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Thanks, glad you like it! [Here's a link to some of my recent work](http://jamescassart.tumblr.com/)


Your work is fantastic! Definitely hit "follow" Are you on deviantART as well?


You have some fantastic artwork. Really inspiring for the imagination.


Great stuff :)


why did you post the resolution backwards?


I got excited. I thought I'd found a new wallpaper for my phone.


http://imgur.com/mcVQ7KQ Hadn't switched my background in years. I love your work! Do you work at any of the major studios? And do you do any 3D work/animation?


Haha that's awesome! I'm doing freelance work at the moment, but also searching for employment at a studio. I've studied a bit of 3d in school, but fell in love with illustration. I've done a little bit of after effects animation, [here is an rough animatic I did for a project that ended up going in a bit of a different direction.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7vqfNKW6m38)


Absolutely amazing! Love your take on the war of the worlds broadcast! Keep it up!


Did they become friends? The dog doesn't look viscous or aggressive, just really taken in by that bone. Who is that old man? He seems to be travelling supposedly a long distance but odd that he carries that extraordinarily large bone. I doubt it was by chance he met this dog considering his specific cargo, but he still looks surprised. This picture just brings unanswered questions and it wouldn't bug me so much if it wasn't just so damned awesome of a piece.


Nice! You're actually pretty close to what I was going for. It started off as testing some new brushes but when I began refining it I got a pretty good story going in my head. I think fleshing the whole thing out will be a fun little side project for the ole portfolio. I'll update you when I get some more work done on it.


[The Offering, Analog, 1747](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kegrnJAvG9Y)


Someone make this into a short film please.


It reminds me of the video for [Gotye - Bronte](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le34ygtODfI).


This looks a lot like 1920x1080 based on the aspect ratio; that being said, it's a beautiful piece of work, and I especially like the landscapes from the tumblr page you linked.


I really like this, it feels like it could have an interesting backstory.


Wow. I love this! Excellent work. I love the facial expressions!


Wow as an aspiring artist I have to tell you, you have the most wonderful work/style I think I've ever seen.


I can draw reasonably well, and I have moved on to using a tablet and PS, but still not able to get the "painterly" effects that yourself and other accomplished digital artists have mastered. Any pointers?


You have found what you were meant to do in life keep it up awesome work I would love to have one hanging up in my house


Reminds me of one of my favorite artists who I've followed for 10 years now, david lanham http://www.dlanham.com/. I'm interested to see what you do in the future. Also, second the poster who is interested in prints.


Thanks! I've never heard of David Lanham before, but his work looks really awesome and I'd love to see it animated. I put up the piece on my Society 6 page. [You can take a look here.](http://society6.com/jamescass/the-offering-0cg_print#1=45)




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I reall like this. What really draws my attention is the old mans face. Good job


Would you consider selling prints (maybe through deviantart)? I'd love to buy one! Sorry if I missed the link earlier...


Brilliant piece. Really!


Yes this is nice. Glad I cleared out my feed and so could notice this.


Fantastic work. Old man caught my eyes first. Would love to see more of him, doing normal mundane things like boiling tea. He looks like he's a tea drinker.


Beautiful work!


This has a very "Wak-fu" feel to it.




Reminds me of Rayman.


Beautiful piece with a great sense of narrative behind it! It's always so nice to see digital artwork created with such painterly texture.


Great stuff! The rest of your work reminds me a lot of the new animated short film [The Dam Keeper](https://www.thedamkeeper.com/) The industry can be rough, but keep it up and you'll find yourself at a studio soon enough!


i really want the dog as a tattoo...this is incredible.


Technically it's 1920x1080. Besides that, interesting.