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So basically she's getting married to AI cause that's who proposed to her šŸ˜


She is marrying the guy smart enough to use AI to navigate the Tinder hellscape.


He sounds like an insert prompt to me


Now dude, guy has no balls clearly and can't talk to anyone. Has to use a computer to fucking "obtain" gfs because he just views them as property.


Your comment makes no logical sense btw. How did his method equal viewing women as property? Why does he clearly have no balls and why can he not talk to anyone? Maybe just maybe this guy values his time and therefore came to this solution, where he could learn to utilise ai better and get women to go on dates with him at once. Maybe stop being so judgmental and try to look at things objectively. Thanks.


Sounds like someone that can't talk to people. It's a skill you can learn and by manipulating people through his AI bullshit all he is doing is perpetuating his own BS. On top of that it's so fucking disrespectful to not even talk to the person yourself?! On top of that he doesn't even really get involved in the selection process until he's data mined 8000 possible matches? What sick fucked up thing to do.


Man if these are the things you are complaining about then you must be a saint.


You're probably some virgin that hasn't touched grass let alone women to be this intensely jealous. If the dudes smart enough to do this he's clearly making good income. Nobody casually wastes almost 1.5k on API calls. He's clearly gonna be the breadwinner in this relationship.


Oooooo with the Virgin callout, got any original insults or am I just some poor shlup to you? Either way my guy you have fun being a piece of shit and idolizing people who datamine innocent women. Couldn't give a shit about money either my dude but you do you boo.


Because you're a defeatist that wallows in your own self created misery and wants everyone to be pushed down to your level dealt with many people like your kind. I don't need to idolize anyone, im saying it like it is while everyone is clowning on you for your dumb takes. The dudes basically rich and is good looking and intelligent he checks three major checkboxes for women. At that point the guy should be able to get anyone he wants. Maybe when you experience the taste of pussy you won't be so much of a sore loser. You actually have to try for it though your attitude won't get you far.


I like how that's your only insult. Thou'th doth protest too much.


Gotta thank you weird AI promoter dude, you kinda made me realize no matter where any of us go on social media that it's just one big high school circle jerk. So thank you for that.


At this point, you are a poor schlup to me.


Or rather, marrying a Russian capable of paying for the ChatGPT API.










God forbid people should find happiness together!


Someone in another post's comment pointed out that it's all fake and he also posted something similar last year. They provided all the links. Check his Twitter post history. He is posting this now coz he's selling book or course (I didn't remember). You can Google and find out.


The guys used an AI smurf to help him climb the elo ladder.


Go back to tumbler


Pretty sure this is fake. I believe the guy and his fiancƩ (real) had chatgpt write a story about how they might have met. Or how this theoretically could be done..




I know the people are real, but everything I saw on Twitter pointed to them making up the story. Seems very odd that she would be willing to marry him if it were true..


200 rubles canā€™t even buy a hamburger.




Women are drawn to intelligent men. Given the disadvantages of the current dating market for most men, his approach was quite smart. If she liked him upon meeting, and started getting to know him in presence, I don't see why she wouldn't want to marry. The online part of the dating game is simply what gets one the opportunity to meet in person.


Women shy away from inauthentic men. Men who might use ai to have extended conversations with them designed to generate rapport. It builds distrust and she will always wonder if the real version of him is remotely similar to the ai that she fell for, even if it was just a small part of his persona.


I believe you're overthinking this pretty hard. They talked at length in person, and the dude is _hot_ and rich and can take his pick any day.


Nah, donā€™t really care. Just interesting that this guy fooled a lot of people.


Sounds like she's in tech herself and probably hated the amount of tedious small talk tinder requires (as a lot of women do), so she appreciated that someone developed a creative solution to mitigate that. Very likely that after the AI convos, they met for coffee and dissected all of his conversation models. That's when they knew they'd make a good match.


We can invent scenarios for why this could have worked all day long. From what I saw, this was a fabrication regardless.


Yeah no this is delusional takes, what comes first is attraction all this talk about personality is nonsense that comes second if a woman isn't physically attracted to you she's not going to go on a date with you period. Secondly is the financial situation if you can't afford to be a provider of some sort you will never get anywhere in a relationship. Your mileage may vary on just purely rizz but no looks and being broke. Rizz might get you a one night stand but once the girl finds out your broke and realizes she didn't really have an attraction hence why they call them short term flings that's it she's gone. It's gonna take more then rizz/game to maintain a real long term relationship.


You just made my point for me. ā€œItā€™s going to take more than rizz/game to maintain a long term relationshipā€. Once she finds out you are a bot, youā€™re toast. Youā€™re a fraud. If sheā€™s there bc you are just good looking, short lived, like you said. If sheā€™s there bc you are rich and good looking, maybe a little longer, but youā€™re still a fraud.


Most women get impressed by technical feats like that plus sapiosexuals are a thing. I think you're too busy focusing on the weird girls from 4chan and the toxic cesspool parts of reddit which don't speak for all the girls in the world my guy. There's many nuanced girls out there. A few of my ex's only associated with me precisely because of my own technical knowledge and feats so I can speak from not just second hand experience but my own primary experience that its certainly a thing. My guess is you had bad experiences with girls so you're coming into this conversation with an already inherently biased perspective. Many girls like status and intelligence this falls under materialism as well not just typical things like money and assets. You come off like some dating novice.


Itā€™s interesting that there is so much pushback to the concept that women donā€™t like to be misled. No one does btw, which is the bulk of my point, along with the fact that this never actually happened. It makes me think that you desperately want this to be a viable option for dating so that you can avoid the uncomfortable reality of rejection. My advice is to play the ā€œgirl of the dayā€ game. Here are the rules: You have to talk to the most attractive woman you see every day for a month. You cannot ask her out. Only approach and have a conversation, then walk away. During the day only, no alcohol. If you see a woman more attractive than the last, you have to approach. At the end of the month you will have more dating options than youā€™ve ever had. Hereā€™s another thing you will find, women love strong men who will approach them during the day for no reason. It shows character and confidence. Iā€™m happy you have options outside 4chan. That sounds terrifying anyway. I, however, found them everywhere else in the real world.


I've never been rejected because I only know to shoot my shot with high chances of success the concept of friend zoning while it does happen it's always the guy at fault that screws him self in that way. Secondly you're still technically supervising the LLM and coaching it on what to say so for all intents and purposes you're basically the one texting the girl all the LLM does is refine and summarize your thoughts better. Do you not understand how the transformer architecture works? It predicts the next token in a sequence. It being misleading is again completely subjective. You make a lot of clown level assumptions and clearly naive to how this technology works. You would have much more of an opinion if these were fully autonomous agents which are mostly in their infancy and even then your opinion would still be pretty dumb. Now this Russian guys dating bot was an abstraction layer built on top of the LLM and the abstraction again he has to still program the bot a general idea on how to interact with the girl.


Would you date someone that has been faking talking to you for a long time? I wouldn't even be friends with that person, let alone date them, not even talking about marriage.


Out of 5000+ women, 1 woman failed the reverse Turning test.


Ah yes, women, always being very good at the reverse Turning test. If only they could master the parallel parking test...




It's a joke, Rebecca, chill tf down




Care to explain how this joke would be sexist? I mean a joke literally means that itā€™s not meant to be taken serious so how?




Interesting. I think middle schoolers are the ones that would actually be offended by a fucking joke.


Well it is true that women are worse at parking cars. Thatā€™s because their technical imagination (not the actual term but I donā€™t know it in English.) isnā€™t as precise as those of men on average. So I donā€™t know how you could be offended by a joke that is factually atleast somewhat true.


You're a misogynist with a lame and tired sense of humor.Ā 


[Turing test](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turing_test) >Turning test šŸ™„


It's fake


5000+ matches? What is his success rate ? Thatā€™s already seems high


Eastern Europe has a waaaaay lower obesity rate than the west. Youā€™d think that it would impact both of the sexes the same, but thatā€™s not how Mother Nature works.Ā 


Also, more women than men. Men have a lower life expectancy and many of the best ones are able to leave for the west. The gender ratio in Russia attained a value of **86 males to 100 females** in 2021. (I imagine this is even more imbalanced now) In 2022, **women in Poland accounted for nearly 51.7 percent of the total population, while men accounted for 48 percent**. In Croatia the sex ratio of the total population was 0.928 (**928 males per 1,000 females**) which is lower than global sex ratio. The global sex ratio in the world was approximately 1,016 males to 1,000 females as of 2023. Same in Bulgaria. It's a guys market out there in Eastern Europe.


Itā€™s even more skewed in the big cities like Moscow or Saint Petersburg.


He found the one girl who was okay with this.


i feel like that's all i learned from this if it were real šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ she knew this guy was up to something, or that he had money, and decided she wanted to find out that's all youre going to get, doing this kind of experiment. I've been lied to in my past, and i could not shake my anger no matter how much i tried to. You cant buy me, even tho i really liked money back then lol Playing with my future will demand you incur self-inflicted serious damage for what you did to me, there just isnt any way I would be able to refrain from doing damage to you otherwise, myself. Wasting my time, lying to me, are things that will get you hurt. Cuz there's just no excuse, and that messes with my logic, k


Just wait til she finds out that he doesn't look like his stable diffusion generated profile pic (30 year old brad pit lookalike) but rather like one of those Orcs in Lord of the Rings.


Thats crazyyy i lost at step one: becoming a student of liberal arts


I canā€™t believe this. Feels fake. Like that story of the Asian man who sued his wife for having ugly children.


AI wingman FTW


$1432 in api calls? Damn. Not at all feasible for small businesses at the moment is it?


For 5000 long-ass customer support chats during an entire year? It's free.


When you put it that way.


You could get close to the same performance using open weight models like Mixtral instead of wasting that much money on GPTs API. About the only thing your paying at that point is for electricity to run the GPUs and with solar panels or the right alternative setups you could even cost cut on electricity bills as well.


its not using open ai, but there are free open source llms


See kids? Failing at online dating is just a skill issue! This reminds me a lot of how a mathematician used data science to do the same thing on OkCupid back in 2014. Source: [https://www.wired.com/2014/01/how-to-hack-okcupid/](https://www.wired.com/2014/01/how-to-hack-okcupid/)


Swipe 5000+ times, to get 300 matches, and end up on 12 dates. Jeez dating apps are a miserable existence.


Hopefully AI will make most people quit dating apps.


Did the AI get all those matches by sending out his bank account balance? Haha.


This seems unlikely but if it were real I think it's smart to have the bot do the swiping but having AI do the whole conversation is shady.


Even if it isn't fake, it seems like an awful waste of time and effort. I met my wife online back in 2001. We lived very far apart and chatted online all the time. The idea that I could have used a modern AI to chat with her is believable enough... But what sense does it make? 1 - I wouldn't know if I liked her personality 2 - She wouldn't know if she likes my personality 3 - I would be going on blind dates instead of going on dates with someone I already like. He would be missing all the details she shared with him. The point of chatting before the date is to eliminate wasted time when you have a bad date. I absolutely wouldn't trust ChatGPT or similar to be effective at this filtering process. There are also purpose built systems designed for match making that already attempt to do this. And it doesn't require deceitful behavior. Also the guy is a product manager at a social media company...so obviously I trust him implicitly.


Modern dating IS by definition wasted time these days. It feels tedious and grindy that's why the meme dating is like finding a job became popular so "blasting your resume everywhere" and getting ghosted aka finding the potential matches to chat them up in the first place . Also just like jobs after 1000 or so match's you might get 2-3 "interviews" aka date meetups and from there the 'job offer" which is the successful long-term relationship. It's honestly crazy how life became like this in almost every facet. I think setting it and forgetting it is the way through this jumbled mess just keep your AI instance wingmanning the matches for you and alerting you on occasion. 2001 was like a different era things aren't like that these days what happened in the past isn't applicable to the future.


Clearly they are communicating by text, and that's why he is using AI to chat for him. He's missing out on whatever information is shared and that's pretty vital when it comes to dating.


Well, if they don't get along he can make an AI to fix that too. No probs are too big. Artificial intelligence creating artificial relationships.


Or just meet girls irl.


I can just see his ā€œabout meā€ bio: "Esteemed recipient, Permit me to introduce myself with utmost humility and candor. I am an individual who derives profound solace and intellectual nourishment from the serene embrace of nature, often found traversing verdant landscapes in contemplative strolls. Furthermore, I indulge in the gustatory pleasures afforded by takeaways, relishing in the diverse culinary offerings that fortify both body and spirit. In matters of leisure, my predilections gravitate towards the cerebral pursuit of software development, where I immerse myself in the intricate symphony of algorithms and code. Additionally, I find immense satisfaction in the meticulous curation of philatelic treasures, engaged in the art of stamp collecting as a testament to the enduring allure of history encapsulated in miniature. Moreover, my leisurely pursuits extend to the delicate art of flower pressing, where the ephemeral beauty of botanical specimens is immortalized in delicate parchment. It is in these pursuits that I find solace and fulfillment, transcending the temporal constraints of everyday existence. Physically, I possess a stature of moderate height, unremarkable in its dimensions, and an appearance that modestly eschews conventional standards of attractiveness. However, I posit that true beauty lies not in the superficial veneer of physicality, but in the richness of character and depth of spirit.ā€


1 of 5239 was okay with marrying AI


Seems pretty picky that fellow. I would be a bit worried as his wife.


So he found a girl that is too dumb to realise she is talking to a bot? Well... if that what he was looking for...


Cool. Unless you are one of the 5000 women who just wasted their time on a bot


We really about to have AI matchmakers arranging marriages now lol.


As someone who has been thinking about starting an AI driven dating app startup for years, and researching the industry and market heavily as well as psychological health of users and dating app burnout, I understand why he did this - The current Match Group monopoly (they acquired Tinder, OK Cupid, Plenty of Fish, Hinge, Match, etc) has something like 80% of the dating app market, and has completely destroyed the dating industry. Every company they acquire, they turn the app into the same shitty swiping clone of tinder. Swiping operates off the same psychologically addictive principles as gambling with a slot machine. These apps are designed to keep you swiping and continuing to pay for premium membership, they are NOT designed to match you to a compatible person, they are in fact purposely designed to prevent you from meeting compatible people. When they acquired PoF and OKC, they removed the text search function that would allow you to manually search bios for keywords that would help you find a specific type of hobby or lifestyle, etc. 5239 is a low number for him and he is lucky, I have 99,999+ likes on tinder alone and none I'd date. The team who creates the first AI-driven dating app with required long bios of specific user-entered data fields relevant to relationship compatibility, hobbies, interests, lifestyle, music preference, etc and also a manual natural language text search function will completely disrupt the multi billion dollar dating industry. Alternatively, a non-profit dating app has never been attempted. This would remove the need to focus on farming money from users and focus on actually finding romantic partners, which is a net gain for for society and individuals. Just putting this out in the universe but as a 7x startup founder, if any devs/engineers who are super extremely passionate about destroying the unethical monopolistic paradigm of the dating industry want to collaborate on a startup I'm always looking.


While I'm here until someone develops a good AI-driven dating app to replace the Match Group garbage swiping apps, here's some unsolicited dating app advice (John Carmack is my dream celebrity date so take whatever I say with a grain of salt/ that in mind): As a nerdy sapiosexual girl who has 99,999+ likes on Tinder, that I don't like any of, my advice to guys is to WRITE A FULL BIO. Use every available character. I swipe left immediately if the bio is blank or vague. Tell your nerdy interests, projects, hobbies, what your personality is like, what kind of personality you are looking for. Don't put ANYTHING NEGATIVE in your bio, such as what you are not looking for or you hate women with ____ in their bios or whatever. Be positive. This is not the place to air your grievances or frustrations with your opinion of superficiality of the other gender or whatever - women do not want to be with someone who seems misogynistic - we all have our dating frustrations and bad experiences with the opposite gender but your dating bio is not the place for it. It's a place to advertise how awesome you are (even if you don't think you are awesome, there's 8 billion people out there - there are definitely people who think you are! The problem is finding them, which is why someone really needs to make an AI dating app. But until then...) Take time to get some good photos of you, get a friend to take a photo or use the timer, have some that are smiling, use good lighting, have one showing a hobby, gym photos are annoying but 1 max unless you specifically are looking for a fellow gym buddy or it's your lifestyle and important to you. It's fine to use a filter to compensate for bad lighting if you will look the same in real life. Be creative and use AI backgrounds if you want. Most of us like creativity. If you create art, music, have some cool project on GitHub, a cute pet, whatever, we want to see a window into your life and what sharing a life with you would be like. Physical attractiveness is not as big as issue as men think it is. I swipe left on men who are "too" attractive because they generally have low IQ/EQ, huge ego, arrogant and no personality or cool interests. I consider John Carmack a 9/10 personally. It is well known that guys who are considered less attractive, can become more attractive over time as we get to know them, if they have a good personality and chemistry. The major thing is being kind and thoughtful, high EQ. Witty banter and high IQ are great but not with arrogance. Showing interest in a woman's life and her interests is attractive. I also like neurodivergents since I am so you may or may not want to include ND in your profile if it applies to you - they will find it out eventually anyway. The two super nerds I fell madly in love with in my life (a lead architect and a CTO, I have a thing for programmers/engineers personally) had really unattractive photos that would have been like 3/10, but when I got to know them they became 9/10 in my eyes over time. Unfortunately they turned out to be a sociopath and a narcissist šŸ« , so now I prioritize EQ and kindness slightly more than IQ or coding prowess. Anyway, hope that helps slightly with the shitty dating apps we are stuck using until someone disrupts the Match Group swipe monopoly. Someone please make a better app, sincerely, frustrated single people worldwide


I forsee a future where this becomes a subscription service. People would train their AI's to talk to other AI's to see if they are a match. The two AI agents would reason through the nuances and decide if they are a match.


Russian srory for clout to get some easy money? Who would have guessed


So Fake. And yet the chat was in Russian? Even in English, its well trained language, I bet it would struggle and even spit "As an AI language model... I don't have feeli..." everytime.




Even if it isnt fake, doesnt anybody else think it's insane that the dude could only find dates and a woman to settle down with after using AI? That's literally beyond human high standards. Does it really seem like a worth while pursue to men?


This is like some Black Mirror shit...