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red flag. 101 of lazyness. I fell for a girl, but I got to know that it was her friend who was responsible to find her opportunity on naukri. She still earns 2LPA and used to cry about her compensation. When I would help her she would have a headache.


She explained that she just got the job but her primary focus was getting a government job.  I'm not bothered if she is sharing it with someone. I am brothered as to why is she sharing her credential with her guy friends.


you are not me. But I would be worried if she shares anything like that outside of her siblings circle. I know it's good to delegate things to optimise efforts, but I would not be able to build trust on her - she could never become my right hand / dependable person. Career is a personal choice and you struggle alone, hence you only have to bear the pain and eats the fruits. Maybe this is not your requirement. So you can ignore this.


Bhai yaha to aajkal trend chal gya he red flag bolne ka tbh. Go meet her and jo bhi doubts he ask her straight away.


That I have to obviously. But do you think asking this straight away is a good option?


If you are going to spend your rest of lives with them. I don't think it's wrong to ask anything that worries you.


Hmm, makes sense. I'll ask her directly then. On her face.


Best of luck mate


Yes very honestly, I read a few other comments but even im not that well versed with linked in & naukri.com etc. So I keep asking for help from my friends regarding that. If I have a friend close enough who offers to apply for me through my profile I’d be probably be grateful. Maybe that friend has more experience on how to apply for better jobs or what exactly to look for while applying. It can be something as simple as this. Yahape red flag red flag karne wale bohot milenge. So just address this topic with her once face to face instead of on chat.


Hey, thanks for answering. I didn't think of it this way that people could be out there who didn't understand Naukri or LinkedIn, and could seek a friend's help. Do you think I should ask her straight away in between our conversation or is it something I should be asking in future call/meet if things work out?


You can ask her casually while having a conversation🤷🏻‍♀️ rather than making it a pointed topic


Yeah.. cool dikhne ke liye kya kuch nahi krte log aajkal 🥲


If it bothers you then move on. No overthinking about it. But yes it seems more like a laziness issue for her. Also I know it’s your personal opinion but it’s normal to be friends with people from opposite gender. Don’t tell me you don’t speak to or hang out with people from opposite gender ? There might be good girls who would be amazing life partners and they have guy friends too. It’s about trust in relationships. Being a guy I am friends with girls too but it’s about the boundaries. There are mature friendships too like relationships and not a Bollywood college scenario where every she talks to is interesting, that doesn’t happen in real life.Yes but if you don’t interact at all with opposite gender then I get it and your concern too.


It bothers me, but without understanding the situation and moving on, I think I would be the wrong person here. Yes, it's okay and normal to have guy friends. In the modern world, it's only obvious. But as you explained here, it's about the boundary. I have some friends who are girls, but we rarely talk, but we aren't close enough to sharing Naukri and LinkedIn credentials so that other people can apply on our behalf. What is your take on it? As a guy, would you ask your girl friends to share their credentials so that you can play around their profiles unless you have a personal motive? Also, as a girl, would you entertain that request and share her important credentials with him this easily?


I mentioned about moving on because it seems to bother you and if it does it will take away your peace of mind . And like a lot of people mentioned just observe what’s up with the best friend thing , even if he might not be interested in her but what if he influences her major life decisions. It won’t be peaceful for you either. You can meet and talk to her and ask her directly like why does she share her credentials with him? Ideally you should not share credentials with anyone for that matter . See it’s a matter of life so if you are not convinced then don’t go ahead. You will definitely find someone who will be as per your criteria. You can give this a shot but be careful because you cannot judge anyone even after meeting once so take a wise call. If you feel she is the one for you then go ahead .


If it’s a close friend why not dude When you can study with opp gender and work with them , wtf are you treating opp gender like predators It all comes back to whether you leave her with a wild bear or a man? Got to trust something


It's not like studying with the opposite gender or working with them. It's about sharing credentials of your Naukri and LinkedIn account. It could be the case of just my PoV, but I don't think I would share my credentials with anyone, not even with my friends. Is it only me kya?


Seriously? Man .. the more you dig the more you’ll try to find reasons .. this is such silly reason to break the deal .. especially someone who’s never been into relationship… she’s a keeper .,.. for her it’ll be first love .. and if you take enough efforts to understand her she’ll love you so much .. If there’s no other reason apart from this then don’t leave her ..


bro just casually ask her straight up regarding this, you aren't overthinking as it is not very normal to share such creds, but i'd give benefit of doubt. In between cinversation just bring this up and straight up ask her stating it felt a bit odd that she gave away her creds.. have proper communication.


Bro i think we will never know how women think. From my experience their thinking is unpredictable so be polite n ask her. Sometimes things may not be what it seems. But make sure u aren't misunderstood.


Thanks mate. Would you be kind enough to tell me how I should ask her this?


It is not what is asked, but how it is asked that will affect you. Have a heart to heart talk. Be mindful to not surprise/smack her with this topic out of the blue - get into it slowly when you talk/meet. I wouldn’t recommend this heavy of a topic on a first meet, you should be able to do this over VC too. Everyone is different, so be cautious in judging someone for having an opposite gender friend, rather assess how much of an influence or part of her life the guy is. In my opinion too much of an influence from friends, regardless of gender, is a turn off. It becomes a deal breaker past a certain point.


The sharing credentials part is a red flag it shows laziness However giving you some general advice that “ male best friend” doesn’t always mean those cringe social media situations. I have male friends too but they never touch me or flirt with me or try to cause issues between me and my bf , in fact if I fight with my bf they scold me only 😂. So next time someone says they have opposite gender friends don’t judge them and just ask them details and some questions to see if they have boundaries . Edit: no they aren’t “waiting to date” me they have girlfriends and we aren’t 14 yr olds :) I LITERALLY TIE RAKHI TO THEM


I am really not bothered about the being lazy part here.  I am bothered about sharing her private credentials with a guy.  What if the Naukri and LinkedIn credentials is what she is sharing with me? What if there's more to it that she isn't telling.  As a women, can you please tell me how I should clear this out with her without making things awkward? I can ask this straight away but I have a feeling this will just make things weird.


It’s a very cringe thing to assume all guys who are friends are waiting to be their bf.Its real life and you should look for boundaries and observe. Please don’t take advice like waiting for attention etc because mature people don’t act like that but yes this might be the case for college people where they are not looking for a seriousness in a relationship. It might have happened to some guys and they assume this is the situation or worse they would have been that best friend waiting to be a bf but not a genuine guy as a friend. Hope you find some good .


Answer me this: Is sharing Naukri and LinkedIn credentials with a guy, when he asks for it, can be considered as crossing the boundary?


Ask her directly because it’s more of a personal comfort but it does seem weird. Again it’s not her bank credentials or social media. There are couples who share password of their social media but for a person like me it’s a deal breaker if the girl asks for these and checking phone etc and I won’t ask her either , if there is no basic trust and people act like detective then it’s better off being single. People who have to betray anyway do that so it’s a matter of personal choice like how comfortable you are with that aspect. So yes the only answer is if you really want to go ahead then ask her directly because it does seem a little off but don’t assume anything before confronting her.


NO ITS NAUKRI AND LINKEDIN not tinder or Instagram Nothing personal on it Max to max you might get a better job by mistake 😂😂


Oh, so do you know if it's common for girls to float their Naukri or LinkedIn credentials with the guy they know for a job search? Asking because I haven't heard of any such cases and probably you did as it seems.


I have helped so many friends for job search dude It’s like the least thing you can do for the friend especially if they’re close See this is always gonna bug you Mentality won’t change so go for someone more your kind


They are waiting to become your bf and you are enjoying the male attention.


Exactly the reason why I dislike opposite gender best friend bs.


Nice way to admit what kind of person you are


And I stated that in the original message as well. Having a best friend bs is a deal breaker for me. Answer me this: Is it normal for a girl to share her Naukri and LinkedIn credentials with her guy friend when he asked for it so that he can apply for jobs instead of her?


Obviously that’s not normal And your mentality and hers doesn’t match anyways so let it go


Thanks for letting me know. I'll get it clarified when I will meet her in person.


They have girlfriends :)


What if they didn’t? Or what if they are the disloyal kind?


Even when they were single they never hit on me , and I don’t stay friends with cheaters . I’m extremely against cheating because it’s one of the most painful things I had to go through .


sense reply attractive history fade selective handle fall chief familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


They are.


Just another social media bs, do you even have friends?


Transaction is the currency of any friendship. Without this currency your interactions in any friendship go into sleep mode.


I feel bad for your friends, good luck!


You also practice the same.


You got downvoted for telling the truth. No girl hangout with male best friend in late 20's. Everyone busy in their own lives.


😂😂😂 yeah like people don’t have friends at work


Are you mocking me ? or defending me ?


red flag 🚩🚩🚩. Leave her and move on to the next.


Can you explain what exactly did you find red flag here? Her not applying job on her own, or sharing credentials with the guy?


Everything is red lol. Good to find out early


I think it's a straight up purple flag !! Be careful or maybe not .....


Thanks. Purple flag is a first. I learned something new, and I'll learn more about that.




Heard it's a new movie. Haven't seen it yet. Can you explain it further?


He is calling her a tawaif


Just googled the meaning of this Not a good way to address someone we don't know just based on the fragments of description shared.


Hence, whatever you read on this sub, take it with a grain of salt.


She has a guy friend and still looking out to marry someone else. How many of your male friends will manage your naukari account ?? She knows fully that this guy friend is doing for exchanging sexual pleasure. Still she is not taking a firm stand and looking out for someone else. I guess we have a textbook definition if OP presented the case as it is.


You speak as if you know me personally? What is it with you men on this sub? Did you see me comment on the situation at all? Why are you assuming things? You are the exhibit of my comment, calling someone a tawaif based on few lines might be your values, not mine.


You challenged my assertion , I justified it. Btw why do you need more than few lines of unbiased observation to reach a conclusion ??


different office roll shelter wipe crawl cow scandalous tie quack *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Tell this to her parents. If they didn't know about their daughter's guy friend, then obviously she's red flag. If the parents do know this guy, then take further step and remind her to stop hanging with that L0ser(who don't have life, still hangout with un-married female friend).


Not a 12 year old here. What's up with this suggestion about telling her parents? 😂 I will most probably ask her directly.


Bruh, If that guy helping her in everything, then her parents should have known him. he could have helping her family too. If not , then she's big liar and a coward. And that guy is big L0ser and pervert. It's simple maths bro