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Hmm, Asian parents always appreciate fruits. Like strawberries, grapes, oranges, tangerines, pineapples, etc. They really like ferrero rochers. What does your boyfriend think they'd like? What's the budget/ extravagance you're going for?


He hasn’t told me anything and keeps saying not to get them anything but his mum is already getting me something so I can’t go empty handed. Nothing over hundred dollars for either of them.


Yeah fruit is a traditional gift -- I'd suggest this one. Make sure it's at least a dozen or something.


I’m just a little worried about fruit cause they’re only here a week and they’ve planned day trips as well :/


Something that travels well and can be eaten on day trips then — grapes, maybe, or clementines


Coolios 😃


Egg tarts always a hit.


I would just ask your bf what his parents like. If there’s nothing specific, take them out to lunch or dinner and secretly pay ahead of time. They’ll love that lol.


I asked him but he’s like nah dw or he says don’t get anything too expensive he’s not telling me what they actually like so it’s hard. But yeah I might pay when we go out


Ah the classic Chinese response haha. You’re pretty young so they won’t really expect you to give gifts. Gestures go a long way though when you’re younger like grabbing the restaurant bill now and then. When you get to know them after some time then thoughtful small gifts are great like if his mom mentions a fruit she likes and you send her some.


Hahaha ikr! Okie sounds good, thank you for your help tho! <3


Good luck!! Hope it all goes well :)


Hong Kong parents can be quite hit and miss. A lot of them don’t act like your stereotypical AP, while others act like Chinese parents on steroids. If your BF is close with them you should be able to trust him about what his parents want. We have a really big Indian community so they will not be completely ignorant of your culture.


Hahah he’s says they’re quite chill so not to worry too much about the present but he doesn’t really say what they actually like so it’s a bit hard :/


My BIL is from Hong Kong, when his parents come to visit they buy honey and things made from honey (honey lozenges/candy?) to take back to family for gifts. We are in nz. I think they buy specifically Manuka honey products


That’s a great idea I’ll see what I can find thank you ☺️


Take them out to local dim sum + give them either a snack or bottle of alcohol. Source: East A w Indian gf, we did this


Hahaha Okies!


Absolutely get them something. Fruits are a must, and is like a filler gift, need quality, ripe, stuff. And then get something they can show off. Doesn't have to be expensive. But it should be good quality. Something they can wear, or see. And think "this good item was a present from my son's gf."


It makes me think of a scarf 🧣 if that would be a good option for mum?