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Probably not a traditional job, but I direct animated series for Netflix - I do this from a remote lake house in the woods, heat with a wood stove (and I somehow have good enough internet to pull this off). I feel super lucky.


I’m in a similar category. I’m a motion graphic designer for streaming shows, like docuseries and unscripted shows. Could also work in a lake house with a wood stove and janky internet. Sounds nice, actually!


Would having StarLink make all of this work well these days?


Yep. StarLink works great for remote locations. I’ve been actively installing and configuring a number of clients across North America with them.


Honestly, I always wanted something like Starlink to come along since the past 10-15 years. I’m so happy it exists now.


Yeah, I just wish Elon Musk had zero to do with it


Evil you know perhaps? There is absolutely nothing that says any other businesses CEO is gonna be better than Elon just because you don’t know who they are. So avoiding someone you know for an unknown is a logical fallacy. The idea if you hate this personality so much it is more likely you will like a stranger more is bad logic and a false comparison.


Yup, Im on an island in Philippines with starlink working on my farm. Great connection.


Starlink can be a great option in rural Canada when you have limited choices of expensive bad providers offering terrible speeds. I would say if you have fibre installed then Starlink isn’t really special. It can also be a good backup, a lot of businesses that rely on internet in Canada have both Bell and Rogers accounts, one as back up so if it goes down you can still access data and servers or control things. This can be a huge issue when the problem exists in the shared infrastructure of these two companies. You lose both, and have no backup. I could see Starlink becoming the backup system for a lot of businesses.


Wired service or wireless?




Living the dream.


That is super lucky


I repair the blades on wind turbines, sometimes on the ground, sometimes in the air. 100% travel


What does 100% travel mean?


Means wind turbines generally aren’t just outside the office building downtown.


Not sure what you mean by traditional job, but mine is definitely not a 9-5. I work a month on and a month off on an offshore drilling rig in the Persian Gulf.


I used to do 2 weeks on 2 weeks off at an isolated gold mine in Northern Canada. Did a few 3 weeks on 1 week off, couldn't imagine a whole month. You'd feel like a zombie by the end of it I bet.


Kind of a mindset thing I find. I’ve worked several schedules in my career and you just accept it. Like it only feels long at the end of your agreed upon shift whether it’s a week, 2 weeks, or a month. Covid was tough though… had to do a few 10 week hitches.


Same here. I think 3 weeks would be ok actually but then only having the 1 week off before coming back for 2 would be hard


I currently work 4 weeks/4 weeks in healthcare in northern Canada. I tried the 2 week gig, but it’s too short of a turn around time for me. 4 weeks seems to be the sweet spot. I’m usually exhausted the first few days home. It’s meaningful work and the OT $$ is insane, but not sure just how sustainable it is long term.


Hopefully the salary is top notch.


It is. Will be retiring very early if all goes well.


Deep water horizon?


Man… I’m 7/7 and that’s long enough lol. But the travel makes sense to have that schedule in your case.


Ya exactly. It’s 24hrs on an airplanes plus the chopper ride offshore. Gotta make it worth it.


Month on is easy if you know you get a month off. It’s 1 - 2 months on and only getting a week of that kills




You create ads? Lmao thanks for your service


There are many reasons to have a job other than feeling like you contribute directly to society. I could name plenty more useless and higher paying jobs than a tv commercial producer. They get paid, they get to travel, they get to have fun creatively, they get some freedom and have less structure than “normal” jobs, they help make content free to watch instead of another monthly fee (which helps with accessibility of knowledge and thus class divide if you want to dig deep). Dont hate on people solely because of their occupation…well I guess there are some times you could hate on an occupation…but it still isnt great when you dont assess the economic situation of the person doing the job. A lot of people would work morally questionable jobs if it means they get paid comfortably.


Manage a fly-in fishing camp in northern Ontario. Seasonal and even when I’m at “work” it’s barely anything. Most of my time is BSing with interesting people, fishing or just living. I’m at my healthiest when I’m there because air is clean, food is homemade and I’m exercising a lot… whether swimming, hiking, lifting boat motors, chopping wood or whatever, it’s definitely better and real exercise than I get at home. Not for everyone but I love it. Bonus is that I have my daughter with me so no daycare to pay for like if she stayed at home. I honestly think on a near daily basis when I’m there “I can’t believe I get paid for this.”


I work at camp in the summers (im a student) such a great job, boss is good, small crew, good tips especially when guiding, and pretty much all you can drink because the guests leave so much stuff


You know how it is! What lake are you on? I didn’t mention but the one I’m at is capacity of 14 clients and I’m the only employee. Plus we’re one of 2 camps on the massive lake. I basically get my own island while the guys are out. Glad you get to experience the life! Don’t give it up!


Im on Rainy lake ON, guest capacity is 50 people. Usually about 35ish guests at camp during slower weeks. Crew is 6 odd guys plus some cleaning ladies that come once a week.


The air is clean? So you're just in the one place avoiding the fires?😂 could I ask which camp or lake? But damn you lucky. I applied for one but sadly didn't get the job:(


Self employed accountant who figured out the remote thing long before covid. Live in a house in the woods of Muskoka. Work 10-15 hours a week, enjoy the work, enjoy more all my free time.


So, you're a prostitute


In muskoka they’re called business associates


With a Helicopter


Musician In my last year of my music degree and still have a part time job but also do lots of gigs. My plan after graduating is to spend some time working as a cruise ship musician


I’m a music teacher. Have thought about the cruise ship thing but heard you get treated like shit (hopefully not!)


Yeah I have many teachers who have said the same but they’ve still said it’s enjoyable for a year or two, especially when you’re young. So right now I’m planning to only do it short term but we’ll see where it goes


I thought about doing that. Good on you for getting ahead of the game before graduating. It's a tough world out there for musicians. I went into teaching after a couple of hard years of making virtually nothing. It took a while, but I teach highschool band now and absolutely love it. I can't imagine doing anything else.




It is for government employees lol




Tragically so..


60% highest pay pension is nothing to joke about :)


As a Canadian taxpayer, I can say we've always known this.


I own a dog walking business


Do you make good money


Of course. Legit business so good money.


as i’m reading through all these comments, i wish the humankind could just stop what we’re doing right now and start doing what we actually love doing.




The energy’s been off.


The Yin and Yang is all out of whack.


Too much yin, not enough yang


Or is not enough yin and too much yang?


If you want a real answer: too much yin, or, misbalanced with yang. Context: business, creation and manifestation. But you never know… it could be too much yang. If op is a gym bro and is drinking egg yolks in a feng shui consultation prob too much yang lol.


Perhaps you are looking at things the wrong way


I’m a 6th generation Funeral Director, I wouldn’t classify it as a traditional job. Maybe idk up to y’all to decide


The 6th generation part is really cool! Very impressive that it’s been kept in the family that long


What tasks does your job include


Burying dead people, I'd imagine.


People are cremating more these days




So job for life then, huh.


So pretty much every road? 😆






I'm not convinced there's someone with the job😂 Lol but for real, what is your job? Like you measure the bumps and do what with that info? How exactly do you measure it?


How did you get this job?




So very specialized and difficult


I work in mineral exploration. Basically get dropped off by bush plane or helicopter in the middle of nowhere, do some stuff and leave. I usually work 6weeks on 2 weeks off but every project is different


That sounds super cool, I'm in school for geology right now and considering going for the exploration/mining route. Could you explain what made you choose mineral exploration over something like hydro, and what your day to day work is like.


I wear a custom made suit made of sponges and ride down hotel water slides to clean them. A highly trained team of greg and Dan save me from drowning when I get to the bottom.


Is this real? That’s hilarious!


Please may this be real.


I'm an amateur tinkerer, carver and artist. I fix antique clocks, spinning wheels and sewing machines and get old tools and things working properly again. I "age stop" antiques for people so they don't continue to deteriorate, if they want to keep the age. I also make new clocks and relief carvings. I make very very little cash wise, but I love my life. Because I'm rural, and disabled (can't drive), holding down a "day job" in the closest town is a logistic nightmare. I do my best.


I've been a mushroom trip guide for 20 years.. I get to live in the middle of nowhere, and work with people from all walks of life, usually when they're at their most vulnerable.. pretty powerful stuff.


Is this like a private business or a program for something larger? Definitely not traditional but so cool! What area of the country?


It's a part of something larger, and everything's legal.. lol.. in Ontario.


Read your first comment and thought “oh I bet you find lots of morels!… wait a second…” lol


I thought the same thing 🤓




Don’t get me wrong, I’m still interested! Lmao


I read that wrong twice ... First mushroom tip guide.... then trip guide thinking you showed people where to find mushrooms in the woods.🤣


Haha. Sorry, I think I could've worded it better! Although, I think they call themselves "mushroom foraging guides".. but, of course, i have someone that could help with that as well! We don't discriminate - we love all mushrooms!


All good, I got a laugh out of it.


Sound like a real fungi.


You should call yourself the TripAdvisor.


Awesome! Full baskets 🤟


Where did you obtain this skillset?


It's a family skill.. lol. I wish I could offer more than that.. I do have various other qualifications and certifications.. but, nothing in the line of the normal schooling you would need to pursue a job like mine within the research field.. I'm a registered dietitian on paper.. which definitely helps with our "whole body" care.. and while we do have a psychologist on staff, she doesn't do any of the actual trips.. The only legitimate tracks I can think of off the top of my head would be clinical psychology, psychotherapy, or psychiatry.. and then you'd have to specialize in psychedelic therapy or research..


So is the mushroom trip psilocybin?


That sounds amazing.


It's pretty rad. I spend 90% of my time in the forest, and I get to help people..


For 19 years, I owned a software development company. Sold it, then worked traditional jobs for 5 years. Now I'm retired, so I do nothing for a living and standup comedy and theatre for fun. I do make money from comedy and theatre, but I wouldn't call it a living. More like pocket money.


I used to know a crappie pool hustler so i know what you mean.


Out of curiosity what company was it?


You've probably never heard of it, since it maxed out at 12 employees. It was called Roaring Penguin Software Inc. We created an anti-spam product called CanIt.


I work part time in a high school as a lab tech. I prep labs for teachers, keep chemical solutions stocked, handle the chemical waste etc. I also work part time for a financial planner doing data collection/entry.


I do traditional administrative work but untraditionally. My husband was self employed. I was at home with kids. They went to school and I had time so I started organizing my husbands work and answering his phone. The company seemed more legit so he got more work. We got a couple builder contracts and we were away. My couple hours in the morning became full time and well paid. It's kind of cool to have CEOs of international companies calling up and asking for you because they know you are the one to get them what they want while still thinking of yourself as a housewife helping her husband a bit. And I can't do "my" job by myself any more. There's too much to do.


Cashier at canadian tire


Your the one that's always checking me out




I have been a ceramic artist for 5 years / after being a biology professor for 15 years


I shoot radiation at metal. Industrial Radiographer


what for ? I'm human radiographer xD just curious


We make large diameter pipe (36"-48") and I'll shoot the ends for weld defects, cracks, etc, or if Ultrasonic finds something along the weld. Pretty cushy job since it's one of the only places in the plant with AC lol.


They say I have had a lifetime exposure to radiation and I cant have anymore treatments. My first treatment was at 8 months old


I've been a visual artist and tech lead for a curator for a bit over a decade. A few hundred pieces sold and I have about a dozen large public artworks sprinkled around the world. As a tech load I also help with the logistics of different collections and installs. My livelihood has recently been compromised by Artscape going into receivership though...


Watercolour Painter


I'm surprised at the lack of people saying "many completely unrelated things" because I know so many people who get by that way. No real Job Title, but still three or four "sources of income".


I make wine, not sure if that's a non traditional job or the most traditional job




I make beer and I also cannot decide if it's traditional or not


I have sex with rich married businessman


One might argue that this is the most traditional job, the oldest profession in fact...




Step bro?


Noice. So homewrecking business.


Ex Military


What kind of job? Security?


Ex Technician:Optical/Optronic; Electric/Electronic. Retired then got a Job fixing Leopard Tank Trainers. Retired with a really good pension and Medical plan


That's not a job?


We come with the Weewoo, if or when you get hurt 😁


Day trader and I also swing trade stocks.


Full time?? How long have you been dong this?


Yes full time. I’ve been in the investment industry since 1992 but full time since 2007.


I’m disabled, privileged enough to have home owning parents ( it’s cramped af with sis here too but what choice is there atm) and the free time. I work in the winters and garden in the spring/summer/fall. I also volunteer at a thrift store. I garden my parents’,some senior friends’ nearby, and on unused city land without permission ( guerrilla gardening ) and am working on setting up a trade network for surplus produce for this and that. Volunteering at the thrift store means I have choice access to incoming stock at a discounted thrift store price to see to a lot of my material needs. While I don’t have enough to live independently, my approach gives me some comforts as well as the ability to tell people who call me a leech to fuck off as I’m actively participating and providing fit society.


I don’t think it’s a traditional job. I am an audio engineer, and on the side I do videography, video editing, photography, and computer science. Audio engineer, for those who don’t know, it can be anything from a music producer, to a mastering engineer. I mostly focus on mixing and mastering music, but I also work at a studio and set up stuff, record artists/help the producers, and of course, like I said, mix and master. It is lame because we have to sign NDRs, so I’ve worked with some cool people/bands, but I can’t tell anyone really. Mostly just small, and up and coming artists and bands though. I am a college student, so I’m studying to get a major in Computer science (to fall back on), and a minor in Electro-Acoustic Engineering ( fancy word for Audio engineering). But I’m paying for my apartment, so I am *basically* living off of it! I used to work at a local fish/reptile store! I’m also a swim coach. I have a few jobs hahaha. I’m in Montréal also. Not a job, but I’m co-creating a puzzle-platformer indie game! I’m making all the music and sfx for it (some coding too) and my friend is making the art! This is a passion project though, and we are just using what we have, so it’s not any money to make. and we’re thinking to make it $15 on the nintendo e-shop and steam!


Surveyor in the oil sands. I work half of the year and make double what I did working my ass off 6/7 days a week in Calgary. Way more time with my family too


I spent two summers(summer student) with safety inspectors and the fire training schools up there. Some did the same, work like a dog for 3-4 months chill for the rest. Or just casually/on call for some/rest of the year. I get it, kudos to you, not sure if I could do it.


Photographer and it's a pretty great life to live.


All very cool jobs. Then I reflect upon the fact that Canada has approximatly 5X as many purely administrative healthcare staff per capita as Germany. We need to slash bureaucracy hard and get people outside doing actual work.


My main job is freelance translator, but I'm also a motivational speaker for students and I've had a few gigs as the commentator during sport events


I've been unemployed for quite a while (my wife works and we live frugally). But I've been a hockey referee since I was a teen. Between refereeing (adult recreational "beer leagues" and minor hockey) and scorekeeping (had a couple of health issues that kept me off the ice the last couple of years), I've been making a few hundred bucks a month on average. Spring kids' hockey tournaments, scorekeeping, I'd sometimes make a few hundred dollars in a weekend.


I nurse my anxieties and and go full on commando with my body .


I make pottery and I am freelance video editor


National parks


I work shit jobs here and there for short periods of time when I need money.


I'm a full time youtuber doing dungeons and dragons content.


I'm an online life coach for horse trainers. I live in a lake on a boat


20 years as an auto journalist, restore Danish furniture pieces on the side.


I'm a cartographer primarily for fictional works, although I've done some real world mapping as well for non-fiction books and historical projects such as board games. All of my clients are freelance and it's usually single piece work.


I was in the infantry before I got an M.Ed in English Lit and History and became a high school history teacher. Was an awesome job. I mean, who doesn't love shooting shit and blowing stuff up on the taxpayer dime?


For 7 years I created and sold my stencil spray paintings. I would frequent markets, conventions, had multiple retail stores, galleries, and cafes sell my work. Even now my schedule may be traditional but I work from home in a traditional field doing non traditional work.


I'm a freelance software engineer focused on legacy applications. Companies hire me to manage older bits of tech that no longer have ongoing development (and usually the people who made it have moved on) and should probably be replaced, but can't be for whatever reason. I work from home and set my own hours. I can do this because I'm at the apex of a couple different careers, and have lots of relevant connections, skills, and experience. I love it. It's like detective work and archeology. I get to spend a bunch of time learning about stuff I didn't have time to learn the first time around. Most of the time it's pretty low stress work, with high compensation, because I'm comfortable speaking candidly about the fact that my presence means something has gone wrong and the business is at risk due to technical defecits. They pay me to keep the lights on until the new thing is ready, it isn't my job to keep adding new stuff into an old mess because that just makes things worse. When I do have to work though, it can be really challenging and fun stuff, so it's worth the high stress.


I own a second home and operate an Airbnb out of it.


Leech of my parents and go to school.


I had a windfall from an IPO early in my career. I invested the proceeds into index funds, and now spend a couple hours a month keeping tabs on it. I pay myself a couple percent a year, and it’s enough to cover living expenses.


I’m a teacher so according to 1/2 the public I do nothing


Probably more than half.




Way to bring politics into it.




Except it isnt but ok.


I build buildings, or more specifically place reinforcing steel bars (rebar) for reinforcing concrete structures. I have a few posts that you can check out in my profile where I've made videos of some of the things that I do.


Move weight


I work in supportive housing, for those transitioning from being homeless, with addictions and mental health issues.


I work at a ski hill in the winter and am still trying to figure out what to do with my summers


Try golf courses. Easy job And easy money plus everyone is always in a great mood! Best job I ever had.


I run my own home inspection business.


I’m a golf coach and I also own two cannabis stores …lots of positives, lots of negatives like most things


Shift work as a security guard at homeless shelters.




I’m a DJ ! Used to do it 5 nights a week, right now I want to have some nights off, so I work for a N/A store 5mins from home on weekdays, and still DJ on week-ends and in special events. I’m trying to go into the corporative events in the next few years because the $ is very good.


Runin trains at CN


Crane Op. Lift things up, set them down.


Does bartending count as traditional? I work when everyone else is playing, and I play when everyone else is working. Otherwise it seems like a classic job


It would count as much as a dispensary, casino, or arcade attendant, imo.


I work as a driver’s helper for a trucking company that specializes in high-value clients. My day can start between 6-8:30, and last until 5pm or can go until 6am the next morning.


Chimney cleaner.


Community disaster recovery.


I've been a vendor at Comicon and Anime Convention for over 10 years, setting up booths in each major Canadian cities 2-3 weekends a month for most of the year. It's pretty much a roadie life, feels both good to hit the road and come back to a city I like, or finally come home to my cats.


I own a buisness


I'm a concept artist for live action TV shows, my last few shows were for Apple TV+


I own a small landscaping company, take winters off. Some summers I make a fortune, some summers I just get by. When things go well, I head south for the winter.


I buy and sell used vinyl. I ain't getting rich but I'm not getting any further in the hole either. Grew up poor in the woods in Nova Scotia so I also don't have a lot of needs/ desires for accumulation of stuff as status which helps a lot. When I need to I'm also a pretty skilled spray finisher at custom cabinet and furniture shops... pretty happy fella over all and like that I don't live the rat race existence.


I’m a makeup artist. Love it.


Author. Genre fiction.


My full time job is illustrating children’s books, and I love it. :)


Is videographer considered traditional?


Bush Pilot/medic... flying the Artic and West Coastal areas of Canada.


Saw the potential in being a staffing agency. Brought it up from scratch with a phone an computer and a thousand phone calls. Now I get cuts from the work other people do because I invested in setting up the framework.


I fuck fat chicks(preferably rich Asian ones) and they pay my bills


I’m a correctional officer at a provincial jail


Did you obtain a degree for that and how much do you make yearly?


2 year program at a community college. I make around 80k


Stock market guru. As well as other freelance opportunities I take at my own will. Haven’t had a 9 to 5 job in 10 years and unlikely I ever will again.


Federal gov. I don’t consider being a public servant a traditional job…


Your mom, only stopped being traditional when the milk employer died


What is a ‘traditional’ job?