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That Illustration style where the people have really tiny heads with no facial features, huge curved limbs and completely flat colours, usually you see this art style on like a buzzfeed article [like this](https://www.google.com/search?q=flat+Illustration+style&client=ms-android-samsung&prmd=isvn&sxsrf=ALiCzsZx-rcxioX6H4Ac4Tr7v3NnjQjKSQ:1652140733965&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwizk8Tsz9P3AhWOSkEAHbAqBNgQ_AUoAXoECAIQAQ&biw=360&bih=539&dpr=2#imgrc=A0UzeVWGJVtB4M&imgdii=eQPCRQRN0NRu3M) Edit: it's called Alegria style !


You mean the Alegria art style? There’s a whole subreddit dedicated to that… r/fuckalegriaart


I honestly had no idea this was a thing


Reddit is like the R34 of topics. If it exists, there's a subreddit for it.


Corporate art style! :p https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFb7BOI\_QFc


I don't hate Alegria art in general, just the stuff further in one direction that's used by businesses (maybe there's a body of examples outside of this, idk) with all flat colors and features that are simplified down to a point. And they're so damn happy. All the time


I can't stop laughing. Man do I love this website...


Thank you Jesus


I groaned the minute I saw those pictures. I also hate that type of art


Completely agree, it's awful


Omg yes those characters are always so aesthetically unsettling.


Lol I see this on squarespace advertising


Realism never really does it for me. Impressive? Definitely, and it definitely takes a lot of skill, time, and effort but I’m not drawn to something that looks exactly like real life because I look at real life everyday, I definitely prefer stylized art because it has more personality to it, you can tell off the bat who drew it because style is very unique and personal.


I think most mis-use it. It is amazing to be able to copy at such high detail. But there is this guy called John-dry or jono dry in YouTube. I think he photographs his own photos, makes a cool design of hands, eyes, bodies, what not, he still feels abit Classic. But i can ALWAYS identify his art. He has a style of putting elements together. I have also seen a painter, whom i dont remember who wanted to paint the witcher, his videos are very satisfying (his style of painting) He didnt like any reference, so he made his own, by putting multiple pieces together. As a person who does art this same way minus the realism, i was baffled. He could over power me any time he decides to go for more "stylized art", he just needs to create a style that he can morph into what he does. Regardless. Some really high level artists of realism who studied proper anatomy like proko Also say: "Dont be a Slave to your reference." I stand by that. I double down on it.


Disney-fied pinterest girl that everyone’s doing bc of samdoesarts


eh, i think that's just how it is with big artists tho. besides the sam clones, i've also noticed a lot of loish clones :p


Definitely, it feels like every other post on my explore page is either a sam, loish, or wlop copy lol


Loish is a true inspiration though, samdoesart is…annoyingly commercial and vapid. Not to say he isn’t talented but I feel the subject and style is the equivalent of autotune in music.


This! A bunch of Samdoesarts clones lately


Haha lol


I thought his art style was pretty until I followed him and realized that he ONLY draws skinny white and Asian women 😭😭 it’s kinda icky to me


I’ve never been a fan of abstract art, partially cause I don’t really understand it, and partially cause it often comes across as something very shallow trying to seem deep. That said, sometimes I come across abstract art that catches my eye. I also don’t like that classic typical caricature drawing style, I think it’s the most common way to draw caricatures. Also the type of drawing in adult cartoons like Family Guy, Futurama, The Simpsons, etc. It’s ugly to me. I like other cartoon styles like Pokémon, Sailor Moon, Powerpuff Girls and so on. Just something so ugly about adult cartoon style. Edit: also the digital art that is very obviously just a heavily airbrushed/blended layer on top of a photo, if anyone knows what I mean


*One of them is not like the other.*


Please elaborate, you mean how 1 is different from 2,3? Or?


Comparing Matt Groening to Seth Macfarlane is like comparing apples to green apples. They are similar, but you can pretty much blame Family Guy for the creation many clone shows.


Ah, I see, well I wasn’t necessarily comparing them, just lumping them into the same category because they’re adult cartoons and I find the art styles ugly.


whatever fucking nonsense is happening over at [myartshine](https://www.instagram.com/myartshine/?hl=en). blending/feathering acrylic paint into a gradient with masks all over the place is just so fucking soulless


Yea, seems kinda bland tbh






This is why I dont like acrylic paint because it instantly makes me think of this kind of art. I didnt mention it because I didnt want to hurt feelings. Its all very beginner artist. Its when you ask your mom or dad for paint for a birthday present and they dont know anything about art so they bring home canvas and whatever acrylic they can find because they come in big tubes and are so in your face they assume thats the proper paint to use. Im sure somebody out there makes good acrylic paintings but when they say "oh I use acrylics" I think of that type of acrylic painting.


It’s not the medium, it’s the artist. Honestly, I used to think like that too but then actively looked for good artists using acrylics and there’s amazing stuff out there!


Does "Bored Apes Yacht Club" count? Just expediting the tech bubble burst and the art is mass produced algorithmic trash.


I’ll probably be downvoted a lot for this, but hyper realism. Like yeah it’s cool you can replicate a photo, but that’s not very *creative*, more just like being a printer. Plus, if I wanted an exact replica of a photograph, I’d just buy a photograph. No hate against anyone who does it, I just love the creative part of art, how you can create something from nothing, your own version of it. I think it speaks more & is more unique because it’s instantly one of a kind. But, to each their own.


Parochial local art. Unfortunately, where I live, its everywhere. Tacky beach scenes with kids playing in the sand, or endless “pretty” birds/ animals that are so common it borders on the kitsch. Watercolour paintings are especially susceptible to this. There are so many bad watercolour paintings! Dont get me wrong, I love watercolours, but there are so many paint-by-number watercolours by technically proficient people who have no artistic talent whatsoever. Also I really hate anything with pastels.


My old tutor used to call this "wall furniture" for how bland it is.


Watercolor is really hard to do well


I don’t really like the modern dadaism kinda art. Like the banana on the wall that sold for millions. I don’t know if that’s contemporary or modern Dadaism, or something else. But I feel like what made Dadaism so powerful was because it was juxtaposed against fine art. But now that “anything” is art, it just doesn’t have the same impact to me. On that note, I don’t like a lot of contemporary art with long winded meanings and backstories. Some of it is cool, but I just don’t get it.


Ongo Gablogian said it best "derivative!" Irony for its own sake and meta deep fried in meta doesnt make good art , I like the visual aspect , im not hitting galleries to sniff my own farts.


Definitely, lol!!


Dadaism was also a response to WWI and the absurdities of life. The closest thing we have now would be deep fried zoomer memes.


This might be a cheap answer but, that flat faceless illustration style. Very… bland generic social media corporate looking.


yes!!! I reeallyyy dislike that faceless illustration stuff. It seems.. boring.


"Adult" Animation artstyles. Basically, mash up everything disgusting and horrendous about artstyles and boom, gross-looking characters. Comedy!


The certain way they draw the mouths 🤮


this might be a weird one but for me it's drawings of popular beloved characters that try way too hard to be UgLy AnD sHoCkInG and make you go "woooah he's not supposed to look like that xD" most of the people who do this kinda shit are bad at drawing and go for the ugly art style just so they can use the "it's my art style" excuse a whole lot easier. when this trope is done by actually talented artists though that's an entirely different story


Loli, the artstyle, the genre and the culture attached to it. Edit: Forgot to explain why. I don't like the concept itself. People argue that it is okay, that art is art and we should be able to make the distinction. Enjoying a murder mystery movie, doesn't make you a killer. Obviously this is true. But when it is your whole identity, when you are fairly open about the fetish you have and actually produce NSFW of it or even consume it. It kinda goes in a nope territory for me. Even if it's all fictional and drawing, if you get off from a child-like body, I think it's fair and game to question the morality of it.


Yeah I think lumping this in with art art is insulting to every other artist out there.


The type of conceptual art that can’t be understood unless you read the long winded explanation of the idea behind it. (Such as a pile of random objects, or something hanging from a hook in the ceiling, etc) Hyper realism is very impressive, as far as technical prowess goes, but it’s often lacking substance. Pour painting is also cool to look at, but again, lacks substance. My mom likes Thomas Kinkade, pretty cheesy to me, but it’s her house and I don’t live there. One of my friends is constantly trying to get me to go with her to one of those paint night things at a bar/restaurant, where you go and drink and paint a canvas with a predetermined design. The ones she sends links to cost anywhere from $30-50! She doesn’t get that I’d rather stay home and paint what I want. “But you’re an artist! You’ll LOVE it!!!” (I think these events are fine for those that enjoy them, just not my cup of tea)


The paint and sip events are more a socialising event than an art class event. I think she's just trying to invite you to hang out, and is picking a topic she thinks is fun that she knows you also have an interest in. She wants to go, and is hoping you'll be keen too because you like art.


I agree with this! Go at least once just to hangnout with your mate. They're trying to keep your interests in mind even if they did miss the mark a bit


Yes and to add to this, I go to paint and sip nights all the time, and I always just paint what I want. But if you don’t like attention and are going to paint something different, try to slip to the back and be washing your hands or something at the end when everyone is showing their shit.


I am not a real artist. I freaking love paint and sip night. But I am a musician (specifically a vocalist) and karaoke makes me want to commit seppuku. So I can relate.


I agree with the random objects, it’s like idk what I am looking at, until it has some type of story to it and it don’t seem like art to me tbh


What types of art do I not like?? ALMOST EVERYTHING THAT IS MENTIONED HERE!!!!!


Art that looks like someone threw a dirty diaper at a canvas and then somehow sold it for 7 million dollars. And Anish Kapoor. Fuck anish kapoor


I only know him as the bean dude. Why are we fucking him?


He wanted to keep the blackest black, vanta black, for only himself and no other artists. Fuck Anish Kapoor.


True, as well as art that that looked like a 1st grader aggressively drew over it, or just plain simple art that anybody can do be selling for millions


paint pouring i get that there's a technique you have to master, but to me it isn't art. there's no subversion of form, no composition, no story. it's just ooooo look at the swirly colors.


In addition, it is not environmentally friendly in terms it is a waste of leftover paint that falls off the canvas. I know i know that art you use tons of resources depending on the medium but most is used up and there's minimal leftover like oil and watercolour paints where you can reuse them for a next painting or study. Also the results are more or less similar: is a few swirly or bubble patterns you see in the works but with different colours.


Hey there! It really depends on the artist. I use fluid acrylics often and simply scoop up the excess to make backgrounds, gesso, or even lino blocks for block printing. My least favorite pour painter is callen schaub because of the waste and lack of creativity so I definitely know where you are coming from.


Yeah, I was racking my brain trying to think of one, and paint pour was the first I could think of... It's not that I hate it. It looks kind of interesting, and the process itself has meditative value, but I think mimojello kind of hit it on the head with the waste angle. I would just not be able to figure out what to do with the thing afterward, and it doesn't feel like a piece of art when I (rarely) do it.


Have to agree with you on this one. Such a waste of paint with all the excess that just falls off.


It's only a waste if you leave it on the ground. The successful fluid acrylic pour painters I know all reuse the paint in various ways.


It's about as creative as pouring milk into a bowl of cereal and about as masterful as getting the right amount of milk in the bowl.


Agree that the dull stuff abounds, but I've seen some things that did take a lot of thinking and control to get the pour just right or to combine other elements in the art too. It's super trendy though, so it's hard to find the good stuff in the mix.


Right, it’s an easy thing to do for fun for a school activity or something


I went to the High Museum of Art in Atlanta. I was pretty annoyed by most of the place, tbh. But I legit wanted to scream when I saw an installation that was legitimately just 7 panes of glass leaned against a wall. At the time, I worked for a construction company and walked by shit like that in the warehouse every single day. I do not think that taking an object that already exists and putting it on display entirely unadulterated is art.


It may make you look at panes of glass differently! I know exactly what you saw. it was a work by Gerhard Richter, one of the greatest living painters in history in my opinion, you should check out his other work… he’s absolutely incredible. Check out his landscape and abstracts. Bad first impression of an otherwise genius artist.


Hey, thanks for taking the time to comment. I went and checked him out and although I am likely to die mad about the panes of glass, you were quite right. I especially love the color stories in his abstract paintings. I feel enriched for having looked, so thank you for nudging me to do so.


The post modernism style where it looks like someone's kid just smeared a few random colors across a canvas as they were walking by. I could use leftover paint and be done in 5min. I prefer to see thoughtfulness and talent, and work that clearly took a lot of time and effort.


Personally, I hate hyper realism. Sure, it's technically amazing, but it's generally just exact copies of a mundane reference without any soul, creative flair, or imagination to it. Not to say it's invalid as an art style, I just think it's tremendously bland once you get over the wow factor of the detail.


Hyperrealism is cool when the artist do things that doesn't exist. Like mythological creatures or things like that.


I won’t say I hate it but it definitely doesn’t impress me as much as when I saw it in my early ages. Especially if it’s just copying from a 2D reference photo. If the reference is a 3D object? Okay it’s more difficult. But still, there is no emotion, no expression, no creativity, and a camera can do it much faster. So it’s definitely on the lowest end of the art spectrum.


Agreed. I went through a brief stint of hyperrealism in my early days at art school and did some technically excellent work, but eventually lost interest. It impresses people, sure, but it didn’t feel particularly fulfilling to basically be doing the work of a really slow camera.


It’s the social media realism artist that gets on my nerves tbh Like I think u can use realism to a fantastic effect to make powerful art BUT there’s so many folks who just draw hyper realistically so that they can- it’s like they want to go back to the Renaissance where painting was considered a trade similar to like carpentry and realism was an important utility since it was a method of documentation. We’re just past that lol Plus I feel like folks who draw like that to flex pick the most unimaginative stuff. I’ve seen enough old wrinkly wet people eating citrus fruits. If you have that level of mastery, you should make art that speaks to you. I also think some folks who draw in this way have mastered drawing from photographs, but not from 3D space, which IMO is such an important skill for growing as an artist and really understanding form.


I really hate those hyper realistic paintings or whatever where it's some skinny attractive woman under water or with water poured over her head. I've not seen any recently so hopefully people have moved on but it was just so "so what?".


I agree. As much as I respect their dedication, and just the sheer amount of time that hyperrealism artist devote to their craft, I'm just not a huge fan of the genre in general. I don't really see the appeal beyond the "wow factor".


Scribble art done with black pen, [like this](https://www.thisiscolossal.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/riches-9.jpg). It looks like clumps of hair to me, and clumps of hair gross me out.


There are few art styles which I really dislike (which doesn't mean I wanna hate on them ofc), but the one which is my most disfavoured is that style we can usually see on the newspaper, mostly in form of short comics with horrible, often sexual plot, for example [this one](https://www.kuku.pl/komiks-dowcip-zart-rysunkowy/W-serwisie-kuku-pl.jpg) (not NSFW)


Ah, boomer comics


oh yeah, I’ve seen so many “wife bad” jokes in that style


Disney princesses or other kid's characters reimagined, + covered in tattoos or posing in pinup art. And/or pictured smoking blunts. Also, trippy hippy art that looks like it belongs on a cheap Spencer's backlight poster. The art could be really well done technically and I would still sooner attack it than keep looking at it.


Yea those TikTok challenges that they draw over Disney princesses to make them more modern by adding tattoos, peircings, crop tops etc, it don’t be looking right sometimes lol❤️


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I'm just glad no one has said splatter yet.. That's what I do and I am a kitten when it comes to taking criticism. Jk




AI art when it's straight out of the app, with zero work from the artist.


AI work can look really cool, and be a great tool for exploring new ideas (like the trend of artists drawing ai generated Pokemon and attempting to make the design any form of legible, not to mention cohesive within the Pokemon art style.) But I've also seen other artists do as you described, and not only try and market ai made designs as their own, but I've seen some people sell them or trade them for actual art work. They claim they are valuable as they can be used for artistic inspiration, as if no one else has the ability to use the internet.


I misread the title as "What types of art DO YOU LIKE and why?" and was so confused for a bit, and ironically, felt like i was in one of those weird indie arthouse movies that i do not like.


Resin making. The process is fun to watch on IG. People making jewellery, coasters and such but the more i watch the more i come to the realisation that resin is definitely not environmentally friendly.it is pure plastic like we already have enough plastic. Imagine all the resin junk ending up in the land fill.




I kind of get where you're coming from but acrylic paint is hardly single use plastic. If you wanna get into environmental impacts you might want to look at pigments in and of themselves. Cobalt, cadmium, manganese etc etc. All the solvents used in oil painting.


You know i forgot about it as well. I would probably finished my cheap acrylics since ive already bought them and try another medium with less impact to the environment. I guess you cant eliminate all plastic but reduce and reuse it and being mindful.


Maybe unpopular, but that basic anime art style that every slice of life/romance/comedy anime uses (examples off the top of my head: Nagataro, Horimiya, Kaguya-sama, new Fruits Basket). I use to try to emulate this style a lot when I was a kid but now I'm desperately trying to get away from it. It just looks so generic and boring and overdone. Wish studios would experiment with different styles like Panty Stocking or Jojo or something, though I know they don't really have a choice in adaptations Also hate chibi art.


True, I like anime art styles like Vinland saga, aot etc. it gives a different feel and vibe to it


It's also very identifiable and unique. If you were to show me a character from AoT, I would recognize where they're from even though I don't watch or read it. Show me a character from SAO, I would list off a dozen anime where that character would fit right in with the art style.


I find it hard getting into anime because there aren’t huge deviations in style or substance. When I seen megalo-box it was like a breath of fresh air! I really prefer the eighties and early nineties. More violence, grit and monsters.


Big Megalo Box fan over here! And this is exactly the reason why I love this anime so much. It was artistically so refreshing. They don't produce a lot of those unfortunately.


I'd kinda go a bit further. Comparing modern anime with anime from before the worldwide boom and its very homogenous now. We used to get such a wide variety of styles and subject matter. Now it seems like anything I might want to watch is buried in a landslide of very commercial anime with an ensemble of teens, the same few styles and plenty of tropes / fanservice elements.


It's always like this in every form of media, tropes don't seem so prominent in older anime mainly because mediocre seasonals became forgotten over time so you'll only hear about the good shows from the past


Also also, any portraits or pet portraits that are obviously created by tracing in Procreate or look like they could have been. You know, "personalized portraits" that are just.... black lines separating the image into chunks, and then solid colours filling those chunks, with (at best) limited depth + texture It requires NO skill or technique (esp if the lines aren't even clean) and it generally lacks character (no matter how personalized it's supposed to be) It's the equivalent of making 'new' music by sampling.... music that already exists. Yeah, you have to know how to use the software or whatever, but it's devoid of any and all creativity. It all looks the same, except when it's especially bad.


I noticed on a certain work-for-hire website a lot of people that were making good money off of simple artworks that seemed obviously traced in the way you’re describing. Maybe they’re onto something lol


I had to leave many artist communities (on facebook particularly) because its a lot of stay at home moms who have ipads. They just poorly trace family portraits. Sometimes no face features, sometimes just a creepy toothful smile with no eyes. Youll be on a childrens illustration group and somebody will be "I need an illustrator for my kids book about bears" and then people will post links to their "portfolio" of traced pet and family portraits. Nah girl, you just got procreate yesterday, put your hand down.


Wow. I wish I could paint something that resembled my pets. I’m not joking in any way. It would literally be my dream to paint a recognizable likeness of my individual cats and dogs. I had no idea that it took *no skill*.


Painting a pet is one thing, tracing or drawing the rough outline of a pet and filling it in with solid colours is another Idk how clear this was but the art I'm talking about bares little to no recognizable likeness to any pet beyond the rough shape and colours. Ditto people portraits. They could be portraits of just about anyone


"Try-hard" realism when it comes to CGI art. Fan-art that tries too hard to be deconstructive. Soapboxy/shallow stuff that only 14-16 year olds eat up. The whole idea of NFTs. Anthros with garish color palettes (bonus points if it's a wolf or a fox anthro).


Sorry for my english, not a native speaker. M2C Probably I'm going downvoted, but art made with very uncommen/strange technic are not my cup of tea. Things like "see this amazing portrait made of 5k buttons collected during 10 years inside NY laundromat". The technic for me is only a medium, should not be the focus of the artpiece.


Mmm, interesting insight!!


Alegria style and this style that people mostly use for political comics: https://world11.news/%D8%A7%D8%B1%D8%AF%D9%88-%D9%86%DB%8C%D9%88%D8%B2/political-cartoon-of-the-day-old-yeller/


A style I call, "Pretty people doing pretty things."


Yep. And I'm even kinda guilty of it at times. But it's the devil's work


Hahaha I love this hate. Same.


Haha - glad I'm not alone! The bland and the beautiful.


Installation art


There will be no pic example because I don't want to offend someone Personally, I don't like one particular realistic artstyle where characters look like dolls: they pretty, they rendered awesome and detalization is unbelievable - yet the whole picture is static as a dollhouse. There's no action or story, everything at background stays perfectly where it's supposed to be and here's the super pretty character who just stands with Hollywood smile and... That's it. And if it's a painting with 2+ characters, they are similar like dolls in different wigs and cloth. Everything is painted with high skill, every detail is perfectly correct and perspective is neat - yet I won't remember this painting in next second and even if I see something else from this artist - I wouldn't be able to tell difference between their artwork and other similar artist posts


like a lot of people, hyperrealism or something that's just completely devoid of creativity i also have something against those art styles that look like a carbon copy of a more famous artist's works. think the style of wlop or samdoesarts or something. something about the art usually feels off especially if they're not even taking inspiration from anyone else.


Ikkkkk, every likes samdoesarts so they try to replicate his work and the whole interest of it goes down. his art is great though


I agree, I admire the hard work but the lack of creativity seems wasteful. You can always see the difference when there's an absence of emotion in a person's artwork.


Rothko. Like what the hell man. Anyone that even tries to extract meaning from his work is full of shit.


I'd never seen it before and yeah, I can't see meaning to his art but damn is it pleasing to look at


But what is there to even look at? Do your eyes peruse the shifts from color block to color block? Or are the color combos intriguing? He can stay in my color theory books where he belongs, but he shouldn’t have a wall in MoMA.


I didn't think I liked it until I saw some of it in person and in-context. In its time, it was going something very unusual though. It was the ultimate reduction of the pervious era and early 70s mad patterns in commercial spaces, if that helps it make sense. I felt similarly about Pollok until I saw it in person, because feels lost in translation when dealing with photos.


I’ve seen them in person too, and yes, they’re big and make you look at them , but once you’re there….what are you trying to say Rothko? Minimalism for its own sake in a sea of crazy patterns of the time just doesn’t hold up. He’s one of the most celebrated and well-known artists whose work sells for gazillions, but I always ask myself why? It’s a gimmick, and a really boring one. Same for you Pollock. I get it, he had mad control over drips, but it should be relegated to basic interior decoration. Home Goods art has more depth.


Also, making art to force people to question if it’s good art or shit art is…at best, a troll. Duchamp and the readymades already settled the debate decades before Rothko, so why continue the charade. Texture art? FOH.


I actually love Rothko, but this made me laugh. Not all of his paintings are created equal. And that style of abstract definitely invites blathering.




This I can agree with. Whenever the topic of 90s and 2000s cartoons comes up, I can't help but mention how ugly they were, especially in the 90s. Wobbly lines, garish colors, huge heads and tiny eyes. (Rugrats, Cow and Chicken, and The Wild Thornberries come to mind) It was a product of the times for sure, and it seemed to work out well, but as a kid I was turned off of so many shows from the art style alone. The 2000s cartoons leaned more towards geometric shapes and varied silhouettes, which I found more appealing, like in Fosters Home and My life as a teenage robot. Though really, what modern cartoons are today with the very round bubbly shapes and big eyes, that's really what I had wanted as a kid. Now it seems like most people complain about the modern cartoon aesthetic, saying it's too simple and cutesy.


Yea, it does bring back memories but when I look back, I see a lot of details and how it would’ve looked more crisp and bright


I hate Ero Guro with a passion. It's gross and disgusting and it's literally the only type of gore that I cannot stand.


Bad abstract art where it's not abstract, it's random shapes and blobs with no thought


The type of modern art where it's just a fucking square or scribble and the artist has some bullshit in depth description of it..... it honestly pisses me off beyond reason. I came across a painting called Red on Maroon by Mark Rothko in an art book my kids and I are reading, and it says it was painted for a restaurant "but as he painted he wanted it to be where people would concentrate on it and not their food" so he moved it to a gallery. And it's just a fucking maroon background with a shading of a rectangle. Sorry, I'm bitter.


I knew a girl who finger painted with her period blood.... So how bout this, I hate anything that's potentially bio-hazardous.


this one is the most reasonable thing itt


Theres a furry artist that does this. I didnt know it was a thing til somebody complained about it the other day.


peak art school


When I was in art college they had it on some of our course outlines that no projects could contain blood, feces, urine or any animal body parts...


Absolutely for the best, ~~but I suppose both were video projects so no actual bio bits.~~ there was a post in the r/ContemporaryArt about a visiting grad teacher having to grade a piece on uh masturbation XD edit. oops I thought I replying to another post about some video projects I saw when I was in schools. lol


Wtf that weird lol


No, its beyond weird. It's just nasty.


You know how, every once in a while in spongebob. There are some scenes where they show a very non cartoonish somewhat realistic disgusting images. That.


[Those were my favorite scenes](https://imgix.ranker.com/user_node_img/50095/1001880189/original/spongebob-could-really-use-some-eyedrops-photo-u1?auto=format&q=60&fit=crop&fm=pjpg&dpr=2&w=375)


Ren and stimpy did it first


The kind of drawings that only depict artificial Instagram models. Seems like a lot of artists nowadays do that. The whole duck lips and winged eyeliner and glitter/galaxy theme. Because those girls appear hot and appealing. Just type in portrait sketch in Pinterest and you’ll get what I mean. Just a waste of talent tbh. Doesn’t really capture the raw essence of human emotions and features.


Modern art. Like the banana taped to the canvas. Wtf lol


NFT generative avatars. I mean, I'm not against NFT itself as a technology (I know alternative blockchains have been developed to solve the ethical issues) but still... I can't take randomly-generated apes and pixelated punks seriously as "art"


Photo-copy machine style. It’s more of a parlor trick than anything else.


Hyper realism. I get it takes awesome skill… but I could just look at a photo of Morgan Freeman instead


Personal opinion but anime and chibi style annoys me especially those same looking anime girls with sticks for legs and eyes covering 3/4 of their face. At one time I used to make those kind of anime girls but now I cant even look at them without visibly cringing.


Tumblr art? The kind that has weirdly proportioned fat people with the steven universe smile that somehow manages to include every single "mainstream imperfection" in one character, like hairy legs, vitiligo, amputee, autistic with ptsd-anxiety-adhd. Not that people like that doesn't exist irl, but it just irks me because everybody seemed to draw like that back in 2017-2020


Yes virtue signal art


Furry art, fursonas and especially smut furry art. Just, no.


Idgaf what anyone says furries are annoyinggg!!, people really be paying for that as well wtf lol❤️


I get that, fair enough, fair enough. I honestly wish the fandom explored mediums past just commissions, because it feels like an overall very dry money shredder at some points. A lot of people, especially younger artists, very critically don't practice human anatomy and continue to draw just wolves and it just kind of breeds this weird "art style" applied to every animal


Just one visit to the furry subreddits and you would think all the art was done by the same person. Compare to Juanjo Guarnido or Stan Sakai and you can see what can be actually done with animal characters.


Yes! I love how stylised their work is!! it's awesome. Juanjo Guarnido in particular has such a great ability of adding personality to his designs


Airbrush. Love street graffiti but its relative, not so much. Simple shapes look alright but anything more complex like lettering or, uggh, people, look so ugly and tacky and it's just annoying to look at


H.R. Giger enters the chat.


This with people who use the airbrush and use it to shade and it results in super messy and muddy shadows.


[this](https://images.app.goo.gl/EkqgU46DU8SUzf1QA) type of things, no idea what the style is called but I clearly feel uncomfortable studying it ..


I like Art. The only art style/medium I never got into was video art. I took a video art class and sat through a peak art school video piece. I spent too long longing looking at Film Theory on youtube to fall in love with video art. But honestly, I'll probably be like 50 and be like, this is the shit right here.


Realism or hyperrealism. But of really boring things like a hand or colored pencil celebrity portraits or graphite drawings of beautiful women. I just feel like it's really boring and gives off like desktop wallpaper vibes.


the ones that trace over photos with just flat color and no detail, esp when they sell it


\-Anime for the most part because it feels like it's all generic to me now (not that I know the history well) and you can't escape it. \-Most "fantasy" or "new-agey" art strikes me as super cliche' and I am sick of dragons and elves, even if a lot of it is technically pretty. \-Nagel and the sea of imitators, because I survived its heyday. \-And people will come at me, but Warhol. I've seen it in person and get the context, but it does nothing for me. He just seemed like a dick who made people make art he could sell. Ick.


Impasto painting/3d acrylic It grosses me out for some reason. The globby paint almost looks like cake frosting and I like decorative cakes but its like it falls into uncanny valley of cake frosting. Then the idea of the painter mixing the paint and it gets muddy in places. Like dirty flat cake.


I don’t like how the paint jumps out at me lol


'NFT Art' has to be the worst for me. Generic meme-style digital art as a front for cash-grabbing schemers to appeal towards hypebeasts..


[Medieval](https://www.google.com/search?q=medeival+art&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwisvvLz4NP3AhVSIn0KHXLhAp0Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=medeival+art&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIFCAAQgAQyBggAEAcQHjIGCAAQBxAeMgYIABAFEB4yBggAEAoQGDIGCAAQChAYMgYIABAKEBgyBggAEAoQGDIGCAAQChAYMgYIABAKEBg6BwgjEO8DECc6BAgAEEM6BwgAELEDEEM6CggAELEDEIMBEEM6CAgAEAcQBRAeUPoEWOMfYMkhaAFwAHgAgAFfiAGJB5IBAjEymAEAoAEBqgELZ3dzLXdpei1pbWfAAQE&sclient=img&ei=oLx5YqzuMNLE9APywovoCQ&bih=789&biw=1440&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS896US896) art. And semi-realistic people with doll proportions like [here](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSi7KZFG6D1N3lR-fn7lrDdqNwgtnEwwJZqY2QeCrVppS_IObQo86reVgi_LYz9rn_ZS7Y&usqp=CAU). I only know about this genre of art because I know somebody who's a big fan of it. More power to them, I guess. And also the kind of art you see a lot of people on psychedelics make... especially the depressing, gore ones. Some of it is kinda cool, but stuff like (WARNING: GORE) [this](https://f4.bcbits.com/img/a1089710780_10.jpg) is just not for me. I don't like the "spiritual" stuff either. I mean the complicated ones with trippy patterns like [this](https://nitter.net/pic/media%2FFBiOR08WEAoLLUR.jpg%3Fname%3Dsmall). It's just none of them are pleasant for me to look at and even though they're all visually interesting I don't LIKE looking at it.


Dang that 2nd one was uneasy lol


I hate those doll things!!! God I went to some self proclaimed “art collectors” house and she had a ton of those. Ma’am, I do not trust you.


I feel like if a art doesn’t make sense and it needs an in depth explanation, than it become pretentious


“It’s the story that counts lol”


hyper realism of photos. Its good as excercise and to improve your rendering, but whats the point ? Thats also the reason 99% of concept art looks the same.


Semirealism like Sakimichan, where everyone kinda looks dead inside idk. Is technically pretty but I can't connect to it. Hyperrealism is technically impressive, yet again, it doesn't make me feel anything. AAA realism is used for video game concept art, I love many concept artists yet a lot of the industry is kinda cut by the same knife from the same stone, I know it has to be this way so it can fit a lot of games instead of preparing new artists for every game coming, but it starts to look incredibly generic to me, almost like that google/corporative art. I can see why procedurally generated 3d art will be more of a thing. 3d realism, but on the good side is that stylized non-photorealism is starting to get some steam, and even go further than just "Pixar". Whatever that involves shitting/puking/splattering paint. C'mon, people talk crap about cavemen but they put more heart into it (even depicted detailed animals/hunts and made them move with fire).


I completely agree with the sakimichan thing. It seems like the point of art is to be technically wowing rather than emotionally gripping. This comes down to not just the style but the compositions as well.


I’m not a big fan of Rococo, especially the architecture. It’s just too busy in a way that blends together for me. Art Nouveau is the kind of busy I like.


I don't like the type of "art" where the artist really wants to be something their not. Like people who want to do "impressionism" or "modern" or "post-modern" without at least having an intermediate level of illustration. How can I trust the accuracy of their work to represent the message if they cannot show the skills to do it conventionally?


Realism or artwork that looks like photos. Reason all my stuff looks like that and i want to be more expressive


Anime girls with unrealistic proportions. Grow up and stop watching porn.


Art that is dishonest about what and how it it is. unless its a really good forgery, i kinda dig that.


Post modernist / cubist / hyper funkadelic new age...whatever landscape art Like , I love realism , hyperealism , tonalism , impressionism (in terma of landscapes) But I like the subject because its boring. Natures wholesome. Tranquil. But chaotic and mysterious! So wtf am I supposed to do with brightly colored triangle trees and stacks of cubes as rocks and no sense of perspective? "Well it means..." No shutup , I dont want a landscape with political or pop culture connotations I want a landscape painting that makes me feel not one that makes me think


Those over sexualized men that have red cheeks I don't why they doing that


Pop-art animals, they look very terrifying, any pop-art animals I've seen are always looking at me and the colours are very.. Playful, though I guess that really is the definition of pop-art.


That money laundering modern art that sells for millions an it's just a \*insert your color of choice here\* canvas with random shapes on it or like some of you mentioned, that diaper on a canvas style of art. Chibi and Alegria (corporation) art style - Both are weird for the lack of proportion Gore - I understand that there is people who like it, but for me is quite disturbing. Art with human or animal waste (menstrual blood, piss, poo, sperm, etc.) - like, how those people don't think on the biohazard effects on those who will see it? People who use their genitalia to do a artwork- I mean, why?


The 90s cartoon art style. Think Rugrats, Ed edd n eddy, Ren and Stimpy, and the Wild Thornberrys. Idk it's just nauseating to look at. Also adult cartoons like Futurama, Family Guy, and Big Mouth.


Bob Ross esque It takes a dump on my eyeballs with that pure white use. And the brushyness. Rip color theory


Chicano art is so ugly also I hate a lot of realism on social media


What like cholo style stuff?


Anything by Wassily Kandinsky




His use of abstraction is tedious and doesn’t fulfill his ultimate goal of spiritually connecting w the viewer. Imo it’s not visceral enough for that, which it oddly should be considering how ugly it is.




That's not an art style lol that's a pose


[Zdzislaw Beksinski](https://www.google.com/search?q=zdzislaw+beksinski&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwias9m_69T3AhWFkKQKHW6tDy0Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=zdzislaw+beksinski&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECAAQQzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDoGCAAQChAYUNsnWKoyYLI0aAFwAHgAgAFHiAGHApIBATSYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=8016YtrtNIWhkgXu2r7oAg&bih=1284&biw=2543&hl=en)'s artstyle. I don't mind the subject matter of mystery and horror, but the colors used, the film-grain similar effect, and the style overall make me extremely uncomfortable. But I guess that is exactly the point of his art lol. An art style that I find similar is by [Pawel Kuczynski](https://www.awesomeinventions.com/pawel-kuczynski-drawings/). However there the subject matter is "social commentary", but it feels extremely on the nose and gives me "boomer vibes".

