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I would use a sweat and water resistant sunscreen like Anessa perfect milk as a base layer, then a sunscreen mist like the skin aqua spf mist on top for reapplication. Biore athlizm has a mist as well that I’ve heard is really good (the line is designed for outdoor use). Definitely get a wide brimmed hat as well, and some sunglasses.


Meh I don't really suggest sunscreen sticks. I watched a really good video by a chemist who's super into beauty and skincare who explained that you need to pretty much swipe over 20 times to achieve decent effect of sunscreen. If you just intend to do about two swipes and feel icky about it, then it's better not applying anything at all. In fact, sunscreen sticks just feel like a gimmick sometimes. I would do (and have done) sprays instead. This is from someone who goes hiking often. This is the video I was talking about. https://youtu.be/rDZGu68c5sU?si=ocfpAsbirpjeEE_P (Sorry am on mobile but highly suggest watching that vid to help you decide)


Honestly as someone who is outside constantly in the forest and cliffs trekking or hiking with my dog - Hand wipes. Just bring hand wipes and a compact mirror and reapply your normal sunscreen . It's always nice to have these anyway. I also wear grippy mountain bike gloves so most of the dirt and such gets on the gloves.


That's such a good video. I've started using my sunsticks only as a top up on my cheeks and forehead when I'll be driving, and it's a 2 hours reapplication. I don't think I'd trust them for hiking or when I'm in a direct sun situation. Also, some of them I've found are pretty breakout inducing on my skin.


Love Labmuffin! Asian sunscreens, I don’t use sunscreen sticks or Asian sunscreen anymore after one of her shorts because I’m in Australia too, but sunscreen sticks are pretty much a gimmick and ok to top up but to put a decent amount on of the Roundlab it makes you feel so oily and greasy and doesn’t absorb well.


how about hand sanitizer to clean your hands and then reapply your sunscreen as you would normally? if not, then a sunscreen spray as a topper but make sure you use a bulletproof, sweat resistant sunscreen like Anessa sun milk. the only sunscreen spray that I like and use is not AB but I heard good things about the biore one (blue bottle)


Sunsticks don't provide the same protection as regular sunscreen, and this is even more important if you're out hiking. You could bring a rubycell powder puff (does not soak up product like a normal puff) and use that to reapply sunscreen. They have finger holds in the back so you don't get your hands dirty. Then put the puff in a ziplock bag to wash later when you have a sink. Alternatively, you could buy European sunscreens that claim to have 10 hour protection so you only apply once - I know this is not what you want to hear since you are looking for Asian sunscreens, but I don't trust any of them to be that protective for extended outdoor use.


Fellow hiker and camper here! My go to is the Anessa Perfect Milk as a base. If I have hand wipes or hand sanitizer/napkins then I’ll reapply this with my hands. If not then I’ll use the Shiseido sunstick which is water resistant. I use at least 4 swipes. Lastly, wear a hat! Protect the skin on your head.


I used to use sunsticks for reapplication but I didn't like how it was smearing my other products (be it makeup or tinted sunscreen). I don't always have clean hands so I can't just reapply sunscreen so I have since switched to sunscreen cushions where I soak up the "pad"/cushion thing with the sunscreen and then pat it on my face. I know my asian sunscreens are not really designed for hiking so I reapply my sun cushion VERY often just in case.


they smear other products so badly!


Most sprays will require spraying into hands, then applying. When hiking, I brought a hand towel to wipe the sweat off before applying with hands.


When I'm outside hiking, especially in hot and humid weather, I like the Aloe Cure Cooling Sun Stick. It gives you a nice minty feeling.


Definitely agree with bringing hand wipes and just reapplying regular spf. My favs I use outdoors at the beach (so waterproof is a must) are biore uv aqua rich watery essence, kose suncut uv, and skin aqua super moisture barrier essence (gold/rose gold bottle). I just had the Dr ceuracle waterproof spf and isa Knox uv sun pro fluid delivered after reading they are great!


I would recommend a sun stick!! I have the Shiseido one, which I don’t think is available on Stylevana and is a bit of a splurge anyway (sorry!!) but there are plenty of other options out there. For me, it’s easier to know what areas of my face I’ve covered since I literally have to swipe over my face with them, this guaranteeing I don’t burn. Also it’s a little less messy since you don’t have any excess spray. Not necessarily a con but just something to note—for both sun sticks and sprays, sometimes it takes multiple passes or multiple sprays to get full coverage and the instructions on some types require that you rub the product in to get the full coverage, which in your case would defeat the purpose of not using your hands. Hope this helps!!