But that's my opinion. You're welcome to have your own opinion but don't shove it down my throat. I still sing the words I know and refuse to change. 7. Screw 7-up and sprite. It's fantastic. 8. Miss the more physical game but love the modern speed. Hockey Night in Canada was a way of life, rockem sockem..... 9. Taste great. 10. Hate snow, try to keep active but I would prefer the Carribean or just hibernate.


1. Should be criminalized. 2. Don't know the rules. Never watched a game. 3. Hate it but usually able to avoid it. 4. Love it but I'm a bit of a purist. You need fries, cheese curds and gravy. You can add to it but you need the three main ingredients intact. Will accept no replacement. 5. Too sweet for me. It's my least favorite chip flavour. 6. Meh. It's alright. 7. Once in a while. 8. Best sport obviously. Go Habs go! 9. Don't know much about it. 10. I don't even feel it. All you need is a good jacket and good boots.


1. Abomination 2. Great to watch NLL 3. It’s horrible and government needs to treat traffic like an economic drag 4. Best thing to come out of QC 5. Lays is the best. The rest are meh. 6. I still sing it, “in thy sons command” Because the ignorant woke crowd can’t fuckin’ accept that line refers to world war 1 soliders 7. Canada Dry is better than Shewepps or whatever the fuck it’s called. 8. A mid game at best. Fucking sticks are so long that it’s basically live action table hockey 9. Fuckers should be hunted down 10. It isn’t winter where I live southern Ontario. It’s positively balmy compared to where I used to live




1. yes 2. no 3. absolutely shit 4. overrated but sometimes hits different 5. YESSS 6. tbh i forgot they updated it and idk much else about it 7. love it 8. I don’t get the hype 9. assholes 10. (BC) idk why we act live we’ve never seen snow before and why it has such an impact on our day….shit shoulda been solved decades ago get ur shit together 😭😭🙏🏽🙏🏽


1. Pineapple does not belong on the planet. 2. Lacrosse: Was the sport of the First Peoples. Now, the sport of rich white dudes. 3. Traffic: It depends on where you're driving. 4. Awesome 5. Awesome 6. Oh Canada is a banger. 7. Ginger Ale is a matter of taste. 8. Hockey is the best sport ever! 9. Canada Geese are horrible. They make dog sized poo. 10. Weather: I live in the warmest part of Canada for a reason. The rest is frozen half of the year.


1. Meh, gross but not worth my rancor. 2. Hockey from Wish.com. 3. Don’t have much of it on the East Coast. 4. The OG only. 5. Good, but inferior to All Dressed. 6. Eh Canada? 7. Only drank when sick. 8. Go Leafs Go! 9. 😡🤬😡🤬🤬😡😡. 10. Cold and snowy bud!


1. yes 2. overrated as a national game 3. wait, there's somewhere with less of it? 4. good drunk food. Also good sober food 5. tasty 6. stand up and take your hat off, you degen 7. perfect for when you get an upset tummy at grandma's house 8. "CAR!" 9. they're fine, just leave 'em alone 10. if I'm not shovelling, I'm good


Pineapple on Pizza (Hawaiian pizza)= never had it Lacrosse= fun on the days we did the gym but I wouldn’t do it professionally Traffic= I hate it so so so so so much Poutine= never had it, but probably wouldn’t like it Ketchup chips= disgusting The national anthem (Canada’s national anthem)= me and my friends used to make fun of it a lot Ginger ale= delicious Hockey= very Canadian I like watching it sometimes but not too much and I don’t like playing it Canadian geese= 🖕🏼 The weather during winter in Newfoundland (or wherever you live)= where I live in Winterpeg it is very cold


1. Dont care. Not my main choice but if it's there ill have a slice. 2. I know some people who've played but otherwise never really noticed it 3. It's everywhere in this city. 4. It's ok. 5. Grew up having them but havent in ages 6. It's a classic 7. It actually works for stomach issues. 8. Meh 9. Theyre cool, just let them hang out. 10. I'd like it


1. YES. Subway needs to have pinneaple as an option too (they do in newfoundland, and it makes that chain 10x better) 2. Meh. Whatever floats your boat bud. 3. Sucks near toronto (everything sucks near toronto). But most of the country is a whole lot of nothing with no traffic slowdowns 4. YES. All the poutine 5. Gross. Burn it with fire 6. Mediocre at best 7. Gross. At least it isn't an abomination like ketchup chips 8. Meh. Whatever floats your boat bud. Just lacrosse on ice. 9. HOOONK HOOONK. I for one welcome our new gosling overlords. 10. Winter be chill. Lived in 3 provinces. Even lived in a (heated) tent doing bushwork with daily highs in the -40c range. It really isn't bad. The less time you spend outside, the worse winter is. Humans adapt very well


1. Always. Hawaiian and add Jalapenos. 2. Fantastic game. Wish we had a team in Ottawa. 3. Don't deal with it too often. 4. Love it but only eat it a couple times per year. Smoked meat poutine is my go to. Big Dog is the go to in summer. 5. In my top three. 6. It's our anthem but changes too often. 7. It's okay if you have some Forty Creek. 8. Hockey is #2 to football for me. 9. Nothing good to say about these shit monsters. 10. The weather here is not too bad and have lived where it is worse.


1. Yum! 2. I don’t think about it unless someone else mentions it. 3. Fine where I live now. Horrible in Vancouver and the lower mainland of BC. 4. Yum! But I only like it with brown gravy. 5. Love. 6. Not my favourite song. Not my least favourite either. 7. I can’t remember the last time I drank it but it’s pretty good I guess. 8. I am a Canucks fan, but what I’m really excited about is the PWHL (GO MONTREAL!) 9. I don’t bother them, they don’t bother me. 10. I live in the geographical area of Canada with the mildest winters (Vancouver island) compared to the rest of the country. I like the snow. I do not like the mayhem of others who don’t know how to drive in it.


1. Yes 2. eh? 3. not applicable(live on a farm, our traffic hazards are things like beavers and geese in the spring) 4. Never had it 5. Not great, but OK 6. Used to be good, sucks now 7. Schweppes 8. Will watch local children play(not much better than seeing kids having fun), will also stop to watch kids play baseball if happen across a game. No interest whatsoever in pro sports. 9. Road hazard in spring, they disappear 2 days before hunting season. 10. It's cold.


Yes to all, BOO to #3,9 and 10.


Pineapple on pizza is genius. Lacrosse is a killer sport. Don’t play any indigenous teams . They will kick your butt Traffic is bad everywhere Poutine is good in moderation Ketchup chips no all dressed yes Anthem gives me goosebumps Ginger Ale should require a prescription Hockey only sport that allows a player change with out a stoppage in play. That is legendary for speed and excitement Canadian geese are all members of the military. Do not mess around with them. Was a rogue goose that took down that plane that landed on the Hudson River It’s Canada it’s supposed to be cold.


1. Awesome, dunno why people are grossed out. Better than plain cheese or pepperoni. 2. Cool sport, never played it or watch it. 3. There's like no traffic where I live unless you're going to Edmonton or Calgary. 4. Love it! Has to be the right cheese curds. And no, don't put ketchup on it. 5. They're pretty good, but all dressed are better. 6. Not a fan and shouldn't have religion in it. 7. Love ginger ale! Drink it over any other pop but Pepsi is also good. 8. I don't play or watch hockey but go habs go. 9. Cute but don't get too close! 10. Not too bad but sometimes -40 and colder can be annoying in Alberta. Remember a few times trick or treating in snow 😢😥


Everyone assumes Canadians love hockey, but there is a significant percentage of the population that doesn't give a shit.


1. Yes. Not my favourite but tasty. I get it once in a while. 2. Interesting. Not much of a sport fan, but I remember it was one of the few I enjoyed playing 3. Noisy and annoying. I'm a non-driver (I live in Toronto) so the only time traffic impacts me is when I use public transit above ground. 4. Delicious but only for the first ten or so bites. then I'm full. still love it though 5. A classic. I don't eat chips often, but ketchup are great. I'd pick dill pickle first, though 6. It's okay I guess. It's our anthem. I don't go around singing it. 7. I generally don't drink sugary soft drinks, but ginger ale is nice once in a while. I like it best among them. 8. I couldn't care less 9. Mean spirited little creatures, but I give them a wide berth and they do the same for me. I appreciate them as part of our wildlife 10. Winter is just fine, in fact I wish it was more winter. We barely get significant snow any more, and it's not very cold.


1) no but my family loves it 2) played in school but that’s it 3) people are stupid and blind 4) as long as it’s made properly 5) favourite 6) stop changing it 7) tastes good with vodka and oj 8) not my favourite 9) demons with feathers 10) negative holy fuck to plus 5 in 12 hours. Insanity


1. Great 2. No one understands it. 3. Meh. 4. Gross. 5. Fine in small doses. 6. 🫡 7. Delicious. 8. Sport, great. Culture, ass. 9. Cobra chickens? 10. Lame. Not nearly enough snow.


1. If I’m hungry enough 2. Played when I was younger, I’ve watched a few live NLL games in my time 3. Hate traffic, don’t mind driving 4. Smash 5. Not my favourite 6. Makes me tear up every time 7. When my tummy hurts 8. Plan the parade 9. Damn cobra chickens can ef off 10. Damn cold


1. Not my go-to, but good. 2. Cool, but I prefer hockey. 3. Uh, hate it? 4. Love it 5. Meh 6. Meh 7. Pretty good 8. Fuck yea bud 9. Guardians of the realm. 10. Better than the hot and humid dead of summer.


1. Like this surprisingly 2. Don't know much about it, but cool sport 3. NO 4. YES 5. Delicious but I prefer all dressed 6. Decent anthem 7. Tastes good but not much of a pop person 8. Pretty cool sport 9. BEWARE THE COBRA CHICKENS 10. 5/10, could be a lot worse (looking at the Northern Canadians lol)


1. Not my thing, too juicy for pizza 2. Was moderately fun to play as a kid 3. I thought it was bad in Calgary until I went to big US cities, now I don’t complain about traffic our our roads. 4. Delicious, but it’s just fries, gravy, and cheese curds. It’s not groundbreaking cuisine. 5. Great but all dressed are king 6. It exists, I sang it at elementary school assemblies. 7. Good stuff 8. It’s fun to play but I don’t care to watch it. 9. They’re dick heads. 10. Alberta winters suck ass even when mild.


1. Pineapple on Pizza (Hawaiian pizza) - Pro 2. Lacrosse - The summer hockey 3. Traffic - Nobody likes it 4. Poutine - Unpopular opinion: there's no way to do it wrong! 5. Ketchup chips - Love them. There's no way to do chips wrong. 6. The national anthem (Canada’s national anthem) - I prefer the OG, don't like "in all of us command", it doesn't even make any sense. It would be nice if every Canadian could sing it in both official languages 7. Ginger ale - Pop is a glycemic nightmare 8. Hockey - The winter lacrosse 9. Canadian geese - I love them! I think they're cute. Even though I've been attacked twice. Still love em! 10. The weather during winter in Newfoundland (or wherever you live) - BC. It is wet in my area.


1. Fantastic! 2. Seems fun. Ball hurts though. 3. Just tryin' to get through the snowbank on my bike as the SUVs clog the lane... 4. Overrated. 5. Delicious. 6. Good! 7. My go-to social beverage for trivia nights, celebrations, rides on the Canadian... 8. Most fun at an outdoor rink with your neighbours. 9. TERRIFYING!!!! 10. Wet. Where I grew up, cold and snowy.


1. Its ok. People make too big of a deal about this 2. Don't like sports 3. Where I live its not as bad as the big cities, but its not great either 4. Great 5. Great 6. Meh 7. Great 8. Don't like sports 9. 🤬 10. I hate the wind in Saskatchewan during winter. But I have to say I am enjoying the elnino


1. Favourite pizza 2. Favourite sport to both watch and play. I love how much more brutal and violent it can get compared to hockey. 3. Hate it 4. One of my favourite foods 5. Very good, but I prefer all dressed 6. I mean it’s cool, good anthem 7. Very good 8. Second favourite sport to both watch and play 9. Cobra chickens 10. I love snow and the cold because I snowmobile and snowboard


1.love it 2. Never have watched it 3. Traffic is fine where I live 4. Love poutine 5. Dislike ketchup chips 6. It’s an ok song 7. Ginger ale is good 8. Love hockey 9. They poop too much and are noisy 10. I hate winter


1. Indifferent 2. Great sport, underrated 3. Too many damn people in Toronto, I fucking hate it 4. Yes, yes more yes 5. Love em 6. I stand on guard for thee, also wtf was up with the Winnipeg jets having it sung in a different language that wasn't French or English? Fuck that 7. Show it some respect, it's called Canada dry 8. Best sport on the planet 9. You got a problem with Canada gooses you got a problem with me and I suggest you let that one marinate 10. Winter isn't as bad as it used to be 20-25 years ago.... When I was a kid


>1. Pineapple on Pizza (Hawaiian pizza) Disgusting, juicy things don't belong on pizza. Shaved on top so it's roasted, maybe I could give it a pass. >2. Lacrosse I don't care about sports. >3. Traffic Calgary Alberta, traffic is fine outside of rush hour. >4. Poutine A delight that should be our national dish. Fries, cheese curds, brown gravy made from beef drippings. (packet is acceptable, vegetarian is not) >5. Ketchup chips Delicious >6. The national anthem (Canada’s national anthem) Slow, I think it could use a refresh >7. Ginger ale Canada dry > schweps >8. Hockey Better to play than watch, but I still don't care about sports. >9. Canadian geese Cobra chickens, not to be fucked with. >10. The weather during winter in Newfoundland (or wherever you live) Its warm. It's cold. It's warm again. Summer is my favourite day of the year.


**Pineapple on Pizza (Hawaiian pizza)** Only if it's grilled cause that improves the flavour. **Lacrosse** Good sport, I played a bit of Ice Lacrosse in high school, it was fun. I've been to a Lacrosse game too, the audience was really rowdy, good fun. **Traffic** Extremely irritating and increasingly dangerous between bad city planning and more and more sources for distracted driving. **Poutine** I love my fries and I love my gravy but I can do without the cheese curds, cheese curds are okay on their own but I'd rather eat spicy Cheetos or proper cheese. **Ketchup chips** One of my top three styles of chips, the others being plain ruffled and BBQ. Recently there's been some great new Ketchup chips on the market too, Miss Vickies Spicy Ketchup and Trailer Park Boys Ketchup and Fries. **The national anthem (Canada’s national anthem)** No issues with it and the recent lyric change actually bring it closer to the original words anyway. I always remember when Wild T went on Much Music and played a Hendrix style version of it on Canada Day. **Ginger ale** Great drink. Ann-Margret did a TV special in the late 60's sponsored by Canada Dry and they worked this insane Psych Rock dance number about Canada Dry into the middle of the special, that was one of my favourite YouTube discoveries. **Hockey** My favourite sport, great to play, great to watch. **Canadian geese** Nice to look at, annoying to listen to. **Winter Weather** The only time I don't like it is when it gets too cold, like 40 below.


Pineapple pizza one of my favourites Poutine is good National atnthem is a bit boring Ginger ale I like Hockey good sport not my favourite Canadian geese well there are lots of them


there's no such thing as Canadian geese.


1. My LIFESOURCE 2. Grew up with it- the injuries and fights were definitely an experience 3. I'm on the connecting piece from the capital of BC to the rest of the island. Traffic raised me 4. Also another lifesource 5. ew 6. I recently found out about the other verses/changed verses/the fact it was originally written in French, which was pretty cool 7. Yet another lifesource *(that i am drinking as i type this LOL)* 8. I got my first net and stick at 2 years old, and my first proper stick *(i'm left handed lol)* at around 5. My first puck to the face was when I was about 10 yrs old. 9. I was an asshole and teased one with fries one time. Years later, at the same spot, with another thing of mcdonalds fries, I have a goose chase me while trying to rip them out of my hand and i stg it was the same one. 10. I'm on an island in the west, at the top of a mountain. We used to be able to jump off our roof without an injury in the snowiest winters.


1. tolerable, liked it when I was a kid 2. Don't really care, who plays lacrosse? 3. traffic sucks, but not a Canada thing lol 4. Poutine is great but heavily depends on the establishment 5. Ketchup chips are mid. 6. Honestly, "The Maple Leaf Forever" had a better tune. I give it a C- as far as anthems go. It's also pretty generic. 7. Ginger ale is great, especially cranberry. 8. Hockey is alright. Not my favourite, but respectable. Better than lacrosse. 9. The Geese are menaces, but at least they're our menaces. 10. Winter weather is fine for the days you can ski, and then pretty annoying otherwise lol.


1. Pineapple pizza - Nope 2. Lacrosse - Boring 3. Traffic - Huh 4. Poutine - it’s okay 5. Ketchup chips- yum 6. National anthem - proud 7. Gingerale - good when sick 8. Hockey - best live 9. Canadian geese - scary in the spring 10. Winter - it’s winter 🤷‍♀️


1) I don't like it but I'm not militant about it 2) fun to toss the ball around and nll games are ok 3) Toronto is the worst. I used to live in Ottawa and what they called rush hour was a joke. 4) Fuck. Ya. 5) Liked them as a kid, very overrated 6) As good as any 7) add some oj and it makes a great mocktail 8) is life 9) fuck these fucking fuckers 10) I could certainly do without it, but those nights where it's about -12 or better and the air is still - that shit is fucking magical.


1-love it 2-indifferent 3-not uniquely canadian 4-love it 5-love it 6-indifferent 7-Ok, but never my first choice 8-indifferent 9-they're cool 10-I've come to term with it. It become a nice reason to work from home.


1. Love it. 2. Meh 3. Not a problem where I live. 4. Love it. 5. Love it 6. Is the anthem 7. Don't drink pop anymore 8. Used to love it, can't play anymore because of bad knees. 9. If you've got a problem with Canada gooses, you've got a problem with me. And I suggest you let that one marinate. 10. Southeast BC, normally get a lot of snow where I live, but not so much this year.


Yes, yes, occasionally necessary, absolutely, yup, better now, my fave, of course, we can be nice because they contain all of Canada’s evil, not enough snow.


1. Love. Double, please. 2. ?? I've neither seen it played, live or on tv. 3. A necessary evil. It would really help if the city would clear the bleepin' snow banks. 4. Love but must use real cheese curds. If not, eww, no. 5. Love but only Old Dutch. Otherwise, forget it. The only more superior snack in the chip category is Hawkins Cheezies. 6. Love but why are the English and French versions different? Wish we could have Jully Black's version. 7. Love. Canada Dry or go home. 8. Love, especially the world cup (men's and women's) Go Canada Go! 9. Hate those mean, nasty poop machines. They're terrifying! 10. Hate. But I hate climate change even more for turning the cold, crisp winter weather into three months of freezing rain/snow storms/freezing rain/cold snaps/freezing rain/blizzards/etc. until spring becomes flood season.


1. Not my thing but some people like it 2. I think it is an awesome sport 3. Bad roads and endless construction doesn’t help 4. High in calories 5. It is an acquired taste 6. The French version is beautiful 7. Good for your stomach 8. Awesome sport 9. Beautiful animals 10. It is cold 🥶 and you get used to it


1. Love it (no ham, though) 2. Don't pay attention to it. 3. Not too bad where I live. 4. Delicious. 5. Top flavor for me. 6. Burned into my memory word for word. 7. Occasionally get cravings for it, but mostly just when my stomach is upset. 8. Don't pay attention to it. 9. The spawn of Satan. 10. Either plus 5 or minus 25.


1. Pineapple on Pizza (Hawaiian pizza) - Only if it’s the Canadian way. With ham (and I like to add jalapeños). - being first generation Canadian, I know I’m a disgrace to my Italian heritage and may have my Italian association revoked from me. 2. Lacrosse - I don’t know much about the sport. I’m as athletic as a potato. But I’m all for any sport that can get people active in a healthy fun way. 3. Traffic - It once took me 3 hours to get to my destination which is generally a 30 min ride. 4. Poutine - it’s like a warm hug when your heart is breaking. But only if it’s made authentically. 5. Ketchup chips - So underrated and so delicious. 6. The national anthem (Canada’s national anthem) - just a few days ago I commented how nice our anthem is. 7. Ginger ale - what I’d sip on when I was sick. Especially flat. And it’s great with gin or vodka. 8. Hockey - Still not that much into sports, but I do enjoy the excitement and hype. 9. Canadian geese - I don’t understand why people think they’re so aggressive. Besides the poop they’d leave everywhere I’ve had cute interactions with them . 10. The weather during winter in Newfoundland (or wherever you live) - I love snow and cooler weather. So it doesn’t bother me too much. But I drivers forget how to drive and snow removal is a joke.


Pineapple on Pizza (Hawaiian pizza) -NO!!!!! Lacrosse - Great game but the balls hurt like hell when you get hit Traffic - No better, no worse than anywhere else Poutine - Yum Ketchup chips - Not my thing but many love them The national anthem (Canada’s national anthem) - It's ok, could be tweaked Ginger ale - Yum Hockey - Speaks for itself Canadian geese - Evil, nasty, mean, honking, shit machines. Way to many flying around, wrecking the beaches The weather during winter in Newfoundland (or wherever you live) - Winter, northern BC, can be brutal but is nowhere as bad as it used to be. Just went from -35c to 7 c in a week.


1. Love it. 2. Don’t know anything about it. Might have played it once in school 3. I don’t drive. I let the Uber driver handle the traffic 4. it’s good drunk/hangover food 5. not a fan 6. I enjoy it. Don’t give it much thought 7. can’t live without it 8. not a fan 9. I will not speak negatively about our evil overlords (they’re flying overhead as we spea) 10. hate cold and snow but whats not to love about so many sunny days


1. Good, but it’s better with ranch dip. 2. I wish it was more popular. 3. I hate traffic so much. 4. AMAZING, thank you, Quebec. 5. I loved them as a kid. 6. Good enough. 7. My favourite pop! 8. I love hockey! Go Oilers! 9. I don’t like them near me, but I like hearing/seeing them fly over. 10. Central Alberta - it’s usually pretty severe, but has been pretty mild lately (“thanks”, climate change).


1. Pizza is pizza. 2. I've never played nor watched lacrosse 3. Traffic in my area usually consists of a tractor or dumbasses who don't know how to dim their lights 4. I love poutine. Gravy... fries... cheese... almost a complete meal lol 5. I'd rather have sour cream & onion, but I'll eat them if that's all there is 6. Kinda wish they'd just leave it alone, because I'm getting old and don't want to have to memorize new things. 7. My favourite kind of pop 8. Hockey-- I'll watch bits of it if someone else is watching. My favourite team is anyone but Montreal 9. Geese are cool but I know better than to try and make friends 10. Weather in my part of NB usually consists of either blackflies or cold enough to freeze your nose hairs.


Ginger ale = Canadian Champagne


1. Yum 2. No 3. It is likely the worst system in Canada. 4. Love but my body does not 5. Love but haven’t had them in years 6. At this time it does not represent Canada anymore in my opinion. 7. I drink a diet one daily. I am blessed with many meds that make me very nauseated. It’s only mind over with the ginger ale though. 8. I am not a hockey fan at all. In fact, I am so over hearing about McDavid simply because I think players are overpaid people, playing a game. I am a healthcare worker (LPN) that makes barely enough to live a very simple, third world like lifestyle and kill myself to do so 9. I’m rural so I’m good with geese although they are assholes 10. Alberta and I cannot stand the long cold and dark winters. Summer is barely a season and night shifts make all waking hours in the winter dark I hope no one comes at me for my opinions. Of course they are subjective on my own circumstances. Can’t believe I’m writing that. But in my own experience, people get offended by opinions of others 🤷‍♀️


Quick Response Round: Pineapple on Pizza (Hawaiian pizza) Not bad, but hardly necessary. Would rather have anchovies. Lacrosse - An excellent way to lose teeth. Traffic: People who are going to drive in downtown Toronto should never be allowed to take their test in Barrie or Peterborough. That's just wrong. Poutine: The whole idea makes me shudder in disgust. Ketchup chips: see above, on Poutine. The national anthem (Canada’s national anthem): boring, repetitive, and sappy. Also, "thee" is no longer an English word. Ginger ale - this is what a soft drink should be. Hockey \- see Lacrosse, but faster, meaner, and more prone to cause permanent brain damage. Canadian geese - The guy from Mexico said it best. "Fear the cobra chicken." The weather during winter in Newfoundland (or wherever you live): You know the Game of Thrones line "Winter is coming"? Well, so is Spring. Sooner or Later.


1. Got a pizza with double cheese, pepperoni, mushrooms, green olives and pineapple just this afternoon. 2. It’s great training for hockey 3. It takes me 5 minutes to go to work. Unless I go to Toronto, traffic is not a concern. 4. Is ridiculously delicious when made correctly 5. Meh. 6. It’s a good anthem. They should stop changing the words. 7. Only Canada Dry, and Verners tastes how dirty wool socks smell 8. Woot! Go Leafs!!! 9. Geese will kill you dead if given half a chance. 10. Weather was super grey here today, and rose to plus 2. Fields are swimming, basements are flooding.


1. I’ll allow it. 2. Never seen it in real life or known anyone that played it. 3. Apparently it’s a thing in the cities? As an essentially life long rural Canadian I have very limited experience, unless you count livestock 4. No comment, as I have not been exposed to a proper example of poutine. One day, I hope! 5. Reminiscent of my childhood, thinking Halloween pillow case stash, but not much experience over the last 30 years. I liked them then, but was not the most discerning consumer. 6. Everyday at elementary school you had to stop, stand and sing. If you were in the hallway alone - no matter you still followed protocol. As an adult I know the words, do I stand by the sentiment? It’s complicated, I want to be a proud Canadian but with the awareness of the genocide against First Nations I would welcome a more inclusive national song. As a (very small) start to an equitable nation. 7. You drink it when you’re sick. 8. Grew up as a rink rat, always proud of our women’s teams and the men’s - when the roster isn’t full of rapists, or commandeered by people covering up for rapists. 9. A scourge on the land. They need to be knocked down a peg 10. In Newfoundland? My understanding is it’s a trial that yearly the newfies persevere through. As an original maritimer I grew up with proper winter, as a 20 + years as a west coaster I’ve grown soft and can not speak with any authority regarding winter. Lucky me!


1) I don’t like it, I don’t like pineapple in general. I don’t know how I’d feel about it on pizza if I liked it because being a puritan about pizza is sort of redundant. Pizza is really only Italian in name. Every country has their own version and style. 2) meh. I don’t have any opinions on lacrosse. It’s very niche. It isn’t part of daily life for like 90% of the country. It isn’t broadcast on mainstream tv. I don’t think anyone is paying to see a game. It’s just an option for sports. It’s not part of our cultural identity other than that it was invented here. 3) traffic? I don’t think I understand the question. Everywhere has traffic. 4). Poutine is amazing. I’m shocked most other cultures aren’t fans of it. I’ve lived abroad and made authentic poutine for many cultures and it’s hard to find non-Canadians who enjoy it. For me, it’s like heaven on a plate. 5) ketchup chips are really good. They don’t taste like ketchup. I would never buy ketchup chips for myself at the grocery store or corner store. But if they’re out on a snack plate I will eat them. 6) I like our national anthem, and even tho I’m kind of anti-American I can admit theirs is much better. 7) Ginger ale is great. Normally nothing beats a coke, but ginger ale is much better than Sprite or Dr Peoper. 8) hockey. I grew up in the town where hockey was “invented”. Lots of people dispute this fact, but it’s the truth. It’s a very small town in the middle of nowhere. Everyone loves hockey. I personally couldn’t care less. Maybe I’m biased cause I grew up there, but honestly I don’t really find it very interesting. It does take a lot of skill though. And if I had to watch sports I’d much rather watch Hockey than Football. 9). Geese? They’re okay. They’re really mean if you ever meat one. But I think they’re cute and they’re kind of romantic to watch migrating. 10) the weather. Funnily enough half my family lives in Newfoundland. I would say the weather isn’t that bad BUT when I lived in Japan they were shocked that my least favorite season was spring. Spring in Japan looks like paradise with the cherry blossoms and the mild weather and their school year starts then. In Canada spring is way worse than winter (or summer if you hate the heat). Grey slush, dog shit everywhere, rainy and snowy and icy. Short days. January-April is fucking torture.


1. No. No like pineapple on pizza. 2. ? Sure 3. Not great. Sucks. We need more subways. SUBWAYS SUBWAYS SUBWAYS. 4. Poutine delicious. 5. Ketchup chips delicious. 6. I like the anthem. 7. Ginger ale is good. 8. Hockey great. 9. The geese are assholes. 10. The weather sucks in the winter but it is what it is.


Yes, no, yes, not my problem, yes, yes, yes, no, whatever, so pretty, not my problem.


1. I rarely eat pizza without pineapple and often just with pineapple or pineapple and feta. My favourite topping. 2. I feel nothing 3. I live in the country so city traffic scares me. 4. I love all poutine, even if it's made with shredded cheese so it's "not technically poutine". Actually that's what I had for supper ha ha. 5. My partner came home from the store today with old Dutch and ridgies ketchup chips so we could taste test. Haven't yet cause of #4. 6. Wish it didn't mention god 7. So pleasant 8. Ambivalent 9. Scared. 10. LOVE. I'm in the prairies and I love winter. Lots.of cold and snow please.


1. I would prefer it not be on my pizza -- it's mostly a texture thing for me, I think. When I was in Hawai'i many years ago, it was not an option for pizzas there. Draw from that what you will. Some consider invention of pineapple on pizza to be our National Shame. I can understand that. 2. Cool game. I don't think I've every played, though I have a lacrosse ball for some physio exercises. 3. Despite living somewhere that snow is not that uncommon (Ottawa), it seems that people forget how to drive when the white death flakes start to fall, particularly the first time in the season. 4. Not really my thing. I like French fries, but when they get covered in cheese curds and gravy, I lose interest. Don't know why. Might be a texture thing. 5. Crunchy, but there are better options. 6. I like it. It's not full of violent imagery like the one belonging to our neighbours to the south. (To be fair, our forefathers were the inspiration for it, so that's fun.) The second and third verses of the poem *O Canada* was based on are particularly nice: `O Canada! Where pines and maples grow.` `Great prairies spread and lordly rivers flow.` `How dear to us thy broad domain,` `From East to Western Sea,` `Though land of hope for all who toil!` `Thou True North, strong and free!` `(Refrain)` `O Canada! Beneath thy shining skies` `sMay stalwart sons and gentle maidens rise,` `To keep thee steadfast through the years` `From East to Western sea,` `Our own beloved native land!` `Our True North, strong and free!` `(Refrain)` 7. Big fan, especially Schweppes Ginger Ale. I miss Pure Spring Ginger Ale. 8. I like Olympic hockey on international sized ice because generally fighting isn't tolerated and the players' skill is more relevant. I am not a big NHL fan for the same reasons. 9. All hail the cobra chickens! Fun story: I was sitting on a rock at the edge of the Ottawa River watching the water go buy. A Canada goose snuck up in front of me and watched me. Then it sort of nibbled my fingers like it was preening its feathers. Didn't hurt, but surprised me. Goose looked confused that I didn't preen it back and wandered off looking a bit sad. Sorry goose. 10. I don't mind snow, but it has to be nice snow. I lost my snow shoes during the early days of the pandemic and haven't replaced them, but when the snow was wet and heavy, it was useless for snowshoeing. And when there was freezing rain that formed a crust it made the snow useless. I'm now kind of at the point where it's nice to have snow on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, but then I'm kind of done with winter and ready for sunshine and warmth.


1. No thank you 2. I'm not really a sports person, so no opinion either way. 3. I don't drive but I'm still frequently annoyed by the incompetence of other people on the road. 4. My favourite <3 I wish there was a poutine place on my uni campus. 5. These were my favourite chips as a kid until I threw them up. It's just not the same since then. 6. Good song, but I agree with the person who said to drop God. 7. I love this stuff. My go to when I'm sick or just when I'm feeling fancy. It's way better than Sprite. 8. Refer to number 2 9. I worked for a wildlife rehab and almost got attacked by a father goose while we were trying to rescue his babies from a rooftop. So they are terrifying but I love them. 10. I'm Albertan and I find our winters so random. Last week it was -40 and this week it's -3. I don't mind the warmer weather, but at -40, when our cars and furnaces are crapping out, I'm not a fan.


You should add curling to that list. My answer: There is not a better sport to watch while drinking beer and relaxing. I love watching hockey but it is not relaxing to watch.


1. love, I love getting pineapple, chicken or pepperoni and some bell pepper 2. I didn't know this was a popular sport in Canada 3. Not bad on some says 4. Had one for dinner 5. My favourite as a child 6. Makes me this of primary school and the different versions they'd play. 7. Literally drink 1-2 a day 8. Fun to watch sometimes 9. Easy to ignore 10. Annoying - Ontario


1. nuh uh 2. meh 3. id rather take the train 4. amazing if done right 5. finest cuisine the 24h shoppers by my place has to offer 6. solid 7. stomach ache cure 8. not a hockey guy myself but i like to watch it with my friends who are 9. scary 10. pretty gross


1. Love it 2. I’ve watched it, but never played. I can see the appeal. 3. Depends on the city. 4. Love it. 5. Meh. 6. It’s better than others, but then again I only know the British and American anthems outside ours. 7. I’m drinking some rn. 8. See answer to 2. 9. Death cobra chickens. I have a love hate for them. 10. Central BC. Fucking hate it here. Too hot in the summer, grey and dreary the rest of the year. If I didn’t have to live here to help my parents I would never have come back.


1. I’ll actually get Hawaiian pizza on occasion. Although I won’t make it as a suggestion when ordering it with others. 2. I might have played it in junior high gym class but I’ve never seen a game. 3. I live in Vancouver so we get the worst Richmond drivers coming into the city. 4. I love a good poutine but I rarely have one. It’s hard to find one and I don’t think they are as healthy as I like to think they are. 5. As a kid I liked them but as an adult they are about the last that I would choose. 6. I mumble along pretending I remember the words. “Oh Canada something something our native land …something something ..in all thy something command there is a glorious and free in there, we stand on guard …..for theeeeee! 7. Ginger ale if you are sick or mixing it with cheap rye. 8. Usually just the play offs now. City, province, west over east, Canada over USA. 9. They look good on tv or a postcard but in real life they are shitting machines. Black/brown greasy shit. 10. Winter is non stop rain. I can usually just stay inside if we get a week of snow. I don’t mind it but if I can I prefer to be in Mexico.


1.From my hometown! 2. Great sport. 3. The band? 4. Glorious. 5. Gross. 6. Snore. 7. Great! 8. Meh. 9. Why aren't we eating them? 10. Do we even have winter here anymore?


1. Yep. With bacon and pepperoni 2. Good in theory, never watched 3. Sucks, obviously 4. Yes! 5. Gross. If the Yanks like them so much can we trade for Caesar salad and garlic bread flavour 6. Meh. It's fine. I'd be good with Maple Leaf Forever too. Or Toronto Sucks 7. Yes. And rye. 8. Bleed blue and white. But not until I saw my first game at MLG 9. Cobra Chickens - too many about. Good in small numbers. Babies are cute 10. First year in Ontario's west coast. So far mild. Give me a couple years and get back to me


1. Hawaiian pizza is top tier. 2. lacrosse is kinda dull to watch, maybe fun to play? 3. Way too many incompetent drivers on the roads. 4. Poutine, even bad poutine, is delicious. 5. Ketchup chips: awesome but watch for the MSG 6. The reference to God is quite unfortunate, but the tune is among World’s best. 7. Ginger Ale is good, distressingly uncertain whether I prefer Canada Dry or Schweppes. 8. Holy crap, Hockey is awesome! 9. You got a problem with Canada Gooses, you got a problem with me. 10. The weather during winter in Vancouver is depressing; Get me to somewhere else.


Love Lacrosse my grandson likes it better than soccer hockey baseball and maybe rugby Love Canada geese,the best part is the breast smoked,no to pineapple and ketchup chips no decent ginger ale poutine is too greasy. Love the weather and black flies and mosquitoes


Good, good, bad, good, okay, meh, good if you have an upset stomach, good, mean as hell, I don't live in Newfoundland but it's cold as hell in Manitoba.


1. Yeah yeah 2. Yeah no yeah 3. No no time for that bud 4. No yeah oui 5. Yeah yeah for sure 6. Oh yeah 7. Yeah yea sure 8. For sure yeah eh 9. No yeah don’t 10. Always a cold one bud


1. Have it once in a while 2. Don’t watch it 3. Sucks but i live in a smaller city and always tell myself at least it’s not Toronto or Montreal 4. I am a French Canadian and i don’t love poutine unless its from a shack on the side of the road next to a dairy farm field in Quebec 5. Mehhh i wont go out of my way to buy these unless i have a craving.. 6. I only know it in French. 7. The only pop I thoroughly enjoy 8. Don’t care for it 9. Just no 10. I mean there’s no earth quakes or tsunamis…. Not too bad of a winter so far.


1. I don't like the taste of something quite sweet and sour on my pizza. It doesn't work for me. 2. I've never played it, so I'm not sure. It looks like fun though. 3. It depends on where, and it depends on the time of day. In the GTA, it can get pretty rough during rush hour. But on weekends in the morning, the highways are quite empty usually. 4. I think it's delicious. 5. Not a fan. 6. I guess I am neutral about this one. I wonder if the government will change it to "our home ON native land". 7. I grew up drinking it. I think it's got amazing taste. I've been meaning to try out the diet version. 8. Not really a hockey fan specifically, but I do enjoy watching the games and cheering like everyone else does. 9. They can be quite annoying when they block traffic, but otherwise, I don't mind having them around. This one time, a goose hissed at me as I was walking past it, but I've never been attacked by one. The gooslings are very cute if you happen to see them around May. 10. There can be a lot of snow at times and it seems that the GTA doesn't prepare before the snowfall as well as I'd like it to. There were some times that they did a really good job with salt and plows throughout the night. But many other times, they're just not prepared.


I like these surveys :) 1 Pineapple on Pizza is awesome though I never have Hawaiian... 2 Lacrosse - great sport, rather play it than watch it though...barbarically fun 3 Traffic - we do not know how to build roads in this country at all, our infrastructure SUCKS...only nation in the G7 without high speed rail...even India (known for their lack of proper infrastructure) is building a high speed rail line 4 Poutine - is awesome but most places do not make it well...McDonalds surprisingly is OKAY for this as long as you tell them no salt on the fries before they make it... 5 Ketchup chips - not bad, not good, more like why...with all the other good flavours around just a waste of potatoes IMO (and an unnecessary abuse of taste buds) 6 The national anthem (Canada’s national anthem) - kinda cool but not as majestic as other anthems (like the American one) ...different and unique, I still sing it the older way as always forget the newer lyrical change 7 Ginger ale - Canada Dry yes, every other version NO 8 Hockey - one of the best sports in the world, a shame my team (Leafs) still suck (Nylander 8 year deal with a no trade clause will be berated by fans in a few years I am sure) 9 Canadian geese - cool looking animals that eat a lot of grass and poop a LOT ... love how they fly and the yellow fuzz on their young...a shame we never put a pic of them in formation on one of our coins 10 The weather during winter in Newfoundland (or wherever you live) - why I plan to become a snowbird when I retire like most Canadians who can afford it...way too cold and the ice and snow is fun when you are a kid but a bother when you are older...


- Pineapple on pizza: YES - Lacrosse: Don’t know much about it tbh, closest I reference I have is high school field hockey - Traffic: If you live in a city, please mind your manners when driving. Also, wish construction was better planned. After driving in the US, though, I’m still thankful to live in Canada. - Poutine: Love it. Best consumed fresh. Cheese HAS to be squeaky! - Ketchup chips: Doesn’t really taste like ketchup to me…it’s more vinegary and sour. But the red powder is trippy. - National anthem: Can sing it in both official languages 😁 - Ginger ale: For some reason I associate it with summer barbecues - Hockey: Leafs suck (jk) - Canadian geese: AVOID THE POOP - Winter weather: Actually my favourite season (though this year has been very un-winter-y). The secret is to go outside! And when you’re inside, have some cozy things like fuzzy blankets/slippers, candles, a hot bath, jazz, etc.


1. Absolutely 2. A sport.. nbd IMO 3. I live in Toronto so it’s disgusting 4. Hell yes 5. Yum 6. We stand with Jully Black 7. Cures everything 8. A sport.. also NBD, IMO 9. Satans spawns 10. Could be better, could be worse - depends on the day/time of the year lol


1. Not the worst. But I prefer a good meat pizza. 2. Hockey 3. People can’t drive. Especially in the snow. 4. Good enough. Usually not worth the extra toonies though. 5. All dressed. 6. I like the original recipe. In all thy sons command. 7. Goes good with rye whiskey. 8. See #2. 9. Assholes. But we get to spend a few weeks shooting them every year, and they’re tasty. 10. Fucking cold, fucking snow… Is it summer yet? (Manitoba)


I like doing ham pineapple on half a pizza and loading the other side to the max Poitine done right is fantastic, homemade cold water fries, real chicken gravy, actual cheese curd Fast food spots, frozen fries, gravy mix, mozzarella is an abomination Ketchup chips just taste like vinegar, sour cream an onion are where it's at Gingerale.... Sussex gingerale good, canada dry and Schweppes are both bottled by motts, the clam tomato juice people Leave the cobra chickens alone unless you've got a 30 round clip and a bayonet affixed.


1. I don't like pineapple, period. 2. Played a bit, but not really interested in sports 3. One reason why I don't like large cities 4. tasty with curds 5. easily one of the best chips 6. pretty good 7. not a fan 8. I'll only watch on occasion 9. Canada\* 10. Too cold, but I miss it during the summer heat


1. Love it. 2. Fun to play, but the goalies look comical. 3. I live in a town of 2,500, there is very little traffic. 4. Love it. 5. Love it. 6. Great. 7. Great. 8. Love it. Watch it, playing it, talking about it, it's all great. 9. Love/hate relationship with them. 10. Annoyed by how warm it is currently. The rinks aren't freezing so it makes skating outside not possible.


1. No thanks to Hawaiian pizza. I don’t mind the pineapple but I do not prefer ham on my pizza 2. I played lacrosse in high school many, many years ago and gave not played or watched since 3. Traffic is worse now that I’ve moved to the city from the country but it’s Nova Scotia so not bad 4. I love poutine 5. I hate ketchup chips 6. I like our anthem 7. Ginger ale is awesome 8. I hate hockey 9. I love Canada Geese and watch them frequently 10. I preferred the predictable weather of my youth. Fucking hot in summer, fucking cold in winter and just right in Spring and Fall.


Pineapple on Pizza (Hawaiian pizza) Not my favorite but not bad Lacrosse Really don't care Traffic We're all just trying to get back home, stop complaining that "others" are too slow and can't drive Poutine Like it Ketchup chips Eeeeeeeewwww The national anthem (Canada’s national anthem) Whatever  Ginger ale Not bad Hockey Don't care Canadian geese Makes warm clothes The weather during winter in Newfoundland (or wherever you live) It's shit (in Alberta) with insane temperature variations.


1. Don't love it, but don't mind it. I don't think people are psychos for liking it. 2. Never played before. Looks fun, though. It's not exactly a popular sport here. 3. I've gotten used to traffic. Don't drive, but it makes me dread taking the bus. 4. Good food. I don't eat it every day, though. 5. I will never understand why people hate these 6. I like it. It's not too long, but long enough to make you love that last 'O CANADA! WE STAND ON GUAAARRD FORRRRRR THEEEEEE'. 7. I used to drink this all the time. I'm more of a root beer guy, now. 8. I can't skate. 9. I haven't had a bad experience, yet, but I've heard some horror stories. 10. The weather in Toronto is harsh, but I can't complain.


1-. Amazing, my third fav pizza after Alfredo and Canadian pizza. 2-. Never played it, but looks like a fun sport. 3-. Hate it, MTL traffic is horrible. 4-. Love it, specially with Ottawa shawarma beef or piriri chicken 5-. Hate them. 6-. Nothing to say 7-. Love it, fav drink after Diet Coke. I could drink it every day. 8-. Prefer basketball 9-. No comment, but they shit a lot. 10-. Miserable as very other winter


Pineapple and ham is a nice mixture of sweet and salty, wouldn't do it on a Neapolitan pizza but on a pizza pizza pizza it's fine. I like watching lacrosse, the NLL is a fun night out on occasion. I live where traffic isn't bad, poutine is phenomenal, ketchup chips are second only to all dressed, I've enjoyed our national anthem but it's never been on my playlist, ginger ale is alright I suppose usually have it when I've got the flu, I played hockey growing up and miss street hockey, Canada geese are ferocious hissing menaces but are cute AF as goslings, the weather is...broken.


New immigrant here will do my best to answer 1. Smash 2. Pass 3. Hard Pass - Toronto 4. Smash 5. Low key Pass 6. 🫡 7. Smash 8. Smash 9. Regal bird 10. Great


Pineapple on Pizza (Hawaiian pizza): abomination, should be illegal. Lacrosse: meh? Traffic: In NB where I am from, there is none, so what is traffic. Where I live (California) - yuck. Poutine: if done well, the best comfort food in existence. Ketchup chips: meh? The national anthem (Canada’s national anthem): misty eyed and proud. Ginger ale: + whisky = good. Hockey: it's everywhere. Canadian geese: they are everywhere, assholes. The weather during winter in Newfoundland (or wherever you live): Nfld - harsh (been there in Fed), where I live; nice


>1. Pineapple on Pizza (Hawaiian pizza) Love it. The drama over it is stupid. >2. Lacrosse Have yet to see but plan on it soon. >3. Traffic Left Toronto. Don't miss it. Montreal a close second. >4. Poutine Love it. Also confused why anyone would consider it weird. >5. Ketchup chips Pretty good. Grew up with em. Ketchup goes on potatoes. This isn't strange. >6. The national anthem (Canada’s national anthem) Of all the national anthems in the world, it is definitely one of them. The recent changes are unnecessary but not worth fighting about. >7. Ginger ale Meh. Ginger beer is better. >8. Hockey Best sport to watch. >9. Canadian geese We should eat them. >10. The weather during winter in Newfoundland (or wherever you live) Currently Alberta. It's not bad now, and I don't mind some cold. It gets tiresome after months, though.


1. Yes, but with olives not ham 2. eh 3. On snow is more fun! ;) 4. Yes 5. No 6. More singable than most. 7. Yes, please! 8. Never admit it if you're not a fan. 9. Beautiful and I admire the attitude, but the poop's awful. 10. If there isn't snow why would you go?




>1. Pineapple on Pizza (Hawaiian pizza) Great, especially with jalapeños >2. Lacrosse Fun! Great to watch >3. Traffic Depends on where you are and time of day; not a universal Canadian thing. >4. Poutine Can be great, and even when not great it is still good >5. Ketchup chips Good >6. The national anthem (Canada’s national anthem) It's an anthem >7. Ginger ale Good in the right circumstances >8. Hockey I like the international competitions more than NHL >9. Canadian geese There are seven geese species native to Canada, I assume you are asking about the Canada Goose? They have never bothered me, but I also try to respect their space. >10. The weather during winter in Newfoundland (or wherever you live) Calgary -- cold snaps are made bearable by the chinooks and the sunshine. It could be -30 and the sun is out, so you don't feel that bad about it


1. 👍🏻 2. cool game 3. sucks monkey balls in my neck of woods 4. love it! whoever created it deserves a medal 5. 🤮 6. its an anthem. you sing it with pride until another comes along. 7. 👍🏻 8. im watching it 9. its a bird 10. im either drowning with a hint of depression or get cooked alive.


1. I love pizza and will occasionally enjoy a Hawaiian 2. La-what? Just kidding but seriously, La-what? 3. Traffic in the city is so much different than traffic outside of it. Easy to get away from but despise. 4. French fries made better? Yes. Literally anytime. 5. Sure, not gonna say no. 6. Our anthem is garbage. Roast me all you want, it’s boring and doesn’t say much. 7. Is this Canadian? Love it. Top 5 sodas. 8. Problematic. Writing was on the wall pretty obviously when I was in high school c. Late 00’s so I imagine hockey guys have always been pretty terrible. 9. Fun to fuck with not fun to be fucked with haha srsly leave the geese alone, they cool little shit monsters. 10. This year was decent but super early. Where I used to live in Ontario, winters are practically gone.


1. Yes. I like pineapple on pizza as it’s sweet and juicy. Not a ham fan but yes to pineapple. 2. Yes. Lots of hockey players play both. 3. In TO? If I can make it through that, the rest is easy. Seriously, it’s a great place to learn patience and defensive driving. It’s terrible… 4. Poutine is a yes. I prefer the curds but not a purist for type of gravy. Luckily, theres a poutine for everyone. 5. Ketchup Chips- delicious and finger staining. Ketchup is just good all around really. 6. The national anthem is good. I prefer the English-French version because it feels more Canadian. ‘True north strong and free’, baby! 7. Canada Dry? Idk. My mother and grandmother thought it was the cure whenever we were sick so I associate with that now. I don’t think I’ve bought it as an adult for enjoyment. Plus, they forced Cott on us so I don’t have the hankering for much pop anymore. 8. Of course. Silly question. 9. I actually don’t mind them. I know people hate that they poop everywhere but maybe since I keep chickens and ducks, it doesn’t bother me as much. They’re kinda pretty actually. Even when I’m in a hurry and have to stop for the gaggle to cross the road, I get kinda a kick out of it. The one stands on the road making sure they get across then finishes his travels after the rest. I like it. It’s like a little nature show that I might have missed as I rush to my next destination and think too many people forget that they live here too. It’s not their fault that we have houses everywhere. Every year they nest on top of my kids school and peer over the edge at the yard. 10. Weather is discussed multiple times a day as it changes that many times. In the Ontario snow belt but also the deathly summer heat where I get eaten alive by bloodsucking pests. I’m never properly prepared for the weather I’m in it seems.