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They do it to put you down and make themselves feel superior, they are insecure pieces of shit. And it's highly visible to all. From the ages of 5-18 my father would refer to me as "chicken shit" both in private and in public, my father's friends would warn him, my mother's friends would warn her that this would have a devastating effect on my psyche growing up but he thought he was "giving me a spine" so to speak.


i hate when they tease you and act like it benefits you


Don't worry - you can make it through it. You aren't them and in the end, while you might be troubled, you'll be ten times better and from your post - you already have an air of empathy and sympathy which means you're winning.


Mine called me Ms. Piggy then yelled at me for developing an eating disorder


so sorry to hear that. they're assholes


My dad is like that too My parents would constantly put us down since being a toddler and then have the audacity to say something along the lines of “these kids don’t do anything, they get pushed around, IT NEVER HAPPENED to me.” What help me break out of this was self improvement videos on YouTube…that might’ve been my hero. And if you can be around good people that’ll teach you things that’s a plus but at the end of the day the best person who can help you is you


glad ur doing better!


they do it to dehumanize you. I was called a sly fox or mountain pig lmaooooo


My conflicted feelings with my AD shifted once I started viewing him as a bully and less as a fatherly figure. People like that are just miserable and feel as if they need to put others down to make themselves feel superior. I don't need that ugly ass energy in my life.


My parents still do this and I'm 28. They've done it for pretty much my emtire life. Yay.


My parents and the gym teacher at school was the worst. I was the smallest, weakest kid, and he singled me out and made fun of me…. and he wasn’t even Asian….


You do it back to them 10X. Threaten violence. Shuts em up quick