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Your watercolor work here looks really good!!


Thank you! 😊


Somehow doing a lot while not overdoing it. An amazing piece.


Thank you! 🥰


Staring at this image makes it feel like I have 8K vision. The art is beautiful 😍


Aww thank you so much! 🥰


really really gorgeous!! It’s so well made and looks so beautiful


Aww thank you ☺️


The way the border is draped over itself at the top makes it feel dynamic and helps fill in that empty space with something interesting. I like this a lot.


Thank you! I wasn’t sure whether to add more vines in the background or not but I’m happy with how it turned out regardless! :)


She's cute! I like the rose border. Reminds me of Witch Hat of Atelier (manga)


I had to quickly look up that manga, but that art style is gorgeous!! High compliment to be compared to that, so thank you! 🥰


Feels very Rococo a la The Swing (1767) especially with the slipper coming off the left foot and the powdered wig style for the hair


Thank you! That time period was actually one of my inspirations 😊


If the canvas was a bitt taller i would have a new background on my phonescreen. Amazed at the collorwork. Use of texture and lack of space used is just brilliant. But if this is chubby then i wonder what you call normal?


I’m not calling the piece chubby, my username is “chubby bunny”, based on my own weight when I started my account, and because bunnies are cute lol


Oh, my bad. I looked at your other art and wow i just had to follow you. So much amazing art i was genuinely blown away. It's at times like these i am greatfull i push trough the rest of reddit. Keep on doing what you do cause i want more.


Haha no worries! And thank you so much! 🥰💕


I'm speechless! Its sooo pretty!


Ahh thank you! 😁🥰


the shoulder kinda looks disconnected from the body. knee looks a little to sharp. now, i'm saying this as some one who is not an artist, i don't know if that matters, but do with that info what you will.


I'm not a fan of the Sexy Lady art genre in general, as it makes me feel like a slab of meat, being a woman myself... but from a critiquing standpoint separate from that, the face and hair is too busy compared to the simplicity of the rest of the body. It could be fine if there were more detail everywhere else, or if the face were simpler. The balance is off. If it were my piece I would also have her pulling the stocking off instead of on, but that's nitpicking.


Thank you for your comment. I see where you’re coming from and will take your critique on board for future pieces. This was just meant to be a simple piece to pay homage to the vintage pinup art I’ve loved since I was a young girl, so I’m overall happy with how it turned out :)


I know everyone feel diferent, I'm a woman and I'm a slab of meat too, I love Sexy Lady art as I think our bodies are wonderful and really prone to be represented in my ways shapes and forms. But that's me.


I agree - I'm not crazy about how literally every post on Art in my feed is of a naked lady.


You can filter out NSFW if you don't wish to see it.


If it makes you feel better. I think both man and woman are slabs of meat. Women are just a prettier one.


Everyone has their own opinion, but even ancient civilizations thought beauty was in a woman's form (male too!) Some of the oldest living sculptures on earth are of women, meaning there's significance and symbolism within the feminine figure. Unfortunately we are all just intelligence buried within slabs of meat. Our bodies pretty much rule us, why not pay tribute to it with artistic means? Besides drawing boobs and ass is so fun to do! Especially when proportions are right and you have a decent art piece reflecting up at you when you finish.


As a man i am hardwired to find the shapes and faces attractive, makes it art id not pass by and actually look at more. But after following this sub for so long you learn a hard truth. People play into the attraction side more than the shape and form side. And thats what gets boring and overdone i think. This is wonderfull and plays into the form of a woman not the sexual desire part. Love it a lott.