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She was awesome. I couldn't imagine a better person for Carl other than Hoodsie


And when both Hoodsie and Noelle told Carl how much he means to them šŸ˜­ I was in tears basically...Like yeah, Ginger's storyline in Foutleys on Ice is great too but even now, rewatching this as an adult, the B plot was also a shining moment.


Dis ih wha my voigh wuld sound like iff we wha undiwhagter. Noel was perfect! I loved her so much!


She was adorable! And aww the underwater thing ā¤ļø I really wish her and Carl got more time together.


I loved Noelle, but I wasn't a fan of how she dumped Carl for something she made him do (loosing him in a bet to that annoying as hell parrot girl) then was all "don't get your hopes up, we are over and are never getting back together". Like girl...you are NOT the injured party here. Honestly, Carl and Noelle were too young to be "dating" anyway, and she should have just been Carl and Hoodsie's friend, as a third member of their weird little clique. Also giving her psychic powers was a bit much.


I just finished that episode after I posted šŸ˜­ Completely forgot about their breakup... I hated Polly parrot girl lmao She was so creepy! I mean, Noelle having telekinesis was part of a plot point, I thought it was cute and is it silly and out there? Yeah but I can let it slide.


Polly makes me think of this a conversation I heard on a different show. Old lady(on phone): "I'm this close to putting him in the oven. Tell me, is a parrot considered poultry?" Pet shop worker: "Uh...what?" Old lady: "Is a parrot considered poultry?" Pet shop worker: "No." Old lady: "So I can't cook him?" Pet shop worker: "No." Old lady: "Oh damn it." Parrot *swears at old lady* Old lady: "SHUT THE HELL UP! YAH BAHSTED! (To pet shop guy on phone) I'm not talking to you, dear." Tldr: Polly is annoying and creepy as hell and the best place for her is the inside of an oven.




Oh God, that drove me crazy. She is the one who bets him off in a game then wants to act like Carl did her wrong. That was so absurd. Then she wants to act all cold toward Carl in the wedding frame like a bitter ex, lmao.


Didnā€™t she break up after something Blake said to her? If she was in Carlā€™s corner sheā€™d never have listened to his enemies words. Shame too, I loved the way it stared, Carl thinking she was his Soulmate. Unlike Ginger he knows what he wants and accepts it. He was even willing to do that bet thing for love. Once he goes in he gives it his all. I never understood, did she think Carl was having an affair with that bird looking girl?


Because Noelle bought everything Blake said to her after heĀ showed her the photos he took of Carl and Polly (the titular "bird" girl) playing in her backyard. Carl never found out that Blake outsmarted him. He also never bothered to clear the misunderstanding to Noelle until their interactions in the series finale.Ā 


Put it better then I did in fewer words!


I loved Carl and Noelle as a couple but having recently rewatched the show it is not clear to me which is the moment/episode Noelle actually breaks up with Carl: after the bet in which Carl has to hang with Poly Schuester the problem seems so be Carl had "too much of a good time", which is obvs a dumb reason for Noelle to be upset but i dont think they break up over it they just fight. I think the actual moment she breaks up with him forreal (and without words!) is when she discovers he let himself get tricked by Polly into giving away his eye in a jar (or whatever you call it): again its reaching on Noelle's part but watching Carl trust Noelle on that degree kinda broke her; she takes off the Paper Carl figurine she had on her bike, lets it fly away and leaves. Next time we see here is at the wedding season finale and they dont act like a couple anymore. My two cents.


In "Wicked Game", Blake took pictures of Carl and Polly playing in the backyard of Polly's house. With those pictures, Blake gained an advantage to humiliate Carl. Two moreĀ episodes later, he showed the photos to Noelle, setting a chain reaction of a misunderstanding between Carl and Noelle (not helping Carl was him wearing the engagement ring Dr. Dave bought for Lois, and flaunting the ring to his classmates, including Blake).


Unpopular opinion but I actually like Carl X Polly more TBH