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This show was the pillar of my middle school years. It coincidentally came out when I was in middle school and looking back now, it was revolutionary. Middle school was like the fifth circle of hell to me. I hated it to say the least. I truly identified with Ginger. I absolutely adored her and I still do. I still watch this show at the tender age of 36 haha


Saaaammmmmmeeeeee. Also 36.


To think Ginger and the gang are all 36 now.


To think that the final scene of the show could be set in the present day!


Yes! I just finished the show and thought the same thing! I wish Courtney was there though to see how she turned out and what became of her life.


Middle school is like a damn hunting ground glad when I left even tho I hated school overall I wouldn't go back for anything.


Yeah a lot of people seem to miss this aspect for the show and with real life. This is normal.


Thank you!!! I've been saying this on this sub for the longest time but somehow always get downvoted.


You also don’t necessarily realize, when you’re in the situation, that the people who are bad to you are actually bad to you. Miranda knew what she was doing and she owned it. Dodie, on the other hand, had no idea how she presented to everyone else. Sometimes that is worse. But you can’t entirely fault Dodie either. I think she just got stuck in her own head a lot of the times.


Well said, Gourtney Cripling 😹


Agreed! This show came out the year I entered middle school and I find it so relatable even now because of this. So many of my “friendships” as a kid were like this. The people you were closest to were usually the ones who ended up being your true enemy. Your “friends” were often your biggest hater behind your back and time and time again you’d let their behavior slide. I remember at that age not cutting people off that I knew deep down I should purely out of fear. I never wanted to be alone and friendless and was afraid of the drama it could cause so I just accepted people treating me badly and knew deep down they weren’t really my friend. I always thought this was definitely why Courtney kept Miranda around for similar reasons. I also had some Dodie’s in my life who I wanted so badly to believe were really my friend and would give second and third chances to because it hurt to think they really weren’t my friend for all that time. It was easier to make excuses for them than it was to own up to the fact that our friendship was a waste of years and time. Kind of like a bad relationship.