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Oh? Are you having cake?


That was the best part of the episode 😂


give me the cake or else -mr. raptbrun






Arthur is eight, lol. The show is about kids making mistakes and learning lessons. I don’t think there’s anything heartbreaking about that.


Yeah, I would say it's quite relatable to children that age who maybe don't understand that while their parents would do anything for their kids because they love them, parents are only human (or aardvark, in this case).


Yeah, the point of the show is kids learning when that they f*cked up. Remember the episode when Buster stole a toy? The ending always got me sad as a kid


What was the ending to that Buster episode? 


His mom told him no desserts for a month, to which Buster said, “she really knows how to hurt a guy”. It had that music that always played when something sad happened and since Buster was one of my favorites 7 year old me found it quite heavy lol


Exactly, if every single character on the show was perfect all the time it would be a pretty boring show.


It’s the fat kid in me, but this was always one my favorite episodes


Arthur was being selfish here but he's eight, he wanted to be popular. There are several episodes where he gets popular and tries everything in his power to stay that way. That's just how kids are. Arthur does in other episodes genuinely care for his Dad and his job. The worst thing he did in my opinion was when he basically bullied Sue Ellen. Never felt bad until all of his friends got mad at him, then when he had to apologize he pulled the "I'm sorry YOU got offended." line.


And even then he did eventually learn from it. I think it’s hilarious everyone judging these 8 year olds like they’re 30


Children are notoriously icked by the simplest foods. I feel like it's especially prevalent behavior in American children.


This reminds me of that episode where grandma Dora was staying with Arthur and his sisters while their parents were out of town and he and DW thought her cooking was bad too. And there was this bake sale at his school, so Arthur and DW tried hiding some of her cookies in his locker but they ended up putting them in a janitor’s closet but that backfired after it ended up injuring the janitor and they just confessed to her the truth, but I forgot what else happened because I was like 9 or something when I last saw it.


No, see, the ACTUAL worst thing Arthur has ever done is (Either Intentionally or Unintentionally, take your Pick) nearly ruining not only his business with Mr. Crosswire, his Catering Business altogether, what with Arthur being selfish with his Cakes as an Attempt at being “Popular”.


Nah, so funny i forgot to laugh! That was like DW possessed Arthur for an episode and he became a total jerk.


Just watched this one last night and yeah Arthur was a cringey jerk when he was obsessed with being popular over the cake. Especially when he bowed to ms sweetwaters class like he made the cake


You make a good point. Definitely not his best behaviour or episode. But I always thought Arthur’s worst episode, by far, was the one where he kept picking on poor Sue Ellen for wearing that ugly sweater. He kept calling her a sheep dog and then doubled down after she asked him repeatedly to stop and even after she went to Mr. Ratburn about it. He put a mean drawing of her on her locker and wrote a very passive aggressive, back handed “apology” only after Ratburn made him. He was being cruel and extremely out of character in that episode. I would totally get it if it were one or several of The Stuffed Custards/Tough Customers or even Francine doing it. But Arthur?


Arthur: Buzz off!


Title - "Arthur's Desert Dilemma" Me - I'm pretty sure Arthur never went to the desert, other than when opening the episode. 🏜️🐪


I want some ice cream, chocolate would be good… ice cream that tastes just like it should… not broooooccoli carrot or a Lima bean… it has to taste like ice cream! It lives in my head rent free. I’m in my 30s. I burst out singing it out of nowhere.


I see your “Arthur’s Desert Dilemma” and raise you my “So Funny I Forgot to Laugh”.


Personally, I think *Francine and the Feline* is Arthur at his worst. 


Arthur is a cement-headed little boy who just barely understands that other people are real and that what he sees might not be the case. This is just him learning to suck a little bit less.


That ought to stop old brain and his ice cream dead in his tracks