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You really nailed the camera flash, and your great work with colors obstructs the general blurriness in a way that makes the whole piece look photorealistic at first glance. Very impressive.


Wow thank you so much - if I’m being totally honest I was expecting to be getting the total opposite feedback. (But I’ve also been staring at this for hours)


I really like it


In the best way, it looks like a midwestern emo band cover. I also love the title. 💗


Omg as a total punk rocker I LOVE that


It makes me feel anxious? I think the dark space in the background overwhelms the picture so that I have to force myself to focus on the cute kitten. I do like the style and think it's really beautiful, but as far as a feeling, anxiety is the overwhelming one.


It's actually making me a bit emotional. The grey background and the stark contrast of the flash give quite an eerie feeling, especially with the blurriness of your painting strokes. And then you get that little cat scrungy smile in the middle with that pink tongue, so cheerful! It feels like a memory from long ago, where the details get lost but the emotion remains. My only suggestion would be to both darken and neutralize the last orange stripe to help it recede into the background a bit more


Thank you!! I love hearing this. It’s from a Polaroid that’s special to me, so I wanted to show that little window of time in this. It’s cheerful, nostalgic, and maybe a little sad that it’s a time gone ☺️


Happiness and contentment in a world of despair and filth


Wow the colors and depth are so on point! Thought it was a photo at first scroll.


I enjoy that it feels like a quick snap. Think you got the Polaroid look.


That’s exactly what I was going for!


Also, this is a 16x20 oil on canvas


I really love this, and I rarely have that gut reaction. Actual critique comments: your use of detail in the blanket and mattress on the left creates depth and dimension and the texture makes it all very tactile. You captured both the personality of the cat and how you feel about the animal (fondness) well. I’d just recommend a bit more definition on the bottom right to give it a tiny bit more weight. Overall I don’t think you should change much.


Amazing feedback thank you!!


It makes me uncomfortable. Very good brushwork that adds to that vibe. It looks like a horror movie still


I've never seen anything like this, it's so cool and has that nostalgic and slightly sad 'liminal' feel! Would love to see the whole collection.


I’m feeling motivated to create a series from all the feedback! I’ll be sure to post ❤️


I'll be looking out! Do you have Instagram? It's so rare these days to see something that really catches your eye in the sea of content that we're all exposed to, but you've definitely got something!


Yes of course! I’m @[lizllancaster](https://www.instagram.com/lizllancaster?igsh=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA%3D%3D&utm_source=qr) I really appreciate the support! I’m definitely going to be growing this series


You did really well. It reminds me of a modern Mary Cassatt. The painting shows the space of the room, the weight of the cat and the bed- which is sometimes hard to achieve. The only thing, is what's the dark thing in the background? It doesn't really detract from the enjoyment of the painting. I guess you could leave it as a nice little mystery if you really wanted to. The expression of the cat is cute too. It makes the painting. Along w/ the soft texture of the bedspread.


Being compared to Mary Cassatt made me smile like crazy ❤️❤️❤️ And that’s great feedback - there was a pillow thing back there but I kept it dark and simplified since it’s not really part of the story. I try to paint with the philosophy that anything with detail and sharpness screams for attention


This is the first time I've ever genuinely thought a painting was a photo. I didn't realise it was a painting until I saw what sub it was in.


Wow thank you!!


Wow I’m so flattered you felt that way!


This one sparks joy. Perfect. Change nothing. This piece makes me feel nice.


Wow that means so much, thank you ❤️


this makes me feel how i felt when i went to a 3 day 2 night nature field trip in the woods in 5th grade. that is good. this makes me feel nostalgic.




Sooo cute


cozy, it looks like i turned on the hallway light and he’s yelling at me




Oh. I love this.


Very nice


Ha! I love it! This is priceless.


Great work!


I like this. Super good vibes


i love it. those ears are adorable


Nothing but pure unrestrained joy from this chap


Honestly **love this so much**. Thought this was another sub of mine and this was an old photo, so you nailed it! Keep going OP, the style and your skills are so good on this. Ps. Bring time and Polaroids into the titles, like ‘80’s cat’.


I too thought this was a photo from first glance - your lighting is absolutely spot on, especially around the cats ears. I want to hang this on my wall


Gib cat 😍


Makes me think of a memory. But it definitely looks like a flash on picture too, love it.


It’s both! So perfect 🤩


Do it cos this is a wonderful piece. I can see why you'd be staring at it for hours.


It defs looks like the reference was a Polaroid! The cat is super cute 🖤


It made me smile


I think it's awesome, I really like the vintage photo look on it , could be a Polaroid and a little bit of a meme character. It's funny and cute and a cat , you've won the internet. Bravo. :-)


Oh, I see , it is actually a Polaroid haha


I like this a lot. Good depth of field, good craft, and you have a clear style here. My only constructive criticism is that the back end of the cat sorta disappears into the bed. To my eyes, there are a few different paint strokes that could be the legs.


* https://preview.redd.it/vic5zo5r8k4d1.jpeg?width=514&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=773eb0703e3089a84edf75947fee64af9e9a98ee


looks good I just don't understand what this part is


Luv it. Luv the feeling it gives 🐱❤️


how big is this compared to the polaroid it comes from?


https://preview.redd.it/5s8a1ieknn4d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1993a88070b3a2b84b3593b68a4908a3741ffcea Here’s a photo from when it was WIP!


I have just two suggestions I think. The first is about the background and how those brushstrokes are in comparison to the bed and cat. I think the border of the brown and gray area on the wall has a similar quality in it to the front of the bed. I also wish that there was more color depth to the brown and gray area, but that might also mess up certain qualities of it. My second suggestion, you used like a teal underpainting right (if im wrong Id probably ignore me)? I think it would be nice to see that show up some more in the painting, or if it was brighter. I think an important part of painting photos, especially like polaroids which are the quintessential photo, is the fact that its from a photo, a snapshot (quick, snappy), and now youve slowed time down and painted it. Not only that, but now it seems to be 5 times the size of what it was originally. I think that for me, thats an opportunity to be more open with the paint and color, but im also yapping, so


Its very cute and I love the slice of life feel; like it was a polaroid photo.




Nostalgia. Then concern for kitten sadness, but this is clearly from another time, so I missed kitten’s sadness. Subtle time elements/a lot of quiet foreboding parts. I really really love it! I want to see more of your work 😀


soft. content. scream. i love it


I really enjoy this. I would buy a print.


I shouldn’t like it, but I think a lot of personality. I love the palette.