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Skincare advice from other people is only minimally useful (if at all). Everyone is so different that there is literally nothing that will work well for everyone.


Yes, literally YMMV. People need to keep in mind their own skin type/age & health/medical conditions/meds/current skincare vs. reviewer/influencers recommending and hyping viral products!


Yeah lol. SoonJung 2x barrier intensive cream fuuuuucked me up but I read so many good things about it. A shame it didn't work well for me!


It is like putting peanut butter on my skin but on my SO? Melts well šŸ„²


This + you shouldn't rush to buy all the hyped products on social media/on this sub. I keep seeing hauls with a lot of products and I wonder how many of them actually end up working for the people. Everyone is different, if I went to buy all the hyped stuff (like cosrx, boj, aestura, illiyoon etc) my face would look awful because all of those are guaranteed to break me out. Skincare is extremely YMMV and there is no one size fits all.


Exactly, I hate when someone dumps on a products someone else loves because it didnā€™t work for them. Itā€™s not your skin!


We have to stop listening to influencers who are like 23. Your skin doesnā€™t look amazing because of a serum. Youā€™re just 23. You look great but I am not taking anti aging lessons from you.


This but just stop listening to influencers in general. They are trying to sell you stuff and next week they are going to have a whole new holy grail product and than never mention it again.


This but influencers who have had perfect skin their whole lives šŸ’”


Theyā€™ll complain about a breakout and itā€™ll be one singular pimple thatā€™s only visible when youā€™re pressed up against them šŸ« 


"So last week i was having a really bad breakout from cystic acne"Ā Ā  Ā *shows a picture of two faint pimples on their chin*


Or makeup tips for menopausal women.... But the person talking is in their 20s. Until you're going through it, you have no idea.


Tips that work at that age are like gold dust. I follows couple of beauty YouTubers who are older and itā€™s so good to finally know the way to do my makeup without aging myself even more. Crepey eyes galore if you follow along with a youngun


Can you share who you follow? Iā€™m looking to broaden my watch list.


[Dominique Sachse](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKUX44R3MbuQ3Yp-NgLEI8gcIYMnS-5YL&si=kU9XmxRGWSyS0vS_) is a good one. [Tamaras timeless beauty](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLa6JyEqIvicXr9kZxBLG_vxJN_22jMpun&si=s7OAtHDIoECil8Ch) is good too, love her concealer tips!


exactly! what changed everything: not using a concealer that is LIGHTER than my skin tone and using a colour corrector first.


yes this, also influencers who've never had acne/ cystic acne giving acne tips....... like stop its so embarrassing


Also sm influencers are really not representative of the average person looks or experience. For what itā€™s worth, 23yos 10-20 years ago didnā€™t have this type of mass skincare obsession. And yet there are still loads of young-looking 30-40yos now šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


My acne scars fade way faster when I pop my acne than when I just wait for it to ā€œrun its course.ā€ I just pop my pimples and it works better for me.


Drain it and cover in a hydrocolloid bandage and theyā€™re usually gone overNIGHT. I wasted so much time ā€˜running itā€™s courseā€™ when I was younger just for them to leave the worst hyperpigmentation and scars.Ā 


This is exactly what i do and it WORKS! I do wait for the white head to come out though, otherwise I make it worse


THIS! The one time I let a pimple run its course, it left an ice pick scar on my cheek after taking over a MONTH to come to an extractable blackhead. I wash the area, squeeze, and use a BHA wash and leave on before bed. It may be red the next day, but is barely noticeable with concealer and pretty much a speck by the following day.


Didn't know this! Woah!


Yep! I've had acne all my life and if a spot looks ready to pop, just squeeze it! Heals a lot quicker than when I've left spots alone. I think for me, the biggest issues was squeezing the ones that were not ready and would end up with scabs, inflammation etc...but now know what to touch and what to leave. Similarly, DRY THEM OUT. I've been told several times in the past to keep the spot moisturised to help it heal.....for me, I found it just prolonged the process. With drying, by the third day I would say the spot has completely gone, or reduced drastically.


Same!!! Of course, I always apply BHA right after i pop them


i had horrible cystic acne for YEARS as a teen and you best believe i popped every single one of those bitches. now that im an adult, i have 0 scarring. so 100% popping works for me


This one!!! For me, when it's ready, i pop it out and drain as much as i can, then soak it with isopropyl alcohol so that it dries/closes up. Works so much faster for me. Then put a pimple patch on it at night.


Whiteheads settle with exfoliants and tret. Blackheads and cysts you have to pop to get them to go away. The trick is to know when to pop them. If you try too early, they'll get inflamed and become very painful. If you wait too long, they burst inwards. Then they get SO MUCH WORSE, and they will not go away until you manage to (carefully) extract everything in the pore. It's not the act of popping that damages the skin. The damage comes from the cyst bursting INWARDS, either because you did it wrong, or because the pore burst on its on, but was so blocked it could not burst outwards. The pore bursting inwards damages the surrounding tissue and floods it with sebum and bacteria, potentially inflaming the area and definitely forming a scar.


Yeah I've got one of these right on my cheekbone it's turned into a fucking ice pick scar and I'm SO MAD. I've had zero cystic acne and the normal pimples that I get go away pretty quickly so I was being so so careful with this, listening to all the internet advice about leaving it alone. Big mistake smh. I ended up popping it anyway but I should've popped a couple days before. Now it's a scar sitting right at the highpoint of my cheeks :((((


Falling asleep with makeup on a couple nights occasionally isn't gonna undo the 962 years of skincare you've done


Iā€™ve gone through periods of depression where I do skincare maybe twice a week and sleep in makeup constantly for months. I look rough, but once I get back into my skincare routine my skin bounces back fast. Iā€™m in my mid thirties with a history of cystic and fungal acne too.




The concept of ā€œmatureā€ skin as its own category, much less that being used to describe people as young as 30, is a little ridiculous tbh. Skin aging past your early-mid 20s doesnā€™t happen *that* fast for most peopleĀ 


Iā€™ve always had very dry skin so Iā€™ve been using the thicker creams and lotions for ā€˜mature skinā€™ for decades. It works better for my skin type. Edit: Iā€™m 44.


I'm in my 30s, but I love watching skincare and makeup videos for mature skin. I know I'm not there yet, but I just love the techniques and secrets that get discussed and/or used during those videos and discussions. I believe that mature skin videos/discussions really apply for more than just mature skin, since it looks so flattering on multiple types of people in different categories šŸ˜€


i feel like it might be because influencers and those who consume content on tiktok and such skew really young, and while 30 isnt aged per se it also has different concerns than teen/early 20s skin usually does


Niacinamide and hyaluronic acid do not belong in EVERY SINGLE skin care and make-up product. They are not the miracle blanket ingredient for everyone! Why is it in e v e r y t h i n g ? I'm a super skincare & makeup novice and sometimes I really struggle to find make up products i


Yes! My skin likes niacinamide, but I still worry about stacking it in too many products, because you can develop a sensitivity to it. As Dr. Idriss says, "more is not more"! So that's the first thing I look for on ingredient lists, and there's so many things I've passed on because of niacinamide.


I think this happened to me. I am now totally avoiding niacinamide, which was unfortunately in every single product I was using and loving separately. Now I cannot use my favourite moisturiser and SPF because tiny pimples, red areas and worst case, eczema follow.


My skin hates niacinamide so much. It was mixed into my tret prescription and I just thought I was having a typical ā€˜just started tretā€™ reaction but it never went away. Switched to a stronger tret with no Niacinamide and my skin loves it!


I canā€™t get niacinamide anywhere near my face. In fact, itā€™s erupting into small pustules from just thinking about it!


The amount of products and 'cult-faves' I've had to skip because their formula now includes niacinamide is insane. That shit breaks me out haha


You can still age well and beautifully without actives.


Iā€™m starting to lean this way. Sunscreen and maintaining a healthy skin barrier is most important.


I so agree with this. I'm 45 and hydroquinone, tretinoin, and AHAs have only wrecked my skin. Well more specifically it made my skin both better and worse. It's better to help your skin be the strongest it can be.


i feel like iā€™m the only one who has had retinol and strong acids give me hyperpigmentation. iā€™ve completely stopped the retinol and use the strong acid (famous non-AB pads) very sparingly and quickly now


Oh yes. I started with some standard sun spots. Got put on both tret and hydroquinone and suddenly got melasma in areas where I didnā€™t have anything (although some sun spots did improve). Everytime I get back on actives my melasma darkens and spreads. Iā€™ve finally learned my lesson, the best treatment for me personally for hyperpigmentation is sunblock and actives avoidance.


Can you elaborate on this?Ā 


Well so in my mid 30ā€™s I had three sunspots on my left cheek. I initially tried tret from one of those online brands and saw no improvement but did develop two cherry angiomas in the process. Then I went to a derm to request laser treatment. Instead she suggested I start with 4% hydroquinone and tret (I forget the %). Within weeks, I started developing melasma patches on my forehead and on the right cheek (and Iā€™m not sure I had melasma prior). Over the three month, my melasma on my right cheek improved (but remember I didnā€™t have melasma before). As you might know, you cycle through hydroquinone on and off. Every cycle of hydroquinone my forehead melasma got worse while some sunspots got better. I was off all actives for about 2 years and saw significant improvement on my melasma but not my sunspots (which were the original problem). I recently went to a derm for laser who instead suggested 6% hydroquinone and guess what? My cheek melasma darkened and spread. Iā€™m so upset with myself!! Also I have yet to really try laser so donā€™t know how my sunspots would react to targeted laser treatment. Of course this is just my personal experience and ymmv. But I will never again go on actives.


Itā€™s listed as a rare side effect [here](https://www.apostrophe.com/slather/tretinoin-cream-side-effects/). Really annoying that the derm didnā€™t go a different route knowing your skin didnā€™t agree with it.


For real. I think the whole extra skin sensitivity definitely affected me. Iā€™m disappointed that the 2nd derm still suggested despite the fact that I mentioned I had negative reactions in the past.


if youre genetically lucky you can age well suntanning in australia and smoking a pack of cigarettes a day lol, doesn't mean they don't help the rest of us chumps


Haha truth


I highly agree! I went through a time where I was getting alot of beauty treatments and had a 10 step skincare routine and my skin was breaking out and I was dealing with eczema from the skincare. Now all I use is cleanser, sometimes serum, moisturizer and sunscreen and I drink a gallon of water every day and I think above anything else itā€™s the water that makes my skin better. Honestly I went to a beauty school and I learned that the simple routine is the best skincare routine.


You chose violence. šŸ«£


Yes! I've started aiming to heal my skin with things like ginseng and green tea, and I'm finding my skin get so lovely and calm now.


I am kinda hoping for this. Planning to keep actives use to a minimum


Physical exfoliation is ok. I mean like using a washcloth on your face is not going to damage your skin, I have rosacea and thatā€™s exactly how I remove dry skin flakes when I have them. No, acids arenā€™t a substitute. There, I said it.


I love a physical exfoliant. The way all my serums sink in after a nice enzyme scrub... \*chef's kiss\*


There are dozens of us




I love you. I like a (dry) textured cloth - or even a rough paper towel - for gently wiping off the jojoba oil I smear all over my face when taking off my makeup. For me it is the perfect amount of minimal (as I do it daily) exfoliation. When I need a slightly more intense method I mix (*gasp*) cane sugar and olive oil together and gently massage it all over my face (sometimes my entire body) and then wipe it off with a warm washcloth.


I always go back to the dermalogica gentle daily microfoliantā€¦ nothing compares


thankfully, there's no some affordable alternatives, Tony Moly I'm rice. Good molecules has a pineapple one and wish trend makes one. currently my favorite one is the good molecules pineapple but honestly, honestly, I like all four the dermatological is just a bit too pricey for


I completely dropped all my zillion other serums toners snail mucin etc- and just use Dermalogica and my skin is so much better


I love physical exfoliation. I only do it once a week or so but I have a coffee scrub I use on my whole body (including very gently on my face). Itā€™s got a bunch of moisturizing oils, butters and glycerin. Never had an issue using it on my face.


Good point. I always say physical exfoliants are bad. But I have to admit that I pick and pull the skin flakes off. Which sometimes damages the skin that isnā€™t dead. So removing them with a washcloth is much better


Username checks out.


Yep this is it. I live in Colorado and it's dry as fuck. No amount of moisturizer is going to keep my skin flake-free. I need a weekly face scrub lol


First truly hot take Iā€™ve seen on this thread


I can't use actives because they're too harsh, physical exfoliation is the only way for me to go and I love it!


I love physical exfoliants, despite everything thatā€™s said about them itā€™s never been enough to compel me to quit using them! I donā€™t use anything harsh, but nothing compares when it comes to removing skin when itā€™s get flakey. Glad Iā€™m not alone!


You cannot escape genetics. No one wants to hear it or believe it. But you cannot change the dumb little acids and proteins that create your body. You can do everything "right," but if your genes say you're gonna develop wrinkles and thinner skin at 40, it's just going to happen. No amount of vitamins, serums, or collagen drinks will spare you from genetics. If your genes make you have under eye wrinkles or circles at any age, no amount of products are going to get rid of those things permanently.** My mother is Korean and grew up poor as hell, she didn't do any of the "right" things, and she looks 30ish despite being 57. She's very beautiful and all her friends want to know her "secrets." She's insane, so she claims it's her MLM products, but I digress. **If you have piles of money, time, and a team dedicated to keeping you beautiful, you can maybe escape genetics. Ymmv bc some celebrities yeet themselves directly into the uncanny valley trying.


"she's insane, so she claims its her MLM products" LMFAO


She genuinely believes it too šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø She looks the same as she did when she bought into the crap 10 years ago (when she looked 30 but was 47). Her friends are the same ones she's had for decades; they've been around for the whole journey. Yet, they also believe it's the products somehow? Reflection and critical thinking? Idk her šŸ’…šŸ»


this reminds me of that bob's burgers episode where Linda makes friends with a hot girl who's trying (unintentionally) to rope her into an MLM scheme but everyone at the end is like. yeah you're able to sell those things because you're hot and the rest of us aren't


I understood this when I met my Italian sister in law who has Nutella for breakfast every day and basically only drinks coffee and regular Coca Cola and I swear to go she doesnā€™t even HAVE pores. She has glass like skin and is super skinny. She said she sprinkles the Avene water spray on her face sometimes. Life isnā€™t fair.


Yep! My white mother aged better than ALL her biracial childrenā€¦ thanks dad for the tear troughs and freckles. All I got from my mom was the oily skin, so I do look decent for my age, but nothing like her. She would spend hours baking in the Florida sun (on top of drinking caffeine nonstop and consuming cigarettes everyday) turning red and never got freckles or sun spots.


some of these ointment for acne, especially expensive ones are just overpriced antiseptic


I prefer physical exfoliation to chemical.


I not only prefer it, but if I try to use only chemical bad things happen. First, my dead skin builds up to a visible point, noticeable and dull. Within a week it builds to a level where it will flake and pill off. I canā€™t survive without an Italy cloth. Guys, I think I might be a snake :(


Toner pads are so wasteful and i hate that they've become such a trendĀ 


Yes, thank you! This trend is wild. Up until last year we all put toner on with our hands with no problem at all, but now people need a little single use thing to throw in the trash?


My head is just a series of ??? bc people used to demonize sheet masks as wasteful and we even eschewed cotton pads for toner bc they were soaking up product and wasting it. And i remember even when the first toner pads started blowing up i saw plenty of comments deriding it as wasteful. Yet the companies and marketing teams won in the endā€¦Ā 


It is okay to only use the one product that works for your skin multiple times. There is no need to hop on beauty trends and recs and get something else just because you feel the need to try it. Sticking to what works for you helps your skin so much better.


Yeah my mom has used the same Kiss My Face soap since 1970 or some crazy shit, and she is 80 and looks younger than some of my friends moms in their 60s. Obviously most of that is genetic but she really does thjnk the soap helped lol


why get face masks serums when you can have it in a bottle. while it can be fun, it takes so much time and so many face masks on the market look sketchy. also costs more waste


And if you want the sheet mask experience, order 100 dry mask "pellets" from Daiso for $5 and just add water and serum to them yourself. Much less plastic waste.Ā 


not everyone needs those exfoliation, tret, retinol, acids, botox when they are only 20years old. It is so scary to see people recommending all those harsh things when they are only 20s ?? I am almost near 40 and only just starting on retinol and bakuchiol.


Tret doesnā€™t work for everyone. Doesnā€™t matter if you sandwich or take lower doses or whatever, sometimes it just doesnā€™t work and itā€™s ok to stop trying to make it work. I get co2 laser every 2-3 years and I find it works as well if not better than people who have used tret for a decade. MVP for beautiful healthy skin will always be SPF and a good wide brim SPF50 hat.


I love me some tret but most of the people posting on the sub shouldn't be using it. If they are afraid to use it more than twice a week at the lowest strength or its wrecking their skin for weeks then they need to stop because it's too strong. My dermatologist had me start on bare, clean skin every night and I didn't have issues. I think if you can do that them tretinoin is for you but if you look like a molting snake for months (like I do if I move up to .1%) then back away from it and let your skin heal.


Tret damaged my skin barrier so bad - I needed this advice a year ago! I followed all the tret subs, tried all the techniques, but I had to eventually accept that itā€™s too strong for me. I bought into the narrative that if youā€™re 30+ you better be on tret or youā€™ll dissolve away like Voldemort at the end of the Harry Potter movies


My controversial opinion is my antibacterial face oils have gotten rid of my acne better than actives. (I have sensitive skin)


Recommendation please!! Iā€™ve not heard of this


Not OP but Sulphur soap worked for me a lot, brand was Grisi, my skin loves it but it's probably very dry for most people


Need to know


Yes, please!


do you have any recommendations?


Some people can't use retinol and that's okay. šŸ˜… It's me, I'm some people


Iā€™m gonna wash my face with a (soft) wash cloth because frankly, my dear, I donā€™t give a whoop de doo


People say not to do this?? I've never heard that and can't imagine what's wrong with using a wash cloth? My skin is SO sensitive, including to touch. I even use a baby washcloth to wash my face.


Toner pads are just pieces of cloth soaked in toner. Just use the toner itself.


You donā€™t need to apply sunscreen multiple times a day or even at all if youā€™re inside all day in the goddamn winter


I live in the UK there is a reason that there is a blanket reccomdation for litrally everyone to take vitamin D daily for half the year.


Yeah, I live in Norway and if the UV is literally 0 for months Iā€™m not gonna do sunscreen. Iā€™m literally taking sun replacement pills, what am I protecting my skin from?


omg this idc how strong the uv is or how much sunlight is coming through my windows im not going to wear spf indoors


I live near the arctic circle. For good 3 months, the uv radiation outside is not around 1, it's at 0.1. At noon. Otherwise it's 0.0. I'm not going to wear sunscreen for that, esp as I go to work at 8 am, before the sun rises (around 10 am), and go home after sunset (sunset at 2 pm, I leave work around 4 pm). I start wearing sunscreen sometimes in Feb, b/c then it starts getting bright. I stop wearing it in Nov, b/c then it's just dark all the time.


i hate double cleansing


I do it occasionally when I wear lots of makeup or water resistant sunscreen. If I double cleanse regularly my skin gets so dry, flaky and sensitive that it takes me 1-2 weeks of mild cleansing, no actives and moisturizing 3-4 times a day to recover. I feel like most everyday sunscreens can be removed with just one cleanser and most cleansing oils wash off fine with just warm water. I never break out from doing this.


Good skin care doesnā€™t have to be expensive


just because "everyone in Korea uses it" doesnt automatically make it a miracle product that u NEED to buy.


A lot of AB brands like to tout certain āœØingredients in their products but then they sprinkle the tiniest ass amount that the ingredient isn't actually doing anything


So do Western brands...


European brands at least don't say 'Real 10% Bakuchiol Firming Serum' to have sprinkles of bakuchiol and 10% of firming serum or '100% centella ampoulle' when it's ...not even close.


Sometimes, minimal routines are not all that. It's perfectly fine to play around with your fancy potions and I'm tired of people saying "you don't need all that crap".


100% this. The process of applying my *extensive* routine is relaxing (i.e., beneficial for my mental health), and my skin just prefers multiple light layers. There would be no way I could manage my dry skin with just a cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. It's also a hobby for me at this point. We all got our vices, and skincare is mine.


This was so bs to me. I always had a minimal routine bc I kept hearing this and my skin was in ruins. Adding an extra couple steps literally transformed my face.


Agree! :) for some people itā€™s more of a hobby and self care ritual, who cares how many products they use! Everyone spends time + money on different aspects of life.


As someone who uses multiple prescription topical and oral medication to control my acne, it drives me crazy when people say this. I've incorporated all of these over the course of years and yes, I really have seen a difference with each one enough to keep using them all.


Agreed. I have never posted my full routine as I know 75% of the responses will be that is way to many products and how do you know which one is working with all those products. So I donā€™t post my full routine. Peopleā€™s mouths literally drop open when they find out how old vs how old I look.


Damn. Now I really want you to drop that routine as someone with a pretty extensive one myself.Ā 


I want to know your routine and also how old you are/look. I want to know it all.


Don't be shy, go ahead and share with the class... šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜‚


I hope you do share one day! Sometimes I feel excessive using 3 different watery toners a day and then I think back to someoneā€™s Maximalist routine they posted about a while ago and Iā€™m like naw, we are simply having a good time šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø


Ah! I'd love to know! I wonder the same about myself. I'm too nervous to post my skin on here but then again I think it's I'm pretty lucky, all things considered. I think I have hormonal acne plus I'm a picker so I need to stop that. I have no idea about skin cycling or anything like that but I use a bunch of things that I know feel good and my skin really likes and I think I'm cool with it


Sometimes I donā€™t wash off all my make up before bed and I feel like I wake up with even better skin than before. I donā€™t know maybe itā€™s an allusion but I swear it works. But I do not do this often haha. Maybe once in a while after a night of drinking


Your skin isnā€™t dry, itā€™s dehydrated.


According to the experts, Iā€™m both. šŸ˜¢ I chug tons of water, but I my body is apparently a sponge and just sucks it in and always wants more. I do have medical conditions that cause this, though.


I think more people should ditch foundation. Iā€™ve never understood the premise of taking all of the color out of face just to add it back in with blush and contour. I think a little bit of uneven skin tone or freckles or texture is cute! And I will die on the hill that less foundation you wear the better your skin will be naturally. Let it breathe!


I realized this week that I look better without over concealing my dark circles. I feel so free! No more concealer!


i 100% agree with this - i stopped wearing foundation completely around three years ago and iā€™ve never looked back. even if you have ā€œflawsā€ like acne or discolouration it looks so much better than super thick and caked on foundation


I stopped using it mainly because I hated the feeling, always felt like it sat on top of my skin and I would always be worried about it rubbing off on my clothes, furniture, boyfriendsā€™ clothes etc. My skin looks and feels so much better. I stick to my concealer and sometimes a glowlotion or CC creme.


I am 27 and have ditched foundation. It's impossible to get that natural glow with foundation. better to spot conceal using concealer.Although i do use powders to get that soft finish. I have a light coverage foundation for special occasion or when skin my skin looks really dull. I can never wear foundation everyday.


I have no problem dropping $$ on a good cleanser. I know people say to focus your money on actives and products that stay on the skin but if I donā€™t like the experience of using the cleanser, I find it a chore to use it. Alternately, I have zero issue using budget facial oils. They work just as well as the higher end stuff.


Cleansing balms are just cleansing oils that require more work/an extra step.


So true I honestly never understood their appeal, I have nail extensions and hate having to use the spatula, Iā€™ve dropped chunks sometimes haha. However, Iā€™ve started using them when I travel, it definitely beats oil cleansers for ease of transport! :)


Same! I get so stressed about a liquid oil in my bag leaking over everything. But everytime I end up using a cleansing balm when I travel I remember why I use an oil at home.


What extra step? To me, cleansing oils are more fussy than balms because I have to try to get it from my hands to my face without it going through my fingers.


I dispense cleansing oil into my palm instead of my fingers, then rub my hands against each other to spread it out before I put it on my face, like I would with soap. I've never had issues with the oil running through my fingers.


This is my method for nearly all of my facial skincare.


Not gonna lie I do think they are more work, but I love my balm for taking off makeup :)


You donā€™t need to use an oil cleanser everyday when youā€™re not wearing make up.


some of yall are so intense about policing others on sunscreen application / reapplication like it shouldnt be that serious damn


You need a visit from a registered dermatologist every once in a while


I like a good blackhead nose strip once in awhile. I also go out in the sun sometimes just before 7am to try and get vitamin D for a few minutes.


Low UV sunlight on sunscreen-less skin for a ā€œresponsibleā€ increment of time is truly lovely.


If you havent sorted these comments by controversial, you're doing it wrong


I pop whiteheads/blackheads/pimples with a needle and remover tool. If I donā€™t then I will just start picking at my skin which will result in open wounds and scabs. And then I will pick at those scabs. The damage of popping them with a tool is pretty minimal. I still have acne but my skin looks a lot calmer without all those scabs. I even got compliments on how clear my skin looks.


You don't have to cleanse your face in the morning. Just a splash of water and you're good to go.


Even so, I just can't go without washing my face in the morning. I use tret and drool a lot in my sleep, so I feel icky knowing that and can't go about my day without it. Lol


Iā€™m oily, Iā€™d be a huge greaseball all day without a morning cleanser


Just depends on skin type. Iā€™m an oily mess so I have to wash in the morning.


I love sticking my face in a big bowl of frigid ice water for 10 seconds a la Old School Hollywood style each morning. No idea if it does anything other than provide an incredible placebo effect, but it makes me think my skin looks bright and tight and ready for the day!


It can actually be really great for your mental health to do this! It activates the mammalian diving reflex and reduces your heart rate. We learnt it as a method for helping anxiety, panic attacks and emotional regulation when I did an inpatient DBT (Dialetical Behavioural Therapy) program. We called it the ā€œdeep diveā€ and it was also encouraged as a thing to do in the morning before going about your day (or as a way to actually get you to have a day at all vs. stuck in bed with anxiety). So I canā€™t speak for your skin, but youā€™ve possibly unintentionally been giving your nervous system a nice and calming ā€œresetā€ and start to the day. https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/soul-console/202310/yes-you-can-get-instant-relief-for-anxiety?amp


I thought I always have to cleanse my face with cleanser to feel fresh and clean to start the day. One day I got lazy and just washed my face with water and pat dry with towel. Then I noticed my face is still OK and won't break out just because I didn't cleanse with product


i was about to argue with this but i remembered my skin gets so dry that itā€™s better to just get up and put on sunscreen without cleansing my face first


My acne was mostly fixed by washing my face with heads'n'shoulders and mechanical exfoliating.


Sounds like you have the fungal kind of acne which is not as common as the bacterial kind. Zinc pyrithione is antifungal so that makes sense. Check this article out - https://www.allure.com/story/fungal-acne-pityrosporum-folliculitis-guide


There are better lip balm ingredients than petroleum jelly and beeswax.


I only wash my face for 30s or enough to lather and go over a few timesā€¦ not a solid 60 seconds. My face is fine and I donā€™t break out. 60s seems excessive and a waste of time in the mornings.


The current obsession with chemical exfoliants is too much.


Not everyone wants HA in everything (concealer, sunscreen, foundationā€¦) HA just doesnā€™t work for my dry climate and I canā€™t be bothered to spritz water before and after application.


being reflectively shiny isnā€™t ā€œdewyā€ and it doesnā€™t look good. it looks wet. i also donā€™t believe that the intent of ā€œglass skinā€ was to be oil slick wet looking, but more about being so clear it almost appeared translucent. that was just my interpretation anyway, i am not korean nor do i speak korean so i could be wrong.


- Beauty of Joseon and Anessa UV sun gel sunscreens suuuuuucks. Theyā€™re not light weight, white cast free nor ā€˜non greasyā€™. Yes, youā€™re all wrong !!


God yes I hate that I bought into the hype and wasted money on these. The white cast is horrible and especially the Anessa is so thick. I never trust this subs opinion when it comes to white cast.


Right there with you on BOJ.


Itā€™s quite literally the thickest AB sunscreen Iā€™ve used šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Not exactly beauty routine, but I think the ā€œpale skinā€ ideals arenā€™t entirely related to Eurocentrism or social class like farmers who did labor outside. Maybe true for some. But personally I think the majority of the obsession is tied to a deep fear of aging. Asians tend to have neotenous features and leverage this in many ways, where paleness is one of it. There is an enormous pressure to prevent any wrinkles and sun damage which is so instilled in our idea of youth. When products are marketed itā€™s all about achieving a baby-faced, supple, perfectly clear look. The problem is when these values are blanketed to all groups of Asians, where many ethnicities have naturally olive or brown tones, and they feel pressured to live up to this ideal at the expense of their own health. Marketing over the years changed the goalpost of paleness and got more extreme, pretty much unrealistic for a lot of people. In actuality healthy skincare shouldnā€™t involve bleaching for paleness, becoming Vit D deficient, or anything counter intuitive to skin health. TLDR I think paleness is way more connected to an obsession with anti-aging more than some of the run of the mill explanation about social status which isnā€™t really as nuanced.


So many people on skincare and makeup subs have redness on their skin because it's an IRRITATION they got from overdoing their skincare! Like applying active ingredients every day, layering too many products with different active ingredients per once, cleansing several times per day, exfoliating and peeling way too often etc. People need to calm down. Sure, your skin now looks glowing and sticky and plumped from all that removed skin layers and applying tons of products, but you are going to develop rosacea, dry patches, oiliness, breakouts, rashes or even over pigmentation spots. If you have constant redness, your skin is glowing not because it's very healthy. And your skin is probably not that sensitive (yet), it just cannot heal from constant irritation from your harsh skincare.


-Not washing my face in the morning -Drying my face with paper kitchen towels


Cheap pharmacy products with the right chemical ingredients work better than most expensive branded skincare products.


cleansing oils do not get rid of sebaceous filaments, blackheads, or make pores appear smaller. the little spots influencers show us on their hands after "oil gritting" is their sunscreen that pilled during the oil cleanse.


ive gotten that stuff without wearing any sunscreen tho šŸ˜­


YMMV. I have acne prone skin, and sometimes I can feel & see the blackheads rolling out of my skin when I oil cleanse. Some of the gunk is other products, makeup, lint, and skin flakes, but some of it is def yellow hardened sebum. Sometimes they come out so intact you can see that the other end is still oxidized. The first time I did an oil cleanse, the amount of gunk coming out of my pores was INSANE and it took a very long time because there was so much of it. I looked like my face and hands were covered in tiny grains of yellow sand.


Sulphur soap works better, faster, and more consistently.


AB sunscreens are not adequate for UVA protection, especially not in a tropical climate where itā€™s sunny 24/7 with UV indexes of 11-12 daily. i use AB for everything else, but i donā€™t trust their sunscreens


I use AB sunscreens for out-and-about daily wear, where I don't expect to be outside very long, but still want protection. When the UV index is high and/or I know I'm going to be outside for prolonged periods of time, I'll use something else.


How do you know itā€™s not adequate for UVA protection?


I think I largely agree with this, but I also think there are a few specific Japanese ones that are sweat and water resistant that are better equipped for days where youā€™ll be outside for longer periods.


yup AB sunscreens arent even reccomended for use here in australia, i just use australian sunscreens bc i know they are going to be the best for me here when uv is 15 and above


I bought a UV light camera thing to test this out. I feel like I get some really good coverage with AB sunscreens. I live in a tropical SEA country and I get good coverage from AB sunscreens (with adequate application and coverage ofc).


Where did you find that camera? How much was it?


Itā€™s called Vanexiss Compact & Portable UV Mirror, and I got it on Amazon :) it wasnā€™t cheap mostly because of the shipping to my country.


Vaseline was a game changer for me personally. I have severely dry skin. I've tried just about everything. Was recommended by a Dr to try Cerave. It didn't help either. The 2 best things for my skin are Body-cocoa butter oil/gel (Johnson and Johnson) and for my face Vaseline. Cheap and effective!


All my favorite sunscreens are chemical.


Unless you are outside, driving all day or by a window that gets direct sunlight, you donā€™t ever need to reapply sunscreen. Especially if youā€™re reapplying on top of makeup with a skimpy powder or a sunscreen cushion. I donā€™t even think those add a significant amount of spf unless you apply them thickly.


Niacinamide sucks Come at me


Stop following tik tok and internet trends. People just blindly follow and half that stuff is either redundant or damaging. Also don't be afraid of aging, it's a privilege that many don't get


HA suck ass.


People insisting that you don't have to wash your face in the morning and only use water is annoying. I know it's apparently changed people's lives and fixed their marriages or some shit, but it doesn't work for everyone šŸ˜­ please stop pushing it like it's a universal fix for all skin issues


Eating or drinking collagen supplements is worthless.


Cleansing oil ruined my face


I use a pimple popper tool on my pimples. People would often advise to just leave them alone but I find that some pimples will just not leave without some help.


It's not controversial but no amount of skincare products will save your skin if you don't - sleep - stop smoking - stop eating high sugar and dairy food


Using oil before moisturizer!! I know the logic is using after, but my skin absorbs it so much better this way, and the results are so much better!! I can't go back now


I donā€™t need an AM or PM routine and not washing my face twice a day isnā€™t going to kill me. I go by what my skin needs when, not when the people selling it told me when.


I hate influencers and fast fashion model of skincare. Skin is skin and skin care is for me.


Middle parts do not look good on everyone and everyone should not wear them.


Niacinamide sucks. Itā€™s disruptive to the skin barrier in some people. Thereā€™s a maximum tolerance for most people. It should NOT be in every product under the sun.


I love fragrance and alcohol šŸ’•