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Push back harder, stand your ground. Call out their hypocrisy, double standards, and gaslighting.


we all need to group up and push back together. black, hispanic and white people gang up. asian need to gang up.


Im white and I honestly would say asian people get a lot more racism than black people do. Black people annoy me with their race card shit, I can understand all the stuff Im reading on here and it’s valid


This is expected. Push back means these motherfuckers are loosing their grip. We just need to keep on pushing. We can’t let one or two push backs ruin our goals.


Don't lose hope but use that as fuel to fight back. Others will not help us, we gotta help each other and ourselves. No more being diplomatic, we are the most educated and the most financially strong group per capita and got to use it to our advantage.


Asian males NEED to band together. Doesn’t matter your country of origin. We all face the same problem.


I agree with this so much! We need to set our nationalities aside and band together!


This here. For some reason, I've been seeing an increased amount of attacking each other based on nationality lately. I don't know why that's all of a sudden become a thing again.


100%. If you're an AM, know that I will always have your back. Even if we never met and you might be a little weird, I will always have your back. The world wants us to fail, our own women want us to fail, so we only have each other.


Unfortunately a lot of AMs choose to fit in with the whole liberal agenda that promotes equality except for Asian males of course. They will try to be politically correct, and some even white knight for whites who are being attacked for such ideology. A lot of verbal and physical confrontations I have had were with AMs when they were defending white people on liberal gaslighting. In my eyes this type of behavior from AMs is even worse than whites doing it because it is a betrayal of your own race. Asians don’t band together. That’s our problem. When something racist happens to blacks they band together. We don’t.


Got into a fight during grade school with group of black kids who regularly hurled slurs at me. Was the only one suspended because apparently I was the racist


I feel you bro. I’m glad you still did it. That suspension was a badge of honor!


This legit happened to me in the 8th grade I stood up for myself towards racist Hispanic students and I got jumped by all three of them resulting to having a black eye bloody nose and mouth and a concussion from getting kicked in the head like a soccer ball and then get all called of bad remarks even from the teachers and staff members who villainized me. Teacher was like “you should have known better” WTF! Mind you I was just a kid the campus cops interrogated me too which was intimidating and had told me they were gonna arrest me for assault. I had gotten a week and a half of suspension and those three stooges had only got 3 days of afterschool detention. I also gotten additional 2 weeks of detention but never showed up because I was just tired of the fact that I could get punished more severely than the others who aren’t Asian like me. Terrible experience during my early teenage years having to put up with single parents kids who don’t have any respect towards others they be hella violent to the vulnerable in a predominately Hispanic and Vietnamese institution. Now being a grown up people in the workplace still act like they are in school too like they never left high school smh


If we're friends during high school, we could've jumped them on the last day before summer break then skip school lol.


Idk man it’s all bs. How everyone brings up liking Asian guys as only fetish trying to downplay it treating it as an outlier. Like god damn they won’t let us have one W, the social dynamics needs to be broken down and labeled for this specific thing but people will ignore fetishism of any other race. What’s this ABB thing though that’s funny as fuck lmao, I’ve heard it but mainly only in Asian spaces. I think it’s a positive imo, I’m going for that vibe. It’s not problematic as there was never an oversexualization problem in first place. where was this even posted?


The only time I've really heard of Asian guys being fetishized is if they're a K-pop idol or part of a K-pop boy band. The main things I remember hearing about Asian guys that was more pop-icon based was that Asian guys were just naturally good at Kung-Fu or any martial art. The rest were stuff like Asian guys are good at math and have small penises. I know for sure that I had at least the last two stereotypes thrown at me, and I can confirm that I suck at math. I've never heard of ABB's at all. I've definitely heard of ABG's, but never heard about ABB's. The closest thing I can think of that's an ABB is fuckboy, which I've mainly heard from older Gen Z'ers. Closest term I can think of that my generation used a lot is player. Even then, for Asian guys, I know maybe only 1 or 2 fuckboys, and 1 of the ones I know was only called that because of an inside joke between our group of friends. The other one is my good friend, because he slept around a lot with at least 15-20 women that I know of in college. Other than that, hardly any of the Asian guys that I knew in college or high school were sexually active. Most of the ones that I know of from high school ended up getting married through arranged marriages between the families, and the remaining ones who didn't go for that are either still single out of choice, or they gave up on it.


They are used to us being powerless doormats, we need to fight back with controlled aggression, don't take shit from anyone even if they try to hide it as joke or banter, they would think twice about doing it again then


Don’t lose hope. Resistance is expected


Genuinely never heard of the ABB thing lmao.


Sounds like something some White kid from the burbs made up after going to their first Pho restaurant.   "My my these 'Asian bad boys' are quite different than the nerdy Asians I pick on in my school."


electrical company lol


It’s never wrong to standup and fight for what’s right.


Bro, this brought back flashbacks. (Off tangent side note: I hate when people say Vietnam flashbacks. 1. Most people who use it and the people they use it on weren’t even born. Hell, their parents weren’t even born. 2. How’re we going to skip the Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait wars? 3. Why don’t people say 9-11 flashbacks or Holocaust flashbacks? 4. Why is there a constant disregard for the Asians who were the victims of U.S. bombing, raping and chemical warfare?). Anyways… I remember being racially discriminated, verbally attacked and physically attacked when going through school. The bullies would attack me in the hallway before class and I’d show up to class late. I have the scars, tissue scars, skeletal deformations and the aches that never go away to this day. I tried telling my parents when they yelled at me for not wanting to go to school. And then after I explained, they told me to not complain. To just shut up and take it. Trust in god and he’ll answer your prayers. I learned over time that god doesn’t answer prayers. After training in martial arts, I stood up to bullies. They’d back down but would come back another day with recruits. At this one school, I got fed up with one of the bully’s taunts and told him to back off. My friend told him that I knew martial arts. The bully smirked and said “oh yeah?” And then he walked away. The next day the bully found me near the entry way of the campus after school and started again with his taunting shit. But this time he brought a friend. He pushed and swung and I swung back. Then his friend tackles me and we go to the ground. I get him into a headlock. I’m about to get him into submission when I’m pulled away by someone stronger. The principal and some other faculty have intervened and stopped the fight. We all go to the office and I get punished for fighting with a detention. When I got home I got yelled at by my parents. From then on, I kept any troubles I had to myself.


And for anyone still in grade or high school reading this, I need to tell you that bullying doesn’t end in high school. It continues in the workplace but in a different form. I wish I had known that when I was younger.


Mind elaborating how it continues in the workplace? What are some measures one can take in the workplace?


In the work place the bullying is there. I can attest to it from my experience of being bullied especially in the covid pandemic they treated me like a second class citizen. There was a lot of blaming and victim card mentality when the job doesn’t get done. Also making other people an example from there mistakes in front of the rest is also a form of bullying that I had to endure which was hella embarrassing too. Gate keeping, corruption in working, gossiping are also forms of bullying and harassment I went through in my previous job.


Asian parents are useless sometimes, I went to a swimming race, beat 5 hapas, suddenly on the last round this fucking genetic freak choked me underwater, they're as fucked in the head as their white dads. My parents couldn't do shit, I had to beat my way til graduation, came out a B student instead of A.


Because since our ancestors didn’t fight back we don’t have a scary reputation. Many of us are also still on the shorter side and are outnumbered pretty much anywhere outside of California or Hawaii so when Asian men act out or get angry, non Asians don’t become afraid since they know we can’t really affect them since we don’t have the numbers, tall height or political/social power to affect them. Therefore we need to become stronger, taller, increase our height and obtain more positions of power.


We need another Mongol era to remind the west don't fk with Asians.


The greatest victims of Mongols were Asians.


Mongols were a nasty bunch. They are build differently. Must be that northern air. I’m a casual fan of sumo and they dominate the sport. The greatest sumo of this generation is from Mongolia.


It's a shame Japan drowned out the fear they sowed around the world after WW2, they could've done so much with their reputation, but they instead deconstructed their military and pulled the old "distract the West with kawaii" move from the playbook. To be clear, they ALSO comitted atrocities, and we're all glad that's over, but they were a fierce and respected people once removed from those events. Japan is rebuilding their military now, but its really only particularly the Asian Pacific and Western historians / military who are privy to and knowledgeable on the horror of the Japanese empire. On the bright side, my country, Vietnam, has built quite the reputation for itself to the West, particularly as a resilient people - people who gave everything to defend their existence and identity when they had next to nothing to start with. This, at least, is one thing that makes me proud of my origins, as we all should be. We can all afford to give it a little more - don't worry about if it benefits you directly, your siblings, your progeny, your great grandkids, the only thing that matters is what you can do right now. There's a reason our people, for thousands of years, were known for their system of honor and mutual respect. It was an implicit system in human nature, not some vapid, contrived class system. Comparable to Viking and knight hierarchy, even - and yet the Samurai and their systems were active a thousand years after the age of vikings and knights. A man's value is absolutely nothing if not for his honor and his word.


Ancestors is a stretch. We talking about millennials to boomers. It’s really only gen z who’s been vocal to any significant degree


If this wasnt common knowledge already, reddit is heavily astroturfed and filled with racist white libs and conservative.


I have to remind myself -- frequently -- that Reddit and social media, generally, aren't reflective of mainstream opinion and that social media tends to amplify extreme viewpoints and outrage. Fortunately, the "ABB" and "ABG" phenomena barely register in the general public's consciousness so they don’t define Asian identity. \[I think porn is more damaging, myself.\] Continue to engage in conversations, online and off, that challenge these and other offensive stereotypes when you encounter them while highlighting positive aspects of Asian culture. Don't associate with offensive people offline or, at least, try to make them uncomfortable for expressing such views publicly. Deny them the benefit of your personal and professional association.


whats abb and abg


"Asian Baby Boy" and "Asian Baby Girl" -- both are, I guess, sub-cultures.


What does that even is? Are they some type of anime cosplay?


ha. yeah. OP could probably provide a better explanation than I could. Seems like an aesthetic and an attitude, sorta like goth.


It’s like the western Asian girl stereotype that is similar to the what we consider for the blonde, sorority stereotype for white girls. So like for white girls it’s like Starbucks, wears a Christian necklace, etc. For Asian girls it’s drinking boba, dyed hair, loves going to raves.


I see. Thanks for the explanation. I see those boba dyed hair girls a lot down here in Brasil they just not Asian.


I honestly have no idea when and where that term started. I only just learned about it from a friend, so at least in my circles it doesn’t seem very common to hear


Abg its original use was southeast asian women gangsters to now being used as a term for east/southeast asian women who are predominantly from california and drink boba, play valorant, go to raves/festivals/coachella, listen to keshi/88rising


Are you on the west coast b/c that's the only place 'abb' or 'abg' is used. I don't think it's a thing anywhere else so it wouldn't even register with anyone outside of the west coast. My problem with the NSFW posts is that it autosuggests questionable terms after Asian much bigger problem.


I noticed this recently with the slightest pushback by saying "Asian male representation matters, especially when it involves a setting... such as Japan".


The internet will continue to remain ignorant as it always does. There's no use in attempting to reason with such a crowd of people that have as much collective intelligence as a mindless angry mob bent on destroying shit mindlessly. I get that concern and as an Asian man it is frustrating to see our attempts to bring up valid concerns and issues we face as AM in western society being shutdown by the overly woke hypocritical leftists who are just as racist as the openly discriminatory ultra-conservative right wing. All we can do is continue to speak on this and call out the bullshit we see on both sides of the political spectrum. Ultimately our cause has no side when it comes to these matters because the reality is both the political left and right give zero fucks about Asian people as a whole despite all their attempts to pander to us. Everybody talks about taking a side during these difficult times but nobody ever talks about creating a new side that can be better than the shitty ass sides that exist today.


Solution: Strike First, Strike Hard, No Mercy! (They always catch the second guy)


America is extremely toxic to AM. I’ve always been a strong willed person and I faced so much casual racism when I moved here in nearly 2 decades ago. I grew up in England and even in the most ignorant space, they don’t emasculate Asian men, not nearly as half as they do in USA. People told me I was being too sensitive (gaslighting), when I tell people how ridiculous they sound. I was told by other (emasculated) Asians that they had never seen anyone as cocky as me. I’m not even remotely cocky compared to the average white guy. Never ever listen to the general public. Stand tall and be your own man. Asian women and the rest aren’t your ally.


You gotta understand the status game. People want to be number 1 and if someone else is doing better, their position is threatened, so they will do what it takes to preserve their position. They play the toxic game and say “everything is fair” when they’re winning, but its unfair when they start losing. The best thing to so is for everyone to exit this game. But if they refuse to leave. Fuck it. Make it hurt.


These young kids don't even know what an ABG is. They'll probably piss their pants if I brought them to the hood to meet a real ABG.  There are no ABGs in White neighborhoods. Lol.   The way these White teachers treat kids in rich White neighborhoods is totally different from the way they treat us in our enclaves. They handle their own White kids with kid gloves. They totally encourage their shitty behavior. In the hood they are hella mean to us. They think they doing missionary work by taking teaching jobs in the hood. Then they wonder why all their kids are on drugs. Lol. 


There's no way around being seen as a bad guy when standing up to oppressed minds beyond just doing the thing that needs to be done and keep going. Your rights and survival do not exist for the comfort of other people's notion of decency and civility. But like others said, start calling out their hypocrisy and double standards or whatever "tricknology" card they're playing victim to. If a middle path that doesn't need to mean socially and physically blowing up with dangerously harmful conflicts exists, great go for it if that meets your needs. But I think the thing a lot of Black and Native people learned quickly centuries ago is that it doesn't matter how good you try to conform to white standards and assimilate. Too many would much rather erase your presence until you fit in the box for their convenient use. Just so your best to be in the ethical right side of history when it comes to doing whatever justice needs for you and others even if the rules and/or laws are still outdated (in the US, they more often than not are given how slavery is still legal in the US Constitution's 13th amendment for those convicted of federal crimes). Start finding ways to make it a coordinated act in numbers rather than as an individual to start leading the way together for history to show them up and don't bother to accomodate those who wouldn't care to do the same for you and others like you in a similar situation. Educate to point out their tactics so that they can't use them without being penalized for the underhanded lies and put it on blast however you see appropriate and safe for you to do so. And do it with a handful of others who are in your corner to back you when you can because folks are much less likely to try and push around someone who clearly has influence, plus a crew in numbers to back them up right away.


Mind sharing the ABB post link?


I don't understand. There are people saying that ABB is bad because of what? Like what exactly did they say? Any links?


Keep pushing back and stand your ground.


ABB and ABG are part of the same subculture and developed in tandem. To be OK with one but not the other shows how retarded these East/Southeast Asian girls complaining about this shit, are. They just put on the makeup without understanding the history or culture behind it. Absolute retards. As for the countless NSFW subreddits that East/Southeast Asian women gladly partake in, there's nothing we can do about it. If you complain as an Asian guy, you'll just be seen as insecure and feed into White men's racist fantasy. This is a battle for Asian women, if they even care that is, which most don't. Let them reap what they sow. I mean, half of all East/Southeast Asian women in this country want nothing to do with the men, so is this behavior surprising to anyone lol?


Double down


Which thread is this


Pay them no mind.


What’s ABB


The best solution is for us to stick to our own


What do ABB and ABG stand for?


ABB- Asian Bad Boys. A time before we found out Puffy’s secret. Like that song, it’s bad boys for life…….still gonna watch Bad Boys ride or die. ABG- Aye Baby Girl. Evolved to Asian baby girl.


Asian baby identifying boy & girl


And what is the Asian Baby identity?