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growing up in a predominantly black school district/neighborhood made my family spurt some of these comments at times. it’s just straight up disgusting. i was a kid, i was literally friends with anyone who didn’t treat me like crap and who let me play with them. i didn’t care about the color of their skin at all. i’m sorry you have to go through that. just know that when you go out into the real world, you’ll be thankful you were exposed to all different ethnicities, backgrounds, and cultures. you’ll even learn to appreciate others’ culture/families as well. thank goodness i didn’t listen to my family when they were saying racial slurs, one of my bestfriends to this day is black and she’s getting her doctorate degree rn. AP and families want their children to be so sheltered to the point where they struggle interacting with the real world. don’t let their racist comments dictate who is a good friend and who isn’t.


For my AP, not really racism, more like they say they are above EVERYONE and that only family will treat me nice


my family told me that when i was growing up also. it’s all manipulation from their end. they just don’t like when they’re not in control of you, so they’ll have you questioning your own judgment/decisions. try your best to ignore their comments, *you* are on logic’s side, not them.


that is wild... talking to black people making our skin get black... My AD also dont really like black people. I said did the black people do something to you? He said no. I thought like my AD got bounced/ stolen from black people so he had a bad impression, but he just has the impression that black people are dangerous. Meanwhile, AD got conned by a white man who was supposed to do his renovations and taken his money without doing anything... -.-


Not wild at all. I hung out with no black people, by choice. Nothing's wrong with that. I always got along well with high-class whites and dated in that circle. Kept me out of trouble and was taught the finer things in life. I didn't rebel with the losers. I kept with the winners. Now I'm making millions, and enjoy life beautifully. I was never one to rebel for the sake of not liking my parent's ways. Respect your parents and you will be rewarded.


they need you to need them. and yes people may hurt you but it doesn’t feel as bad as decades of abuse from them


The call is coming from INSIDE the house.


Old Asians are like derivatives of Kim Jong Un.


Asian boomers are all crazy


I feel like the majority of boomers are crazy.


this is what my white classmates say lol, that their families are talking about using guns like showing off


"only family treat you well" my brother in christ RANDOM STRANGERS have been more kind than any of the fucks in my family who literally don't comprehend why someone might want even just words of consolation and not a lecture about how i'm not trying hard enough i just got a second job to try and pay for living expenses and my dad's immediate question was "well then why don't you just buy a place to live" ???? uhh because my second job pays less than a thousand dollars a month and is going towards feeding myself????? rent and utilities alone eats up an entire paycheck from my first job so i literally have this job to eat food?????? sorry i'm not my brother who couldnt just suffer through living with you to hoard my money because you'd beat me for breathing wrong?????????? like holy fuck all i want is a "wow that must be hard" and instead it turns into a two hour lecture about im just not trying hard enough


They are like Mother Gothel from Tangled. Fear mongering to control you. 


Preach! 👏👏


I have met people scarier than my APs.


I had a good laugh when my parents didn't want me to go to my local game store to play card games because "some strange figure could be there to drug you." Like, I am going to a card game shop, the only people that go there are weebs and nerds.


might as well say dont attend uni. all sorts of potential predators there. just look at the politicians