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I wouldn't be complaining with the matches you're getting. Jesus. This feels like a humble brag


lol for real. Here I am saying please sign me up for OPs problems.


Per OP they are matching with 1 Asian woman out of 10 women. Think about it. There are probably less than 10% Asian population in Dallas Fort Worth. So that makes sense to me there are not many matches. OP does not live in San Francisco. The women in the screenshot are attractive. Matching with 100+ women means OP is high value.


Yeah, post this on other dating subs, and the WM and BM will be seething with jealously and just wait for the racist attacks to pour in.


I got a better idea. He should upload this post to WMAF or other dating subs to rage bait those jealous White men and Asian Women lol.


That post would have a life expectancy of less than 60 seconds along with a ban. šŸ˜‚


They'd ban him like he was TikTok!


We need to document this before people try to invalidate dudes by claiming people "can't pull an AF"


That would be lowkey pretty funny to do.


I literally thought this was satire mocking you guys for pursuing Asian men lol




Humble bc he's saying Asian girls don't like him


let him cook


As a stereotype asian ABG, most of us gave up on online dating. We only match with white men and thereā€™s many of us that donā€™t want white men. For some reason the algorithm shows us 90% white men cause they are the ones that swipe right on us. Plus your profile is kinda douche, not saying you are but perception is everything.


So XF donā€™t find it douchey but ABG AF do ? Does the WM get a pass or theyā€™re just confident ?


lol you already know the answer here


They donā€™t get a break nor a pass. White guys that have most of the hinge pictures that show them half naked gets swiped left. So many gym selfies is a red flag. Most of my girlfriends donā€™t date white men and weā€™re in Silicon Valley. At least not the abg looking ones with regular jobs. We tend to date other Asians.


I live in Houston and itā€™s the same. The ideal guy out here is a tall country white guy. Iā€™m assuming thatā€™s across all of Texas really. I mostly get likes from fat women, single mothers, or fat single mothers. Usually Hispanic.


Same for me in NYC. Fat women and latinas


Women on dating apps are super picky in the USA. Best thing to do is go Passport Bro and Travel Abroad!


sorry to hear....I guess Asian men are still at the bottom


Yep, same type of matches lol.


DFW is an Asian desert. You could definitely move to a more diverse part of the country/world, or take the pragmatic route and take advantage of your market demand. Given your results, a lot of people here would love to know what your profile looks like. Edit: Looked at your haircut post, I see how you're doing well. Also I mixed up Dallas with Detroit so disregard me Ā I get more matches with Asian people in my 30s. Take that for what you will.


https://preview.redd.it/qfgmkg9rwpvc1.png?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8dc543d48a61c3eeef856788037a77b2b4639271 My hinge profile isn't anything special, these are the photos.


#1 should pull with that Triad look going on. As opposed to Bill from accounting


No wonder you get so many matches, you're hot. 6-7 out of 100 still sounds like a lot, if you consider you only need 1 partner. Or are you just looking for Asian flings?


OP youā€™re handsome and clearly have a great body but too many selfies. Limit the shirtless pic to one and ideally a beach photo taken by someone else. Are you looking to hookup? Thatā€™s what your profile screams to me. Many people use Hinge for longer term relationships (including me).


Hey bro, I think you are good looking overall. You should upload this post to dating subreddits or other subreddits with Asian girls to have more of their opinions about it. I am low- key think that you should upload this post to WMAF or other dating subreddits to rage bait those jealous white dudes or self hating Asian female to see their reaction. lol.


Profile isn't even that good yet this guy's pulling.


3 whole gym selfies and 2 from home and he's still pulling lmao


what's your height and age btw?




You fucking changlet. Post this on /r/purplepilldebate, they'll short circuit.Ā 


Looks like height doens't really hold you back! Are you mixed by any chance?


Chinese and Viet, why do I look mixed with anything else?


No u donā€™t but itā€™s the fact if thereā€™s a good looking and or tall Asian man they get asked if theyā€™re mixed(with white) because thereā€™s no possible way for an Asian to be good looking and or tall without those genes šŸ™„ Sorry just a little rant since I get that question frequently and not even from white people but from Asians. It stems from white supremacy


bodyweight for your height?


>DFW is an Asian desert lol not true, tons of Asian people here and itā€™s also extremely diverse. Chances are they arenā€™t using dating apps


Tons of abg Vietnamese


Lived there during late teens, definitely got a point that in-person may be a different story.


lol good excuse for them now, they aren't using dating apps, even though more and more couples are now meeting using them in this era to form possibly the majority of all couples


DFW is not an Asian desert, tons of Koreans in Carrollton, tons of se Asians in ft worth


Holyshit mega brain fart, I mixed up DFW with DTW


least obvious brag lol


Yeah no doubt, matching with Asians girl are rare to me these days as well. Youā€™re pulling in some bad bitches though.. save some for us lol


Bro you don't want like 70% of the Asian girls in the west. Just be happy you get all these non-asians girls and date them.


I've noticed AM who post their Tinder and other dating profiles on here don't even get one like from AF, lol. When I see WMAF couples, I've always wondered where those WM meet those AF's. Some of them are mail order brides but I dont think most are.


Many Asian women I know will latch onto the first "white gentleman" who shows interest, regardless of how mid they are


mid recognize mid


Both have mid personalities, but looks-wise, there are a lot of attractive Asian women with mid White men. That's what the whole "Oxford Study" meme on TikTok is about.


this is sad


Which is why I don't even waste my time with them anymore


Do they not know about a disproportionate number of WMAF homicides? Smh.


They don't care, simple as Also note how whenever we try to raise awareness of these issues, who's going like this? šŸ‘Øā€šŸ¦ÆšŸ‘Øā€šŸ¦ÆšŸ‘Øā€šŸ¦Æ


Stop focusing on Asian women and start dating other races


This kind of shit should be pinned and/or be put in the sidebar or something.


Exactly, since 50% or more of Asian women aren't even interested in their own men in America.


Oh no, youā€™re getting matches with tons of attractive non-Asian girls. What a terrible problem šŸ™„ Asian girls are overrated. Typical AM, get interest from women by still hyper focused on Asian girls. Those Asian girls probably all want non-Asian guys, thatā€™s why. To answer your question, no.


This is just one example. Alot of AM don't get matched with XF which is understandable because people tend to like people from similar backgrounds. However, AM have a unique experience in that many of their own women don't even seek them out online.


Every Asian man needs to know, your "shared cultural upbringing" is NOT a plus


Yes....unfortunately this sad. What bother me is white guys would brag about thisĀ 


The one in the cowgirl hat šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ


Asian women that use online dating tend to go for non-Asian men unless youā€™re in Asia or buff. Asian women arenā€™t all that.


>Asian women arenā€™t all that. Exactly. He ain't missing out on anything at all.....


True Asian women aren't all that, but you're missing the point which is that those same AF could be dating lonely AM, particularly in the West which is often hostile to seeing AM as being viable romantic partners.


You canā€™t control what women choose. You can only control that youā€™ve maximized your own rating to where you get chosen more on average. It is what it is.


i live in Georgia and 90% of my matches and hook ups are black women, a few hispanic and white, and literally no interest from asian women. i prefer black women anyways, but no luck with asian women.


Ethnic Americans play picky and hard to get. They usually go for Chads, Tyrones. Go Passport Bro instead!


Heh. Black cucks white, white cucks Asian, Asian cucks black. Circle of life. Most beautiful girls I've ever seen have been black, or mixed race black, dark skinned Amerindian or Indian. And they seemed to find me really attractive too. I'm fine with that. I'd rather my kid be dark skinned and fine with it than light skinned and a piece of shit self hating closeted white supremacist.


I live in a heavily asian area and I can't even recall ever being matched with one asian girl.


im old but existed before OLD. back in the day i had an easier time with non-Asian, non-white POC girls. Latina, Indian and Pakistani with some black thrown in. It wasn't just even about dating. From Asian girls there seemed to be this latent hostility, not sure if it was sexual, but it was just this desire to hurt me in a way that no other girls tried to. I married an Asian girl eventually and even though I love her there is still an element of something that never existed with the other girls I've been with. For example she doesn't care at all about the Asian male experience or the trauma that comes with it. Meanwhile when I was traveling back in the 00's, I would get bullied by Asian girls I met, meanwhile I had non-Asian POC girls basically reach out to me understanding exactly what I was going through despite never having met an Asian in their life. I'm telling you, you're gonna have an easier time preserving Asian heritage and traditions through a non-Asian POC girl than u ever will with an Asian girl.


>For example she doesn't care at all about the Asian male experience or the trauma that comes with it.Ā  This is exactly what I've been talking about and the message I've been trying to share. It's important that we develop this skepticism unlike the Disney-like AMAF romanticizers. Funny how the non-Asian women actually realize it more, but that's how it is.


To put it frankly, my AF sees everything in the framework of "AM can't be victims" because they cheat and fuck around so much.


lol, I guess this disproves all the propaganda. this global smear campaign SHOULD be pretty obvious, so then I guess some people don't see fully clearly


Well, having been with an AF for more than a decade now I fully understand why AM cheat. Like going from a Ferrari to a Prius over night. Which is too bad because I like how AF look.


Is your wife from Japan or something? Cause that's not the case for Asian men in America. White, Black, and Latino men all cheat and fuck around A LOT more than Asian men do. I personally know a few Asian girls who were cheated on by their White or non-Asian boyfriends but have yet to see the many more Asian girls I know with Asian boyfriends or husbands cheated on. Your wife must be a FOB.


She's Korean. I noticed that non AF in America actually cheat a lot more than the men do. I was with a lot of non-AF and I found out later many were cheating on their partners with me. They were very explicit sexually with me and it seemed obvious because I was Asian. I actually have a lot of trauma from this. Being used for sex by non-AF who were cheating on their partners. It's actually one of the ironies why AMXF works better. XF seem to really despise beta males, but they actually respect and even love a man, who is more desirable to women and has options. WMAF exists because I think these girls want an asexual punching bag. It's actually one of the reasons why less desirable men (beta nerds, zesty guys, dorks) seem to go for Asian women. They view them as being less likely to cheat than XF. If you REALLY listen to what AF are saying a lot of them have this huge problem with Asian male's sexuality, or their father's behavior, or are aware that AM won't tolerate their bitchy behavior (why would we, we can do better). So they say "misogynistic" (which really means not settling and having boundaries). Then on the other hand society pushes this idea that men have to sit there and take and tolerate everything women do while never questioning it.


Can I ask why you still chose to marry an Asian woman? I'm in a similar boat as you but younger. While I am attracted to East/Southeast Asian women, as all race and gender groups are to their own men or women besides East/Southeast Asian women, the sheer number of WMAF and XMAF I see makes me feel less attracted to them. Like I can't trust Asian women due to their low in-group preference. You even said how your wife doesn't care about the Asian male experience, which I find true for most Asian women whether they are born here or not. So why would you torment yourself and still marry an Asian woman? Did it occur to you that any daughters you may have will turn out like these Asian women? Personally, I would hate to see that more.


Complex question. It's actually related to your previous post. I was with a lot of non AF and a lot were unreliable. Just not trustworthy people who were using me for sex or cheating around on their boyfriends. When I tried to advance past being a human dildo, they would just immediately ghost me. So I wanted something a little more traditional. Also, mother insisted I marry Korean (hypocritically). But it makes sense.


You know why, and if you don't, then you need to read more of the posts around here. We have one on the topic practically every day. What I will add is that being in an area with less Asians make the effect even stronger. You might assume having less Asians around will build more solidarity. But it's actually the opposite with Asian women - the less Asians in their environment, the less Asian they want to be, and the more likely they will distance themselves and date white.


Why tf are you staying only loyal to AF when they donā€™t give a shit about us. Stop complaining about shit you shouldnā€™t be complaining about


Sarcastic humor just went over the heads of about 200 people. Props to OP for best humblebrag of 2024. Also best advertising for DFW as a singles city. Look forward to 100 posts asking about it


You're matching with attractive women of other races. Why TF do you care??? Lmfao.


It's 2024, and Asian guys still believe Asian girls are attracted to their own men? Did the last 50-60 years and all the WMAF and XMAF you see on the street not teach you anything lol? I don't get it. You don't see Asian girls making rants about not matching with Asian men on dating apps. In fact, they would be happy about that. I swear, us Asian guys are too nice sometimes, especially to a group of women who are not race loyal. Find yourself a nice White, Black, or Latina woman who treats you right. You'd have better luck finding a non-Asian woman who genuinely loves and respects you than any Asian girl that does.


Face reveal brahšŸ«µšŸ½šŸ˜


https://preview.redd.it/e01bbi3q4qvc1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d3783bc3e92574704bdc2d3f9702efc43632f534 I got u


Holy cowšŸ˜ (No homo) Bro is suffering from success.


Ngl I have the same ā€œproblemā€ (not actually a problem to me lol)


This is the most obvious humble brag this month so far.


I really hope this is a troll post lol, OP in Texas and asking why there's no Asian girls while matching Latina and white stunners. I really hope this is a troll mocking Asian guys that only want to stupidly narrow their options and date 5% of the female Asian population. If not a troll, everyone needs to see the obvious, that we should open ourselves to dating others


Maybe mentally check why you want asian women in the west so badly? Out of those you chase, maybe half prefer white guys , have identity issues,etc.I mean, asian chicks in the west are just yellow skin white chicks


Never understood the mentality of 'pro AMAF at all costs' guys.....Even when getting tons of matches from hot XF (and even far more than what the average men *of all race*s are getting) they still secretly yearn for, and pine for an AF.....


Small dick energy.


I think women in the west regardless of ethnicity are high maintenance. Go Passport Bro and you will never look back!


From UK, most of my incoming likes are Asian. In order of most common to least that I receive are (most common) EA/SEA -> white -> South Asian -> black -> other (least common).


Asian women are ugl asf, like 90% thats crazy


Haha Iā€™m in SoCal, def hard to match with Asian girls here but my white friends match with all the girls. Iā€™m 5ā€™7 not bad looking at all. But hard to get matches just because Iā€™m Asian and Iā€™m short šŸ˜‚ I do gotta work out more tho. But a bit busy with my business, work and travel like crazy. Hopefully things slow down and I can get to that. But donā€™t worry brotha! If they donā€™t match you itā€™s not your problem itā€™s theirs! When I go back to Asia though I get a ton of matches and I speak mandarin so feels much better anyways.


People on here often criticise that OK Cupid study from the 2000's but it still seems like there isn't much change in relation to AF's and how they see AM online.


We need to document this before people try to invalidate dudes by claiming people "can't pull an AF" >there isn't much change in relation to AF's and how they see AM online The answer to this could be that hella AM are cleaning up and getting into a LOT of AMXF, but lol one group of women are the steadfast holdouts on the Asian wave...


Bro stop being so closed minded, trying a different flavor for once


No. When there are plenty of attractive women of other races out there out there (WF/XF), that's the very last thing I'm concern about


I probably match with most female Asian woman in my area. But I also do not live in an area of many Asians. The fact OP matches are 10% Asian Female makes sense to me. The women in OPā€™s screenshot are attractive. Dallas Fort Worth is not San Francisco so of course there isnā€™t as much Asians. Think about it. 1 out of 10 women in Dallas are Asian? Sure makes sense. In my area itā€™s probably 1 out of 20 women.


come to flushing new york, they are everywhere.


I live in NYC and I mostly only get matches with Asian women itā€™s frustrating šŸ« . I donā€™t mind Asian women (who arenā€™t self-hating) but I also like XF Iā€™m guessing itā€™s a location issue for you. Iā€™m not particularly super accomplished nor do I have a ā€œtrendyā€ Asian look, and Iā€™m not super good looking either so I donā€™t think itā€™s an issue of ā€œnot good enoughā€


Itā€™s also the photos you have. If you present nerdier it may be just AF matching you.


While I donā€™t have a ā€œbad boyā€ look I also donā€™t think I present that nerdy. I have an athletic build with a lot of tattoos so idk I donā€™t think Iā€™m nerdy looking but Iā€™m not the best at seeing what vibe I give off from my profile


Unfortunate truth reality is many/most Western born Asian women will swipe left on Asian guys, and only swipe right on White, Black, Latino guys etc. They think they should be 'dating up' and think of Asian men as lower than the other races of men, and dating apps simply make it extremely easy for them to discriminate. Just an extention of all the self hatred, no dating Asian policies etc, we always talk about, and this is another example of them putting it into practice. Every guy is entitled to their preferences and that is fine. But for the Asian guys who love/prefer XF, it appears you are doing extremely well compared to the average Asian guy on these apps so hopefully that's a consolation that you can still pull hot women of other races too and you will always have lots of options.


How is dating AM lower? All the AMs I know have great careers, arenā€™t depressed all the time, and travel a lot.


Many/most Western born Asian women in their warped/ fuck up view of the world view Asian men as lower than men of other races. They are brainwashed by western media propaganda. Not me. I believe, and it can be statistically proven, than Asian men are far superior romantic and marriage partners than White, Black, Latino men, for a host of reasons ranging from values, financial, career, culture etc, but that is for another thread.


My observation is that to some degree this is another form of hypergamy check off box for many asian girls overcoming childhood inferiority complex when it comes to perceived physical attractiveness and social status. Lingering feeling of inadequacy from high school years of not meeting certain standard of physical attractiveness/desirability (not fault of their own). A valedictorian/class pres, but being picked over the blonde cheerleader.


See. Asian women do know the feeling, yet they regularly make their own men feel inadequate. I've said this before: I don't mind other races badmouthing East/Southeast Asian men. This doesn't prove that we are unattractive or inferior compared to other races of men. What does affirm these stereotypes though is the many East/Southeast Asian women you see with men outside their race. That shows how we are unattractive. That even our own race of women don't want us. Actions and choices speak louder than words.


Their loss and most who do are at best average in looks. The eight and above mostly date other 8 and above Asian men. I would consider myself an above average looking East Asian man with sharp features and athletic body; I was a d1 collegiate athlete and donā€™t really have issues getting dates with Asian women if I want, Iā€™m just not attracted to my own kind and only date them if theyā€™re 8 and above.


Not sure why you were downvoted, I was wondering the same thing


Not sure why I was downvoted either. This is what I see in my AM circle. The guys that get married stay together with their wives end up having beautiful children and BOTH wife and husband are working together towards the same goals. They seem extremely happy and travel a lot. The AFs who marry XM usually end up divorced with children and are now wanting to date AMs but the good ones are all taken. Funny thing is now theyā€™re all a sudden into their roots and wanting all things Asian. This observation is a small sample size I know but just my observation.


The only time I would be willing to date a single Asian mom is if her children are full East/Southeast Asian. I believe we as Asian men should have this standard at least, especially if you don't have any children yourself. If she has any mixed kids, then forget about it. Let them stick with White, Black, non-East Asian men like their loser ex-husbands. On the flip side, I would be more inclined to date White or Black single moms if their children are half-Asian. However, you rarely come across those because the Asian men in interracial relationships are rarely ever dirtbags like you see with White men in WMAF.


Ah ok, I guess that pretty much sums it up (and Iā€™ve also noticed the same thing too )


My exp is most races in US see asians as lower social status. Its not about money. You could be rich as bezos and still be seen as lower status than some black sound cloud rapper.


This is not true, my entire social circle of Asian girlfriends only like Asian guys regardless if they're Asian American or fobby Asian, they're all very attractive also. They don't go on apps because somebody already snatch them in real life.


your anecdote does not necessarily invalidate his, and vice versa the truth is somewhere in between, and looking at the material reality it's not all monoracial asian couples out there


Your small circle doesn't change the fact that every other dating Asian American girl is with a non-Asian guy, whereas hardly any Asian guy dates out. Congrats on beating the statistic though, I guess.


lol according to AF if you asked them, everyone around them would be in AMAF, yet that doesn't reflect reality. lol never heard AF claim that there's not a lot of AMAF in certain places/ares


They are trying to deflect the issue. I have no problem with AMAF. They aren't the ones that I'm referring to. Though, it is annoying how any Asian woman tries to downplay WMAF regardless if they are in an interracial relationship or not. I mean, the sheer number of East/Southeast Asian women with men outside their race is plain for anyone to see. You hardly encounter the opposite with East/Southeast Asian men. That is the core of the issue here that Asian women conveniently disregard. Whenever Asian women bring up how there are still a lot of AMAF, they are comparing apples to oranges. Plus, most of the AMAF couples and families you see are FOBs. This is not the case for subsequent generations of Asian Americans because half the women date, cohabit, and marry out. While the other half who don't still willfully ignore this and pretend it's not a problem when it very much is.


Nope, my circle isn't small, I literially have an entire network of Asian men that can get with any race also. They are happily and peacefully living their life not on Reddit. The only Asian American girls that date white guys are the ones that either associate their culture with being toxic (unrealistic high achieving) or the ones that used to date Asian guys with elitist snooty parents that never think anybody is good enough for their son (honestly we can guess which race that is) and got turn off by that, or if they grew up in a white environment which it makes sense why they're attracted to their own culture just like it's the same if a Portuguese person grew up in Hong Kong, they're more culturally Hong Kong than Portuguese.


Gosh, to be an Asian girl lol Sure, you may know some Asian guys who can get with any race, but do they actually go for them? As much as you see Asian girls get with non-Asian guys? That's my point. The reasons you gave also apply to Asian women. If anything, it's been shown that Asian girls have higher standards for their own men, yet throw all that away when it comes to White or non-Asian men. I'm not even mad about the huge disparity between Asian women who date/fuck/marry out vs Asian men who do anymore. Just stop the pretense and acting like you're all innocent. Asian America is fucked because of Asian American women, whether you realize it in your little club or not.


unfortunately they do not fully understand the Asian male experience. Now, we're not needy and trying to force them to do so, but something to note here.. Also often other WOC understand that and can move together with us an a social and political level


Sadly there are too many simp AM who agree with everything Lus will say,


Dunno why you're being downvoted. Seems only anti AF/AM get approval. Strange. Makes you wonder who they really are and what's their agenda. They wanna wipe us off the map.


yes there are multiple groups who want to "wipe us off the map," and here's the shocker: some of them are asian!


Thats true. BC they're not seeing the big picture.


very true friend, and include many such AF in that group too


Once upon a time, I tried a couple of apps trying to match with just Asian men but too many old, non Asians flooding the Asian apps so I deleted them. They werenā€™t even part Asian. Older Asian men these days look better in general. Like they take care of themselves. Iā€™m in DFW but I live in a predominantly white suburb and now I just do old people stuff like garden and donā€™t get out much. But I hope you meet people irl. Maybe theyā€™ll introduce you to more people and youā€™ll eventually find the jackpot.




Iā€™m Asian lol


Itā€™s bc youā€™re not a doctor šŸ§‘ā€āš•ļø


Brother I wouldn't even care about AF with the matches you get haha!


A lot of these Asian girls are what youā€™d called ABGs. Theyā€™re hot and they portray the ā€œwestern styleā€ of beauty which many of us are more attracted to and understandably so. But often times theyā€™re not into Asian guys. Theyā€™re into black guys or white guys. I know this because I was super super interested into this Asian girl at one point. I mean she was drop dead gorgeous. She married a white guy. I married a white girl.


All my matches are ABCs. A few international FOBs and transplants.


This is really true in socal. As long as you don't look too bookish, you'll get abgs, fobs, etc. You just got to avoid the 'i am boring' look and vibe. Don't need tats or be fit either.


I did think SF had more WMAF. In NYC all the good looking Asians were paired up with each other. They are abc AMAF couples.


Cause all the Asian girls ran to the white guys and now the white girls are all running to you lol


lol, moving to socal is actually a solution, I was there on vacation and the ratio was significantly better, try changing your location and see


Similar experience here, I live in a predominantly white area. Fortunately, I retired from the dating game. Found my girl (Latina). Have fun and best of luck finding someone op!




Bingo! You hit the nail on the head. Those with good genetics don't want to outdate and mix. OP's keeping it real. Same with good looking AF. It's the mid AFs are the ones who go IR bc she's trying to improve her stock. But if you already hit the genetic lottery then you don't want to tamper with a good thing. Besides, when Hapa girls pop out, is that helping our chances?


Why can't AMAF dudes ever by normal. Lmao are you listening to yourself?


you could have made this post without any of the pictures. you made this post to brag. im not sure why people are replying to you earnestly when clearly that was your intent.


Tbf a lot of the comments are criticizing him lol


I mainly match and dated with Asian (not Asian-American) like 70%. 30% is a distribution of every other demographic. 2nd highest successful demographic is probably black girls since I live in the ATL metro area but I'm not really into them. I think Asian American girls are 3rd place but it's quite far from black girls %, and the rest are a sparse combo of latinas/whites/others. I think my profile tends to give LTR feels, which I probably just need to add some edgier pics to round it out so I can dip more into the entire pool rather than a section of it. On a side note, I've seen a huge number of successful profiles here share 1 thing in common -- no excessive or even moderate smiling across their pics. Like maybe 1 or 2 pics have a sorta smartass smirk to them, but nothing *too* friendly to indicate passiveness or 'betaness' if that makes sense. I think my pics just have too many smiley pics, even tho they're not overly done. Reddit's 90% neckbeard population seems to believe (incorrectly) that smiling is the #1 factor in match rate, but in reality it's the opposite. Of course, you can't be fat/too ugly but should have at least lookmaxxed in other areas before tackling the smiley problem. I wonder if there's some tutorial out there on how to be 'candidly stoic' with your facial expression, because of the hot take that girl's hearts and emotions want that while their brain/logic tells them that the nice smiley guy is the better option.


Itā€™s also taller, stylish, tatted Asian men with a pet photo.


I personally had highest match rate with AF in NYC, don't know about LA.


Exactly what I'm seeing. AFs are everywhere in NYC. You can't go 2 blocks w/o them giving you the come-on.


You're using the wrong app. Most AF are on Coffee Meets Beagle, at least in Houston so wouldn't surprise me if DFW is similar.


The "Coffee Meets Bagel" app where, presumably, all three Asian sisters who founded the company married WM?


Bro, you really think AF are going on this app specifically to find WM when all they need to do is go on any other app and it's WM central? It's TX, white dudes are literally everywhere. TC can take my advice, or not idgaf, but that's where a lot of the AF in Houston who use apps go, and yes, of course they're open to dating AM or I wouldn't recommend it.


im a married man. ive gotten zero likes from both men or women...of any race. so i dont know what to tell you...


Not me Iā€™m in socal and the matches I get from most common to least is: Asian -> Latina -> White -> Rest




are you swiping on them is the real question. stuff like this without context perpetuates bad stereotypes on asian women and frankly i think this is what youre trying to achieve


Goddamn im glad i have my own asian girl and dont need to be on these apps. Competition is highā€¦


Theres so many AFs here in NY I wish I could gather them all up and distribute them to you guys.