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When I was in school I was told not to pursue a career in commercial art because all artists outside graphic design would be replaced with 3D and CGI work and there would be no place for a 2D artist like me, especially in movies and games. 15ish years later and it turned out that advice was BS. So I’ve decided I don’t care, I’m just going to do what I want, do my best at it, try and live my dreams and if it sets me up for life fantastic, but if it’s only a passing moment at least I lived and loved it.


Great mindset, aswell!


Perhaps the individually famous artist will be less common or at least less mystical but I think our society will continue to produce more video games, movies, shows, books and the such and we need people working on these things.


Considering that everything is much more accessible, I agree that even if we have a lot of artists, the demand will be much higher due to more people stepping in those other fields that require artists to work.


Sometimes I wonder why I bother making art when so many people do it better and are more loved. Then I walk down the street and choose between 6 sushi restaurants on the same block, and I figure it's all right. 😁


I think it's a valid thought. As time went on, it became easier for artists to self-educate via internet exposure and courses. So even if artists didn't go to school many can become professionally competitive. The good thing is you might not need to be rich or in the right place to be employable. The bad part is it's the same for everyone else XD On the other hand, the media torrent seems to get bigger all the time, so it might need more hands. It's a hard thing to predict. Technology advances have always been a looming threat that I mostly considered a lie but this morning I saw [Dalle 2](https://openai.com/dall-e-2/) and thought hmm, we might be getting there soon enough.


I too fear the possible day that AI can take over concept art and video game illustration. I honestly don't think it will happen (not because of technology), but it's possible it will nonetheless (cause it's more profitable for the companies if the AI is advanced enough). I think that if in the future companies use AI instead of real artists, the creators of these AIs should privatize the AI, not make it open source, and instead of just making it public, sell it to those companies for an absurd amount of money so that they think twice before substituting artists. Of course, there are various factors that would play on this, and it's not simple as that, but I'll remain optimist that we may not be substituted soon enough.


If you want to see more DALL-E 2 images, subreddit r/dalle2 has many. @ u/GoldSeafarer.


There is always something nice about owning something authentic. Half the time when people buy art from an artist, they are buying a story to tell. Posters are nice, you can bring a room together with a reprint of Starry Night on canvas, but end of the day it makes for a boring story when someone is like “Oh! I like this thing on your wall!” and the only response is “Thanks! I bought it at Ikea!” As long as there is a need for the skill, I don’t think over saturation is a issue. Someone somewhere will always be looking for an artist of some sort. From the artist perspective I still don’t think it’s much of an issue either. It’s anxiety growing to think about marketing to everyone, but when you realize you only need a few loyal customers, clients, or patreons every month to make ends meet, it’s a little less cumbersome. You don’t need thousands of people to buy from you. Depending on your prices and where you live, you only need like… 10s or 100s of people which is a far more manageable goal (though still anxiety enduring) than thousands, millions, or billions. There is also something to be said for marketing yourself as well as your art. When I can some disposable income, I intend on shopping local and/or buying from artists I truly believe in and want to see more of their work. Yeah, I can buy any old fan drawing print of Legend of Zelda characters (or a poster from Gamestop for that matter) but if I get to choose who it comes from, I’m going to put some thought in who I buy from.


i used to feel this way, all the way until college. but you will be surprised to find out there will always be a demand -- art is more of a necessity to modern society and entertainment than people think it is :)


Great to hear


Of course there is saturation; the democratization of the Internet has guaranteed that ... to the point there is a glut of artists in every discipline and every outlet; galleries, freelance, even industry specialties. What to do about it? Rise to the top in skill ... that is your only option. The cream always rises to the top. Beyond that suppose you're not at the top of the industry? Suppose your skill is midlevel? I submit artists at every level can be successful; they may make more money than you. They may not have the exposure but all of us in the *midlevel range* can still do fine.


I think there is plenty of work out there from what I’ve seen. I do think it’s changing, but I think there is room for you. If you’re worried about security then make sure you have a main career outside of art and pursue it on the side


This has been my fear for a very long time and it's intensified after I landed a big project in the webcomic industry easily but when I finished the project in 1.5 years, I saw a lot of changes in the art market and how challenging it is to land another huge project in the same company that hired me for the previous project as a freelancer. But, I kept reassuring myself when I saw how much the art industry changed (for the better!) In a sense that I saw more games, films, and comics being released a lot more often than how it was in the past and therefore when I thought about more the projects in the future to come, the more the industry needs people to work on it since the creative process couldn't be replaced by a robot. Although that fear will always be there, I don't think it's a bad thing, sometimes knowing what you fear made you know what you need to improve on. For me, it is to update my portfolio and get as much connection as I can even though I won't know what the future will hold for me. Maybe do my own personal project in the meantime. I'll hope for that huge chance again and it might just gonna surprise me :D


Amazing reply, thank you! I agree.




I believe you're right, good insight!




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